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UK shows interest in Thai mega-projects


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British colonization could'nt be such a bad idea, albeit a hundred years too late.

Not sure if Thailand has forgiven Britain for "stealing" Shan State, that is currently part of Myanmar (albeit reluctantly, according to many of the locals up there) and the north-western portions of Malaysia, both of which were formerly under Siamese administration.

I always ponder to myself what Thailand could look like if it weren't for European colonization of it's neighbors? Would Thailand be almost twice as big as it currently is? Something to ponder about...

Maybe Siam/Thailand or large tracts of it would be Burmese now if Great Britain hadn't overcome and colonised Burma, the Thais usually came out 2nd best in their wars with their western neighbour. Maybe the Vietnamese would of swept through Cambodia and Laos and into Thailand without the French taking them over.

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What a load of codswollop!! More lies and propaganda from this military Junta trying fool the Thai public into thinking their regime has legitimacy in the eyes of the Western Nations. UK would NEVER invest in a country that is trying to get into bed with North Korea and China.

Hey, Get real....EU economy almost on it's knees,countries wanting to exit EU, so why wouldn't UK chase the money??

UK is same as any other country getting a piece of the action, it's politicians, do they care where the money come from?......don't think so !!

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British colonization could'nt be such a bad idea, albeit a hundred years too late.

It seems like an aberration of history that it never actually happened.

PS. This Kent chap would do less harm if he just stayed in and watched porn like everybody else.

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Thailand really seems to believe they are a Blue Chip investment opportunity right now.

I can see the Chinese investing. That makes sense and they will get the better end of whatever they invest in...but UK?

Mr. Kent was probably nodding politely as they outlined this amazing investment opportunity, while his mind was wandering elsewhere.

..that's all Thailand needs to conclude UK want to invest in Thailand.

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I'm waiting for some members to explain why the UK government will assist it's industrial powers to try to get a piece of the cake and deal with what some like to describe as a 'pariah state'.

How nice to be principled ermm.gif

In English, the technical term for that, if i'm not mistaken, is 'doing the splits'. It's found in ballet and politics, mostly.

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Will never happen as we all know.

To win a "mega" project you need to be "mega" corrupt, and there are laws in the UK that prevent such practices in the UK or overseas by UK companies

The End

You beat me to it : you are 100% correct.

BAe Systems has been crippled for business in Asia after a couple of corruption scandals where they bribed the customer. Big companies simply cannot do it any more.

If the Thai officials can't get their brown paper bags of hard, untraceable cash then they'll choose someone else.

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Didn't the RAF bomb Bangkok in WW2? I dont think that will look good on their CV.

Why would you bother bidding for any major contract in Thailand anyway. Are they going to pay you?

Have the Germans and others been paid for their participation in the 15 year old BTS sky train system.

What about Austrian Steyr CO. have they been paid for the fire trucks and interest payments dating back many years ?

TIT ..... foreigners shouldnt invest money here or even buy a house. Toyota ,Honda ,GM etc can afford it and they probably dont pay any tax.

Thais like taking OPM. Thais dont like paying bills.................you pay ! LOL

The RAF did indeed bomb Bangkok, along with the US air force and shortly after the Japanese air force - not sure if that has adverse affected the latter two's CVs that much.

I think there is a barstool that is getting cold somewhere

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I'm waiting for some members to explain why the UK government will assist it's industrial powers to try to get a piece of the cake and deal with what some like to describe as a 'pariah state'.

How nice to be principled ermm.gif

Maybe they will ask North Korea, as it seems they are the flavour of the week!! bah.gif

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What a load of codswollop!! More lies and propaganda from this military Junta trying fool the Thai public into thinking their regime has legitimacy in the eyes of the Western Nations. UK would NEVER invest in a country that is trying to get into bed with North Korea and China.

.....unless there is money to be made out of it, of course.

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I'd give this as much credibility as the F1 Race in Bangkok, The Tour De France in Thailand, the Thailand Space Program, Stephen Hawking coming to Thailand to speak and Bill Gates investing in a HIV vaccine factory.


These guys are bold faced liars...who never get called out....so why not lie and get some handshakes and "well done Somchai" at tonight Gin and Tonic's at the Turf Club.

And don't forget we have a cure for Ebola vaccine

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They can show interest all they like, the closest they'll get is to come over and watch the Chinese assemble the train set.

Aw c'mon Ratcatcher. They're just doing their best "Tony Blair" to keep up the side, wot ?

"Tony Blair" is, um, rhyming Hoorah pheqerhed Henry slang.


Cucumber sandwich ?

Chip butty, then ?

See how much fun we're all having ? . . . . . . And . . . . . (Hey) we're not even touching :-))

Edited by Donnie Brasco
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British colonization could'nt be such a bad idea, albeit a hundred years too late.

Not sure if Thailand has forgiven Britain for "stealing" Shan State, that is currently part of Myanmar (albeit reluctantly, according to many of the locals up there) and the north-western portions of Malaysia, both of which were formerly under Siamese administration.

I always ponder to myself what Thailand could look like if it weren't for European colonization of it's neighbors? Would Thailand be almost twice as big as it currently is? Something to ponder about...

I read an article recently that the UK has invaded 9 countries out of 10 at one time or another,there must be a reason that they gave Thailand a miss, it obviously wasn't because the feared the strength of the Thai army.

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Yea right invest in this transport at the same time the junta wants to put the squeeze on airlines for stealing customers from thier friends bus lines. Build a train and this will be more competition for the mates buses and after you have built it you will be squeezed out without compensation.

Edited by chooka
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I'm waiting for some members to explain why the UK government will assist it's industrial powers to try to get a piece of the cake and deal with what some like to describe as a 'pariah state'.

How nice to be principled alt=ermm.gif>

Given the history of these sorts of "reports" you'd need to be a very, very brave - or very gullible - person to believe this. These are the very same people who announced that Obama was thrilled that the regime was "returning Thailand to happiness".

Still, you seem to find the story credible.

Well, he has a point, the British government is interested in boosting its involvement in overseas developments.

The British government, as history has shown, is highly principled and capable of speaking out of both sides of the mouth.

You know a government (or MNC) that isn't?

Bit like the German's with their vocational training MOU here or the French wanting to lift sanctions with Russia so those nice new warships can be delivered and paid for.

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British colonization could'nt be such a bad idea, albeit a hundred years too late.

Not sure if Thailand has forgiven Britain for "stealing" Shan State, that is currently part of Myanmar (albeit reluctantly, according to many of the locals up there) and the north-western portions of Malaysia, both of which were formerly under Siamese administration.

I always ponder to myself what Thailand could look like if it weren't for European colonization of it's neighbors? Would Thailand be almost twice as big as it currently is? Something to ponder about...

I read an article recently that the UK has invaded 9 countries out of 10 at one time or another,there must be a reason that they gave Thailand a miss, it obviously wasn't because the feared the strength of the Thai army.

At one time Britain had "influence" in Burma and Malaysia (which it took from the Dutch after helping them keep the French out). The French "influence" was in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Thailand was a nice little buffer between the 2.

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Will never happen as we all know.

To win a "mega" project you need to be "mega" corrupt, and there are laws in the UK that prevent such practices in the UK or overseas by UK companies

The End

You beat me to it : you are 100% correct.

BAe Systems has been crippled for business in Asia after a couple of corruption scandals where they bribed the customer. Big companies simply cannot do it any more.

If the Thai officials can't get their brown paper bags of hard, untraceable cash then they'll choose someone else.

So has Siemens, along with French, American and other British companies. The argument was always that was how the local market worked.

UK beefed up its anti bribery laws last year. Now, if you get to know about a bribe, even if you're not involved directly, you must report it. Or you are committing an offence. Bribery any where in the world will be prosecuted. I think the US has also beefed up its laws.

So, yes, the would be at a disadvantage here to other Asian countries who play the game differently.

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British colonization could'nt be such a bad idea, albeit a hundred years too late.

Not sure if Thailand has forgiven Britain for "stealing" Shan State, that is currently part of Myanmar (albeit reluctantly, according to many of the locals up there) and the north-western portions of Malaysia, both of which were formerly under Siamese administration.

I always ponder to myself what Thailand could look like if it weren't for European colonization of it's neighbors? Would Thailand be almost twice as big as it currently is? Something to ponder about...

Thailand would look a lot better now had it been colonised by a European country instead of by the Chinese.

Germany perhaps? neus.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptR4K2not3fFPfVmwh

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I don't for one second believe any of this propaganda. Thailand will not let someone else make money over its own construction groups. Problem is that they cant get their ducks in a row (pay off enough people) to have their own projects completed. Thailand has been attempting to expand its sky train for how long? Though there has been some progress it has been coming at a snails pace. The projects they are and have been working on if passed to another professional engineering country would have already been completed and on time.

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What a load of codswollop!! More lies and propaganda from this military Junta trying fool the Thai public into thinking their regime has legitimacy in the eyes of the Western Nations. UK would NEVER invest in a country that is trying to get into bed with North Korea and China.

You aren't forgetting that Britain not only got into bed with China, but gave her a memorable screwing a while back?.

Oh, I think the screwing involved mutual consent of both partners, although they took extra precautions that a/ there would be no offspring produced and b/ no STD would result from the coupling. It is questionable whether either partner felt any pleasure during coitus, as Albion's stiff upper lip failed to quiver and the Yellow Rose's steely smile remained demur and inscrutable throughout. whistling.gif

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What a pile of horse crap, this is never going to happen. The closest Mark Kent will get to have influential conversation with the UK Government about investment in Thailand will be carrying the plate of sandwiches to the board room.

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I'm waiting for some members to explain why the UK government will assist it's industrial powers to try to get a piece of the cake and deal with what some like to describe as a 'pariah state'.

How nice to be principled ermm.gif

Even a junta sympathiser like yourself should have the nouse to realise that Kent is only paying lip service to the host country. He'll nod and agree with everything they say, that's what he's paid to do until he receives instructions to the contrary from the FCO in London. It's called diplomacy. Being an ex employee of the British foreign service I can speak with some knowledge of these things. What he won't do is say something like "Yes, we whole heartedly disaprove of your "pariah state", but we'd love to do business with you. To imagine that is being a little juvenile.

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I'm waiting for some members to explain why the UK government will assist it's industrial powers to try to get a piece of the cake and deal with what some like to describe as a 'pariah state'.

How nice to be principled ermm.gif

Even a junta sympathiser like yourself should have the nouse to realise that Kent is only paying lip service to the host country. He'll nod and agree with everything they say, that's what he's paid to do until he receives instructions to the contrary from the FCO in London. It's called diplomacy. Being an ex employee of the British foreign service I can speak with some knowledge of these things. What he won't do is say something like "Yes, we whole heartedly disaprove of your "pariah state", but we'd love to do business with you. To imagine that is being a little juvenile.

Only 'lip service'? You mean what common people call hypocrisy, or possibly 'sneaky'?

Mind you, I've already said a few times that rather than condemn outright it's a matter of "don't ask, don't tell".

Anyway, tomorrow I will be in a far better mood to accept your 'upright' reply.

Happy Children Day smile.png

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