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As it was Childrens Day today mty wife and our neighbour decided to give the children homemade MK Suki style for dinner and not to be outdone by mere women I decided to make a cheese cake.

I found the recipe ages ago on the internet but didn't bother to do anything with it until this afternoon.

I followed the recipe here

  • digestive biscuits, or cookies, crushed into fine crumbs 100 g BigC
  • Demerara sugar 50 g stock from the village shop but not Demerara
  • butter, melted 50 g From Makro
  • full-fat cream cheese 500 g Caroline fresh cream cheese from Makro
  • icing sugar 100 g From my stock ex Makro
  • 1 vanilla pod, sliced lengthways, or vanilla extract 1 tsp The local bakery shop
  • double cream, lightly whipped (can use UHT whipped cream in a blender) 200 ml BigC
  • Topping = blueberry pie filling and topping as req Makro

apart from

6 digestive biscuits weighed 100g but I used 9 for a thicker base

butter was 75g (because of the extra biscuits)

It took longer than the recipe said as it was the first time I have ever made one.

After I made it the scrapings from the bowl were to misquote a major UG company "finger licking good".

My official tatste tester aka my 10 year old son did a taste test before the topping went on and daid it was good.

When I took it over to my neighbours I needed a big stick to fight the 4 kids off and the best compliment was scrummy yummy. There was enough for 4 kids with the 3 year old sharing with his Mum, a full slice for me, 2 neighbours shared 1 slice and there is a slice for my wife and her Mum tomorrow. It has to be said that I told my wife if her Mumdidn't want it that slice was MINE

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What's your address I will be there in 5 mins , love Homemade Cheese Cake.........

I live almost exactly halfway but possibly not, between Nakhon Nowhere and Sakhon Somewhere Else.

If you can find me please bring the ingredients as I am out of stock until I get back to Makro next week.

I made the cheesecake and even I had to fight 4 children and 5 adults just to get my share.


No eggs? Was this an unbaked cheesecake?

Absolutely. No cooking involved unless you count microwaving the butter to melt it.

I have a couple of other cheesecake recipes to try another time.


I make the unbaked variety also.

Make the crust withn sugar cookies crushed with a little sugar and melted butter. I pu tit in the bottom of individual serving cups.

The cheese cake is made by mixing one large package of "philadelphia" cream cheese with1 cup powdered sugar an one tsp vanilla extract - McCormick brand, the real stuff. Then whip1 cup of heavy cream and fold it into the cream chesse. Fill the cups and refriderate. I then top each cup with canned pie filling usually blieberry as that's all that ever avaiable at the Big C market 45 kilos away. If I reallly want it to be dietetic I then top that with a heap of freshly whipped cream. Yum!

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No eggs? Was this an unbaked cheesecake?

My (Thai) wife uses eggs and yes, she makes unbaked cheesecake. It's lighter and loftier. Since she made one the first time around 20 years ago, I never wanted one from a bakery. I'm talking about bakeries in first class hotels (in Thailand). Hers is really yummy, yummy and so light. Here some of how hers looke like:

post-5472-0-83845900-1420987884_thumb.jp post-5472-0-62412000-1420987920_thumb.jp post-5472-0-77229500-1420987943_thumb.jp

At the time we still lived in The Big Mango, one of her Thai friends who lived across town used to order 3 cakes whenever she ordered from my wife. So, they were probably quite OK.

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I find the Caroline cream cheese very dense and prefer Philadelphia for making cheesecake.

I'm surprised that the OP's neighbours liked it (assuming that they're Thai). In my experience, my Thai partner friends aren't too keen on it, so I get to eat it all myself.


A Thai women I know, who owns a Western restaurant, tells me that her kids all love cheesecake and every time that she makes it, she has to take some home for them. I was surprised.


A Thai women I know, who owns a Western restaurant, tells me that her kids all love cheesecake and every time that she makes it, she has to take some home for them. I was surprised.


In my experience the one western dessert that many Thais do like is cheesecake.


My wife makes great cheesecakes. Te unbaked are good but since she perfected the baked recipe there is no turning back.

For some real decadance use oreo biscuts for the base. It's a pain scraping off all the icing between the biccuits but makes a great cheesecake base.

  • Like 1

I make the unbaked variety also.

Make the crust withn sugar cookies crushed with a little sugar and melted butter. I pu tit in the bottom of individual serving cups.

The cheese cake is made by mixing one large package of "philadelphia" cream cheese with1 cup powdered sugar an one tsp vanilla extract - McCormick brand, the real stuff. Then whip1 cup of heavy cream and fold it into the cream chesse. Fill the cups and refriderate. I then top each cup with canned pie filling usually blieberry as that's all that ever avaiable at the Big C market 45 kilos away. If I reallly want it to be dietetic I then top that with a heap of freshly whipped cream. Yum!

Double yummy.


I find the Caroline cream cheese very dense and prefer Philadelphia for making cheesecake.

I'm surprised that the OP's neighbours liked it (assuming that they're Thai). In my experience, my Thai partner friends aren't too keen on it, so I get to eat it all myself.

My neighbour is Thai and was married to an American until he sadly died about 24 years ago, her 2 daughters are luk krung, her granddaughter and grandson are luk yan (1/4 farangs). 1/4 got translated to Yan. Then of course there is my wife and son, Thai and luk krung, my mother in law, old Thai, plus a friend who also lives next door with her daughter, also Thai and luk krung.

Sometimes when I make farang food I have a hard time keeping some for me.


My wife makes great cheesecakes. Te unbaked are good but since she perfected the baked recipe there is no turning back.

For some real decadance use oreo biscuts for the base. It's a pain scraping off all the icing between the biccuits but makes a great cheesecake base.

Can you get the recipe from her? Personally I don't like Oreos but there are other biscuits I can use too.


My wife makes great cheesecakes. Te unbaked are good but since she perfected the baked recipe there is no turning back.

For some real decadance use oreo biscuts for the base. It's a pain scraping off all the icing between the biccuits but makes a great cheesecake base.

I use oreos sometimes. I buy a couple of packs of "double stuffed" and make some "quadruple stuffed " out of them and use the leftover cookies for the crust. They come apart esy with no scraping for me and I have a mess of good and creamy cookies and enough for the bottom of the cake.

The other two cakes that I make on a regular basis is carrot cake and pineapple upside down cake, all from scratch. The thais like the PUD cake thge best and I even get orders for them for birthdays.


"My (Thai) wife uses eggs and yes, she makes unbaked cheesecake. It's lighter and loftier. Since she made one the first time around 20 years ago, I never wanted one from a bakery. I'm talking about bakeries in first class hotels (in Thailand). Hers is really yummy, yummy and so light. Here some of how hers looke like:"

how many wives do you have and are all from different countries?

Second, Your wife uses eggs in an unbaked cheesecake. Please don't share the recipe with anyone or share the desert with anyone.

Have you ever had salmonilla poisoning? It is not a pleasant experience.


To me, a cheesecake is not a cheesecake unless it has cottage cheese (75%) and cream cheese (25%) in it and has been baked in an oven. As far as I know, you can't find cheesecake like this in Thailand (or Asia). I am guessing people do not want to spend a fortune on cottage cheese and/or do not know how to make cottage cheese, which is not that hard to do.


"To me, a cheesecake is not a cheesecake unless it has cottage cheese (75%) and cream cheese (25%)"

Not even close to a real cheesecake. That was a 1980's better homes and gardens edition for housewives who didn't want to spend a lot on making a proper one.


"To me, a cheesecake is not a cheesecake unless it has cottage cheese (75%) and cream cheese (25%)"

Not even close to a real cheesecake. That was a 1980's better homes and gardens edition for housewives who didn't want to spend a lot on making a proper one.

Perhaps you'd care to post your recipe for "a real cheese cake" so we too can sneer at your recipe.


Cheese cake

4 oz. (110 g) graham crackers crumbs

4 Tbs. (55 g) butter

1 Tbs. (12 g) sugar

Layer in the bottom of a greased spring form pan.


Preheat oven to 500°F (260°C)

2-1/2 lb. (1.1 kg) cream cheese

1/8 tsp. (1 g) salt

1-3/4 cup (350 g) sugar

3 Tbs. (23 g) all-purpose flour

1 tsp. (5 mL) vanilla extract

1/2 cup (120 mL) heavy cream/some recipes use sour cream instead, or a mixture of both

2 large (34 g) egg yolks

6 large (300 g) eggs

Cream the sugar and the cream cheese and the flour. Add the cream and mix. Then add the eggs one at a time, mix until smooth

500°F (260°C) 10 min, reduce temperature to 200°F (93°C) and bake for about 1 hour and 40 minutes. Internal temp should be between 150-160. Do not exceed 160 or it will crack.

***If you want to use a waterbath like other poster mentioned do not use a spring form pan.***

If you want to use one temperature, then use a lower temperature. If you cook it too fast too high, you will get cracks down the center.

Graham Crackers

2 cups bread flour 1/2 cup whole wheat. If you have high durum graham flour even better but this ratio works well enough

1/3 cup sugar

1/2tsp salt

1/2tsp baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4tsp ginger powder, Nutmet, allspice

3 T butter unsalted and chilled cut into small pieces

1/4c vegetable shortening. (can use all butter but this is cheaper and still has a good texture)

2T honey or corn syrup

1T molasses *optional as molasses here usually is quite bitter

1/4 c cold water

1 tsp vanilla

Cut the oils into the flour add the sugars then add water slowly. Knead using billfold style about 20 times. chill at least an hour.

roll out in thin sheets and bake at 150C for 15 min. +- until they are golden. Smash into small crumbs. I add 1 extra tsp of cinnamon with the sugar when making the crumb crust.



Recipe? Just combine cottage cheese (75%) with cream cheese (25%), add a couple of eggs, small amount of flour, vanilla, cinnamin, nutmeg, grated lemon and some lemon juice (sugar to taste). You have to bake it. The texture/taste is great. Slices can be frozen and taken out when you want to eat it.



Cheese cake

4 oz. (110 g) graham crackers crumbs

4 Tbs. (55 g) butter

1 Tbs. (12 g) sugar

Layer in the bottom of a greased spring form pan.


Preheat oven to 500°F (260°C)

2-1/2 lb. (1.1 kg) cream cheese

1/8 tsp. (1 g) salt

1-3/4 cup (350 g) sugar

3 Tbs. (23 g) all-purpose flour

1 tsp. (5 mL) vanilla extract

1/2 cup (120 mL) heavy cream/some recipes use sour cream instead, or a mixture of both

2 large (34 g) egg yolks

6 large (300 g) eggs

Cream the sugar and the cream cheese and the flour. Add the cream and mix. Then add the eggs one at a time, mix until smooth

500°F (260°C) 10 min, reduce temperature to 200°F (93°C) and bake for about 1 hour and 40 minutes. Internal temp should be between 150-160. Do not exceed 160 or it will crack.

***If you want to use a waterbath like other poster mentioned do not use a spring form pan.***

If you want to use one temperature, then use a lower temperature. If you cook it too fast too high, you will get cracks down the center.

The ingredients are great but I see one huge problem with this cheesecake recipe: insulation. If an oven has more insulation than yours, the cheesecake will end up overcooked; less, and it will end up undercooked. Although, in the latter case one could extend the baking time. Better to start with a low steady temperature first, and finish with a high temperature.


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"To me, a cheesecake is not a cheesecake unless it has cottage cheese (75%) and cream cheese (25%)"

Not even close to a real cheesecake. That was a 1980's better homes and gardens edition for housewives who didn't want to spend a lot on making a proper one.

"To me, a cheesecake is not a cheesecake unless it has cottage cheese (75%) and cream cheese (25%)"

Not even close to a real cheesecake. That was a 1980's better homes and gardens edition for housewives who didn't want to spend a lot on making a proper one.

Perhaps you'd care to post your recipe for "a real cheese cake" so we too can sneer at your recipe.

Cheese cake

4 oz. (110 g) graham crackers crumbs

4 Tbs. (55 g) butter

1 Tbs. (12 g) sugar

Layer in the bottom of a greased spring form pan.


Preheat oven to 500°F (260°C)

2-1/2 lb. (1.1 kg) cream cheese

1/8 tsp. (1 g) salt

1-3/4 cup (350 g) sugar

3 Tbs. (23 g) all-purpose flour

1 tsp. (5 mL) vanilla extract

1/2 cup (120 mL) heavy cream/some recipes use sour cream instead, or a mixture of both

2 large (34 g) egg yolks

6 large (300 g) eggs

Cream the sugar and the cream cheese and the flour. Add the cream and mix. Then add the eggs one at a time, mix until smooth

500°F (260°C) 10 min, reduce temperature to 200°F (93°C) and bake for about 1 hour and 40 minutes. Internal temp should be between 150-160. Do not exceed 160 or it will crack.

***If you want to use a waterbath like other poster mentioned do not use a spring form pan.***

If you want to use one temperature, then use a lower temperature. If you cook it too fast too high, you will get cracks down the center.

Graham Crackers

2 cups bread flour 1/2 cup whole wheat. If you have high durum graham flour even better but this ratio works well enough

1/3 cup sugar

1/2tsp salt

1/2tsp baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4tsp ginger powder, Nutmet, allspice

3 T butter unsalted and chilled cut into small pieces

1/4c vegetable shortening. (can use all butter but this is cheaper and still has a good texture)

2T honey or corn syrup

1T molasses *optional as molasses here usually is quite bitter

1/4 c cold water

1 tsp vanilla

Cut the oils into the flour add the sugars then add water slowly. Knead using billfold style about 20 times. chill at least an hour.

roll out in thin sheets and bake at 150C for 15 min. +- until they are golden. Smash into small crumbs. I add 1 extra tsp of cinnamon with the sugar when making the crumb crust.

This was my post about cheesecake and that is what it is all about.

If you want to slag each other off please does off post by PM to each other.

An alternative to that if you have a problem with somebodys post then use the report function and report it to the moderators.

It is about cheesecake and not personalities. If you cannot be civil to each other over a food thread then there is little hope for you.

Thank you very much.


No eggs? Was this an unbaked cheesecake?

Absolutely. No cooking involved unless you count microwaving the butter to melt it.

I have a couple of other cheesecake recipes to try another time.

I've made an unbaked mango cheesecake (except for the crust) that uses gelatin to help maintain the structure. Gelatin is useful if you're going for one with a lighter texture.

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