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Don't you find the heading of this forum annoying?

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To turn this topic around and make it a bit of a learning tool here is a nice detailed paper (.pdf) on the subject. So the pros seem to have no problem with the term 'evaluation'. wink.png

Photographic Evaluation - A Concise Guide for Evaluating Photography

Photographic judging seems to be too preoccupied with the "medium" as if a photograph is just a technical exercise rather than an artistic expression. One accepts that probably the medium in photography is more technical than say in painting and that premise warrants some consideration, but if the medium is wholly or largely what is judged, with little attention to the artistic expression, then the whole point of judging is missed.

E.R. Sethna
PSA Journal, July, 1995

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Well it did Turned out to be a Prize Photo may I say thumbsup.gif

Win, just a snapper facepalm.gif

Got a "fave" from SoulRiser on Flickr as soon as it went up. He had a photo in the top 25 of Flickr for 2014.

I felt very honoured. smile.png

w00t.gif Jeez Creepers.... https://www.flickr.com/photos/7661492@N06/14074411192 ...That was #10 out of millions of Flickr uploads for 2014?

i almost choked on my chang! Had to go outside to get some air, and could've sworn i heard Polin's laughter wafting on the breeze all the way from the US.

I know. I didn't want to be mean but WOW HOW?!


I the same , I do not find the Heading annoying , never did . This heading / thread has been active for a long time now and you have been the only to my knowledge to ever be annoyed by it !

Evaluation for me means there is a substance to begin with , that there is purpose prior to the asking of appraisal .

Yes , these are photographic images posted to be evaluated , not criticised , but evaluated for their merit either being artistic or technical .

that's NOT what evaluate means...you ae actually agreeing with my premise.


Post with inappropriate content removed and all comments associated with it. Think a bit before posting photos of that nature and the effect on the caliber of the photo forum.

Also, per the OP, there is nothing wrong with the word 'evaluate' as you do evaluate a photo as to it's technical merits and hopefully will get feedback as to what one feels about the technical aspect and subject aspect. That feedback can be negative but still be constructive.

And no, I don't find the heading annoying and believe it is being oversensitive and a bit pedantic to think so. wink.png

BTW, it is the Photography AND Arts forum, just the ARTs part hasn't fared well. I've been an art collector, both fine and conventional, for decades and I have no issue with the word evaluate as it pertains to my personal examination of a piece of art. Critique is for the professionals. smile.png

You can browse through these two topics to get a feel for the consensus.

Is Photography Art?

The Only Art Thread

//edit - oddly enough, I can't find a single photo that the OP has contributed to the photo forum. Perhaps worried about being 'critiqued'?

"you do evaluate a photo as to it's technical merits and hopefully will get feedback as to what one feels about the technical aspect and subject aspect" - i don't think so - evaluate has basically numerical implications - unless you are going to guess the f-stop or focal length ISO or exposure values etc I can't see it as having any real application here. ...but that is tangential to "art"?

The word criticise has very negative meanings about it....whether positive or negative criticism

as even positive criticism initially puts the person and their work under "criticism" on the defensive.

As both a professional photographer and field photo editor for a major media organisation I never

criticise any other photogs work...I evaluate it. Mainly to verify if the work relates to whatever

article it may be intended to be published in...ie..does it fit the event story & reporters words

100%. The technical aspects of the photo(s) under evaluation run concurrently with my eval.

Why argue about the semantics of looking at a photo? Are you the best photo judge on this

planet, one with years of experience in the field? Hey...if you feel that criticse is a better choice

for you then so be it...we on this photo forum, however, would rather use evaluate or critique;

and we like it this way. BTW OP...regarding your title "Don't you find the heading of this forum

annoying?" No...I do not. thumbsup.gif

In terms of art - as i explained earlier - "criticise" does NOT have a negative meaning - it is the professional term fro looking at art...of any kind, and this is an "art" forum.


How about 'Check my photo and tell me if it's crap or not'?

summed up beautifully . . . clap2.gif

btw, Brian Sewell is one of my hero's . . . that is, for his ludicrously enjoyable & entertaining snobbish vernacular. Him & Roy 'Chubby' Brown are the ones i listen to for meaningful insight . . . (no joke)

Brian Sewell is one of my hero's .

An absolute Bumptious old Twot,I wonder how he keeps a straight face,and wether he gets paid for talking such tosh!


Couple of posts removed.

While I think it's important for people to express their thoughts, let's keep this discussion civil. Tywais already posted some advices and definitions of the art evaluation.

Our members have not had issues with the name of this sub-forum earlier and the majority don't seem to have issues with the name now. There is no reason to do changes.

If the OP wishes to widen the art part of forum, please do so. Add your content and who knows, you might initiate a new exiting trend on the forum.


I think we have reached the end of this thread and it's time close this topic now.


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