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Yingluck must come to answer questions in NLA on January 16

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"On 24 May 2014, the NCPO dissolved the Senate and vested the legislative power in its leader. It also ordered the judicial branch to operate under its directives." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Council_for_Peace_and_Order

So I don't believe nothing has changed regarding the judiciary, and the good ole boys at the NLA aren't allowed to cut the strings attached to the NCPO; this is going to be a fair fight?

As the great lady from Australia, "Senator Lady Bjelke-Petersen" once said, "they are only feeding the chooks".


"He assured that all NLA members will stay neutral without prejudice in making their judgement on the cases".......Yeah right, they couldn't stack this charade called the NLA with more Shin haters even if they tried!

If you are so self assured of your statement, why don't you tell us why it's a charade, then name the members who are haters and how you were able to determine they are and lastly, please enlighten us all how you have such in depth knowledge of the make up of the NLA? Simple questions requiring simple answers to one who posts a simple statement.


"On 24 May 2014, the NCPO dissolved the Senate and vested the legislative power in its leader. It also ordered the judicial branch to operate under its directives." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Council_for_Peace_and_Order

So I don't believe nothing has changed regarding the judiciary, and the good ole boys at the NLA aren't allowed to cut the strings attached to the NCPO; this is going to be a fair fight?

As the great lady from Australia, "Senator Lady Bjelke-Petersen" once said, "they are only feeding the chooks".

Flo was related to a criminal too.


She didn't ran away and will continue to surprise her detractors by turning up and answering all the questions and even posing some challenges to the NLA to be neutral without prejudice.

No she didn't run away but stalled enough, which has enabled her to cry to her followers that the NLA has rushed the case. 2 Years of rush, wow. Then becomes upset because matters involving other politicians took years to be brought forward. What, not enough time for her, she wants the matter to take years before it comes to fruition. She has had ample time to put her defence together but thought visiting the brother and those shopping sprees were more important than having her defence prepared and the matter heard.

No, not Ms Yingluk, she goes on holidays, postpones, stalls, looks for more witnesses for her character, not about the facts and then goes before the NLA and avoids all the issues raised.. Now that she has been directed to appear to answer legitimate questions being raised by the NLA members, hopefully she has the ability to do so. Any one who looks at the incidents logically can see that this is a legal procedure in Thailand and with the matter being dealt with under those laws it will be the evidence that will decide who is right or wrong.

I wonder what you and others, who have her as a poster girl, despite her failings, and you know what they are, would say if the matter was thrown out at the last hearing. It wouldn't be phony trials, charades, NLA stacked with Shin Haters, I told you so, she is so good that she couldn't do it, it was a mistake. It wasn't her, etc., etc., etc. No, you would be full of praise for the NLA, not degrading them.

What you should all do is take a deep breath, sit back, let the matter takes it's course. If she is impeached, then it will require 2/3 of the NLA to do so based on the evidence gathered, not manufactured. If she is not impeached then obviously there was insufficient evidence and she will be exonerated. Is this occurs then no doubt you will all be happy little vegemite's. I don't think so, because you will then find something else to direct your talents toward.


She didn't ran away and will continue to surprise her detractors by turning up and answering all the questions and even posing some challenges to the NLA to be neutral without prejudice.

No she didn't run away but stalled enough, which has enabled her to cry to her followers that the NLA has rushed the case. 2 Years of rush, wow. Then becomes upset because matters involving other politicians took years to be brought forward. What, not enough time for her, she wants the matter to take years before it comes to fruition. She has had ample time to put her defence together but thought visiting the brother and those shopping sprees were more important than having her defence prepared and the matter heard.

No, not Ms Yingluk, she goes on holidays, postpones, stalls, looks for more witnesses for her character, not about the facts and then goes before the NLA and avoids all the issues raised.. Now that she has been directed to appear to answer legitimate questions being raised by the NLA members, hopefully she has the ability to do so. Any one who looks at the incidents logically can see that this is a legal procedure in Thailand and with the matter being dealt with under those laws it will be the evidence that will decide who is right or wrong.

I wonder what you and others, who have her as a poster girl, despite her failings, and you know what they are, would say if the matter was thrown out at the last hearing. It wouldn't be phony trials, charades, NLA stacked with Shin Haters, I told you so, she is so good that she couldn't do it, it was a mistake. It wasn't her, etc., etc., etc. No, you would be full of praise for the NLA, not degrading them.

What you should all do is take a deep breath, sit back, let the matter takes it's course. If she is impeached, then it will require 2/3 of the NLA to do so based on the evidence gathered, not manufactured. If she is not impeached then obviously there was insufficient evidence and she will be exonerated. Is this occurs then no doubt you will all be happy little vegemite's. I don't think so, because you will then find something else to direct your talents toward.

I can tell you that in Thailand, politics have never took its course. If it took its course, an election will be the correct outcome. Time and again, the establishment has snatched power and re-wrote the charter to skew to their benefits. Seem you ok with that plus an appointed NLA but not me.

Neither I condone corruption from any sides and Yingluck no poster girl for me. The years staying in Thailand has distorted my opinion on corruption. Corruption is played out only by the powerful and the wealthy. I question double standards and question hard on the NACC selective targeting of one side. You don't see that as unfair? I do. If corruption is being handled by a fair and unbiased agency or judiciary, I will applaud and keep silence but alas it never has been for Thailand.

I will be watching and waiting for NLA verdict. The outcome is of no concern for me. Just want a fair trial and other NACC cases put on the same pedestal and attention as this Yingluck case.


She didn't ran away and will continue to surprise her detractors by turning up and answering all the questions and even posing some challenges to the NLA to be neutral without prejudice.

No she didn't run away but stalled enough, which has enabled her to cry to her followers that the NLA has rushed the case. 2 Years of rush, wow. Then becomes upset because matters involving other politicians took years to be brought forward. What, not enough time for her, she wants the matter to take years before it comes to fruition. She has had ample time to put her defence together but thought visiting the brother and those shopping sprees were more important than having her defence prepared and the matter heard.

No, not Ms Yingluk, she goes on holidays, postpones, stalls, looks for more witnesses for her character, not about the facts and then goes before the NLA and avoids all the issues raised.. Now that she has been directed to appear to answer legitimate questions being raised by the NLA members, hopefully she has the ability to do so. Any one who looks at the incidents logically can see that this is a legal procedure in Thailand and with the matter being dealt with under those laws it will be the evidence that will decide who is right or wrong.

I wonder what you and others, who have her as a poster girl, despite her failings, and you know what they are, would say if the matter was thrown out at the last hearing. It wouldn't be phony trials, charades, NLA stacked with Shin Haters, I told you so, she is so good that she couldn't do it, it was a mistake. It wasn't her, etc., etc., etc. No, you would be full of praise for the NLA, not degrading them.

What you should all do is take a deep breath, sit back, let the matter takes it's course. If she is impeached, then it will require 2/3 of the NLA to do so based on the evidence gathered, not manufactured. If she is not impeached then obviously there was insufficient evidence and she will be exonerated. Is this occurs then no doubt you will all be happy little vegemite's. I don't think so, because you will then find something else to direct your talents toward.

I can tell you that in Thailand, politics have never took its course. If it took its course, an election will be the correct outcome. Time and again, the establishment has snatched power and re-wrote the charter to skew to their benefits. Seem you ok with that plus an appointed NLA but not me.

Neither I condone corruption from any sides and Yingluck no poster girl for me. The years staying in Thailand has distorted my opinion on corruption. Corruption is played out only by the powerful and the wealthy. I question double standards and question hard on the NACC selective targeting of one side. You don't see that as unfair? I do. If corruption is being handled by a fair and unbiased agency or judiciary, I will applaud and keep silence but alas it never has been for Thailand.

I will be watching and waiting for NLA verdict. The outcome is of no concern for me. Just want a fair trial and other NACC cases put on the same pedestal and attention as this Yingluck case.

The pedestal seems to be brought along by TVF posters same with the level of attention.

Anyway, coming Friday Ms. Yingluck will probably attend to hear the questions and maybe even give answers. With some luck the A's will even relate to the Q's thumbsup.gif

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