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Fake Watch Seller arrested by Pattaya Police following stabbing of Russian


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I believe him. From my experience of politely declining or ignoring hundreds of requests to buy a watch and not being stabbed, I find it at least as plausible as the Ruskies story.

Yeah sure.

The guy is a muay thai fighter who was scared of a Russian tourist so had to stab him.

Do you have comprehension problems or something?

Yes I have never been attacked by a vendor either and I haven't had a traffic accident or been run over crossing the road in Pattaya but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen and doesn't mean that it is safe either.

Stop making excuses for thugs.

This guy is doing a fighting pose when he should be charged with attempted murder and spend a long stretch in gaol.

End of story.

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The cop connection to whom he pays his tea money was no doubt the person who gave him his "get out of jail free" story so that he can get back to selling watches as quickly as possible so the tea keeps flowing. Making the foreigner look like the bad guy is just an added bonus for all then Thai parties concerned. He would never have handed himself in if he did not know he was going to come out scot free on the other end. The photo says it all!! No doubt he will have a hoard of "rent a witness" to back up his claims of self defence! What hogwash! Thought he could bully the Russian and when it did not go his way he introduced the knife to prevent an ass whipping at the hands of the foreigner.

100 percent correct IMHO.

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I believe him. From my experience of politely declining or ignoring hundreds of requests to buy a watch and not being stabbed, I find it at least as plausible as the Ruskies story.

Yeah sure.

The guy is a muay thai fighter who was scared of a Russian tourist so had to stab him.

Do you have comprehension problems or something?

Yes I have never been attacked by a vendor either and I haven't had a traffic accident or been run over crossing the road in Pattaya but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen and doesn't mean that it is safe either.

Stop making excuses for thugs.

This guy is doing a fighting pose when he should be charged with attempted murder and spend a long stretch in gaol.

End of story.

I was attacked by a baht bus driver over a fare disagreement. It was a mistake to just not cave to him but I'll tell you one thing -- there was no doubt in my mind the thug beating on me was fully confident there would never be any legal consequences on him for beating me up even if a cop was witnessing it directly. I think he was right. That is scary. We as foreigners should not be apologizing for a corrupt structure here where foreigners can be assaulted by Thais with no consequences. In my case I was very lucky he didn't put me in hospital.

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I believe him. From my experience of politely declining or ignoring hundreds of requests to buy a watch and not being stabbed, I find it at least as plausible as the Ruskies story.

i too believe him....i find a small percent of watch sellers bother you after you have said ''no politley'',they have better things to do....''like make money''..but i have seen far to many tourists belittle,taunt, and or dangle the hopes of a sale, to keep the seller around for amuesment...he's too old and worn out to be starting fights...

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Shouldn't a former Muay Thai Junior Champion be able to defend himself without a weapon?

Agreed. And looks real proud of himself. Chuffed at getting another go at his 5 minutes of fame now his kick boxing career is over. He though he would never get his picture in the paper again and then this happened. Of course he is pleased with himself. Must have sustained more than a few kicks to the head in his fighting career. <deleted>!!!

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Just another day when a farang gets scammed, assaulted and or killed.... LOS "Land of Stupidity".... I am NOT Thai bashing, a lot of farang are a holes, but when will the violence stop in this strictly predominant Buddhist country!!!! SHAME Thailand and shame on the lame Authorities, you should hang your heads in disgrace, you are clearly failing!

When all the violence stops in that predominantly Christian country the United States, or to out it another way, when it snows in Bangkok.

I'm sorry - you lost me. This has all WHAT to do with violence in the U.S.? 'Just trying to stir up some good old fashioned religious hate?

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So looking the way he is this is all just a joke to him. When are they actually going to do something about morons like this??

Whoa! Hold on just a sec! From my previous life-experience even I know that there are two sides to every story, so why the immediate come down on this guy? Maybe he isn't the full-Baht these days, and acted like an idiot at the police station by playing up to the camera, or maybe he was happy because he feels he was in the right and has nothing to fear down at the police station?

Or are we putting this guy down just because he is Thai, in keeping with the true Thai Visa forum tradition?

So are we still trying to say / somehow imply that if a foul mouthed Russian said bad words, or even if he threw a chair, that this somehow justifies a Thai or anyone else taking out a knife and stabbing someone in the stomach to show he is angry / lost his temper?

The apologists on this thread and the earlier one seem to think that gutting passers by is a reasonable response to show displeasure at bad manners, and it is usually the tourist's fault if they are beaten up or murdered....

What the thread appears to be about is that a Thai adult man could not control his adolescent rage in public, and furthermore the Thai legal system is unlikely to seriously punish him, thereby giving the message to other Thais that such behaviour is ok.

So the best thing the apologists can come up with is "don't offend any Thais". Well this should be made clear to everyone...

Not a question of being an apologist - its a question of survival. I lived in Patters for eight years and quickly lesrned to avoid direct confrontation with ANY Thais. While we in the West have a high tolerance for loud verbal disputes ( think Italy! ), Thais do not. I have a black belt in martial arts and am trained to stay cool in stressful situations, so I was able to adjust to LOS without too much difficulty. Rule 1: There is no rule of law in LOS - everything is about face and power. If a Thai crosses you, you need to get another Thai ( ideally in the army or a police general! ) to deal with that oerson in the appropriate Thai way.

Above all, don't get into a fight! Our Russian friends get into trouble not because they are bad people, but because they don't know Thai Rules, and sometimes make the mistake of getting into disputes. The fact

that Russians are often big and rude (in Thai terms) does not help! :)

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Say what? Fake Watches sold in Thailand... I don't believe it. I remember Lady Gaga getting criticized for saying she was looking forward to buying a fake Rolex on her visit. The authorities wanted her to take back her words and swore this kind of practice does not exist. I'll say it... lies, all lies...fake is the name of game. One major department store in BKK repacks goods from China (they're labeled) in brand name boxes right out on the floor, during work hours. Yet the store is packed every day with Arab tourist buying the goods as real. Oh my...we live in magical times.

Fake from top down!

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So looking the way he is this is all just a joke to him. When are they actually going to do something about morons like this??

Whoa! Hold on just a sec! From my previous life-experience even I know that there are two sides to every story, so why the immediate come down on this guy? Maybe he isn't the full-Baht these days, and acted like an idiot at the police station by playing up to the camera, or maybe he was happy because he feels he was in the right and has nothing to fear down at the police station?

Or are we putting this guy down just because he is Thai, in keeping with the true Thai Visa forum tradition?

So are we still trying to say / somehow imply that if a foul mouthed Russian said bad words, or even if he threw a chair, that this somehow justifies a Thai or anyone else taking out a knife and stabbing someone in the stomach to show he is angry / lost his temper?

The apologists on this thread and the earlier one seem to think that gutting passers by is a reasonable response to show displeasure at bad manners, and it is usually the tourist's fault if they are beaten up or murdered....

What the thread appears to be about is that a Thai adult man could not control his adolescent rage in public, and furthermore the Thai legal system is unlikely to seriously punish him, thereby giving the message to other Thais that such behaviour is ok.

So the best thing the apologists can come up with is "don't offend any Thais". Well this should be made clear to everyone...

Not a question of being an apologist - its a question of survival. I lived in Patters for eight years and quickly lesrned to avoid direct confrontation with ANY Thais. While we in the West have a high tolerance for loud verbal disputes ( think Italy! ), Thais do not. I have a black belt in martial arts and am trained to stay cool in stressful situations, so I was able to adjust to LOS without too much difficulty. Rule 1: There is no rule of law in LOS - everything is about face and power. If a Thai crosses you, you need to get another Thai ( ideally in the army or a police general! ) to deal with that oerson in the appropriate Thai way.

Above all, don't get into a fight! Our Russian friends get into trouble not because they are bad people, but because they don't know Thai Rules, and sometimes make the mistake of getting into disputes. The fact

that Russians are often big and rude (in Thai terms) does not help! smile.png

More to the point is that many tourists don't know that there are lots of low life drug addicted and/or alcohol addled scum wandering around Pattaya armed with knives who will bash, abuse, try to intimidate, stab and even on the odd occasion murder tourists who don't understand that these same low lifes have connections with the local plod and full well know that no matter what they do they probably will not pay for their crime and will get a rap around the knuckles and be back on the street the next day doing the same thing as if nothing had ever happened.

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Well that's it then, self defence but why did it take him so long to give himself up? Is he going to be charged with selling pirated goods and have they been sized or is he back at work?

Shame on the Thailand Tourist Minister for continuing to let the scam artists run rampant and assault foreigners. This has been an ongoing problem for years and Thailand does nothing to eliminate these scumbags. They must pay some pretty good tea money to someone high up the tourist food chain.

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That gets my vote for arrest photo of the year so far, bloody classic. I bet if the Russian had stabbed the Thai he wouldn't be pulling a similar pose... if he was still alive of coursewhistling.gif

I'm pretty sure that the pic. of the perp is not his 'arrest pic' but and old one when he actually was the Junior National Muay Thai champion??!! Of course, I could be wrong!!

Yes you are wrong... Take a look at the pictures here:


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Where did he get the knife? So people move around in Thailand with knives for self defense? He moves in public places to sell fake watches with a deadly weapon because he knows fully well that his goods are fake. Ready to deal with anyone who protest. If he was a kindhearted person, a peace lover, he will not be carrying a deadly weapon (knife) especially in public places.

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Stupid foreigners that have no idea how to deal with matters if confronted with these kinds of situations in Thailand.

Similar has happened to me many times in the past, where a Thai person has approached me trying to peddle something and seemed not to take no for an answer and then can become extremely irritating. The easy answer is learn at least some basic Thai and then politely explain that sorry you have no money, wish the person good luck (Chok dee) smile and calmly walk away going about your business.

If a tourist who cannot speak or understand even one word of Thai, then still try to explain you have no money, smile and walk away. Showing aggression no matter how irritating the situation doesn`t compute well in Thailand, Thais simply do not know how to react in aggressive situations and therefore can immediately turn to the defensive.

There are certain ways and means of dealing with situations here in Thailand, losing one`s temper and aggression can have dire consequences.

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