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Suvarnabhumi Airport vows to take theft of disabled parking seriously

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tell tow truck drivers they get to keep the cars that break the laws and watch this thing get clean up real quick smile.png

glad to hear that the security people will keep an "eye" on it! what will they be doing with the other eye? also keep their hands in their pockets! and if they try to do something some rich ass hole will probably have them punched out!

Got B20? No problem, you skate. 20 baht will cover a multitude of sins.coffee1.gif


bah.gif People do not know how to drive and certainly know nothing about the disabled. I am sure there must be a driving school here somewhere but in 25 years I've never seen one. I asked the Thai high school student next door about drivers education is school and she could not understand the concept. I am disabled and have a US disabled placard for my car, unfortunately, when I parked in the Big C disabled parking space and came back to my car-an idiot parked so close to my door I couldn't get into the car.bah.gif

how can you tell if the car is used by a disabled person?

In Belgium it takes a license delivered by some official instance and when you park your car in a handicapped spot you need to stick the license on the inside of your windscreen, simple no?


When I see a bunch of these cars in a compound, and the rich owners, apologizing on TV, I will believe that the airport will

actually, be making a good effort in making the country's rich and elite ones, smarten up

I guess we will all have to wait a few months to see if the big airport and its staff, or Thai police staff,

do their jobs better and charge the rich offenders with an appropriate fine, as it was said. First time $50000 baht,

Second offence $100000 baht, and so on until those rich are not so rich, or until their fathers all take the keys and

make the rich sons, drive Honda Civics. Ha ha ha, that will never happen!



This is typical for Thai drivers of any ilk,

just watch any Thai driver when they park

the car,they walk away never look back

to make sure they are not restricting any

one else,it even goes as far as Supermarkets

they just leave their trolleys blocking the aisles,

and do not give a monkeys about anyone else.

regards Worgeordie

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"We have introduced a new high -tech computer algorithm to deal with this problem. It involves a combination of the value of the vehicle illegally parked in a disabled parking bay coupled with if the registered keeper is a person of influence or knows a person of influence which then provides us with the appropriate punishment. For example, if the vehicle is a BMW X1 or Mini Cooper owned by the daughter of a local Honda dealership owner then the fine will be THB 10,000 whereas if the vehicle is a two-seater Italian exotica registered to somebody who goes to work in khaki with a load of pips on his shoulder then true to form the offense will be ignored in the interests of the country's stability and security for reasons we can't be bothered to explain to people too ignorant to understand how things have always worked here." said a spokeperson.

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Any enforcement will only result in the very slightest improvement because you are still going to be screwed after that in any case. I will however say that Swampy has the best wheelchair assistance service of any airport I have visited with LAX being the worst.


how can you tell if the car is used by a disabled person?

In Belgium it takes a license delivered by some official instance and when you park your car in a handicapped spot you need to stick the license on the inside of your windscreen, simple no?

Not only Belgium, EU wide.



No agency in Thailand, government or ngo takes disabled matters /parking etc seriously.

They only pay lip service to it, disabled people are THIRD class citizens, not important, because they dont have BIG money.

Money talks here nothing else.

High value cars, i have money can do what i like.

Central Festival in Phuket has a special parking zone for super cars but none for the disabled. Yes they believe they can do what they like including out on the roads. I asked my daughter one day why she thought Fortuner drivers were so rude & she said because they think they are hi so.

What do you mean with Fortune® drivers, rich drivers or Toyota drivers,because a Toyota car from 1,5 THB its not for the rich people, and mybe 95% is financed.


The fine does little to stop these Hi So people. However, posting of picture of the Hi So in every Thai newspaper showing them for what they really are, along with a hefty fine of 50,000 baht would hurt more.

All good, but add to that another 50,000 baht to get the car out of the lock-up (where the towtruck left it) will be good also.

Gotta tow the cars away to allow the space to be used again - that's the purpose of the space.


Or there own thai style, maybe it is the best for that people.

I never forget, no I don't park my car on a parking place for disabled persons , but on a place tuk tuk drivers don't like.

When I come back I have a scratch on my car from the front until the back.

Maybe, maybe that's the only solution.


tell tow truck drivers they get to keep the cars that break the laws and watch this thing get clean up real quick smile.png

Even more realistic, let the tow truck drivers get a good percentage of what the car sells at auction, this could be extended to drunk drivers also, let the police station get a good percentage of any drunk drivers car, can be used towards bonuses for the police men at that station. Just watch the difference in road deaths and selfish parkers in disabled bays.


No agency in Thailand, government or ngo takes disabled matters /parking etc seriously.

They only pay lip service to it, disabled people are THIRD class citizens, not important, because they dont have BIG money.

Money talks here nothing else.

High value cars, i have money can do what i like.

Central Festival in Phuket has a special parking zone for super cars but none for the disabled. Yes they believe they can do what they like including out on the roads. I asked my daughter one day why she thought Fortuner drivers were so rude & she said because they think they are hi so.

What do you mean with Fortune® drivers, rich drivers or Toyota drivers,because a Toyota car from 1,5 THB its not for the rich people, and mybe 95% is financed.

I hope this explains it "because they think they are hi so."


Why stop at Suvarnabhumi Airport? Hijacking of parking spaces reserved for the disabled is a nationwide problem and should be tackled from the top. Security guards are easily intimidated. More muscle and clout are needed.

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"Suvarnabhumi Airport announced it will take action against misuse of disabled parking spaces,

after several photos of luxury cars parked in the privileged spots circulated on Facebook."

But no one noticed before. wai2.gifwai.gifcrying.gif



"Suvarnabhumi Airport announced it will take action against misuse of disabled parking spaces,

after several photos of luxury cars parked in the privileged spots circulated on Facebook."

But no one noticed before. wai2.gifwai.gifcrying.gif


No Thai would do such a terrible thing........ oooops no, cant use this excuse this time.....

Maybe they should try to stop it by punishing the security guys too?? they are getting 1 to 2 days salary from each of these cars....

TIT = Only money matter.....


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how can you tell if the car is used by a disabled person?

Use your head Tom, if a person has really restricted physical mobility or relies on a wheelchair then a Lamborghini is hardly a practical vehicle is it? The majority of genuinely disabled people i've seen in Thailand have, for want of a better expression been thrown to the wolves and get by on almost no support from the state & generally live incredibly arduous lives.

For those who are mentally impaired then maybe yes I guess they could be supercar owners, but I very much doubt they'd have the funds or the inclination to go and buy one. Supercars are a status symbol only in this country.

Anything is possible in this country, but how about just apply some common sense before thinking out loud. We've seen those who do use supercars here be a law unto themselves more than enough to get a feel for their psyche..

Think red bull heir, the guy who killed the laotian girl with his Porsche yet continued driving with her severed torso in the passenger seat, or even the super hi so who got his car smashed up in the red shirt rally at Asok by driving through a group of red shirt hardliners. More stupidity, ignorance and negligence than you could shake a shitey stick at.

No smoke without fire Tom.

And I add, it's quite possible this is not the airport staff at all, it could be one of the many mafia gangs who have no hesitation whatever to exploit

any situation where they think they can get a dollar and also have no hesitation to intimidate anybody who gets in their way.


This exemplifies Thailand. The airport has the disabled spaces, it knows what they are for, it knows they're misused but it won't do a shit about it until it's basically been shamed into it via social media.

are you 'Discovering Thainess'?


Prapon Patim, Director of Suvarnabhumi International Airport, today responded to a popular message online to the Traffic Police showing luxury cars from a Lamborghini and BMW to a Mercedes parked in spaces reserved for drivers with disabilities last week.

We will do whatever it takes to locate these arrogant and selfish people, even remove them from the board of directors!


It really irks me, and I find it really difficult to understand, why perfectly-able-bodied people can't park a little further away, instead of taking up a space meant for the disabled. Does it really hurt to walk that little further? How much time will it actually save? What is the problem with motorists here? Complete disregard for road signs and regulations (zebra crossings and running red lights come to mind) and not moving over (and sometimes even jostling for position) for emergency services vehicles (and I'm talking about proper ambulances and fire trucks, not the body-snatcher pickup trucks). Really inconsiderate and selfish |3astards, the lot of them. And this is not reserved for the well-heeled high-so brats and prats in their Euro sportscars, but includes the 'low-sos' and their 10-subwoofer street-sweeping pickup trucks as well. And every other variety in between.


handicap spot, spot for parents with small children ....

nice place to put your big ass SVU

just about anywhere

maybe a dedicated facebook page to put those people to shame, with visible number plate


It really irks me, and I find it really difficult to understand, why perfectly-able-bodied people can't park a little further away, instead of taking up a space meant for the disabled. Does it really hurt to walk that little further? How much time will it actually save? What is the problem with motorists here? Complete disregard for road signs and regulations (zebra crossings and running red lights come to mind) and not moving over (and sometimes even jostling for position) for emergency services vehicles (and I'm talking about proper ambulances and fire trucks, not the body-snatcher pickup trucks). Really inconsiderate and selfish |3astards, the lot of them. And this is not reserved for the well-heeled high-so brats and prats in their Euro sportscars, but includes the 'low-sos' and their 10-subwoofer street-sweeping pickup trucks as well. And every other variety in between.

I agree with you mate. But Thais just won't walk. The all expect to park next to the door. In the UK we used to go to the Boxing Day sales every year. Mrs BB always tried insisting we should drive as close to the doors of the Mall as possible and then hunt around the close proximity for a parking space, even though there were plenty of spaces visible a few rows back.


how can you tell if the car is used by a disabled person?

In Belgium it takes a license delivered by some official instance and when you park your car in a handicapped spot you need to stick the license on the inside of your windscreen, simple no?

Not only Belgium, EU wide.


But not with an out-of-date Blue Badge, I hope whistling.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

1) Why not tow the cars away...impound them....no real punishment...???

2) They can easily find the owners from the licence plates...duh....saving face......???

I like this post for a specific reason. We have a Thai 'aunty' who gets herself into trouble again and again, in numerous situations.

Example, she parks on main roads where there is very heavy traffic and with signs saying that parking is prohibited from xxxx hrs to xxx hrs. Several times her wheels have been locked and she gets furious and sees this as a personal vendetta on her. Any discussion / attempt to get her to see that she's causing a major problem with traffic flow falls on deaf ears. Her attitude is "I want to park here!!!!." That's it.

Basically her attitude to life is 'I do what I want whenever I want and there's no further discussion'. In fact I and other family members gave up trying to discuss things with her a long time ago, basically for 2 reasons:

1. When it suits, she refuses to engage in adult conversations.

2. It has become very clear she NEVER reads signs and is not about to start reading signs. Why? Because her philosophy of life is that nobody should tell her what she can and she cannot do.

But to be fair, especially with point 1. this is true in many countries.

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It really irks me, and I find it really difficult to understand, why perfectly-able-bodied people can't park a little further away, instead of taking up a space meant for the disabled. Does it really hurt to walk that little further? How much time will it actually save? What is the problem with motorists here? Complete disregard for road signs and regulations (zebra crossings and running red lights come to mind) and not moving over (and sometimes even jostling for position) for emergency services vehicles (and I'm talking about proper ambulances and fire trucks, not the body-snatcher pickup trucks). Really inconsiderate and selfish |3astards, the lot of them. And this is not reserved for the well-heeled high-so brats and prats in their Euro sportscars, but includes the 'low-sos' and their 10-subwoofer street-sweeping pickup trucks as well. And every other variety in between.

havent you ever noticed how most thai drivers double park outside 7/11 or whatever shop they want to go to even though there is a park 20' away, they are too laszy to walk any further than they have to. The fact that in doing so they block the entire direction for that lane to other traffic doesnt even come into it, they simply dont care and the hi-so's are worse, they think they are able to do as they please because of their name/wealth, TIT, you just have to get used to it.


Photos show license plates. Fine the idiots. The heat would track down anyone caught smoking ganja in a photo. It's just that they don't want to mess with big-money Bangkok elite.

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