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Mitt Romney sparks new 2016 competition among GOP establishment


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Obama thinks there are 57 states in America, and he even lives there. OMG!

No, he doesn't think that. Have you never had a brain fart?

I'm sure he doesn't think that now...

On topic. I think Mitt Romney is a loser. He can't motivate the base and get out the vote at a general election. He's even more boring than Hillary.

Romney comes across as an empty suit. There doesn't seem to be anyone home. His red flag with conservatives is that he was governor of Massachusetts when they started Romneycare after which Obamacare was patterned to a large part. Conservatives hate government programs that raise taxes and increase the size and power of government.

Someone who isn't on the radar yet has every chance to come out of nowhere and win the nomination just like what happened to Hillary with Obama 8 years ago. Don't forget that Hillary was already the presumed nominee when an unknown Obama appeared and knocked her out of the race. She even conceded to maintain unity in the party. She was that trounced.

If two proven losers, Romney and Hillary are the best the USA can come up with we're in the hurts.

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If his teacher gave you an answer sheet, which you had not examined beforehand, would you even notice while speaking in front of a bunch of people? Most people would assume that the teacher had spelled it right, even if it looked a little strange to them.

I wouldn't have to look at a bit of paper to spell potatoes, but maybe that's just me.

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Obama thinks there are 57 states in America, and he even lives there. OMG!

No, he doesn't think that. Have you never had a brain fart?

I'm sure he doesn't think that now...

On topic. I think Mitt Romney is a loser. He can't motivate the base and get out the vote at a general election. He's even more boring than Hillary.

Romney comes across as an empty suit. There doesn't seem to be anyone home. His red flag with conservatives is that he was governor of Massachusetts when they started Romneycare after which Obamacare was patterned to a large part. Conservatives hate government programs that raise taxes and increase the size and power of government.

Someone who isn't on the radar yet has every chance to come out of nowhere and win the nomination just like what happened to Hillary with Obama 8 years ago. Don't forget that Hillary was already the presumed nominee when an unknown Obama appeared and knocked her out of the race. She even conceded to maintain unity in the party. She was that trounced.

If two proven losers, Romney and Hillary are the best the USA can come up with we're in the hurts.

It would appear that Romney has already started digging his own grave.

“The only policies that will reach into the hearts of the American people and pull people out of poverty and break the cycle of poverty are Republican principles, conservative principles"
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If his teacher gave you an answer sheet, which you had not examined beforehand, would you even notice while speaking in front of a bunch of people? Most people would assume that the teacher had spelled it right, even if it looked a little strange to them.

In 2011 when Dan Quayle appeared alongside Romney to endorse Willard for the nomination a reporter asked Dandy Dan if he could spell Mitt....Quayle moved on to the next question.

The teacher is a black woman who at the time was vice-chair of the Trenton NJ Democratic City Committee, if that gives any hint of how the word potato got misspelled on the card. clap2.gif The school principal is a black woman who supported and defended the teacher who continued in her position teaching 5th grade and got a standing O from her class.

The kid, William Figueroa, who we recall correctly spelled potato, led the 1992 Democratic national convention in the Pledge of Allegiance as the Clinton-Gore ticket went on to defeat the daddy Bush and Quayle potatoheads that November.....it seems potatoes have eyes...not to mention toes After leading the pledge the kid told reporters, "It showed the rumors about the vice president are true, that he's an idiot." This is also true of the then vice president's advance team that never checked the cards....or did they......


It didn't help Prez Bush either when right after the 'potatoe' incident he said that was the way Chaucer spelled it when in fact potatoes hadn't been introduced to Europe until more than 100 years after Chaucer died.

So the question applies to G.H.W. Bush, Dandy Dan Quayle, G.W. Bush and to Mitt Romney too as to whether any of 'em are smarter than a 5th grader.

And let's not forget Jeb.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He deserves criticism. If that was the best the Republicans had to offer, they deserved to lose, too.

Sounds like you bought the MS media smears, distortions and propaganda, hook line and sinker - no surprise there. Luckily, a lot of people have woken up to how they were manipulated.

July 2, 2014 - Obama Is First As Worst President Since WWII, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; More Voters Say Romney Would Have Been Better.

However, if one actually uses CURRENT information, one finds that the President's numbers are doing rather well...much better than W's at the same point in time. http://www.people-press.org/2015/01/14/obama-job-rating-ticks-higher-views-of-nations-economy-turn-more-positive/

And in your Quinnipiac poll, Obama only lost to W by 5 points. No, it wasn't so much of a smear campaign (are you actually saying that Rush, Sean, Bill, all of the fun kids at Faux News, et al didn't say ANYTHING of a "smear" nature about Obama? Seriously?), as it was Mitt's own case of foot-in-mouth disease. Case in point...the "47%" thing didn't exactly help him.

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If there is a more CURRENT poll, from a credible source, that says the American people have changed their minds about Obama being THE WORST PRESIDENT SINCE WWII, please post it. This Quinnipiac poll is only a a few months old. The approval numbers go up and down to some degree continually, but that does not mean that the public has changed their minds on his job performance over all for the last 6 years. whistling.gif

July 2, 2014 - Obama Is First As Worst President Since WWII, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; More Voters Say Romney Would Have Been Better.

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Looks like Mitt the Twit is down the pan. The Koch Brothers have left him off their Tea Party Jamboree guest list.

This weekend, a select group of Republican presidential hopefuls will arrive in southern California to attend one of Charles and David Koch's biannual donor retreats, a coveted invite for GOP politicians seeking the backing of the billionaire brothers and their elite club of conservative and libertarian mega-donors. Featured guests at the conclave will include Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was also invited to the confab but is unlikely to attend.

Notably absent from the guest list for the Koch winter seminar: Mitt Romney.


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to Mexico


Almost all of the polling of the R party preferences still have Willard Mitt Romney (his full name) out ahead of Jeb Bush and most polls have Willard well ahead of JebBush, by as much as ten points.

Willard was ahead of Bush before Bush announced, and Romney is continuing to stay ahead of JebBush since JBush announced he would announce.

The R party pollster Rasmussen which does awful general political polling but serious polling of Republicans found one-third of Republicans nationally absolutely do not want another Bush.....and that another one-third also weren't sure they could vote for another Bush. That's two-thirds of all Republicans who say give us somebody other than a Bush.

I guess the other third probably says Mitt's had his big shot and he should stay out of the picture.

Last time around in 2012 all the R's for prez were trying to chase Romney out and now it could look like JebBush is the guy that has the X put on him.

It could be worse...the Republican party could be united.

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Mitt Romney....yet another draft dodger like Bush,Cheney etc

Romney was not a draft dodger. He had four draft deferments between 1965 and 1970, three student deferments and one for serving as a 'minister of religion' while performing Mormon missionary work in France. When his deferments ended, he got lucky and drew an ineligible draft number.

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Mitt Romney....yet another draft dodger like Bush,Cheney etc

Romney was not a draft dodger. He had four draft deferments between 1965 and 1970, three student deferments and one for serving as a 'minister of religion' while performing Mormon missionary work in France. When his deferments ended, he got lucky and drew an ineligible draft number.

...and sent all his children to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq to compensate for his chickenhawk credentials...NOT.

He's just another Republican gung ho warmonger provided neither he nor his family are at risk, just someone else's children doing the dirty work.

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I would not be surprised if fathers, in the country that you are loyal to, can tell their young sons to go kill and tell young women who they are allowed to marry, but it does not work that way in America. What his children decide to do with their lives, as adults, is not up to Mitt Romney. whistling.gif

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I would not be surprised if fathers, in the country that you are loyal to, can tell their young sons to go kill and tell young women who they are allowed to marry, but it does not work that way in America. What his children decide to do with their lives, as adults, is not up to Mitt Romney. whistling.gif

Looks like he was pretty keen to tell other folks' sons and daughters it is their patriotic duty to go and kill in a country 7,000 miles away from home though.

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Rather than personal attacks, especially from long ago on people, I would like to hear why one candidate would make a better POTUS, or has a better chance of winning than Romney. This last bit has gotten really boring. I don't really care how Quayle spelled potato nor do I think anyone is perfect.

I think Romney is a proven loser who doesn't have a chance of winning, but I've been wrong before.

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Mitt Romney....yet another draft dodger like Bush,Cheney etc

Romney was not a draft dodger. He had four draft deferments between 1965 and 1970, three student deferments and one for serving as a 'minister of religion' while performing Mormon missionary work in France. When his deferments ended, he got lucky and drew an ineligible draft number.

Seven deferments sounds like draft dodging to me. He went bible bashing in France to avoid Vietnam.

Last time I checked my French cousins were doing quite well without US neo Christians trying to convert them.

What about your friend Bill O Reilly on Fox News?

Republican mouthpiece and another draft dodger.

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You don't seem to be able to count very well. Three educational and one religious deferment - all perfectly legal - and then he participated in the draft lottery and got lucky. He could have been drafted, if his number had come up.

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Or if he really believed in god he could have volunteered and gone to Vietnam and spread the good book over there.

I see you fail to answer my question about your hero Bill O Reilly who spouts the GOP propaganda.

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Mitt Romney does not speak Vietnamese. He speaks French.

O'Reilly did not "dodge" the draft because he was never drafted. He had a legal deferment to go to University in England. This is precisely the same answer as it would be for Bill Clinton, by the way, who also went to school in Blighty. .

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Hundreds of thousands of young American boys could not speak Vietnamese but found themselves drafted there.

Suggesting Romney could not use his French ability in Vietnam demonstrates your ignorance of the country.Vietnam is the largest of the three Francophone nations in Asia

Mitt would have had no problem. If you had ever visited Vietnam you,would know it was a former French colony and as such the language has similarities.

According to the UK. Daily Telegraph

The Republican presidential hopeful spent a significant portion of his 30-month mission in a Paris mansion described by fellow American missionaries as palace. It featured stained glass windows, chandeliers, and an extensive art collection. It was staffed by two servants a Spanish chef and a houseboy.

Nice work if you can get it while your fellow Americans are dying.

O Reilly spun out his time in the UK and his education to avoid the draft.

After graduation, and with the conscription law and the draft lottery in full force,he was off to Florida where he took a job teaching at a high school. Two years later, in 1973, he was back in college at Boston University for a master's degree in broadcast journalism. By that time he finished at Boston U., the draft and the war were history.

Romney,Bush,Cheney etc all pulled strings and called in favours using their wealth to avoid fighting for their country.

In the US people like them are still called chicken hawks.

If they had not been cowards they would have volunteered and served their country like John McCain.

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Nonsense as per usual. I LIVED in Vietnam and there no significant "similarities" with the French language - they are VERY different languages.

The USA granted deferments for a reason. They wanted to make sure that we had plenty of college educated citizens. I'm pretty sure that all of these guys would have gone to University no matter what, but were perfectly within in their rights to do so.

John McCain was a hero, but he had no choice about going to war. He went to the U.S. Naval Academy and had chosen the military as a career.

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If you have lived in Vietnam you'll be aware French was the official language of Vietnam from the beginning of French colonial rule in the mid-19th century until independence under the Geneva Accords of 1954, and maintained de facto official status in South Vietnam until its collapse in 1975.

Rich kids with wealthy families used college and religion to dodge the draft.

However you want to paint him Romney is a loser as proved in 2012.

O. Reilly is a chicken hawk and draft dodger.

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