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New Chiang Mai Lamphun highway cutting through residential areas


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Jst had a flyer popped into my letter box. There is a new highway being proposed cutting through many moo baans and residential areas. Im in moo baan wangtan and its going to cut it in two. Many new homes will be demolished. I will only be around 500m from it!


This is going to be a nightmare if it goes ahead! The flyer is asking for signatures opposing it. The website has a video showing the direction it will take. Apparently it was on the books years ago and now resurrected!

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This is my family home. I dont care about value. What i care about is keeping a nice area as it is and not having a freeway split it in two. I like to cycle around here. Its one of the nicest places close to town and oh, bangmai, i dont know when you were hdre last but there is no problem with dogs.

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I was reading another thread about this recently and tried to follow the route.

It appears that it will start from the mahidol road opposite mcdees on a plot that already has a concrete mixing plant set up and lots of trucks.

It then goes across and hits the 700road very close to the bridge at the roadside bar. It wipes through the phufah garden moo baan then takes out the bottom end of ban wang tan.

Thais have already been on the band wagon and buying up investment plots along the route for a couple of years i heard especially the cheaper lamphun rural areas.

I think when you get wind of the Govt officials buying up many areas then thats the time to be concerned.....or excited.

No doubt it will never happen nothing ever does.

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Its seems such a stupid proposal as there is room for another lane on the existing chiang mai to Lamphun highway, the prime minister is in japan. Umming money for a dual track railway line bkk to chiang mai and there is the other highway already about to connect to the canal rd. This route will disrupt too many people. I doubt it will happen.

I wish they would spend some money on inner city roads instead.

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This is my family home. I dont care about value. What i care about is keeping a nice area as it is and not having a freeway split it in two. I like to cycle around here. Its one of the nicest places close to town and oh, bangmai, i dont know when you were hdre last but there is no problem with dogs.

yes, and all the problems at Riverside have been peacefully resolved, as well.

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Well, im glad the riverside condo have sorted out their problems but that has nothing to do with a super highway splitting some moo baans in half and many homes being demolished to make way for it. .

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A couple of people I spoke to seemed to think it would most likely go ahead as it was part of a "plan" with new airport and railway.

Looking at it though it doesn't seem to make much sense as there are other roads that could be used I would have thought.

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Hundreds of homes would be affected / demolished and thousands of lives disrupted along this ridiculous proposed route. Already more than enough routes to Lamphun, 4 already?

There has been a huge lack of transparency related to the project whereby the construction company commissioned a survey which came out with the result that 70% of persons affected along the route were in favor of the project. This was done before the resurrected project had even been announced to most Moo Baans along the route.

Now they are aware the general response seems to be 90% plus against. Many Moo Baans along the route along the proposed route are organizing petitions and protests.

Apparently also the military complaints office in Chiangmai is aware of the "non transparency" and general anomalies of the project and are supposedly investigating.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking like good news for Banwangtan.

Thanks to pressure from Banwangtan residents the contractors have reviewed their plans and a new route almost completely by passing the estate has been mapped and is likely to be accepted by the highways department.

Residents continue to gather signatures and there will be a meeting at the highways department on 1st February at 1pm to discuss the new route and impact on other properties affected by the route. So if you have an interest you should attend.

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Sorry to say but that CM - Lamphun road, with its 15 sets of traffic lights is a disaster.

What should take 15 minutes, can take 45 minutes on a bad day.

I'm in support of a new road with overpasses...but not in support of destroying people's homes.

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Good news indeed! There is plenty of open space to the east of baan wang tan so it makes sense to use it. I have noticed surveyors on the outer ring road and some works where it intersect the Chiang mai lampang hwy so hopefully they will make it dual lane as it is a single lane nightmare right now!

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^ Any updated maps?


Come out on it's side for some reason but the info is there.

Any chance of a link to that map? It doesn't show baan wangtan

Certainly does. Bottom left hand corner with the map on it's side. Top left hand corner with the map upright!


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Nightmare! Cuts across the river less than 1km from my home... clack clack clack all night long - then within 10 years the river widening project chops my garden off to be replaced by cement canal walls (90 feet? width wanted along the river) I'll have a huge cement bridge for a view! How very dare they!Gah! T.I.T! etc
Best of luck to all opposed.

Edited by whiterussian
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