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Why is Thailand such a failure compared to the Japan?

monkey dog

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Why is the OP even comparing a developed country to a developing one? It's like comparing the USA to Mexico. Or the UK to Cambodia. C'mon OP, admit that you just want to take some digs at Thailand. Come clean monkey boy!

How did these countries become developed, they didn't just wake up one morning to find the fairies had been in and developed their country. Why was it they could do it and the others couldn't.

Japan? MacArthur gave them a constitution. The USA gave Europe the Marshall plan. This did not happen in Thailand. If it had they would be a first world country now.

But Japan and most of Europe were already way more technollogically advanced than Thailand/Siam before WWII.

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I guess the real question is why is Thailand a failure compared to so many other countries? Well, you can chose from any of the reasons below:

  • Laziness
  • Corruption
  • Unethical
  • Greedy
  • Want others to take care of them
  • Lack of motivation
  • Lack of legal systems
  • Lack of law enforcement
  • Unstable government
  • Poor quality work and service
  • Lack of ingenuity
  • Lack of innovation
  • Poorly educated with piss poor educational system

I'm sure I could keep going but I think you get the idea.

Complete and accurate description. Nothing more to add.


Stereotypic nonsense the result of an education found in bars instead of institutions of higher learning. Why not drop the stereotypes and talk about something that you all know for sure. Can you all contrast the education systems of Thailand and Japan and tell us about the differences? Tell us about the number of governmental changes in Japan as opposed to Thailand. Tell us about the institutionalized monopolies of Japan as different or the same as the ones in Thailand. Stop pitching the BS and concentrate on facts.

Then tell us what Thailand designs and builds like Kawasaki Heavy Industries etc!

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Is Thailand a failure? Never been to Japan but from what my friends have told me I'd say it's the other way around. Unless you measure success by technological development rather than happiness.

Japan is the biggest disappointment I have experienced in all my travels. I was so excited to go to Tokyo,but had a horrible time. The people are racist and rude. Nothing is easy to find for transportation and food.

The work ethic there is insane and they are almost impossible to do business with. Japanese people are not happy overall. They actually have a term to describe working yourself to death. I am much happier to be here in Thailand working. I don't think I could stay in Japan long term.

My Friend and his Wife just got back from their first visit to Japan and said the people were so friendly and helpful they are going back again only 6 months after the first visit.

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Stereotypic nonsense the result of an education found in bars instead of institutions of higher learning. Why not drop the stereotypes and talk about something that you all know for sure. Can you all contrast the education systems of Thailand and Japan and tell us about the differences? Tell us about the number of governmental changes in Japan as opposed to Thailand. Tell us about the institutionalized monopolies of Japan as different or the same as the ones in Thailand. Stop pitching the BS and concentrate on facts.

Then tell us what Thailand designs and builds like Kawasaki Heavy Industries etc!

I don't know how far back you want me to go but I'll start post WWII to explain why Japan out designs Thailand.

1. Legal monopolies to assist efficient production. 2. MacArthur provided constitution eliminating feudalism. 3. Billions of dollars of aid were provided by the United States. 4. The economy was significantly altered. Land reform undermined the power of the large landholders. 5. The vertical integration of the industrial zaibatsu was replaced by the horizontal coordination of the keiretsu, and family control was replaced by bureaucratic control responsible to broad communities of stockholders. 6. Government policies were created to promote scientifically based innovations in industrial technology.

Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II by John W. Dower

It comes down to a few things. Japan lost WWII and MacArthur re wrote society and industry. He changed Japan from a feudal society to an industrialized society. The took the power away from the rich land owners and gave it to the government/people by way of a new constitution.

Thailand could be the same as Japan but similar changes that happened to Japan would have to happen in Thailand for that to occur.

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Is Thailand a failure? Never been to Japan but from what my friends have told me I'd say it's the other way around. Unless you measure success by technological development rather than happiness.

Japan is the biggest disappointment I have experienced in all my travels. I was so excited to go to Tokyo,but had a horrible time. The people are racist and rude. Nothing is easy to find for transportation and food.

The work ethic there is insane and they are almost impossible to do business with. Japanese people are not happy overall. They actually have a term to describe working yourself to death. I am much happier to be here in Thailand working. I don't think I could stay in Japan long term.

japanese racist and rude? I thought the popular notion was that they are very polite.

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Stereotypic nonsense the result of an education found in bars instead of institutions of higher learning. Why not drop the stereotypes and talk about something that you all know for sure. Can you all contrast the education systems of Thailand and Japan and tell us about the differences? Tell us about the number of governmental changes in Japan as opposed to Thailand. Tell us about the institutionalized monopolies of Japan as different or the same as the ones in Thailand. Stop pitching the BS and concentrate on facts.

Then tell us what Thailand designs and builds like Kawasaki Heavy Industries etc!
I don't know how far back you want me to go but I'll start post WWII to explain why Japan out designs Thailand.

1. Legal monopolies to assist efficient production. 2. MacArthur provided constitution eliminating feudalism. 3. Billions of dollars of aid were provided by the United States. 4. The economy was significantly altered. Land reform undermined the power of the large landholders. 5. The vertical integration of the industrial zaibatsu was replaced by the horizontal coordination of the keiretsu, and family control was replaced by bureaucratic control responsible to broad communities of stockholders. 6. Government policies were created to promote scientifically based innovations in industrial technology.

Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II by John W. Dower

It comes down to a few things. Japan lost WWII and MacArthur re wrote society and industry. He changed Japan from a feudal society to an industrialized society. The took the power away from the rich land owners and gave it to the government/people by way of a new constitution.

Thailand could be the same as Japan but similar changes that happened to Japan would have to happen in Thailand for that to occur.

Japan was already way ahead of Thailand industrially pre WWII. Look at the armaments Japan produced, a fleet of state of the art aircraft carriers, the biggest battleships ever built, zero fighter planes. Did Thailand/Siam produce anything modern at all back then ?

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Then tell us what Thailand designs and builds like Kawasaki Heavy Industries et

I don't know how far back you want me to go but I'll start post WWII to explain why Japan out designs Thailand.

1. Legal monopolies to assist efficient production. 2. MacArthur provided constitution eliminating feudalism. 3. Billions of dollars of aid were provided by the United States. 4. The economy was significantly altered. Land reform undermined the power of the large landholders. 5. The vertical integration of the industrial zaibatsu was replaced by the horizontal coordination of the keiretsu, and family control was replaced by bureaucratic control responsible to broad communities of stockholders. 6. Government policies were created to promote scientifically based innovations in industrial technology.

Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II by John W. Dower

It comes down to a few things. Japan lost WWII and MacArthur re wrote society and industry. He changed Japan from a feudal society to an industrialized society. The took the power away from the rich land owners and gave it to the government/people by way of a new constitution.

Thailand could be the same as Japan but similar changes that happened to Japan would have to happen in Thailand for that to occur.

Japan was already way ahead of Thailand industrially pre WWII. Look at the armaments Japan produced, a fleet of state of the art aircraft carriers, the biggest battleships ever built, zero fighter planes. Did Thailand/Siam produce anything modern at all back then ?

That's why I asked how far, "I don't know how far back you want me to go but I'll start post WWII to explain why Japan out designs Thailand."

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Is Thailand a failure? Never been to Japan but from what my friends have told me I'd say it's the other way around. Unless you measure success by technological development rather than happiness.

Japan is the biggest disappointment I have experienced in all my travels. I was so excited to go to Tokyo,but had a horrible time. The people are racist and rude. Nothing is easy to find for transportation and food.

The work ethic there is insane and they are almost impossible to do business with. Japanese people are not happy overall. They actually have a term to describe working yourself to death. I am much happier to be here in Thailand working. I don't think I could stay in Japan long term.

japanese racist and rude? I thought the popular notion was that they are very polite.

We are in Sapporo right now, everyone is extremely friendly and helpful. Lots of smiles, everyone makes us feel welcome and they are trying their best without expecting anything. Just like Thailand used to be.......long ago...... This part of Japan really impressed me and we will come back for sure. Tokyo might be different, but how could it be different when it is such a mega city?

Right now we are considering to spent more time in Japan and leave Thailand to the Thais.

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Japan is the biggest disappointment I have experienced in all my travels. I was so excited to go to Tokyo,but had a horrible time. The people are racist and rude. Nothing is easy to find for transportation and food.

The work ethic there is insane and they are almost impossible to do business with. Japanese people are not happy overall. They actually have a term to describe working yourself to death. I am much happier to be here in Thailand working. I don't think I could stay in Japan long term.

japanese racist and rude? I thought the popular notion was that they are very polite.

We are in Sapporo right now, everyone is extremely friendly and helpful. Lots of smiles, everyone makes us feel welcome and they are trying their best without expecting anything. Just like Thailand used to be.......long ago...... This part of Japan really impressed me and we will come back for sure. Tokyo might be different, but how could it be different when it is such a mega city?

Right now we are considering to spent more time in Japan and leave Thailand to the Thais.

How much does your hotel cost?

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Is Thailand a failure? Never been to Japan but from what my friends have told me I'd say it's the other way around. Unless you measure success by technological development rather than happiness.

Japan is the biggest disappointment I have experienced in all my travels. I was so excited to go to Tokyo,but had a horrible time. The people are racist and rude. Nothing is easy to find for transportation and food.

The work ethic there is insane and they are almost impossible to do business with. Japanese people are not happy overall. They actually have a term to describe working yourself to death. I am much happier to be here in Thailand working. I don't think I could stay in Japan long term.

japanese racist and rude? I thought the popular notion was that they are very polite.

We are in Sapporo right now, everyone is extremely friendly and helpful. Lots of smiles, everyone makes us feel welcome and they are trying their best without expecting anything. Just like Thailand used to be.......long ago...... This part of Japan really impressed me and we will come back for sure. Tokyo might be different, but how could it be different when it is such a mega city?

Right now we are considering to spent more time in Japan and leave Thailand to the Thais.

and also go to the same cool club as the colleagues... oh sorry, "japanese only"...

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Is Thailand a failure? Never been to Japan but from what my friends have told me I'd say it's the other way around. Unless you measure success by technological development rather than happiness.

Japan is the biggest disappointment I have experienced in all my travels. I was so excited to go to Tokyo,but had a horrible time. The people are racist and rude. Nothing is easy to find for transportation and food.

The work ethic there is insane and they are almost impossible to do business with. Japanese people are not happy overall. They actually have a term to describe working yourself to death. I am much happier to be here in Thailand working. I don't think I could stay in Japan long term.

People were nice to me, but the problem is that it's far too easy even for a well-mannered European to offend the Japanese in a work environment.

The Japanese have a word to describe working oneself to death while we have "Snu Snu" 555

As I said above, I chose to not stay in Japan.

I had a very good job offer, full expat package with paid house in Den-En-Chofu and 2 paid travels home per year etc., but I couldn't get to terms with being just another drone in the hive.

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I guess the real question is why is Thailand a failure compared to so many other countries? Well, you can chose from any of the reasons below:

Define a failure? I do not agree Thailand is a failure, amazing country, amazing people. You have listed out some negative points that do not all reflect the masses. I personally think Thailand is waiting for online shopping more, I see more and more good online stores/businesses popping up now such as food panda, lazada, home pro online etc and over the next 5 years or so ecommerce in my view will be massive in Thailand.

Thailand is certainly not lazy or greedy.

Thailand is a country with an incredibly dynamic economy, which is currently 33rd in the world, with a GDP of between 330 and 400 billion dollars, depending on which international organizations figures you use. The average per capita income is now up to over $5,000 per year, which is pretty good for a third world nation. Total debt stands at about $152 billion U.S. Considering the size of the economy that is not a huge amount. Tourism only accounts for about 6% of its economy. Who in their right mind would refer to this as a failure? I do not see the Thais as a lazy people. I see a lot of Thai people that work very hard. I see a lot of successful businesses here. I see lot of prosperity. Are we living in the same country?

Tourism is at least 10% of the economy according to a number of sources. Up to 17% if indirect sources are included.

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Our hotel is only 4000B a night, 4 **** directly at the Sapporo station. Seems quite new. I think this is ok, not totally overpriced compared to BKK. There were other options in 'ok' hotels for 1700-2000Baht, but I'm having holidays :) Going to have a good dinner with wine/beer ususlly ends up at 1500-2000Baht, we don't spent less at restaurants in Bangkok. Cheaper and good options are availabele, food prices seem reasonable. Maybe there is Japanese racism too (sadly its everywhere) but then it is much better hidden than the Thai one these days and thats a real relief. Working in Japan might be totally different and could be unpleasant sometimes due to the extremly strict rules in this society, maybe a real downside. A Japanese guy asked us why we choose Japan. He couldn't understand why someone from Europe might be interested in a place where they cannot take long holidays and have to work like robots. He then said: Germany must be the same, he couldn't believe when I said: compared to the Japanese we are lazy and rude. 14days vacation are offensive he said :) We used to take 4 weeks off in Germany lol. The amount of respect the Japanese show for each other is great, it might be partly fake because it is ingrained into them since birth but still it's nice. I really like it, but I have to admit that some might just find it boring here. Maybe I'm just fed off from smog, rudeness and chaos in BKK.

Used my Iphone, might have even more error than usual lol :)

Edited by I knew this would happen
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Is Thailand a failure? Never been to Japan but from what my friends have told me I'd say it's the other way around. Unless you measure success by technological development rather than happiness.

Japan is the biggest disappointment I have experienced in all my travels. I was so excited to go to Tokyo,but had a horrible time. The people are racist and rude. Nothing is easy to find for transportation and food.

The work ethic there is insane and they are almost impossible to do business with. Japanese people are not happy overall. They actually have a term to describe working yourself to death. I am much happier to be here in Thailand working. I don't think I could stay in Japan long term.

japanese racist and rude? I thought the popular notion was that they are very polite.

Many on this forum think the Thais politeness is fake. In my opinion the Japanese politeness is the most fake display I have ever seen. I never felt welcome there.

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It's an interesting comparison actually they both suffer from far too much nationalism and insular thinking.

Japan is so far ahead of Thailand culturally it is insane but I never really fell in love with Tokyo like I thought I would, will have to try it again on a holiday in the future.

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Can't believe I read through 4 pages of replies that doesnt get the real picture.

Every ethnicity is smart and capable enough to get things going. There just has to be a reason for it.

Japan's reason was seeing Western powers conquering lands and even in their East Asian doorstep. So that's why the Japanese Imperial army started the Meiji Restoration and killed off old traditions and the Samurai.

This also led to them sending off people to study abroad and bring back western knowledge so then they could be powerful as them and not get conquered like their asian neighbors.

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whistling.gif Both Japan and Germany were devastated by WWII.

Their industry was smashed.

It had to be rebuilt after the war.

That is why both Germany and Japan got new start after WWII.

Ironically, that gave them a newer more modern base to restart from than Thailand, or for that matter the U.K.

Thailand never had that "advantage", that Japan or Germany had.

If you follow that, consider what Vietnam will be like in another decade or so.

The USA never bombed North Vietnam in the same way they bombed Japan and Germany. If they had the war would have been over in two weeks. The primary thing the US bombing did in the Vietnam war was kill trees and dirt.

If you made a conscious effort, you could not possibly be more incorrect. You really need to go back and study your history. It is estimated the US was responsible for more than 2 million deaths in Vietnam and Laos. 2 million! And you speak of bombing dirt? The death and destruction in Hanoi alone was unspeakable. That war was a completely unnecessary atrocity. And I speak as an American. One who is quite ashamed of that chapter of American history. Granted WWII was a different level. And a far more righteous war. But, that does not excuse what happened in Vietnam.

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