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im a farang living in thailand, most thais are below me


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I generally have 1000 baht in my wallet everyday i can spend on shit i dont need. Does that make me above 90% of thai people?

Absolutely not. There are hundreds of thousands of Thais that have millions in the bank, several homes, hundreds of rai of land, exotic cars, etc. This is a relatively rich country, by third world standards. You do not know what a Thai person you are dealing with is worth. Sure, the typical street vendor is probably relatively modest, with regard to net worth. But even so. I know a woman who sells fruit shakes. She just bought a new truck, and paid all cash. I do not know too many people in the US who pay $30,000 cash for a new vehicle. She brokers real estate deals as a hobby, and pulls down commissions of up to 5 million baht. Never assume anything.

No she doesnt I know a lot of people in real estate, though money is good yours is ludicrous, commission is generally 3%

Correct. it was a commission on a 5 million dollar deal. 150 million baht. thank you very much.

Oh yeah sure she does this every year eh...part time and all the time selling drinks...........hmmmmmmmmm

A one off if shes lucky.

If it makes you feel good to think that all Thais are poor, and struggle, go right ahead. But, try to be conscious of the fact that you are denying reality.

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Yes. Most Thais are beneath me. I am 6' 1 1/2". I have an IQ of 162. Haven't needed to work for the last 7 years, monetarily. And my gf is beneath me in bed on a regular basis. I've lived a life most would envy.


............Guess with an IQ like that and a daft post taboot, fink I am truly glad I am who I am..coffee1.gif

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No. Plenty of the Thais round here have more money than I do.

Yeah when I drop my daughter off at school I've got the crappiest car in the car park. Plus when I worked in hospitality quite a number of the folks I came into contact with were absolutely minted. The thing I liked was the really monied ones were the most sociable and easy to talk to. It was the "semi rich" who were the arrogant tossers.

Edited by mca
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