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The world must say no to extremism


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sadly their is going to be ah ute backlash against all muslims and since most muslims seem to have some sympathy with the vile IS or is it ISIS lot they are bringing it down on themselves. Most people now loathe all muslims or at least the majority do IMO. In effect this is a war and in a war you must take one side or the other. This is probably what IS want and in end they will get it and all non violent muslims will suffer for it. Time IMO to stop messing about any known Muslims who preach this sort of stuff should be at very least imprisoned. It should be a criminal offence for anyone including Muslims to not inform police if they have any knowledge of extremists even within their own family and if proved they also should be imprisoned. In a WAR which were n one needs to fight for your ice and other side have made it clear given chance they would behead us all.

IF politicians dont start soon then extreme right will gain power and it will lead to a veery nasty internal war.

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Extremism has occurred in all religions to include Christianity and by Buddhists (monks) in other countries. The Christians and Buddhists were chastised at the time.

Since Islam is now causing havoc it is their turn on the chopping block. Fair enough. coffee1.gif

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I'm proud of my own culture and country, but not these scumbags and uneducated morons. The failed EDL and thuggish football hooligans do not represent me. They are not what England means to me. I hold them with the same contempt as Choudary and the all other extremists trying to turn a once great nation into cesspit of hatred and violence.

All of them : a bunch of extreme idiots.

Its ok I get it you don't like islamasists, and thats ok fella. But at the same time you talk in exact same way as they do. To me its 2 sides of the same coin.

I don't like Islam, I don't like the uneducated scum like the failed EDL and their right-wing boot boys.

They won't win - They're destined to fail.

Yes. Your razor sharp insight has me down pat. 555!

Though admittedly I do like to chant "E-E-EDL!" at my libtard work colleagues. :)

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On a slightly lighter note from eBaum's World- "#1: Pakistan. As well as having the most porn searches per capita, Pakistan also leads in porn searches for snakes, donkeys, pigs, dogs, and cats."

I thought dogs were off limits to Islam. :blink:

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What is even more staggering to me is the ease in which you revealed I have no clothes. Going directly to the source of my posts, you revealed me for what I am- totally lacking credibility and just stirring the pot. Thank you for your admonishment. I should endeavor from this point on to remain more focused, more grounded in reality, more like you.

I hope this is sarcasm. You really need to stop paying attention to other members who have destroyed any credibility they might have had before actually posting anything. tongue.png

sarcasm replying to sarcasm.... interesting

But I agree about "trying" to not pay attention to those that only cheer or recruit for JDL etc.

Yet it is not easy to stop paying attention when those that plaster the forum with posts have post counts on their way to 6 digits

They are like wet dripping paint they go everywhere & into everything even when they have nothing to add yet seek to cover all opinions not

in agreement with their own

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What is even more staggering to me is the ease in which you revealed I have no clothes. Going directly to the source of my posts, you revealed me for what I am- totally lacking credibility and just stirring the pot. Thank you for your admonishment. I should endeavor from this point on to remain more focused, more grounded in reality, more like you.

I hope this is sarcasm. You really need to stop paying attention to other members who have destroyed any credibility they might have had before actually posting anything. tongue.png

My effort not to accommodate fools led me to try something silly and sarcastic. I did preface it with a caveat: something like "if what you say is true then..."

What he said is not true. Besides, I was tired and my sleep Rx kicked in. Thanks.

When the world is in flames and countless raped, beheaded, slaughtered, refugees, cities savaged, daughters raped, sons raped, children forced to live to provide blood for fighters, fathers bound while wives raped, pastors murdered, citizens slaughtered, yellow cake missing, sarin gas missing, heavy water missing, ebola being arguably weaponized in jihadis, nations falling to barbarism, billions plundered by nomads, daily executions, and western leaders blinding their citizens to the threat... I am sensational. How one can understate the horror of the current world to call my warning "sensational" defines them as intellectually barren, vacant. (This is what I think)

Yes, sarcasm.

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I'm proud of my own culture and country, but not these scumbags and uneducated morons. The failed EDL and thuggish football hooligans do not represent me. They are not what England means to me. I hold them with the same contempt as Choudary and the all other extremists trying to turn a once great nation into cesspit of hatred and violence.

All of them : a bunch of extreme idiots.

Its ok I get it you don't like islamasists, and thats ok fella. But at the same time you talk in exact same way as they do. To me its 2 sides of the same coin.

I don't like Islam, I don't like the uneducated scum like the failed EDL and their right-wing boot boys.

They won't win - They're destined to fail.

Yes. Your razor sharp insight has me down pat. 555!

Though admittedly I do like to chant "E-E-EDL!" at my libtard work colleagues. smile.png

Are your work colleagues Thai?

If so I wonder what they make of it ..

Eee Dee Ell - translation anyone?


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On a slightly lighter note from eBaum's World- "#1: Pakistan. As well as having the most porn searches per capita, Pakistan also leads in porn searches for snakes, donkeys, pigs, dogs, and cats."

I thought dogs were off limits to Islam. blink.png

Goats are highly sought after too.. but no need for pron with a steady supply of "willing" partners..


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Eee Dee Ell - translation anyone?


England Defence League

Just watched a documentary on it last nite - Angry, White and Proud

5555 I know what is in English. roughly translates to a failed bunch of ex-football hooligans .. i was wondering if there was a Thai phrase that sounds like Eee Deee Ell.

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If the intention of, say, drone attacks was to specifically target civilians - casualty figures would be way higher. The terrorists, on the other hand, specifically target civilians.

Agreed that on the receiving end, whether civilian or military, these things rarely matter that much or provide any consolation. On the same note, do many hurt by terrorist attacks accept the righteous justifications of their attackers?

Ah I see....so there is a number you have in mind then eh?

Probably doesn't hurt your opinion that the US Defense Dept. refuses to report civilian deaths caused by drones too

So when someone like Kissinger says...

Drones have killed more civilians than the bombing of Cambodia in the Vietnam War

You say well...........yeah thats nothing.........you should see how many we could kill if we

really put our backs into it. Your probably right but hey they are civilians right?

Plenty of good sites like living under the drones, Human Rights Watch NY, Amnesty in London etc etc...

Lots of data to go look at if you like & see if "well we could kill more if intentional" still sounds good to you

On your note of "do many hurt by terrorist attacks accept the righteous justifications of their attackers?"

Who the *#*@ cares? It is just more callous side stepping....enough....dead is dead

None here are saying one sides killing is more righteous than the other.

Only the side steppers who like to distract

No, I do not have a number in mind. But then again, I'm not the one sensationalizing things while accusing others of doing so. My point was, simply, that had the intent was to kill civilians, the death toll would be way higher, and things would not even be swept under the rug, as they are today (we do not differ on this, at least).

When Kissinger says what he said, I say - check your own link before posting. The conclusion presented is that Kissinger is wrong, or as the last line goes:

We rate his claim False.

Despite the attempt to imply otherwise, I am actually familiar with the websites and organizations cited. It was with this knowledge that my posts are made. The claim is not that killing civilians is alright, or that numbers of casualties are negligible. Rather, it simply acknowledges that given the relevant capabilities, intentional targeting of civilians would have resulted in many more civilians losing their lives. This is not a pat on the back, but stating of a fact. Nothing to do with what "sounds good" to me or not.

When posters turn to rudeness, this is usually not a great sign that their position is a strong one.

Most of the discussions are related to the aftermath of the Paris attacks. May I suggest that placing the onus of debate on the civilian casualties caused by the West's actions might in itself be called "side-stepping"? Or that focusing on civilians casualties by the West while discounting civilians casualties caused by actions of the organizations the Paris attackers were affiliated with (and others) is even more "side-stepping"?

"do many hurt by terrorist attacks accept the righteous justifications of their attackers?"

Who the *#*@ cares? It is just more callous side stepping

Yeah....can almost see how callous would be attributed to my quote, rather than to this pearl. Well done.

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May I suggest that placing the onus of debate on the civilian casualties caused by the West's actions might in itself be called "side-stepping"? Or that focusing on civilians casualties by the West while discounting civilians casualties caused by actions of the organizations the Paris attackers were affiliated with (and others) is even more "side-stepping"?

Of course you may suggest anything you like...such is the freedom of speech & the anonymity of the Internet

But I do not think if one looks back at why I ever brought it up was any

attempt to sidestep anything.

That afterwards silly things are posted & I then reply to it yes...my mistake as

in reality they were not worth a reply but again not my detour but response.

Anyway glad to hear your aware of the organizations I mentioned...means you are also

aware of some numbers. As to Kissinger's claim yes that site rated it false

Does not make it false anymore than makes his statement true....as that would depend on

that sites credibility... It was one link... along with

2 or 3 organizations mentioned who do keep count which again you said you are aware of.

So as to not be confused as any further sidesteps I will leave it at that.

Info is there for those who would like to look.

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Yet it is not easy to stop paying attention when those that plaster the forum with posts have post counts on their way to 6 digits

He knows he's lost it. He's shooting the messenger. The sign of resignation.

555 that is pretty rich coming from the cowboy who's favorite response is..."Oh your just a tin foil hatter"

Or ..."you just hate the USA"

Keep your powder dry cowboy

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I wonder what it will take to get these guys to buy into the World must say no to extremism party ?

Hundreds of protesters clashed with police in Pakistan as a demonstration against satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo turned violent.

At least one person was injured as security forces used water cannons and tear gas on the protesters, who in turn fired shots and threw stones at officers.


A picture paints a 1000 words as they say.

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I don't like Islam, I don't like the uneducated scum like the failed EDL and their right-wing boot boys.

They won't win - They're destined to fail.

You say you dont like Islam but reserve the majority of your posts attacking those who oppose it.

But it's not the 'right-wing boot boys' who are murdering innocent people in terrorist attacks is it?

The EDL was formed by mainly working class people as an understandable reaction to the disgraceful Muslim protests against soldiers returning home at Wooten Bassett. AFAIK, they've mostly disbanded, so your target appears even more strange.

Islam is the danger here, not the right, whether it's UKIP, Pergida or Le Pen's National Front.

Numerous and continued Islamic attacks still leaves some with their heads in the sand.

Are your work colleagues Thai?

If so I wonder what they make of it ..

Eee Dee Ell - translation anyone?


Yeah, like I'm going to chant that at Thais?

Not quite razor sharp, more like a plastic fork, eh?

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I don't like Islam, I don't like the uneducated scum like the failed EDL and their right-wing boot boys.

They won't win - They're destined to fail.

You say you dont like Islam but reserve the majority of your posts attacking those who oppose it.

But it's not the 'right-wing boot boys' who are murdering innocent people in terrorist attacks is it?

The EDL was formed by mainly working class people as an understandable reaction to the disgraceful Muslim protests against soldiers returning home at Wooten Bassett. AFAIK, they've mostly disbanded, so your target appears even more strange.

Islam is the danger here, not the right, whether it's UKIP, Pergida or Le Pen's National Front.

Numerous and continued Islamic attacks still leaves some with their heads in the sand.

Are your work colleagues Thai?

If so I wonder what they make of it ..

Eee Dee Ell - translation anyone?


Yeah, like I'm going to chant that at Thais?

Not quite razor sharp, more like a plastic fork, eh?

The right is a threat to freedom and democracy that is roughly equal to that of the terrorists but its danger is of a different nature, and it comes at us from a different direction.

The terrorist is typically abroad but some are home grown and either is dangerous and in need of being stopped decisively and completely with infinite justice.

The rightist is the guy at the desk next to us at work and in the house down the street in the neighborhood, neither of whom respect constitutional principles, order, rule of law. It's always been true the extreme and intemperate right emerges from crises in industrial society, not the left, which rose most prominently from peasant societies in 1917 Russia and 1949 China.

The right rose most prominently from 1920 - 1945....remember?

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