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FBI 'foils plot to attack US Capitol'


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Donnie Brasco

More gibberish.

Opponent?? blink.png

You give yourself too much credit.

You must be real fun at parties. laugh.png

Another putz who just likes to hear himself talk.

cheesy.gif cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

IReason uses the dismissive approach. This is a tactic common to posters who have NOTHING to contribute to a discussion and are more than willing to admit it. Actually, they are PROUD to admit it.

By his own implication "fun at parties" (wherever he may find them) and averse to informed discussion, people like this are reduced to begging on forums like this. They Hoover around the site like catfish looking for a bit of action.

Then there's this jejune penchant for emoticons and his infantile name-calling.

I suggest that his type of jibber-jabber might be more suited to "Line" or a Tapatalk exchange.

In these formats (popular with the ESL set and the illiterate as well as those with a penchant for ad hominem slights and others whose tweets and blurt-limits confine them to 140 characters) people like the ironically named iReason are able to cleanse the remote corners of their minds of anything resembling original thought.


And then, there's your penchant for speaking in the third person. blink.png

Do you have an imaginary friend?

Or, just looking for acceptance from some sort of audience?


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Wow. Interesting stuff here. This lunatic loser plots to do harm and the FBI is the bad guy for picking him up. I think we need to treat any threat seriously given this lone wolf nonsense in US recently and the escalation of activity over seas.

Can you imagine if we did nothing and someone's child, father, mother or etc. was killed because we just wrote this loser with a funny beard off as being a lunatic.

Just boggles my mind that some have such a warped perception that they bash FBI or LE for picking up this piece of low life trash and some of you actually feel sorry for the low life trash.

Honestly, worlds just cannot describe the disconnect I am reading here. How do people get this way. Reading too much Internet lore or just becoming totally anti establishment at all costs due to baggage in one's life.

I am glad to see LE in all countries taking national security and public protection matters more seriously now,

Lol, if this little loser was making threats like that in Russia, him and his family would be gone and not to be seen for a very long time, if every.

Edited by F430murci
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About time they banned firearms in America...outa control.

Why don't you be the first brave dude who tries to take them? Your mouth won't help you.

And please, please start at my house. thumbsup.gif

Potential attacks including terrorism is one reason why we have them. That's something the puzzy Europeans are going to have to learn the hard way, and I'll live to see it. Toothless bigmouths are helpless against terrorists.

big redneck with lotsa guns alert...

Lol, key board warrior.

What is a red neck? Does he have a red neck due to a blood pressure condition? Does one have to wear cowboy boots, a ten gallon hat, drive a truck and dip to be a red neck . . . or is red neck a term of endearment for a great guy that likes country music . . . or are you just using red neck as a derogatory, racially motivated term to demean someone with whom don't agree to somehow make you feel superior to or better than.

Are there red necks in New York or California? Are red necks always white? Where does one cross the line from being a good ole boy to a red neck?

I drive Italian cars, wear Italian clothes and never owned a pair of cowboy boots. Am I a red neck by virtue of being white, American and living in the country music capital of the world?

Edited by F430murci
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I agree that many of these want-to-be terrorists are often entrapped, but if they are willing to push the trigger on - what they think is - a bomb that will kill innocent people, screw them.

When "entrapment" entails the FBI's outright manipulation of some broke basement dwelling kid, its entrapment. In ALL these cases (and then some) the FBI has inserted a "handler". This "handler" befriends this dumb kid and the FBI does all it can to misguide him.

The kid likely fit some profile because he'd converted to Islam.

Like so many twenty-year-olds he was broke.

He was obviously looking for some kind of identity by committing a thought crime.

It was easy for a team of FBI agents to lure and entrap a poor soul like this.

Good old-fashioned police work, actual detecting of crime, has given way to this kind of gaming of the system.

According to the latest SPIN on these travesties, gaming police work to nail thought criminals is OK now.

Once arrested these poor doofuses are at the mercy of ambitious DA's, local judges and a media system HUNGRY for conspiracies involving Islamic people.

They are lynched.

Their lives are ruined.

This is the stuff of show trials and purges.

This is what East Germany's Stasi used to do.

This is witch-hunting.

Let's start thinking about this, shall we ???

We used to have constitutional protection and rights.

If some two-bit FBI pequerwould can lure a dumb kid into this kind of maze, that protection is .gone

What have we become ?

WHAT have we BECOME ?

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Where did he get the money ?

This kid hadn't the wherewithal to even get himself out of the house.

And what you "quote" is just more alleged behaviour.

Are you so invested in the Amerikan terror state that you can't see what's wrong with this picture ?

Let's see. Given my brother is an agent, I work in the Court system and I am very clued into what happens in Court system and in FBI investigations after handling many Federal cases . . . I think I believe more in the integrity of booth the FBI and the Court system than a bunch of looney tune internet dudes with chips on their shoulders spouting off conspiracies without being armed with any facts or evidence in the Court case.

Where did dumb butt get money for games. He could have been selling dope on the side. He could have stolen it from his parents.

You are pretty judgmental for someone that does not have a clue or know any facts.

Edited by F430murci
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Let's see. Given my brother is an agent, I work in the Court system and I am very clued into what happens in Court system and in FBI investigations after handling many Federal cases . . .

You are pretty judgmental for someone that does not have a clue or know any facts.

You must fit in well in LOS with all the others who claim similar relations,jobs,talents,secret powers 555 wink.png

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Where did he get the money ?

This kid hadn't the wherewithal to even get himself out of the house.

And what you "quote" is just more alleged behaviour.

Are you so invested in the Amerikan terror state that you can't see what's wrong with this picture ?

Let's see. Given my brother is an agent, I work in the Court system and I am very clued into what happens in Court system and in FBI investigations after handling many Federal cases . . . I think I believe more in the integrity of booth the FBI and the Court system than a bunch of looney tune internet dudes with chips on their shoulders spouting off conspiracies without being armed with any facts or evidence in the Court case.

Where did dumb butt get money for games. He could have been selling dope on the side. He could have stolen it from his parents.

You are pretty judgmental for someone that does not have a clue or know any facts.

He could have got it from selling drugs or stolen it, then again one of his 'new friends' from the FBI might have given him the money for some other 'busy work' he did for them.

Like you say yourself the facts aren't known.

The source of the money would probably be part of the defence in a trial but I have a feeling that this won't ever go to trial.

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Let's see. Given my brother is an agent, I work in the Court system and I am very clued into what happens in Court system and in FBI investigations after handling many Federal cases . . .

You are pretty judgmental for someone that does not have a clue or know any facts.

You must fit in well in LOS with all the others who claim similar relations,jobs,talents,secret powers 555 wink.png

Lol, not in LOS and still going strong in US. Don't people come up with better or have more lofty aspirations than lawyer or brother a member of LE to try and impress people?

These are facts . . . Dude grew beard, converted and made threats. Dude tried to buy guns and ammo in apparent effort to carry out some bad intentions based upon his statements to others. There is no evidence that he was forced against his will by anyone to try and purchase guns and ammo.

Seems to be a disconnect by some lay people about what constitutes a fact, whether disputed or undisputed, and what constitutes an allegation in real world terms. Magistrate would not bind over based onere allegations such as we believe he made threats or we believe he attempted to or purchase weapons without some corroborating factual evidence.

Almost all criminal criminals in jail proclaim their innocence. Parents of younger suspects are generally in denial and initially do not want to admit that their children were capable of heinous actd or undertook such heinous acts right under their noses for both legal and innate personal reasons.

FBI agents are vetted at a very high level and go through a long interview process involving thorough background checks. They have more than enough work to do without having to create bogus investigations.

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Where did he get the money ?

This kid hadn't the wherewithal to even get himself out of the house.

And what you "quote" is just more alleged behaviour.

Are you so invested in the Amerikan terror state that you can't see what's wrong with this picture ?

Let's see. Given my brother is an agent, I work in the Court system and I am very clued into what happens in Court system and in FBI investigations after handling many Federal cases . . . I think I believe more in the integrity of booth the FBI and the Court system than a bunch of looney tune internet dudes with chips on their shoulders spouting off conspiracies without being armed with any facts or evidence in the Court case.

Where did dumb butt get money for games. He could have been selling dope on the side. He could have stolen it from his parents.

You are pretty judgmental for someone that does not have a clue or know any facts.

He could have got it from selling drugs or stolen it, then again one of his 'new friends' from the FBI might have given him the money for some other 'busy work' he did for them.

Like you say yourself the facts aren't known.

The source of the money would probably be part of the defence in a trial but I have a feeling that this won't ever go to trial.

The source of the money is irrelevant for purposes of the elements of the crime. He had intent, mens rea and undertook an overt action. The source of the funds could also be a third party under investigation requiring confidentiality.

Again, as I stated above, we only have the father proclaiming the kid did not have enough money and was set up. Of course a father would be in denial that his son was capable of such actions. How many times do we initially hear from family and close friends that right after an offense some like "no way he could do that" or "he was such a nice boy?"

Do you think the father would just come out and say "yeah, we suspected he converted and was plotting to commit a terrorist act while living under our roof."

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The source of the money is irrelevant for purposes of the elements of the crime. He had intent, mens rea and undertook an overt action. The source of the funds could also be a third party under investigation requiring confidentiality.

For some reason the entrapment case that sticks in my memory most is Delorean.

He was found not guilty by entrapment by the FBI who bankrolled him 1.8 million to do a cocaine deal

in exchange for 24 million of the profits.


So in that case the source of the money did matter as it came from the FBI

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