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today i went to have my[wifes] TRD.SPORTIVO serviced 50k. as we have only done 2,800 in 28months there wasnt a lot to do.then we were told the air filter needed to be replaced [1600bht].

then when the car was returned to us we were told the tyre wall on the back passenger side was cracked and needed replacing.as the crack was on the inside we couldnt see it.

so now it was off to the nearest tyre place,50yds to cockpit.

told the receptionist tyre wall cracked new tyre please.

dunlop 185/60 r15 2,700bht.

ok put one on,as the one coming off had only done 2,800klms.i will see if it can be fixed put it in the boot please[sad.png ]

well what kind of mechanic toyota has working for them god only knows.

the wall was not cracked,but a flipping screw in the tread.

so i ask you guys shouldnt they[toyota] have put the spare on and told us to get the tuther repaired or put in a tube.

apart from that he left a vibration pad on the back seat.

and they couldnt even wash the car properly.

so marks out of ten for TOYOTA SERVICE 0


You don't put tubes in tubeless tyres......

You don't need air filter after 2800km..............

so can a screw hole be repaired?

the filter i am told was cleaned not changed 1600BHT?w00t.gif


Bloody expensive blo job,they blow the filter for free at many car washes.Its a Vigo service wise so i recon You bin Done.What was the Total Bill.?.Funny post this.!coffee1.gif


I guess we are once again supposed to guess which Toyota service center the OP is talking about, but let's not; easier to just tar and feather all Toyota service departments for this particular one's lousy service w00t.gif

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You don't put tubes in tubeless tyres......

You don't need air filter after 2800km..............

so can a screw hole be repaired?

the filter i am told was cleaned not changed 1600BHT?w00t.gif

A screw hole in the tread area can be repaired (plugged), anywhere in the sidewall, no.

Air filter, take it out and use an air line blowing from the inside of the filter outwards (back flush).

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Bloody expensive blo job,they blow the filter for free at many car washes.Its a Vigo service wise so i recon You bin Done.What was the Total Bill.?.Funny post this.!coffee1.gif

the service was suposed to be the last as labour was free.

we had only done 500klms.since the last check up and oil change so this time only a check up but the cleaning of the filter was 1600bht.that was all we had to pay for.as for the screw in the tyre it goes in at an angle on the last row of tread 10mls.from the wall.


Are you sure the filter was 1600 baht. We paid that last time but it included the oil which was 1000 baht. 1600 for a filter is a lot.


Are you sure the filter was 1600 baht. We paid that last time but it included the oil which was 1000 baht. 1600 for a filter is a lot.

AIR filter.......


You have been ripped of mate.

Find a good local mechanic and use him, forget the dealerships.


You have been ripped of mate.

Find a good local mechanic and use him, forget the dealerships.

yes thats the last time we will go to toyota,anyway the warrenty has run out.

the main dealer where we bought the car wanted to clean the air con.filter at 12months, guess how much 2,000bht.

so we changed to this one who also seems to have caught the farang virus.

we only use the car for a monthly trip to makro and 5trips a yr.to immigration.

oh well that will teach me to read the car manual,in there it says the filter should be cleaned at 30k.

i have read some good reports about BEQUICK SERVICING.

you would think after 30yrs.experiance i should know not to trust ANYONE IN LOS.wai.gif


Some dealerships see farang see money.

We had similar problem with an izusu dealer, pickup bought from them. Front wheel bearings need changed, they said wife says change them ok. After she came home and told me i said WHAT!! no way did they need changing.

Wife said old bearings on the pickup, i looked they are to small for pickup. I took the bearings to a friend a local garage he checked them, measured them , these are from a small car. So i went myself to isuzu dealer , asked why did you trick my wife.

Manager and senior mechanic said bearings were defective so they were changed , your wife said ok change them. Why are these bearings from a small car oh sorry we make mistake, then they bring more old bearings, these are from your pickup, but you do not sell/service cars i said, no answer, maybe your wife make mistake <deleted>, you are cheating people. Never again will we go to that garage.

clean the air con.filter at 12months, guess how much 2,000bht.

If it is where I think it is, the whole dash needs to come apart.

2000 baht - $65.00

In the West that would be at least $300.00 - 9000 baht

As the old saying goes - 'Trust in God, but keep your powder dry'

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If you dont follow Toyota's instructions re Service Records dont Blame Toyo. I take friends vehicles to them because i speak Thai,but it only helps if they have cocked up the record book, and i have to waffle some excuse and what they want doing.. As for dissing Toyota and Thai people i cant see why, i recon its the O.Ps s sloppy attitude towards a rather expensive purchase hasn't helped.

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If you dont follow Toyota's instructions re Service Records dont Blame Toyo. I take friends vehicles to them because i speak Thai,but it only helps if they have cocked up the record book, and i have to waffle some excuse and what they want doing.. As for dissing Toyota and Thai people i cant see why, i recon its the O.Ps s sloppy attitude towards a rather expensive purchase hasn't helped.

could you please explain your stupid answer.

what sloppy attitude?

what expensive purchase?

what is dissing toyota and thai people?


Read yor own post. can't trust Thais.Sportivo ain't cheap are they Nothing wrong in my post exept the truth hurts

Ace, you speak Thai, the question remains, do Thais speak Ace? ;)

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Read yor own post. can't trust Thais.Sportivo ain't cheap are they Nothing wrong in my post exept the truth hurts




signed stupid,sloppy taff with attitude.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


When I read TRD Sprotivo I naturally thought Fortuner at 1.5 mil since I have one of those. Looks like we may actually be talking about a Vios at one third the price. If that is the case, the original post makes more sense to me but I still have to say I have had nothing but great service from Toyota.

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Why , is defending Toyota a bit hard for You.cheesy.gif

sorry i offended you,wai.gif i forgot ripping off farangs and everyone else is part of the thai culture.thumbsup.gif


When I read TRD Sprotivo I naturally thought Fortuner at 1.5 mil since I have one of those. Looks like we may actually be talking about a Vios at one third the price. If that is the case, the original post makes more sense to me but I still have to say I have had nothing but great service from Toyota.

we have had good service at this garage the past 18months,till this last visit.

they have just phoned and asked us to go in on monday so that they can fit what they left on the back seat,originally the bloke who booked and done the invoicing told us to fit it back ourselves.

but it seems a call to customer services has worked but they couldnt explain why the hand book says clean the filter at 30k.

not at 2,800klms,when the wife said she was not happy about the service.

yes i should have said it was their vios range,[only one then2012] but now nearly all their models come with the sportivo package.


The normal garages from Toyota, Honda are usually not good and completely overpriced. You need something done, go to a local garage, they usually do a much better job at a much lower price.

I only go to Toyota for the paid services. Once they are done if I need something replaced, I go to a local car mechanic shop.

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