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Why do we keep coming back, and back, and back.....?


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The reason why so many people (not all) stay , is because they havn't been anywhere else.

They get to Thailand, and its so different from where they come from, and so liberal, in many ways, they think its paradise. But they havn't seen the other paradise in other places, so they don't know any better.

Thailand is a great country, But after spending over 9 years there, it is, sadly, not the place it used to be. Probably the most important thing is expense. Thailand is no longer considered cheap, like it used to be. In fact its expensive if your not careful.

The people seem to have lost a lot of their charm, (and I know people will winge and say "well where I live in this little village in Issan, everyone is so nice",) it's not what it used to be. and they are money driven, ......... your money.

So my advice would be, go to Thailand its a wonderful country, there are still a lot of nice people, in certain areas. But before you make a final choice, do go and visit the other Asian, countries, like Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia. Then make an informed choice.

In a way I have to agree with this. I always ask people that have been in Thailand for years, "have you been to Cambodia?".

Most of them answer either, "No", or, "Well yeah- on a Visa run to the border"

Add Vietnam, Laos, Burma, PI and Malaysia,


Thailand is the most convenient place for most of these people- although that's actually not true anymore, that is the perception.

Years ago Thailand was easier than say Cambodia. but no more. I would have to say Cambodia is easier, Visa wise, and all around.


think twice about asking "have you been to cambodia?"

the country sucks. finally went there to check out sihanoukville after everyone kept talking about it.

it sucks.

phenom pehn is a dump. people take dumps on the street and you eat with rats scurrying around your feet.

soem reap is tolerable, but after visiting angkor wat got bored pretty quickly.

again a dump of a country, immigration wants bribes leaving at the main airport (did not insust if you refuse though)

"have you been to?" Kind of suggests (for long enough to make a good appraisal)

I felt the same way you do the first time I went to Cambodia. I absolutely hated it. But after I started to make friends with some local Cambodians and they took me out to their Village and then their houses south of Phnom Penh, I saw a completely different picture. A few years latter (and ten trips there) and I ended up renting a house for 10 years. It was the best ten years of my life!

If you end up renting a house on a tree lined street in Phnom Penh and you have a maid, gardener, and even a chef for the weekends- it's a long way from rats crawling at your feet.

I would be interested to know were the immigration cops wanted a bribe-I have been through both International airports- possibly more than 50 times now and never once was asked for money.


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Vietnam is the place I can't stop going back to! As much as I enjoy living in Thailand, Vietnam is the place that fascinates me the most!

. Why Vietnam, I haven't been ???

Been going to Vietnam since 2004...will be going back in Feb for 3 months. People (foreigners) I talk to either love it there or hate it...I am one who loves it. I just find the country, people, culture, etc. much more interesting. And personally I find most Vietnamese much friendlier than most Thais. After more than 3 years living in Chiang Mai, I'm making plans to move to Vietnam either later this year or next year if I can work out getting visas and some other things. I think it's all a matter of personal preference so I can only suggest that if you haven't been there, go check it out and form your own opinions.

I suggest you stay for 6 months or more before you make you final decision.

I lived in Vietnam for a little over 1 year. I lived in HCMC it was ok but I didn't find it that great. This was in 2003/2004 time frame. What I really didn't care for was the control of the govt.

Don't know how many times I was watching HBO and then the screen goes blank for the next 2hrs because the govt didn't want you watching that movie. Beer, food was cheap but I found hotels to be more expensive than Thailand or Cambodia. A good friend of mine that is in the military came to visit me and he was positive he was being followed the complete time he was there. Not sure if that was true but I would believe it. Vietnam is still very much a communist country. Government is not easy to deal with.

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These are great posts, thanks. OK, I didn't read past the first page......anyhow, vietnam was fine. I am an American, and I thought the people were very nice. Food was great, and energy in Saigon was really good. There are tons of motorbikes, tons of people who might bother you a little bit, but i do think it's a must visit.

live there? i personally like the Thai language better, so that is the kicker for me. vietnam is more like a business, while thailand is more like a tourist trap at times.....but you can find how to avoid paying thousands of baht more by simply walking around.

it goes something like this, and i don't mean to offend anyone... "The Cambodians plant the seeds, the Laotions (?) crop the field, and the Vietnamese sell the rice". you get the idea. the vietnamese are great salespersons....

in my gut feeling, i like studying thai. i know it does me zero good in America, and i don't care....expands the mind. i listen to other SE Asian languages, and have no interest.

thialand is not cheap anymore, and i am only comparing from 2009 i think. in America, we have so many sales...tons of bulk food for $1, goodwill stores if you want clothes for $2, and now cheap gas. i even found a 2500 dollar bike (pedal bike, carbon) for 500.....good luck finding that in Thailand. but Thailand certainly has cheaper accommodation, and that is really important.

Edited by puukao
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Mandalay my friends,Mandalay...... I have never been to a place that managed to reset my appreciated for living in Chiang Mai as much as a mere two-day stay in Mandalay!

The process of knowing something through its opposite.

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"my gf stole my bike and burned my passport, should i marry her?"

By all means have a large traditional Thai wedding...

Hide all the kitchen knives...and sleep with one eye open...

I love your sense of humor...you will do just fine navigating all the Thai-made hassles aimed at making a farangs life a living paradise... alt=biggrin.png>

So she stole his Bike and Burnt his Passport Huh?

Well? Obviously she likes him and wants him to stay.

What I don't understand is why he asks if he should marry her, like he has some choice.

Judging from what this aggressive TG has done so far, he will either has to marry her.... or die!

But it would be more interesting for me to see her behavior while going through a Divorce.

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I only came back for the music.

You must be joking! Thai music?

Not everyone who comes here is in the beer and sex category of visitors.

I know, I live in a small village, don't drink and smoke, have been happily married for 9 years.

I am a BIG music fan, everything from Zappa to reggae, hiphop, classical, world music, rock, soul, funk, metal, folk, just to name some of it.

But Thai music? Maybe you know of stuff I don't and can give me some advice on Thai music. I tried listening to it but it just doesn't "click". I listened to Loso, Karabao, Pang but it's all the same Santana/Eagles copy mix, except for a a couple of nice songs. The K-pop stuff is pure hell! Some lukthung/morlam is nice but for more than an hour??? Noooooo! And the music they play to accompany the Leekay (comedy theatre) is good.

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The reason why so many people (not all) stay , is because they havn't been anywhere else.

They get to Thailand, and its so different from where they come from, and so liberal, in many ways, they think its paradise. But they havn't seen the other paradise in other places, so they don't know any better.

I've been to over 30 countries many for extended periods of time. Many of them I loved.

Thailand still has something very special about it that draws me here over those other countries and I can't pinpoint exactly WHAT that is or WHY I love it so much.

I can list many things I like and enjoy about the place but I don't know if any of them would really explain it either.

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Vietnam is the place I can't stop going back to! As much as I enjoy living in Thailand, Vietnam is the place that fascinates me the most!

. Why Vietnam, I haven't been ???

Been going to Vietnam since 2004...will be going back in Feb for 3 months. People (foreigners) I talk to either love it there or hate it...I am one who loves it. I just find the country, people, culture, etc. much more interesting. And personally I find most Vietnamese much friendlier than most Thais. After more than 3 years living in Chiang Mai, I'm making plans to move to Vietnam either later this year or next year if I can work out getting visas and some other things. I think it's all a matter of personal preference so I can only suggest that if you haven't been there, go check it out and form your own opinions.

I suggest you stay for 6 months or more before you make you final decision.

I lived in Vietnam for a little over 1 year. I lived in HCMC it was ok but I didn't find it that great. This was in 2003/2004 time frame. What I really didn't care for was the control of the govt.

Don't know how many times I was watching HBO and then the screen goes blank for the next 2hrs because the govt didn't want you watching that movie. Beer, food was cheap but I found hotels to be more expensive than Thailand or Cambodia. A good friend of mine that is in the military came to visit me and he was positive he was being followed the complete time he was there. Not sure if that was true but I would believe it. Vietnam is still very much a communist country. Government is not easy to deal with.

Yeah...I plan to do a 6-month stint in Vietnam but will still keep my apartment in Chiang Mai until I make a final decision on a final move (or not). I agree that the govt exercises controls that are a pain but I also think that things have loosened up a lot since 2004 (when I first went there) and I don't see much difference than Thailand these days. As for living in Saigon, that is probably the last place I would choose to live in...never have liked the place much. I'm leaning more towards Danang or Hanoi or Nha Trang. After 3+ years living in Chiang Mai, I'm inclined to settle in near the beach which makes Danang or Nha Trang more likely.

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I love spending a few weeks a year in Thailand. It's a great vacation destination and a change of pace. But after a few weeks I'm ready to go home. I feel the same about most places I've ever visited. Can't say I've ever been somewhere where I said I wish I lived there over where I live already.

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Young chicks like old dicks


At least someone told the truth!

I like Indonesia more probably, but i just got saddled up with a Thai and stayed here.

Edited by ChrisB87
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I only came back for the music.

You must be joking! Thai music?

Not everyone who comes here is in the beer and sex category of visitors.

I know, I live in a small village, don't drink and smoke, have been happily married for 9 years.

I am a BIG music fan, everything from Zappa to reggae, hiphop, classical, world music, rock, soul, funk, metal, folk, just to name some of it.

But Thai music? Maybe you know of stuff I don't and can give me some advice on Thai music. I tried listening to it but it just doesn't "click". I listened to Loso, Karabao, Pang but it's all the same Santana/Eagles copy mix, except for a a couple of nice songs. The K-pop stuff is pure hell! Some lukthung/morlam is nice but for more than an hour??? Noooooo! And the music they play to accompany the Leekay (comedy theatre) is good.

Well I have been to over 1,000 concerts here and not got bored yet. I agree with you about Loso and Carabao it's mostly copied western music sung in Thai. having said that many styles of Thai music have influences from elsewhere. Never sat through a whole likay performance as it's not something I or the mrs are keen on. Normal luktung/morlam concerts are at least 4, often 6 hours long, even i've had enough after 5! If you think k pop is hell how about this? I like it myself, good reason to visit Japan.

Edited by thai3
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I was sitting on the bus the other day listening to 6 foreign guys talking about Thailand. Three were good looking Aussies, the others, not sure but probably Europeans. All agreed they only came for the cheap sex and Thai food.

its crazy eh? years ago Thailand was a place for middle aged men or couples, or for retired folk.

now there are more and more younger people coming for cheap sex. The spending power everywhere in the world is with the 25-40 age group.

cheap sex to them is 2,000 baht short time, or 4-5,000 for the evening. And they pay it willingly, saying its cheap !

compared to back home it is cheap. But not so long ago it was 500 and 1,000, so they are partly responsible for price rises across the board. Its turning into Another Benidorm with sex.

The other thing is, why do good looking men go half way across the world for prostitutes. When I was a young man, I got all the sex I wanted at home for nothing?

Have you ever considered the possibility that these guys might not be talking about prostitutes when they mention cheap sex?? The price of a drink or a meal is all it takes in Khon Kaen ;)

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Ok..I am married to a Thai girl and therefore Thailand is where we live. However having worked in Indo, Philippines and Vietnam I have to admit Thailand isn't the best place. Wifey and I have also lived in South America and cost wise these other countries piss all over Thailand. So, why live in Thailand, simple, my wife loves it so i accept it

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After reading a recent post about the benefits of having Permanent residence in Phillipines I am seriously consideringh moving there,I am really tired of all the visa non-sense here-the work permits necessary even for residents etc,the non-sense re-entry permit,90 day report,certificate of residence which is never confirmed.Gawd,what a flippin nightmare.

the Philippines is one of the fastest growing economies in Asia.

The people speak English, and the beaches are truly stunning.

Apart from rental accomodation, (In the Big Cities, Such as Cebu). which gets you a great rental price if you want to buy. Everything else is about half the price of Thailand.

The ladies are great, its so refreshing to take someone out and have a laugh, because they understand you.

There are exceptions of course. But in the main these girls are not money driven, they just want a better life, than the slums they are in at present. Give that to them and they will be so grateful, and what a turn on, to have someone speak to you in English when your having sex hahaha.

I left Thailand, where I still have many friends after 9 years to go to the Philippines and I have not looked back one bit.

i will return to Thailand to visit my friends, but the Philippines is my home now.

And, by the way, dont believe all the crap you hear about it being dangerous, the people are great, just dont go where not not suppose to, same same as in Thailand.

Not sure where you get your figures, but after spending lots of time in the PI it is hardly half the cost of Thailand... In fact some items are twice the price of the same item in Thailand or even the west... Like a pizza for example... If you want decent housing it will cost much more than in Thailand... Not too mention wholesale poverty and violent crime... Of course your milage may vary, especially if your idea of living the good life is living in a nipa hut in the provinces...

Then comes medical care in the PI which is a joke... This from a person that has almost died there twice due to poor mexical treatment in private hospitals...

The PI may be your thing, but it hardly as rosy as you have portrayed... I have found that the PI attracts foreigners that would make cheap charlies in Thailand appear to be millionaires...

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