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20 Degrees Celsius cold?


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Hi there I would just like to comment on something that I find to be extremely funny.

I see lots of Thai people wearing jackets and huddling around fires because they are cold.

I find this funny as where I am from in Farangland it is really cold.

Anyone else have a gf that acts like its snowing outside when its really 20 degrees?

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It's been down to 22 -24 on Samui, last few days.... that feels cool... even a sweater or jacket needed for those of us, who are acclimatized to the heat...especially on a bike.... or extra blanket on the bed...

Nothing odd about it at all...

Go the Pai or some of the areas in the north and see how cool/ cold the mornings are at this time of year.... everyone wears extra clothing especially in the early mornings...

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I love it.

I use the cooler time to do all the things I've put off because of the heat over the past year or so....'Suited and Booted' meetings or catch ups, taking the missus to usually furnace-like markets so she can shop her heart out, getting into the gardening (esp planting) and so on and so forth.

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It's all acclimatisation, but what I find really bemusing is when they put t-shirts and sweaters on freakin poodles and bulldogs as soon as it drops below 20 degrees.

Its funny when I see Frangs sweating like pigs and Mr Thai is bone dry.

Not much call to sweat when you're sat on your ars.e all day though. giggle.gif

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I am so cold i have a t shirt on ,last night i was getting some food from a barbecue pork place at the side of the road ,it was a bit chilly so i was warming my hands and a young Thai woman laughed and told me that she was suprised a westerner felt the cold.

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Yeah, they even put clothes on their dogs around here. I woke up shivering in bed last night and had to find something to wear in bed.°C18. Still looking for a heater.

On the plus side I am getting a lot more done in the garden than I usually would.

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It's been down to 22 -24 on Samui, last few days.... that feels cool... even a sweater or jacket needed for those of us, who are acclimatized to the heat...especially on a bike.... or extra blanket on the bed...

Nothing odd about it at all...

Go the Pai or some of the areas in the north and see how cool/ cold the mornings are at this time of year.... everyone wears extra clothing especially in the early mornings...

My 70 year old mother still turns on the aircon when it has 22 degree Celcius.....They sit outside in TShirt in the sun when it has 15 degree Celcius.....

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Blimey, I must have developed Thainess, as even I am feeling cold. Last summer my wife went back to England to visit her relatives, and she said it was bloody freezing, when all around her were in their summer clothes. Must be down to the thinning of the blood?

Blood doesnt thin ..................u can check with our resident nuclear physicist Dr Naam

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I love it.

I use the cooler time to do all the things I've put off because of the heat over the past year or so....'Suited and Booted' meetings or catch ups, taking the missus to usually furnace-like markets so she can shop her heart out, getting into the gardening (esp planting) and so on and so forth.

me too i work on the land a lot and now is perfect start at 6.15 am stop at 11 am, trenches dug trees in all sorts of jobs....come March it will be 42 c and freakin awful

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Its funny when I see Frangs sweating like pigs and Mr Thai is bone dry.

Real good point.. wish i had the Thais their problem after 8-9 years here I still sweat a lot.

me too I think its more the humidity though than the heat and early morning 8-11 is the worst, after that it doesnt drip off my eyes eyebrows elbows back of knees arms crutch so much.

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what I find really bemusing is when they put t-shirts and sweaters on freakin poodles

you forgot shoes !

just joshin smile.png


ps .. ive been runing my fan heater for three days in chiang mai

coz im cold sad.png

And look at the owner.....if the owner don't need clothes the dog don't need them as well.

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I did I moved 6000 miles to somewhere where it wasnt dull grey and cold for 6 months of the year ( UK), I had other choices Madeira Portugal or Villenueva del la Concepcion in Spain right next to el Torcal mountains.........gets cold there in winter though and even Madeira can get chilly at times, I might move to Madeira for the last 10 years of what life I think i might have left

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I feel cold enough to need a woolly first thing in the morning.

But, I still sweat like a pig when it warms up (yes, I do remove the woolly).

Can't win sad.png

Is that your pet name for a cuddle in the morning?

Sweet smile.png

It's conditioning. When I first came here, I felt the heat - bad.

Now, less so.

But feel cool once the temp heads below 15C

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