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Yingluck must answer herself, NLA insists

Lite Beer

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On the contrary I agree with you that the case should in a judicial sense be perceived and processed in a self contained way.But in terms of understanding, it would be misleading to disregard the broader context - in this instance a coordinated political vindictiveness - as it would be to disregard the prevalent anti semitism of nineteenth century French society in the case against Colonel Dreyfus.

Wasn't suggesting that the broader context be completely disregarded, just that overly focusing on the underlying driving forces, in a case in which guilt seems to be accepted by all sides as a given, if perhaps not publicly admitted, serves to create a misleading illusion that were it not for those forces, the case against the accused would be weak. I certainly think that is the impression a casual outside observer would be getting from repeated mentioning of 'vindictive political forces' and such like.

Focusing on the underlying driving forces would make much more sense in cases involving people being tried on flimsy or non-existent evidence, on trumped up charges. That's the more obvious time to question the matter of underlying forces and such.

As it is I rather think there might be underlying causes to your keen interest in underlying causes.

Edited by rixalex
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Once again DJJamie seems to forget there's a whole lot more of Thailand to the South of Khon Kaen and even Bangkok.

That word you love to use "terrorist" seems only applicable to the UDD apparently, your lack of situational awareness of all things ongoing in the South is completely disingeneuos to the victims of terrorist attacks down there. You should be ashamed, but I'm not surprised, your overall SA is bogus.

Let me try to give you a few pointers, the Extremists in the South are not overly fond of the Junta, or the previous ousted Government, so it's a LOT more than just 7% that's unhappy, but you keep taking the kool aid, and believeing in that magic number of 7%, I think you'll find that given the opportunity a damn sight more than 7% are unhappy with the current situaion, I'd be more inclined to think that number is in the 20's and that's percentage, not people.

How do YOU know that the majority support the current Junta? So far all the polls have been about community leaders, and these weasels will say anything to remain in favour. NOBODY knows what side of the divide the majority come from, as all polling and elections have been shit canned till further notice.

Once you start aknowledging the serious problems and issues and acts of terrorism perpetrated against Thai's down in the South, by ISLAMIC NON UDD AFFILIATED TERRORISTS, then I'll consider taking your posts with more seriousness, though I bet you have a picture of the General in your wallet, and take it out and gaze into his eyes, and feel all warm and fuzzy inside, as that's the kind of guy you're come across as. ;)

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if i was her take the money and buy nice house in London ,at least the kids would get good education ,private of course ,her brother can send his private jet ,one life for the supper rich one life for the poor ,that are paying for the supper rich

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Once again DJJamie seems to forget there's a whole lot more of Thailand to the South of Khon Kaen and even Bangkok.

That word you love to use "terrorist" seems only applicable to the UDD apparently, your lack of situational awareness of all things ongoing in the South is completely disingeneuos to the victims of terrorist attacks down there. You should be ashamed, but I'm not surprised, your overall SA is bogus.

Let me try to give you a few pointers, the Extremists in the South are not overly fond of the Junta, or the previous ousted Government, so it's a LOT more than just 7% that's unhappy, but you keep taking the kool aid, and believeing in that magic number of 7%, I think you'll find that given the opportunity a damn sight more than 7% are unhappy with the current situaion, I'd be more inclined to think that number is in the 20's and that's percentage, not people.

How do YOU know that the majority support the current Junta? So far all the polls have been about community leaders, and these weasels will say anything to remain in favour. NOBODY knows what side of the divide the majority come from, as all polling and elections have been shit canned till further notice.

Once you start aknowledging the serious problems and issues and acts of terrorism perpetrated against Thai's down in the South, by ISLAMIC NON UDD AFFILIATED TERRORISTS, then I'll consider taking your posts with more seriousness, though I bet you have a picture of the General in your wallet, and take it out and gaze into his eyes, and feel all warm and fuzzy inside, as that's the kind of guy you're come across as. wink.png

When you start on 'unhappy with the current situation' it is incorrect to group in the 'extremists' as unhappy with the junta. They're just unhappy in Thailand.

It's some others who are unhappy with the junta as current government.

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Yingluck should only have to ask one question.

I and my party were democratically elected by the people of the kingdom of Thailand where as my accusers took the country via the barrel of a gun and your clear bias towards the Shinawatra family is known world wide so why should I have to answer to you lot?

The whole circus is illegal and a sham!

Hitler was democratically elected does that make it alright

And so was Robert Mogabe.

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It would have been good for Thailand if she had kept her butt out of the country...like her brother...

This is just one of many divisive events which could trigger violence within the country...

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Yingluck should only have to ask one question.

I and my party were democratically elected by the people of the kingdom of Thailand where as my accusers took the country via the barrel of a gun and your clear bias towards the Shinawatra family is known world wide so why should I have to answer to you lot?

The whole circus is illegal and a sham!

Hitler was democratically elected does that make it alright

it's amazing how many people don't understand what happened in Germany.

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There people posting on this topic, that can pretty much say what they like. Critisize whom they like in any way they like in regards to politics. Then there are the other groups who should be very careful what they say. So with that in mind.

I will say this,


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