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Thai Language, is it important to learn?

His Masters Voice

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Just wondering what the general thoughts are on this subject?

I don't even have basic Thai.

Despite coming here for years and now living here I know maybe 100/200 words,

language doesn't come easily to me.

My various Thai Partners over the years have always taken care of that part,

so it hasn't been a stumbling block to enjoy living here.

Thai Soaps are well beyond my comprehension.

But, also so are simple Village/MoBahn conversations.

My understanding of Thai Culture is reasonable and nothing presents itself as a problem thus far.

Plus, the In-Laws tend to ignore me because their English is less then my Thai, a benefit maybe?

The reason I'm asking now is that a friend and I were discussing this last night while the woman were off elsewhere.

When he first came here, he enrolled in a language course as a way of staying in Thailand on an Ed Visa.

My wife thinks his Thai is OK. Some tonal errors, but conversational.

On reflection, he thinks that maybe my general ignorance of the language is a blessing in disguise.

Almost never am I asked for money apart for paying for things as we would in the West.

I'm enjoying Thailand for the moment, but I doubt I'll live here forever.

I seem to get by OK, I enjoy my time here.

Am I missing out not knowing Thai?

If I am missing out, what am I missing out on?

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You are living in this country and you are asking if you should learn the language?

Back in your own country, I bet you insist that foreigners should learn your language if they want to live there?

What is different here?

Or it's the usual thing.........everybody in this world should speak my language......I'm not going to do the slightest effort to learn theirs as they are beneath me?

What you are missing?

Everything, as you can't communicate with the native people and you will never know about them.

But don't worry it's always TVF to bash them on, as you will never understand them.

Excellent post, Costas. Insightful and concise.

To me, you are the real P.O.T.Y.

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The OP states on another thread he knows enough Thai to stop people throwing water on him during Songkran. rolleyes.gif

Now he doesnt "even have basic Thai."whistling.gif

How could the OP have an understanding if Thai culture if he cannot speak Thai? facepalm.gif Absurd.

If the Op lives in Thailand (which seems doubtful) he would know an understanding and ability to speak Thai opens up anew rold of understading of Thailand and its culture.

Anyone who thinks they understand Thai culture, without speaking thai, is deluded

Edited by yellowpostitnotes
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You are living in this country and you are asking if you should learn the language?

Back in your own country, I bet you insist that foreigners should learn your language if they want to live there?

What is different here?

Or it's the usual thing.........everybody in this world should speak my language......I'm not going to do the slightest effort to learn theirs as they are beneath me?

What you are missing?

Everything, as you can't communicate with the native people and you will never know about them.

But don't worry it's always TVF to bash them on, as you will never understand them.

everybody in this world should speak my language...

this is just expected by native English speakers...

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The OP states on another thread he knows enough Thai to stop people throwing water on him during Songkran. rolleyes.gif

Now he doesnt "even have basic Thai."whistling.gif

I know how to say that I don't want water thrown on me.

You also underestimate the human understanding of Body Language.

My concept of 'basic Thai' is the ability to have a basic conversation in Thai, which I can't.

Here's an example. A Thai Taxi driver will know some elementary basics of English which are common phrases used often by English speaking people. It's essentially rote learning. Ask him to use those same English words in a different context and he won't know. So he has basic communication but not more then that.

He can understand 'basic English', but can 'use' basic English.

I'm not proud nor boasting that I don't speak or read Thai.

I enjoy living here.

This question came from a recent conversation.

Anyone else enjoying living in Thailand without really knowing the language?

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You are living in this country and you are asking if you should learn the language?

Back in your own country, I bet you insist that foreigners should learn your language if they want to live there?

What is different here?

Or it's the usual thing.........everybody in this world should speak my language......I'm not going to do the slightest effort to learn theirs as they are beneath me?

What you are missing?

Everything, as you can't communicate with the native people and you will never know about them.

But don't worry it's always TVF to bash them on, as you will never understand them.

everybody in this world should speak my language...

this is just expected by native English speakers...

It's your turn now Crazy Chef.

Not only by native English speakers.

Don't forget about your own country, that I believe is Germany, people have been bashing the Turks and the Greeks because they did't speak German.

You invited them in your country as you didn't have sufficient labour and then you turned against them asking them to go back to their country as many couldn't speak your language.

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You are living in this country and you are asking if you should learn the language?

Back in your own country, I bet you insist that foreigners should learn your language if they want to live there?

What is different here?

Or it's the usual thing.........everybody in this world should speak my language......I'm not going to do the slightest effort to learn theirs as they are beneath me?

What you are missing?

Everything, as you can't communicate with the native people and you will never know about them.

But don't worry it's always TVF to bash them on, as you will never understand them.

everybody in this world should speak my language...

this is just expected by native English speakers...

It's your turn now Crazy Chef.

Not only by native English speakers.

Don't forget about your own country, that I believe is Germany, people have been bashing the Turks and the Greeks because they did't speak German.

You invited them in your country as you didn't have sufficient labour and then you turned against them asking them to go back to their country as many couldn't speak your language.

what you are talking about was the western part- i come from the eastern part where we learned at an early age to communicate in Russian. didn't have any Turkish or Greek people there just some Vietnamese

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i dont speak thai and as i dont hang around with lower educated thai's who cant speak english it isn't a problem.

sure, if i intended to date/marry such girls i'd learn the language otherwise how do you communicate?

in my experience due to the lack of freedom of speech in the media here, the dirge on tv and the fact that most thai's dont read books unless a thai has had a good education and/or travelled abroad they dont have that much interesting to say. and what they do say usually lacks perspective and/or insightful context.

so i have no motivation and dont see advantages of learning the language.

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I bet all the GOMS that don't even speak basic Thai are the same GOMS commenting on immigrants not speaking their language back in their home country.

Anyone not seeing the use of the Thai language at least the basis is crazy and lazy. Just making up excuses why its not important.

I speak enough Thai to get some things sorted and be independent, my Thai is far from perfect but slowly working on it.

I guess native English speakers in general are lazy.

Edited by robblok
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I would hate not having a clue what people around me are talking about, not being able to read simple signs, especially traffic signs. Most of the street food stands in my area have menus in Thai only, and not being able to read them would definitely be a handicap.

It is hard for me to relate to any long term resident who does not care enough to learn Thai. Of course, if I did not find Thai language interesting and exciting to learn, the purely practical reasons for doing so probably wouldn't be enough to make me do it.

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I am amazed at guys who in their dotage, feeling lonely, with no savings and unable to afford a decent life on their government payments, think it is a good idea to pack up and move to a country where they can’t speak the language, don’t understand the customs and struggle to meet the financial requirements for a visa.

To top it off they end up relying on relatively uneducated girls who speak barely enough English to get a guy into their bed, as their translator and guide, through this new world they do not understand.
Most of the problems and rants I read on TVF would simply not be a problem if one were able to speak Thai and knew how to navigate the system as it is, instead of yelling in English how everything needs to be changed to make it easier for them.
The Thais get blamed for everything wrong in their lives, when they played no role in their misguided decision to move here in the first place. Yes, it is important to learn the language of any country you choose to live in.

I agree, in reference to your opening point.

Thankfully, I am not one of them.

I hope that second sentence is not directed at me as it is well wide of the mark.

To those who have learnt the language, I salute you.

For me, I'm just happy to live life in Thailand without the compulsive desire to learn their language.

Limits me in some ways, liberates me in other ways.

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I have been here for almost 30 years and have never had any interest in learning to read or speak Thai. My current job is with a Thai company who I have worked with for more than seven years, the lack of Thai language skills certainly has not done me any harm with this company or with the social circle that I have.

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Me and the misses ,run a smallholding rearing a few cattle,and growing a few crops,and I speak Thai ,and I am glad I do ,for if I what to to go and buy ,say a bag of nails, or some feed, I not want to have and drag the misses out to translate ,I just go on my own,same with a lot of other things.

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I bet all the GOMS that don't even speak basic Thai are the same GOMS commenting on immigrants not speaking their language back in their home country.

Anyone not seeing the use of the Thai language at least the basis is crazy and lazy. Just making up excuses why its not important.

I speak enough Thai to get some things sorted and be independent, my Thai is far from perfect but slowly working on it.

I guess native English speakers in general are lazy.

whats GOMS

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If you are planning to live here for long time, you are in a relationship with a woman not speaking fluent English, with friends and family that do not speak fluent English...you are missing a BIG part of Thailand life and a BIG part of the joy of a good and complete relationship with your partner and Thai people and culture. Unfortunately I do not speak Thai....and feel vey bad about.

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I'd say think about what you hope to get out of learning Thai and go from there. If you want to be a little more independent and be able to have casual conversations with the people on your soi, then learning a little Thai will be good for you. However, if your intent is to have a better connection with locals and make more Thai friends, then think again. B/c I've found most Thais- even the ones that speak English well- just aren't that interested in foreigners.

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