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Two men sentenced for killing and skinning a dog, posting photographs on Facebook

Lite Beer

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Ok not that I agree with killing a dog to eat, but isn't it a cultural thing? dog meat in Thailand and Lao?

I get terrible looks from my wife and family when I say I'd like some kangaroo steaks, or lamb, or even rabbit, also a cultural thing.

Wasn't cannibalism a cultural thing in Borneo and certain African tribes! By being a cultural thing, did that make it right? Slavery was a cultural thing in the southern US, was that ok. My point is.. this world that we live in, needs more compassion, would that not be a positive cultural thing?

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A dog is mans best friend a chicken cow or pig fish etc are part of the food chain.

Cruelty in all forms is disgusting however the killing of our food sources is mostly done human land the beast doesn't suffer and people will happily sit down and eat their leg of lamb without a second thought.

However the other day the article on the ivory trade drew around 8 posts which really shows how much people care.

Mankind has a lot to answer for!

But Chinese, Korean and North Vietnamese cultures see dog not only as food but in fact eating dog is central to their worldview that combines health and spirituality - in Vietnam, the dog (Thit Cho) restaurants are usually empty during most of the time but fill up just before the end of the lunar month because they believe that eating dog purges all the bad stuff (a mixture of bad medical and spiritual elements) so that you can start the new lunar month clean. This is even more so prior to the Lunar New Year (Tet).

I don't agree with killing animals cruelly and I agree with any law that prevents that. But consumption of meat, including dog, does not automatically imply cruelty. Instead of preventing the consumption of dog (which occurs a lot in Thailand and in Laos as well as in the neighbouring countries possibly because of intermarriage and the influence of Chinese and Vietnamese cultures from next door), it would be better if the authorities focussed on how they are butchered.

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I just think that a dog is domestic animal, as are cats, rabbits, & horses, unless they are breed just for consumption and are killed humamally without torture or pain to the animal. If you are poor and have to eat these animals, that is your business, just don't steal them from there owners, smash them into cages, skin and kill them alive, unless you are looking for similar things to happen to you if you get caught.

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It's quite interesting to read this news. I have seen many Thai families who own 4-5 dogs and do not look after any of them. In the end many of these drift off to soi and become a menace to people passing by and local council will not take any actions. And because these stupid people will make claim on these animals, you cant even poison them. There are times when I used to walk around with a stick at night time to scare soi dog's away.

I agree with Somtam. What difference it makes if it s cow, chicken, lamb, pig or a dog? 1 less dog in street is one less chance to get rabies.

Poisoning is a very painful and slow death. If you ever poison any animal I will try and get the Police to arrest you!


Not all poisons are painful, how about that cow you ate recently that had it's throat cut?

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It's quite interesting to read this news. I have seen many Thai families who own 4-5 dogs and do not look after any of them. In the end many of these drift off to soi and become a menace to people passing by and local council will not take any actions. And because these stupid people will make claim on these animals, you cant even poison them. There are times when I used to walk around with a stick at night time to scare soi dog's away.

I agree with Somtam. What difference it makes if it s cow, chicken, lamb, pig or a dog? 1 less dog in street is one less chance to get rabies.

Never takes too long for the soi dog haters to jump in eh... and you can't even poison them... <deleted>blink.png

Ok starky, in your opinion, what is there to love about soi dogs?

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I agree with Somtam and other similar comments. It is wrong to put people in jail for eating dogs (they are not an endangered species)! No doubt Soi Dog Foundation will stir it up again in the British press. Unfair and unnecessary bad PR for Thailand but good for Soi Dog to raise loads of money!

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Unbelievable hypocrisy-thousands of cows chickens etc.are slaughtered everyday in a so-called BUDDHIST ahimsa non-violent country and they go after a couple of dog killers.What a flippin joke.Time to look in the mirror folks to see the worst criminals.Little wonder there is increasing violence in Thailand.

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Personally I would preferred to have read that the so-called dog owner was banged on the head and skinned rather than the dog.

In the scheme of things dogs are categorised as man`s best friend, not as animals to be abused and considered no more than a meal. In the civilised world dogs would only be eaten as a desperate last resort, for example if in times of great famine or war. In many cases the companionships of dogs can be more beneficial than that of people.

Pigs, cows, chickens and the like are herbivores and since ancient times have been breed and raised specially for meat produce, these are not domesticated animals. Dogs are domesticated animals breed and reared as pets. Throughout the centuries dogs have relied on humans for their welfare, in an exchange of companionship and love not simply as products and abused.

People that display a cruel streak towards animals have serious character disorders.

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It's illegal. Those saying it is no different to pigs or cows, and if someone wants to eat them they should, shouldn't you also allow for those that want to eat human flesh?

The reason people in most of the civilized world have an affinity towards dogs and find their culling for food or fur akin to savagery is because we have lived and worked with dogs for such a long time.

Then they also became pets.

Even in China millions are outraged that certain parts of China still butcher them.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A dog is mans best friend a chicken cow or pig fish etc are part of the food chain.

Cruelty in all forms is disgusting however the killing of our food sources is mostly done human land the beast doesn't suffer and people will happily sit down and eat their leg of lamb without a second thought.

However the other day the article on the ivory trade drew around 8 posts which really shows how much people care.

Mankind has a lot to answer for!

So let me get this right.

An animal will sit there licking his nuts for 20 minutes, then comes and licks your face - that's what you consider best friend material?

When a dog does that, it is just saying "Bet you wish you could have done that". Doggie joke if you like.

Still, last time I tried to lick my dogs nuts I ended up with 14 stiches...............sad.png


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


Is cruelty to animals or killing animals prohibited?

The article says cruelty, but a single blow to the head, or a shot from a gun, to kill a dog, doesn't seem overly cruel. A lethal injection would seem nicer, but it's likely not a drawn out death and there obviously aren't any intentions to cause suffering.

I would have thought that the law was in place to prevent suffering and cruelty to animals (e.g. Torture or the intentional or unintentional causing of suffering via neglect), and it's particularly annoying that this soi dog animal rights group is pushing for the jail term for someone who simply kills their dog.

Or is it simply because they were going to eat it? Or because they put pictures on facebook?

Are vets allowed to put down animals? Or is that against the law as well?

"Are vets allowed to put down animals? Or is that against the law as well?"

To quote you...huh? And the comment's from a moderator. Unbelievable.

Its actually a very valid question. If ever you have an animal in distress, see how many vets will put that animal down.

Don't think its against the law, but is against their beliefs.

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As a dog owner also, I have to disagree with this sentencing as this was not an act of cruelty. If they were torturing the dog, or any other animal, then they deserve to be punished. However, killing an animal to eat is very different, if it was killed quickly, which it sounds like it was.

Cultural differences in appetite are not reason for punishment.

There is a law forbidding such practice, it is not cultural difference.

I just found out that you are not allowed to kill animals at home, has to be in a licenced abattoir apparently. However, this article makes no mention of them being prosecuted under that law ?

Don't think it's actually illegal to eat dog meat though.

Edited by cornishcarlos
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You lot are F scum bags! The story was about 2 guys enjoying killng a dog and revelling in it.. anyone who thinks this is normal is a scum bag.

The only shocking thing was that they recieved suspended sentences!!! what, we have to wait for them to kill another animal or even a human next time?

maybe your kid noitom!? how would that make you feel

Why is a story like this big line news in the Thai press?

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Thais have a weird fascination posting photos of their meals. My facebook page is inevitably peppered with Thai meals. How &lt;deleted&gt; boring. Then along come the Chiang Mai Somchai brothers and they, too, want to post photos of their meal. What is it with posting photos of meals? Just prepare it and eat it for fcks sake!

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Somtam guy, the difference is that dogs are domesticated animals. They are not livestock. Eight thousand should hurt the clowns. They probably lied about eating the dog. Thais are not notorious dog eaters. Korea used to be, but it's fallen out with the younger generation.

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Sad, but what is the difference between killing the dog for consumption and killing a chicken, pig or a cow?coffee1.gif

Do the people that kill chicken, pigs and cows post it on facebook for the world to see? Dogs are pets, its hard to say chickens etc can be pets.

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Cant believe so many of you feel there is not much difference than killing a dog than a chicken etc.

Plus these idiots obviously enjoyed the fact that murdered the dog by posting the evidence on facebook.

Sentence is far too lenient. It says suspended sentence - so they won't actually do any jail time. nice touch.

We are in 2015 &lt;deleted&gt;.

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A dog is mans best friend a chicken cow or pig fish etc are part of the food chain.

Cruelty in all forms is disgusting however the killing of our food sources is mostly done human land the beast doesn't suffer and people will happily sit down and eat their leg of lamb without a second thought.

However the other day the article on the ivory trade drew around 8 posts which really shows how much people care.

Mankind has a lot to answer for!

So let me get this right.

An animal will sit there licking his nuts for 20 minutes, then comes and licks your face - that's what you consider best friend material?

So let me get this right.

You sit around watching animals licking their nuts for 20 minutes ?

Do you do this everyday ? Sick puppy

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This tale opens so many questions.

Why would anyone post their illegal and cruel acts on Facebook?

Is it interference in one's 'culture' which may just include eating dog-meat?

Are we punishing people more for crimes against animals, than crimes against people?

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This sentence is a joke. 8000 Baht sounds like a slap on the hand to me. As a dog owner I am disgusted by the actions of the perpetrators and wonder why the new law wasn't used to its full extent.

not low if your earning 4000 baht a month

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Dogs have been mans best friend and working partner (same as horses) for time immemorial. Unlike many other animals that are breed specifically for the purposes of eating. No need for cruelty in killing of any animal and no need for killing of mans animal working partners EXCEPT in EXTREME (life or death) cases. Any killing should only be done as humanely as possible. coffee1.gif

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Sad, but what is the difference between killing the dog for consumption and killing a chicken, pig or a cow?coffee1.gif

Well, you could consider the evolutionary purpose argument. Cows (not buffalo), pigs, and chickens all have features that indicate that they were domesticated to be food sources. Dogs--especially if you look at the small number of breeds that existed centuries ago--were domesticated to help humans with hunting, protection, companionship, and war, not as a source of food (compared to the other species you mentioned). For example, this is apparently the only species that will look to where a human is pointing, something that would have developed from being co-hunters over many generations. [see http://www.eva.mpg.de/psycho/dog-cognition.php for more information about how unique dog-human interactions are as a result of what some experts claim to be co-evolution.] Eating them goes against what we really 'designed' them for ... some people at the extremes might even say it goes against our social contract with them tens of thousands of years ago.

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Sad, but what is the difference between killing the dog for consumption and killing a chicken, pig or a cow?coffee1.gif

Well, you could consider the evolutionary purpose argument. Cows (not buffalo), pigs, and chickens all have features that indicate that they were domesticated to be food sources. Dogs--especially if you look at the small number of breeds that existed centuries ago--were domesticated to help humans with hunting, protection, companionship, and war, not as a source of food (compared to the other species you mentioned). For example, this is apparently the only species that will look to where a human is pointing, something that would have developed from being co-hunters over many generations. [see http://www.eva.mpg.de/psycho/dog-cognition.php for more information about how unique dog-human interactions are as a result of what some experts claim to be co-evolution.] Eating them goes against what we really 'designed' them for ... some people at the extremes might even say it goes against our social contract with them tens of thousands of years ago.

This a quite a persuasive argument for not eating dogs, but because dogs were domesticated a long time ago still does not justify these Soi dog- lover types to keep a large number of them (sometimes as many as ten) in their back yard.Why do they do it? It can't be out of compassion because the poor dogs are locked in when these people are away drinking till late most nights leaving the poor creatures howling and barking and creating a nuisance for the neighborhood. Love of dogs may be a sign of civilization according to one comment, but the behavior of these dog loves is arrogant and uncivilized. I think it is some kind of an ego or is it sheer loneliness which dogs satisfy in a peculiar and eve a weird manner. Isn't the first responsibility of a civilized person is to be considerate towards his neighbors?

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Dogs have been mans best friend and working partner (same as horses) for time immemorial. Unlike many other animals that are breed specifically for the purposes of eating. No need for cruelty in killing of any animal and no need for killing of mans animal working partners EXCEPT in EXTREME (life or death) cases. Any killing should only be done as humanely as possible. coffee1.gif

Soi dogs are not mans best friend, they are vermin

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