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Registered A Marriage Bill With Thai Wife In Los


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Sorry for my pidgin eng .I will try my best for explaining .

My sister ,a chemist . She has an american BF and they have a plan to marry soon.

My sis and me heard about a rumour ... if Farang boy marries with a TH girl and registered a marriage bill in TH .Maybe they lost some rights for buying some properies ,land and business.

We have a doubt..if a thai girl still keeps her Th nationlity after married , it would have no prob about those.

So, you guys who marry with Th women .. and registered the marriage bill in Thailand.. do you have those probs?



PS my sister and her bf have a plan to live in Thai after married.

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As long as she remains a Thai citizen, your sister should have nothing to worry about. She will still have the same rights. The most that may happen is that she may be asked to change her last name to her husband's. But even then, I think if she wanted to keep her own family name, she can do if she wants to.

My wife and I have been married almost forever. She was told she must change her last name, but I don't think it is a requirement. Doesn't matter though because she is still a Thai citizen and still has all the rights she had before we were married.

In fact, oddly, we know a Thai woman who became a citizen of the USA because she wanted to make it easier to bring her son to the USA. He's in his 30's. She even has a US passport. But when she went to Thailand several months ago, she was able to get the same rights as if she was a Thai citizen. I think maybe she did some smooth talking though. And maybe also because once a Thai, always a Thai.

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The law now allows the Thai wife of a foreigner to own land without problems. The only difference will be that her husband will have to sign a document that states that he has no claim on the money or the land - i.e that it is not community property.

The law also now allows dual citizenship if that is what she wants for the future.

If she is marrying overseas, she can register the marriage when back in Thailand. This involves a bit of messing about, but can be done. She can also choose to either keep her current name or take the husbands name.

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The law now allows the Thai wife of a foreigner to own land without problems. The only difference will be that her husband will have to sign a document that states that he has no claim on the money or the land - i.e that it is not community property.

I found this to be true or at least the way it worked for me in my case . Then again I do not speak fluent Thai so I did not know much of what was going on .

The " farang will have to sign a paper saying that he/ she has no rights to the property but did pay for it . I am speaking in very general terms here, im sure there are some lawyer types that can put it in language nobody understands .

On that note ( and not to highjack your thread ) BUT .. what is the the percent you must pay in tax, per baht for a land purchase ? I was just told that it is 1% but I would like to make sure .

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My wife and I have been married almost forever. She was told she must change her last name, but I don't think it is a requirement. Doesn't matter though because she is still a Thai citizen and still has all the rights she had before we were married.

That rule was changed only just a few years ago:

The Nation

13 Jun 2003

Women free to keep name

After the Constitution Court's ruling on 6 June 2003, Thai women can now choose whether to continue to use their maiden names or to adopt their husbands' surnames after marriage. The Court found unconstitutional Article 12 of the 40-year-old Surname Act that requires all married women to adopt their husbands' surnames.

Also with this verdict, children will be entitled to choose the surname of either of their biological parents.

It's encouraging to see Thailand take such bold, new initiatives in the 21st Century.


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Thanks guys


Its a bit funny ..as i know if a Th guy marries with a farang girl , they have all right.

but if a thai girl marries with a farang guy .. they lost some rights .. :o

(or its just an old law im not sure)

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It makes no difference. Male or female. You do not lose any rights by marriage.

There is a law that prevents land ownership by foreigners. To avoid any problem in the future those with a foreign spouse must now sign a paper that the funds used belong to them and the foreign spouse understands that the property is not joint ownership and can not be inherited by marriage common property laws. This is not a law change. It is a new directive that opened the door to registration of land. Prior to the current Constitution the land office would just refuse to register any land of a couple where one was foreign (usually this only effected females as they knew from the name change). Now the name change is not required and even if done (believe most still do) there is a set procedure to protect there rights.

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