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German anti-Islam group vows that it won't be silenced

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German anti-Islam group vows that it won't be silenced
KERSTIN SOPKE, Associated Press

DRESDEN, Germany (AP) — A German group protesting what it calls "the Islamization of the West" vowed Monday that it won't be silenced after its weekly rally was canceled following an alleged terrorist threat against one of its organizers.

The planned demonstration in Dresden by PEGIDA, or Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West, was scrapped and local police banned all rallies Monday after being informed of a call for attackers to kill Lutz Bachmann, PEGIDA's best-known figure.

Monday's cancellation "doesn't mean that we'll let ourselves be gagged ... (or) deprived of the right to freedom of assembly and opinion," co-organizer Kathrin Oertel said at a news conference. Bachmann said a demonstration is planned for next week.

About 25,000 people attended last week's PEGIDA demonstration in Dresden, police estimated. Similar groups in other German cities haven't drawn anywhere near as much support, and there have been much larger demonstrations against them.

While German politicians have alleged that the group is stirring racist sentiments with its anti-foreigner rhetoric, they have also backed its right to hold protests.

"As chancellor, regardless of whether I like the contents, I have an immediate interest in ensuring that there can be demonstrations in every place in Germany, because it is a fundamental right," Chancellor Angela Merkel said in Berlin.

"The great majority in Germany rejects PEGIDA and has taken to the streets against PEGIDA in recent weeks," said German Justice Minister Heiko Maas, a sharp critic of the Dresden rallies. "That must continue to be possible, even if there were certainly good reasons for the individual decision by security authorities in Dresden."

In neighboring Denmark, a group using the PEGIDA name planned to go ahead with its first march in Copenhagen on Monday. Organizers say they expect up to 500 people, and police said they will closely monitor the demonstrations but declined to give any details.

In Spain, a group using the PEGIDA name and a small far-right group called Alianza Nacional have been trying to organize a protest march in front of Madrid's largest mosque. But the regional office of the Spanish Interior Ministry banned the latest request for a protest this Friday, saying such a march "could pose a serious risk to public security."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-01-19

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History repeats.

And if a modern day kristalnacht happens we'll have the Thai Visa cheer squad I'm sure.

I hope not. Something however must be done. If these spineless politicians cannot deal with radical islamic terror, jihad by stealth and loss of indigenous culture and identity then I fear the far right will get more and more traction.

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History repeats.

And if a modern day kristalnacht happens we'll have the Thai Visa cheer squad I'm sure.

Modern day kristalnachts are happening all the time. Cameroonians may have another name for it but when they suffered their localized genocide over this past month I'm sure they felt every bit the same as the Jews did at the hands of a malevolent and ruthless adversary whom also were bolstered by a horribly flawed and evil ideology.

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Careful, Germany, don't hold them back, you know what'll happen. I wonder how PEGIDA numbers will be in, say, 10 years.

I agree with the gutlessness of the politicians (above). Apart from certain honourable persons, like Farage, who actually care about their culture, they are ALL in it for themselves. Only way to sort out Europe is in going far right, I'm afraid; forget the Tories (which are somewhere in the middle today), but with the meekness of the EU, we will have to wait for the people to rise up when it all kicks off.

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Protests are being banned. How can these "leaders" stay in office?

That is the only way such Leaders can stay in office!

Stage 1 = get rid of the Politically Correct politicians.

Stage 2 = stop import of Islam.

Stage 3 = get rid of imported Islam.

Stage 4 = Peace with Islam = no interference, no meddling in their affairs, no democratization, no wars, no terrorism.

Stage 3 is the most difficult part, but absolutely necessary. And there is no other way.

You're stage 4 is correct......if only Western powers weren't so hungry for Middle East resources.

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Protests are being banned. How can these "leaders" stay in office?

That is the only way such Leaders can stay in office!

Stage 1 = get rid of the Politically Correct politicians.

Stage 2 = stop import of Islam.

Stage 3 = get rid of imported Islam.

Stage 4 = Peace with Islam = no interference, no meddling in their affairs, no democratization, no wars, no terrorism.

Stage 3 is the most difficult part, but absolutely necessary. And there is no other way.

Do you really believe that if we left the Islamists alone they would be peaceful?

They have a goal that all infidels must die because all of the world must convert to Islam. They will keep killing for their twisted belief.

Their attacks aren't due to what the non-Muslim countries have done. It's the other way around.

Please, read my lips:

If we leave them alone AND adhere to Isolationism Policy - there will be peace.

If we keep on the present course - we have lost already.

The tricky part is to get ALL MUSLIMS out from the West (USA, Australia, Europe etc.).

Please, pretty please,

- don't ask me how to do this;

- don't tell me it is impossible;

- don't blame me for being ... whatever;

- don't tell me of good and bad Muslims - there is no such thing;

- don't blame Muslims for the present woes and many more to come;

Blame your Politicians. And if you live in a 'Democracy' - blame yourself.

Edited by ABCer
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History repeats.

And if a modern day kristalnacht happens we'll have the Thai Visa cheer squad I'm sure.

And your solution to the problem is what, Sam?

Very good question. Vigilantism isn't the way though is it?

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History repeats.

And if a modern day kristalnacht happens we'll have the Thai Visa cheer squad I'm sure.

And your solution to the problem is what, Sam?
Very good question. Vigilantism isn't the way though is it?

I'm not real keen on Vigilantism, for obvious reasons but on the other hand you can't just keep lifting the tigers tail and giving it one without it eventually turning around and nailing you.

And the answer to the question big fella, yes it's a good one and a good answer is needed. More blood is going to be spilt on the streets of Australia over the issue, that's a certainty. And the Aussies arnt On their pat Malone either.

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Its about time the multicultural lie was exposed, I put money on the fact that the politicians and champions of multiculture dont live any where near it .

Right! So let's clean the Americas and Australia of all these christian white people and give it back to the indegenous people. Those white christians were killing them of under the name of Jesus until very recently, anybody forgot about their own history?

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History repeats.

And if a modern day kristalnacht happens we'll have the Thai Visa cheer squad I'm sure.

The above mentioned Kristalnacht is historically well known, those that are not aware of it should find out the details of Kristalnacht in a history searching manner.

Edited by personchester
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History repeats.

And if a modern day kristalnacht happens we'll have the Thai Visa cheer squad I'm sure.

And your solution to the problem is what, Sam?

The above outlined solution of Kristalnacht is historically well known, if you are not aware of it then find out of it history-wise.

Yes, you might want to re-read what I wrote. I was asking Samran what he thought the answer was. I don't think Samran really wants to see a modern day kristallacht, somehow. Edited by neverdie
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The above outlined solution of Kristalnacht is historically well known, if you are not aware of it then find out of it history-wise.

I'm not sure I see the comparison. The Jews were not murdering Christians or waging jihad on infidels in Nazi Germany. It was the other way around.

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The above outlined solution of Kristalnacht is historically well known, if you are not aware of it then find out of it history-wise.

I'm not sure I see the comparison. The Jews were not murdering Christians or waging jihad on infidels in Nazi Germany. It was the other way around.

I must have misread it, as I assumed the poster was pointing out how the Islamic armies were re-creating kristalnacht type pogroms in places like Cameroon. What else could he have meant?

Edited by lannarebirth
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There were possibly concrete threats made against PERGIDA, however the government no doubt jumped at the chance to cancel their rally. But they must keep at it as their very national survival as a democratic secular state depends on it. The powers that be will fight tooth and nail to stop their multicultural utopia from being averted, just look at what happened in Sweden where all the six main parties apart from the anti-immigration party formed an electoral pact that in effect suspends democracy until 2022, by which time on current projections 8 million ethnic Swedes will be supporting a dead weight of four million culture enrichers. Sadly this coup has all but ended Sweden as a functioning nation state. It's not too late for Germany yet.


Edited by Steely Dan
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What I don't understand is the massive protests against Pegida. I really really don't get it.

There is no such thing. Media is manipulated. If you look at their manifest (which covers some twenty points not necessarily Islam-related) you will see that the PEGIDA demands are actually quite reasonable and have nothing to do with kicking out Moslems but rather terrorists and criminals.

Edit: Found the manifest:

  1. Affirms the right of asylum for war refugees and politically persecuted people.
  2. Advocates to include a duty to integrate into the German Basic Law.
  3. Advocates for decentralized housing of refugees.
  4. Suggests creation of a central refugee agency for a fair allocation of immigrants among countries of the European Union.
  5. Demands a decrease in the number of asylum seekers per social worker from currently 200:1.
  6. Suggests to model German immigration policies after those of the Netherlands and Switzerland and demands an increased budget for the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to speed up processing of applications.
  7. Demands an increase in funding for the police.
  8. Demands implementation of all asylum laws including expulsion.
  9. Mentions zero tolerance towards criminal refugees and immigrants.
  10. States that Pegida oppose a misogynic and violent political ideology, but does not oppose assimilated and politically moderate Muslims.[34]
  11. Supports immigration as in Switzerland, Canada, Australia and South Africa.
  12. States that Pegida support sexual self-determination (opposing "early sexualization of children"[35]).
  13. Argues for the protection of Germany's Judeo-Christian culture.
  14. Supports the introduction of referenda as in Switzerland.
Edited by wump
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What I don't understand is the massive protests against Pegida. I really really don't get it.

There is no such thing. Media is manipulated. If you look at their manifest (which covers some twenty points not necessarily Islam-related) you will see that the PEGIDA demands are actually quite reasonable and have nothing to do with kicking out Moslems but rather terrorists and criminals.

Edit: Found the manifest:

  • Affirms the right of asylum for war refugees and politically persecuted people.
  • Advocates to include a duty to integrate into the German Basic Law.
  • Advocates for decentralized housing of refugees.
  • Suggests creation of a central refugee agency for a fair allocation of immigrants among countries of the European Union.
  • Demands a decrease in the number of asylum seekers per social worker from currently 200:1.
  • Suggests to model German immigration policies after those of the Netherlands and Switzerland and demands an increased budget for the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to speed up processing of applications.
  • Demands an increase in funding for the police.
  • Demands implementation of all asylum laws including expulsion.
  • Mentions zero tolerance towards criminal refugees and immigrants.
  • States that Pegida oppose a misogynic and violent political ideology, but does not oppose assimilated and politically moderate Muslims.[34]
  • Supports immigration as in Switzerland, Canada, Australia and South Africa.
  • States that Pegida support sexual self-determination (opposing "early sexualization of children"[35]).
  • Argues for the protection of Germany's Judeo-Christian culture.
  • Supports the introduction of referenda as in Switzerland.
indeed reasonable, i am still puzzled why majority of Germans oppose...
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The majority of Germans certainly doesn't oppose this. The few you see on the streets opposing it are the ones who haven't read the manifest or have been brainwashed by the media.

They (the media and the chancellor US puppet) try to paint the movement with the Nazi brush and of course there is nothing worse for a German than being called a Nazi. For fear of this people actually don't take to the streets while still having the same opinion but only voicing it in places like the pub. Go figure...

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