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Thai Visa, the most popular thai forum?


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It has loads of information, but for the most part I find it tiresome to search for specific things. I read the headlines that come to my email and will if something interests me I will read further. I absolutely dislike all the flippant comments people make that add nothing of value. I also think anyone that sits smuggly at their computer admiring their "status" as an elite member because they have thousands of post should....GET A LIFE!

"I also think anyone that sits smuggly [sic] at their [sic] computer admiring their [sic] status" as an elite member because they [sic] have thousands of post [sic] should....GET A LIFE!"

Yes, sitting at your computer imagining that some unseen/unknown poster is feeling smug because of how many posts he's made and feeling angry about it is quite a life. Keep up the good work and thanks for setting an example we can all hope to emulate.

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I so wish there could be more humor and light-heartedness on Thai Visa Forum.

Even in the Farang Pub, it seems that whenever someone tries to post anything humorous, more often than not, they are quickly told that they must suffer from dementia, or that their mood disorder medication needs to be adjusted, or that if they jumped off the nearest balcony the world really would be a better place, or that -- within three standard deviations of certainty -- they are definitely not funny, and that the only thing their post has accomplished is to annoy the holy crap out of everyone.

If people would make more of an effort to embrace the Thai value of 'sanuk,' and try to find the humor in life, and not take everything so seriously, I think TVF would be a friendlier place to visit, and your stay in Thailand would be more enjoyable as well.

Just about sums it up, coming from a poster who blocks everyone who doesnt agree with his POV.

You really couldnt make it up.

mai pen rai sanuk sanam.

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I am a member of a politics forum, and you would think that would be full of arguments and vitriol, but it has nothing on ThaiVisa for nasty minded and spiteful idiots who seem to be ever increasing in numbers. Not all the members, maybe 10% but that is more than enough to spoil a forum.

I think Thailand does attract a lot of social rejects, and unfortunately this spills over into this forum, so I tend to spend a month or so away at a time, and stick with my political conversations with more rational people.

But this forum is full of very useful information. Pity about the immature <deleted> element.

Mods really need to come down with zero tolerance on anyone posting deliberate bile on a thread and banning them instantly, that way there would be many more quality members come onto the forum.. Just like has already been said, many members are wary about starting a thread, as the thread starter will ALWAYS get insulted eventually.

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Lots of great information and advice from many many knowledgeable people (and a few less knowledgeable), some funny posts

news, a place to vent a little. I think it's a great site and probably the best English language site. I wish all the SEA countries

had as complete a site.

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Yes Thai Visa is clearly the best. I do depend on it for a lot of advice. Advice that seems to be harder to get these days thoug as some of the best sources have dried up.

The Forum could be improved however but I suspect that it is all about the business model and that's what we have to live with. It's a free site.

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I think it has deteriorated in direct proportion to the attrition of the competition.

Formerly (and I have been around a *long* time) there were less commercial, but fairly well-run forums around, but their very non-commerciality limited their lifespans. The owners have mostly moved on to their lives.

It's admirable that George has actually created a going concern here: members would do well to remember that ThaiVisa is first and foremost a cash cow. Any freedom of expression is on George's dime, and should be considered gravy.

Like anything, it's all in how you use it. The newsletter is nothing more than the most sensational (and often nonsensical) drivel, but the wealth is in the subsections. If I were ever to return to Thailand to live, I would find them invaluable.

Now, however, I just enjoy a good chuckle at the shenanigans...

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interesting diatribe from a self confessed hater of older people and a avowed expert on all things Thai it wouldst seem as well as the proud owner of his own button sized penis and brain to boot.

Interesting to note just how much he idolizes those people here with the correct paperwork,one wonders whether that may be due to his own inability to actually measure up to the criteria needed for the issuing of such documents.

Well Yeah Siam you too are an anonymous poster aren't you? Yet you call others out for that matter, indeed what passes for your mind is somewhat confused.

Now perhaps you would be well advised to cease and desist posting tasteless vulgar comments that actually highlight your naivety and your obsessive hatred of older people and their achievements.

You are the one who should be cringing with embarrassment with your attitudes and your obsessive discriminatory views regarding older successful people.

Jealousy is indeed a serious affliction that will in the end destroy you, so what is the short term for you?

Euthanasia once you reach the age of 50 must indeed be a prominent part of your forward planning as being older would indeed go against your lofty ideals.

I retired at the age of 46, I am happily married for a second time, being a widower did away with the need for divorce. I / we have thee delightful sons, a great family group along with more mundane matters that are of no interest nor business to you or your sort.

It's called security and leads to a happy settled life.

No boozing in bars sucking up to the more successful folks as you seem to see them and no rent girls or boys wanted or needed.

No idea how you deduced I hate older people

but if your reading comprehension skills were as

developed as your persecution complex, you wouldn't

have felt the need to write that diarrhea. 50's not old;

nor is 55. Older people weren't the target of my comment.

I took aim at those who believe that the attainment

of a retirement visa is a huge achievement and those

who think a work permit makes their presence in

Thailand more legitimate than others who use the forum

for anything from visa info to advice on where to obtain

goods and services.

As for the rest of your rambling snooze-fest, I have

"correct paperwork" and more than satisfy the criteria

for my visa, thank you very much.

As for being jealous, I've already asked 'thePlant' to explain

what I could possibly be jealous of? Predictably, he had to

run off when his boss asked for a footrub but maybe

you can take a pop. Give me a sec, though while I grab my

popcorn; this should be hilarious

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Well going by the hoo haa surrounding Ed Visa and the latest Chang Mai affair perhaps valid work permits are essential, rather like car isurace etc, the correct visa is a requirement of the law like it or not. Why do you consider that you and your kind are special cases

I am not on a retirement visa I have a P.R status (permanent residence status) so I consider perhaps I have a right to speak out concerning your diatribes and now your wonderful attempt to gloss over your posts and divert others away from the truth.I.E the comment concerning using Thai Visa to obtain information etc, now pray my good man what link, what connection is there in that comment you wrote to visa status?

A masterpiece of truth deflection from your good self.

We can all see the new romantic in you along with the fact that you are on but a ''nodding acquaintance with the truth'' as your posts so visibly demonstrate to all who read them.

A word or two of advice.

You would be well advised to use your hands on the keyboard as misuse of ones hands may well damage your back or send you blind.

Edited by siampolee
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Well going by the hoo haa surrounding Ed Visa and the latest Chang Mai affair perhaps valid work permits are essential, rather like car isurace etc, the correct visa is a requirement of the law like it or not. Why do you consider that you and your kind are special cases

I am not on a retirement visa I have a P.R status (permanent residence status) so I consider perhaps I have a right to speak out concerning your diatribes and now your wonderful attempt to gloss over your posts and divert others away from the truth.I.E the comment concerning using Thai Visa to obtain information etc, now pray my good man what link, what connection is there in that comment you wrote to visa status?

A masterpiece of truth deflection from your good self.

We can all see the new romantic in you along with the fact that you are on but a ''nodding acquaintance with the truth'' as your posts so visibly demonstrate to all who read them.

A word or two of advice.

You would be well advised to use your hands on the keyboard as misuse of ones hands may well damage your back or send you blind.

Thankfully, your views on what should be

required for people to be here matter as much as a

mossie bite on a rhino's ass.

I don't think I'm a special case - I have the correct visa for

the nature of my stay in the country.

Doubt it all you like; it doesn't change the facts but if you

want to carry on giving your phony erudition a work out,

here's a tip; when constructing longer sentences,

punctuation really helps.

I'm not remotely interested in the tenure of your residence

in Thailand. From what I recall, you weren't even a

party to this discussion until you tripped over your

slippers and landed with your foot in your mouth,

flailing in all directions at what you perceived to be an

attack on older people.

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As for being jealous, I've already asked 'thePlant' to explain

what I could possibly be jealous of? Predictably, he had to

run off when his boss asked for a footrub but maybe

you can take a pop. Give me a sec, though while I grab my

popcorn; this should be hilarious

His envies are apparent enough as he repeats them ad nauseum in his every bitter rant to the point it's becoming humiliating for him.

I'd say after events in Chiang Mai today he's feeling a little more envious, anxious and insecure today; living in dread of the knock on the door of the grindhouse at Soi Ladyboy Spunk Mansions.

Chiang Mai?? No idea what you're on about - I live in Thonglor.

Anyway Eddie- or should I call you Tony - you seem a tad angrier

and more bitter than usual. Had immigration around recently?

Please set out the things you like to think I'm jealous of.

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As for being jealous, I've already asked 'thePlant' to explain

what I could possibly be jealous of? Predictably, he had to

run off when his boss asked for a footrub but maybe

you can take a pop. Give me a sec, though while I grab my

popcorn; this should be hilarious

His envies are apparent enough as he repeats them ad nauseum in his every bitter rant to the point it's becoming humiliating for him.

I'd say after events in Chiang Mai today he's feeling a little more envious, anxious and insecure today; living in dread of the knock on the door of the grindhouse at Soi Ladyboy Spunk Mansions.

Chiang Mai?? No idea what you're on about - I live in Thonglor.

Anyway Eddie- or should I call you Tony - you seem a tad angrier

and more bitter than usual. Had immigration around recently?

Please set out the things you like to think I'm jealous of.



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As for being jealous, I've already asked 'thePlant' to explain

what I could possibly be jealous of? Predictably, he had to

run off when his boss asked for a footrub but maybe

you can take a pop. Give me a sec, though while I grab my

popcorn; this should be hilarious

His envies are apparent enough as he repeats them ad nauseum in his every bitter rant to the point it's becoming humiliating for him.

I'd say after events in Chiang Mai today he's feeling a little more envious, anxious and insecure today; living in dread of the knock on the door of the grindhouse at Soi Ladyboy Spunk Mansions.

Chiang Mai?? No idea what you're on about - I live in Thonglor.

Anyway Eddie- or should I call you Tony - you seem a tad angrier

and more bitter than usual. Had immigration around recently?

Please set out the things you like to think I'm jealous of.




Are you certain? Now that he's 'thePlank' he

seems to have the same obsession our TonyTigerBKK

had with 'man juice' and buggery ensuring it

always got a mention in his more erotically-driven


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I used to mark caves with drawings and wait for a response.....very fun

Then I used pigeons, but some birds never came back

I went to post cards that were ridden on horses.....except once a letter took 1 year to return, i put on wrong zip code lol

Then I sent regular mail

Then overnight mail

Then email

Then text

now this..........

For me, this is 70% comedy, 20% visa, weather, news & political information, and 10% i have no idea.....

this post goes into the 10%

i don't think this site has been in decline at all......i think sometimes we just read the crazy stories first......

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Nah. Certainly not the same

I guarantee it and would be prepared to put money behind it. ;)

TVF must be the most popular forum for expats interested in Thailand.

Why else would people like SJ,Whereustay and DaveWalsh rejoin so often ?

Incidentally WUS & DW can't hold a candle to SJ ?

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