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Source for out of the ordinary pets in Ubon

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Had dogs, cats, birds and fish, been there, done that. I'm interested in getting a pet that's also a benefit to homestead.

I'm considering either a hawk, harrier, kite, falcon, owl or a raccoon, skunk, fox or a weasel.

Any good sources around Ubon?


I once read a horror novel where a weasel was trained to run up pants legs and …..

Still sends shivers up my spine.

I vote for the hawk. The most you could lose is a part of your face.

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Not Ubon related, but just saw a slow loris in my local pizza shop, kept as a pet by one of the girls. Sad when you hear what being kept as pets does to them.


How about an elephant?

I'm serious now, I've always wanted a pet elephant.

They are bigger than you dad & can really cause some damage when you play 'fetch' with them. ;)

They will have little respect for the mjp garden too

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all of the above mentioned are wild animals and not pets and therefore you shouldnt be buying them even if they are for sale... a licsense is needed.

dogs and cats are beneficial; in issaan most other wild animals will not survive for long in a village as they will end up on someone's plate; if u were really homesteading then of course u would know this...

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