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Tourists are reporting a dramatic surge in harassment by Thai police

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My sister visit me here in TH last year.

She dropped a cigarette at Sukhumvith road. The police see it and wanted 10000 Bath blink.png

My Thai wife talked them down to 1000 Bath biggrin.png


Why did she drop the cigarette, too lazy to find somewhere to dispose of it and thinks the laws don't apply to her? Glad she was fined.

But the fine Is a standard 2000 baht. She was fined 1000. Money which no doubt went straight into the pocket of the person giving out the fine. I.e. corruption.

How can you, as someone who believes corruption doesn't exist be happy with that ?

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Well dropping cigarettebutts on the street is a problem but why are there no bins? Is the fear of a bomb in a bin still that high? Then tourists should know about that.

Didn't they remove bins at the same time as introducing the new fines ?

Coincidence ?

Bins were removed after the New Year bombings about 8 years ago. Recently they put big yellow plastic wheelie bins along some parts of Sukhumvit. Bins can also be found outside 7-11s and Family Marts.


Another reason added to the long long list of reasons not to visit Bangkok or live there, I still do not understand why people choose to live there when there is an entire wonderful country outside of the dirty, chaotic and Westernized mess that is called the city of angels. In a couple of decades it will be under water anyway because sea levels are rising (if you want to say we are at fault or not doesn't matter, they are rising is the important thing), and Bangkok is low lying land, and gets flooded annually as it is, so in the near future it will essentially be F#*!ed.

The Thai police need more $$$ or baht whatever due to the reform and scraping out some of the corruption thanks to the Junta, so these traffic cops and low ranking officers will resort to things such as random stop and searches on foreigners, I would even suggest that some may plant something if desperate enough for money for their double life, but that will be a rarity, however it has been done before and so it shall be done again.

Bangkok, I only ever see you when I need to go to the airport and that is too much for me. It is too big, too busy, too dirty, too expensive, too shabby and now the police are too hands on. Sounds like a great place to settle down, better invest in a boat though.. cheesy.gif

You still don't understand, why people choose to live in Bangkok?

Let me help you: 3 letters...people do it, so they have money to make a living...starts with a J...

Well that goes for mainly Thais yes, around 1/4 of the entire Thai populous lives in Bangkok mainly for work. I was referring to (and should have mentioned) why do farang choose to live there... It is beyond my personal comprehension, there are a zillion better places to live in this country, Pattaya and Patong Beach are not on my list by the way.

Again: 3 letters, starts with a J...

a bit thick, are you?

So only Thais work in Bangkok?

Hush, hush...back under your bridge!


Since the army have cleaned up of lot of street traders and a many of the police have been moved to different posts or locations the tea money has dried up so in order for the police to live on low wages they have to top top up there money from some where and unfortunately farangs falls first in the line of collecting some quick cash.


They target Koreans who are usually heavy smokers and Arabs, too. I've seen these rent-a-cops fine unsuspecting tourists along a stretch of Sukhumvit. I'd hardly call this harassment, though. It's littering and it comes with a fine. I believe spitting, dropping cigarette butts, and littering are among the acts which can be legally fined along that small stretch. This is a crappy article. and should be ignored. Much hype over nothing.

As stated above - read the full story before declaring your opinion!

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hedonistic metropolis?

Aside from the minuscule Nana Plaza, Soi Cowboy and Patpong, Bangkok's reputable as a hedonist's holiday spot is greatly overrated...

There is more sex for sale in any North / South American city than in all of Bangkok...

also, cheap shopping. compared to where. certainly not any country i have visited. choices are: over priced Thai tack (low quality rubbish) or heavily taxed imports which can be bought in almost any other country without the luxury goods tax.

i think the author of this article is living in the distant past

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I was two times extorted (paying at least 1000THB more then officially) that I will only get 15 or 30 days instead of 60 days I should get officially...

This is madness, and I simply don't accept it as true.

How can you say "1000THB more than officially" when officially it's always zero charge.

Tell us which border you have experienced this, I have been through just about every border and airport many time in the last 14 years and it's never ever been suggested that there be any fee at all.

About two years ago at Chiang Khong crossing from Laos back into TH about two years ago IMMIGRATION officer demanded 300 baht for "motorcycle inspection" (there is NO such fee and it's a customs officer who should deal with vehicles.

Last month crossing into Laos between Ubon and Pakse IMMIGRATION officer demanded 200 (no explanation for what). When I told him that there is NO fee for anything, he said 100 baht.

Thainess is well and going strong among immigration officers at any border crossing. Just depends on your luck and how much money he needs at that time.


Personally, I am going to be proactive and not put up with any police nonsense, no one else should put up with it either. If you do, you make it easy for them and the problem only grows.

-If I am on foot in the Sukhumvit area, minding my business, I will not stop if they try to stop me. No one else should either. Keep going at a brisk pace, do not run, and get away from them. Even better, maintain some amount of vigilance and you should be able to steer clear of them before they see you. Don't even think of walking within shouting distance of any of them.

-If they catch me unawares and standing or sitting somwhere, and ask me for my passport in the Sukhumvit area, I will politely and with a smile ask for badges and ID and I will pull out my phone to show I will be photographing them and those items. I will ask permission to take photos. If they refuse, I will ask, "how do I know you are real cops? Thong Lor boss says there are fake cops shaking people down or police out of their area."

-No ID no badge, then fine, no cooperation from me. Its already a losing situation, I will be in for a hassle no matter what I do, might as well make it difficult for them as well. They can haul me in and I will look for the first opportunity to run or slink away, whatever it takes. In the event I cannot get away, I will hold my ground and say, "I have done nothing wrong. I will not pay, I want to go home now."

That said I have never had even the slightest bit of trouble from Thai cops, other than recently, have been checked twice in the last 6 months on interprovincial busses going between Laos and Isaan. Nothing came of it, they just wanted a peek to see if I had my I.D. Fair enough, that is not the same thing as we are hearing about in the tourist areas of Bangkok. Lived and worked in Bangkok for 12 years, lived in the Sukhumvit area the whole time, went out on the piss to bars monthly never had a cop even look at me. In fact, I remember they were piss testing the gogo girls in Nana quite regularly about 5-6 years ago. They came there to do that once when i was there, I was curious and struck up a friendly conversation with one of the peripheral squad members. we had a laugh and he confirmed that yes they were going to do drug testing on all the staff at particular bars.


A 2:00am 'late drink' in Silom presumably means Patpong and in truth you kind of put yourself on offer hanging out there. Easy meat really for the RTP. Like other posters have said I think our man is making much more of this than it is worth.

a late night drink on a terrace bar in silom area is much more likely to be on the upmarkent young hiso soi. soi 4 i think

I think you mean the downmarket homo soi 4.

like i said not sure on the soi number, it was all late night roof terrace bars and ISB girls last time i was there

must have changed since then cheesy.gif


My sister visit me here in TH last year.

She dropped a cigarette at Sukhumvith road. The police see it and wanted 10000 Bath blink.png

My Thai wife talked them down to 1000 Bath biggrin.png


Why did she drop the cigarette, too lazy to find somewhere to dispose of it and thinks the laws don't apply to her? Glad she was fined.

But the fine Is a standard 2000 baht. She was fined 1000. Money which no doubt went straight into the pocket of the person giving out the fine. I.e. corruption.

How can you, as someone who believes corruption doesn't exist be happy with that ?

It is 2k, that is until you demand a receipt, then the losers start to deal down on the price.... and that is when you walk away.... That is these losers with the green arm patch.... they really are nothing to fear... no power of arrest.. ignore 'em... or demand a receipt....


Thailand is bound an determined to kill the tourist trade. More bullshit from the cops. Soon the GDP will see a fall off in tourist trade and they will be crying the blues. Too damn bad. I tell everyone not to come here because the graft and corruption will ruin the visit.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Again, those are not Thai police but BTS officials and the 2000 Baht fine is a legal one and posted in many places regarding littering. There have been multiple articles over the last few years referring to it as a scam when it is in actuality legal enforcement. But if targeting only the foreigner, then certainly the Governor should step in (again) to do something about it, but no fingers crossed here that will happen.

I had a parking fine in November and offered to pay the Policeman. He said that he could not accept it as it would be seen as a bribe. I was told to pay fine at Police Station.

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But what you conveniently omitted to mention was that after a urine test proved negative the journalist was released without charge and without payment.

So you think it is ok for the police to harass an innocent person with planted drugs and keep him detained for many hours ?

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Funny how doing their job and enforcing the law gets defined as "harassment" by the farang press.

Okay, I'll bite!

Are you

a ) joking? (Don't give up the day- job, trying to be a comedian!)

b ) new to Thailand? New, like in "I arrived this morning".

c ) serious? (Which would by far be the worst)


I am arriving in Bangkok in a few weeks time with my wife (Thai).

In the last 10+ years of coming to Thailand for a 1 month stay I have never been stopped and searched. Have things changed a lot in Bangkok since my last visit just over a year ago ?

I don't smoke and don't take drugs. I dress very casual and do not wear a watch or any gold and don't walk around with an iphone in my hand, my phone and wallet stay in my front pockets.

Where should I avoid walking to avoid getting stopped and searched and made to pay money for doing nothing wrong ?

I am staying at the Trendy in Soi 13 and would normally walk anywhere between Soi 3 and soi 23 without any worries in the past.

Are they targeting a certain type of tourist ? ie: one that looks like he has money ? ie: gold chains, expensive looking clothes, nice sunglasses, iphone in hand etc etc ? (all things that I avoid). I also don't allow my wife to take any of her gold to thailand



The Thai police need more $$$ or baht whatever due to the reform and scraping out some of the corruption thanks to the Junta, so these traffic cops and low ranking officers will resort to things such as random stop and searches on foreigners, I would even suggest that some may plant something if desperate enough for money for their double life, but that will be a rarity, however it has been done before and so it shall be done again.


Wait, the Thai police are becoming MORE corrupt because the Junta has made them LESS corrupt? sleep.png

You obviously and clearly have little to no understanding of how the system works, do you. Well the corruption has been targeted at the top tier officers mainly and this has left the lower tier officers in a situation where they cannot conduct their normal ways, so as Thais do they come up with a new way to resolve the problem (their problem) and this is it. Get booked up sunny Jim

No it hasn´t, only anyone connected with the LM cases has been dealt with, and for reasons not discussable.....


For about 10 years ago I walked around Siam Square and smoked a cigarette. Done with that, I tried to find a garbage span where I could throw the cigarette butt. I saw none but since there was a lot of trash on the sidewalk, I threw it there. Suddenly there was a police and he explained that what I did was illegal and the fine was 1500 Bath. I paid the fine. He even asked if I needed a receipt, which I don't needed.
Since then I always have a small plastic bag where I put the cigarette butt until I find a place where I can throw it. After that I have never been stopped by the police and I have been traveling here for 15 years.


Its easy money for the police especially shaking down worse for wear late night stragglers piling out of areas like Silom and Sukhumvit. Its no excuse but you can see why they'd focus on those areas. Its easy pickings. The fact remains though, Thai police are a law unto themselves.


8So Thailand enforces the law and its a great excuse to go Thai bashing. If people bother to look there are plenty of sand bins for cigs all along this road. Hardly a shakedown. If you want over zealous cops go to the UK. Speed cams everywhere with cops in the main let the uniform go to there head. And dont get me started on PCSOs who lie in wait to fine anyone parking a minute over there alloted time. I for one am glad the army are finally cleaning up this part of BKK. Good on them. Had the Thai Army come over yesterday on a PR round and they could not have been more pleasant. Asked if everthing is OK. And our local cops are so friendly.


Right lets have some FACTS here:

The littering laws are strictly enforced. Not a problem.

The Police in the Asoke area WERE stopping and searching foreigners. I simply cant beleive that some people posting here still dont accept this was happening.

The above searches have STOPPED because the Police were jumped on from a very great height.

No doubt reports such as this will go on for months even though its old news. But thats an inevitable consequence of this type of unacceptable activity which was going on.


Who is this Ian Lloyd Neubauer? Sounds like another sensationalist so-called poor man`s journalist trying to make a claim to fame now that Andrew Drummond is out of the way.

The story regarding his police detention and interrogation, I don`t believe.

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sonearandsofar you have more stories of travellers and expats woes in Thailand have you ever thought of starting your own website to publicise and advise the newbie traveller or expat?


Thais learn certain words over time, like the words; corruption, mafia, no good
Those are 'tap sap' - which is a Thai phrase for 'words taken in to Thai language from other language' (most often, from English).

Well, Thai cops, in particular, should add another tap sap: the English word, 'journalist'. They would pronounce it yunalis. The reason: If some farang who is being harassed or extorted says, 'I am a journalist' ...Thai cops should sit up and take note. Journalists write (or present news) for a living. The article here is scathing and believable. It skewers Thai cops, and they deserve being skewered. Abysmal for Thai tourism image which TAT tries to hard to burnish.

However, It's not all of Thailand which is sinking in to the crap pit. It's the most-touristed places primarily; Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, etc. I happen to reside in Chiang Rai, and can say without hesitation that there's zero shakedowns which remotely resemble the crap that's going on in Thailand's touristy areas.

Come on up, and see the nicer side of Thailand. BTW, lots of backpackers travel up here also, but they use Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai as stepping stones to Laos - where they have better experiences.

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Who is this Ian Lloyd Neubauer? Sounds like another sensationalist so-called poor man`s journalist trying to make a claim to fame now that Andrew Drummond is out of the way.

The story regarding his police detention and interrogation, I don`t believe.

I believe it. Why would he lie about it?


I was two times extorted (paying at least 1000THB more then officially) that I will only get 15 or 30 days instead of 60 days I should get officially...

This is madness, and I simply don't accept it as true.

How can you say "1000THB more than officially" when officially it's always zero charge.

Tell us which border you have experienced this, I have been through just about every border and airport many time in the last 14 years and it's never ever been suggested that there be any fee at all.h


I also have another story, which I posted here. I entered the land border at Nong Khai last year. I should clearly get 30 days but the officer told me that he will give me only 15 days but if I paid (I think it was 500 Baht) he will give me 30 days.

You should read the Visa Section to read more stories like this. I met a nice belgium couple 2 week's ago. They are both retiring in Thailand. He told me horror stories of Koh Samaui Immigration. Officers demanding money and just called it a "new rule"

I believe it. The Samui immigration are literally a boil on the face of Thailand. They are the most heinous offenders. I was once asked to provide a new cell phone for all 9 of the employees to get a visa. They are infamous worldwide for this kind of nonsense. Immigration is out of control, basically. Likewise, the police. Do not pay either of them a bribe. Go to another immigration office. Tell the police or the security guard NO! Absolutely not. I wonder how many Thai people have been asked to pay the 2000 baht "butt" fine? I wonder how many said absolutely not. Probably most. But, I doubt any were asked to pay. The probably with Thailand is the utter lack of accountability. Shame on the general for not addressing that.
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