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OK I will probably catch a lot of heat for writing this but I feel a neccesary rant coming on !

I live in a deep soi in BKK and have come to the conclusion that dogs actually rule most aspects of my life IE : when I can sleep, when I have to wake, having to turn the television volume up to rediculous levels just to hear it, having to carry a large stick AND use it every time I leave my house after dark to go to the shop etc etc.

I didn't fuss so much in the past putting it down to one of the downsides of living here but now I cannot ignore this problem but alas am powerless to change it :o

Last night couldn't sleep because of packs of wild animals tearing each other apart and howling like wolves. Barely got any sleep and woke up at 5am unable to go back to sleep. When I went out onto the balcony half the neighborhood (all Thai) were on their balcony. It was surreal and we talked together about our shared hatred of these damned creatures. Many of my neighbours walk about with umbrellas or brooms/sticks and so on to make a 10 second journey to the shop! I myself have been bitten by an animal that barely resembled a dog as we know it and had to endure 11 injections at the hospital and thousands of baht out of pocket.

A planned meal to an Italian restraunt yesterday with my GF was ruined because of dogs. I cleaned the porch and swept like normal and went to check my email. In that time unbeknowst to me two dogs came in crapped everywhere(I left the gate unlocked) and one put period blood all over the ground :D This was the view that confronted my GF after coming home from a hard days work and an argument ensued as she thought I was too lazy to clean it all up !!!!! Again another example of dog's controlling my life.

Today I am sitting here with a swollen ankle as a dog pounced on me while I was trying to stop it from entering the porch and bending over to close the gate. As I write this post the poodle across the street hasn't stoppped barking a high pitched squeal that is grating on my nerves AAAAARRRRGHHHHH !!! :D

I see only 3 options : prescription tranquilizers from my doc / move to another country or A HUMANE CULL OF THESE CREATURES

Please share your pain with me :D

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I hate uncontrolled soi dogs. I have on occasion been surrounded by 6 or 7 of them and it was at 2 oclock in the morning on the way home from the bar. I only had one choice (other than being bitten from behind), I turned and ran towards them growling and gesturing that I would kill them, the buggers all turned and ran to the other end of the soi, gutless mongrels they were. :o

I think the correct thing to do would be have a humane cull, perhaps talk to all the neighbours and make sure which ones were not someones pet and just go ahead and do it humanely, good luck I share your problems. :D

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I too lived in a remote Soi in Bangkok. We had a lot of wild dogs who gave me some of the same experiences you have mentioned. They were building a new apartment building at the end of the Soi and a construction crew moved in with tents and beds and so on they even brought their chickens. As I understand what happened one of the dogs ate a couple of chickens one night. The next morning the number of dogs had decreased drastically.

In another area (close to the airport) that I stayed for a couple of months the neighborhood the population was made up of mostly Thai Army guys and their families. It was an airborne division with the shiny black boots. The military guys would kick the dogs mercilessly every time one came within kicking range. One only had to look at a dog and they would run away.

It always seemed odd to me that if you see a snake the Thai authorities will come right out and get it and take it away. Seems to me the dogs are much more dangerous.

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Wow! sounds like you got it bad!! Yeah, soi dogs are a complete pain in the arse!! So many dogs all over the streets in Bangkok and yet everytime I go to JJ market I see loads of people buying puppies... You've got to wonder how many of these pups will end up on the street...

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Wow! sounds like you got it bad!! Yeah, soi dogs are a complete pain in the arse!! So many dogs all over the streets in Bangkok and yet everytime I go to JJ market I see loads of people buying puppies... You've got to wonder how many of these pups will end up on the street...

You are right about that. In the building where I live they allow dogs. The Thai people that own them do not care for them properly. They are so lazy that they don't even take them for a walk and just let them loose in the building. Of course the dogs end up just crapping everywhere and sometimes bark unecessarily. It is one thing to buy that beautiful dog and another thing to care for them correctly.

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The BMA runs a dog pickup service, you could also try Soi dog rescue, a non-profit organization. You could try contacting them to see if they can do anything to help.

Here is the contact number for the BMA Public Health Veterinary Division:

Mr Sompop Chatraporn

Director, Veterinary Public Health Division

Health Department, BMA., Mitmaitri Rd

Dindaeng District


Tel: 66 2245 4271

Fax: 66 2245 3744

soi dog rescue is at soidogrescue.org

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I feel bad for kankaroo; his situation is truly a nightmare on wheels! In my four years of living here and seven years traveling here, I've yet to be bitten by one of these nasty buggers. I've had a couple nip at my ankles while riding my bike and some have come towards me threatening to attack, but I've found that most of them are cowards and will retreat if you have a go at them. I've also noticed folks carrying sticks around while walking their own dogs and I live in a neighborhood with virtually no soi dogs so I can only imagine what it's like in other parts of the city.

Many have suggested rat poison which is the silent disposal method of choice for lots of people. As for using sticks/clubs against them, you really have to get them good; they must be incapcitated or they'll keep attacking. It's scary since you can't reason with a dog or any other animal for that matter. A buddy of mine got attacked in the wee hours of the morning while strolling to his GF's place after some heavy drinking. He stomped on the soi dog's back which seemed to partially paralyze it then he found a shovel at this construction site and finished the bugger off with a whack or two to the head. It's a tough situation since a lot of people around here would be very upset to see somebody killing the soi dogs despite the problems they cause. If you get the neighbors on your side first, it would make things much easier.

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I brought my dog here from America. We walk daily from my house to the beach and back. I was advised to bring a big stick as Thai dogs are afraid of them. the first few times we walked to the beach we were attacked every block. I had to beat off the dogs with a stick as best as I could and it got serious when there were two or three or more. I then remembered growing up in the slums, the best defense is offence, fight back. The next day, when attacked, I let my dog take care of two of them blocks apart. Amazing difference now, we walk to the beach and the only ones that approach want to play, which my dog is happy to do, play or fight, he leaves it up to them. It is like all the dogs have talked to each other, now they all the vicious ones avoid him even in new areas

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OK I will probably catch a lot of heat for writing this but I feel a neccesary rant coming on !

I live in a deep soi in BKK and have come to the conclusion that dogs actually rule most aspects of my life IE : when I can sleep, when I have to wake, having to turn the television volume up to rediculous levels just to hear it, having to carry a large stick AND use it every time I leave my house after dark to go to the shop etc etc.

I didn't fuss so much in the past putting it down to one of the downsides of living here but now I cannot ignore this problem but alas am powerless to change it :o

Last night couldn't sleep because of packs of wild animals tearing each other apart and howling like wolves. Barely got any sleep and woke up at 5am unable to go back to sleep. When I went out onto the balcony half the neighborhood (all Thai) were on their balcony. It was surreal and we talked together about our shared hatred of these damned creatures. Many of my neighbours walk about with umbrellas or brooms/sticks and so on to make a 10 second journey to the shop! I myself have been bitten by an animal that barely resembled a dog as we know it and had to endure 11 injections at the hospital and thousands of baht out of pocket.

A planned meal to an Italian restraunt yesterday with my GF was ruined because of dogs. I cleaned the porch and swept like normal and went to check my email. In that time unbeknowst to me two dogs came in crapped everywhere(I left the gate unlocked) and one put period blood all over the ground :D This was the view that confronted my GF after coming home from a hard days work and an argument ensued as she thought I was too lazy to clean it all up !!!!! Again another example of dog's controlling my life.

Today I am sitting here with a swollen ankle as a dog pounced on me while I was trying to stop it from entering the porch and bending over to close the gate. As I write this post the poodle across the street hasn't stoppped barking a high pitched squeal that is grating on my nerves AAAAARRRRGHHHHH !!! :D

I see only 3 options : prescription tranquilizers from my doc / move to another country or A HUMANE CULL OF THESE CREATURES

Please share your pain with me :D

4th option; leave the big city. No problems here in the country. Cheaper living too. On second thought.....too many farangs coming here now......stay put in BKK just kill the buggers. :D

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If you can get some cheap susages, lace them liberally with as much rat poison as possible.

Soi Dogs need a fair amount.

Good luck, I have had the same problem in my soi. :o I fixed it.

Whilst I can fully understand how annoying these pests are, before you go as far as to poison them, perhaps you should see what a horrible death you would perpetrate.

Seven years ago, I had two superb dogs but they were only allowed out when accompanied on a lead. One was some sort of cross between a great dane, dalmatian and mammoth, the friendliest dog you could care to meet; the second was a cute little all-white terrier bar a black patch over his right eye.

My girlfriend adored little Benny and he was my little pal too.

Both had been abandoned by farang who had 'moved on', so I took them in from the soi. It was obvious to me that they were not the normal 'soi dogs', they were just bewildered, lost and hungry.

I had them both innoculated for rabies et al; I bought them both collars and attached their tags.

They were never allowed out to roam free, but were exercised every day on a lead.

One evening, some nutter threw poisoned meat over the fence and my two dogs ate it.

I call whoever was responsible a 'nutter' because those two dogs would only ever bark if there was someone at the gate.

They were never a nuisance to anyone, wannabe burglars excepted.

And no, it was not someone with a grudge. I later found out that it was a farang who hated dogs and did not confine his hatred to those running wild.

The smaller one, Benny, died within about an hour; the big one, Bonzo, took all of two hours or more to die as he vomited and defecated green gunk as I comforted him whilst waiting in vain for the Vet to arrive. The Vet did not turn up, although he had already said it would be a waste of time.

I buried them both myself that night.

There has to be a better way than poison... :D

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Thank you for your post Noel, it must have been terrible. I have seen several dogs poisoned, and it is a truly horrible painful and slow death. You are lucky your dogs died so quickly, my neighbors dog convulsed, vomited and defecated for 6 hours before he died. And no, there were no vets on the island at the time and the poor woman didn't have the guts to put the poor dog out of its misery.

Think twice before inflicting that kind of agony on another creature.

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If you can get some cheap susages, lace them liberally with as much rat poison as possible.

Soi Dogs need a fair amount.

Good luck, I have had the same problem in my soi. :o I fixed it.

Whilst I can fully understand how annoying these pests are, before you go as far as to poison them, perhaps you should see what a horrible death you would perpetrate.

Seven years ago, I had two superb dogs but they were only allowed out when accompanied on a lead. One was some sort of cross between a great dane, dalmatian and mammoth, the friendliest dog you could care to meet; the second was a cute little all-white terrier bar a black patch over his right eye.

My girlfriend adored little Benny and he was my little pal too.

Both had been abandoned by farang who had 'moved on', so I took them in from the soi. It was obvious to me that they were not the normal 'soi dogs', they were just bewildered, lost and hungry.

I had them both innoculated for rabies et al; I bought them both collars and attached their tags.

They were never allowed out to roam free, but were exercised every day on a lead.

One evening, some nutter threw poisoned meat over the fence and my two dogs ate it.

I call whoever was responsible a 'nutter' because those two dogs would only ever bark if there was someone at the gate.

They were never a nuisance to anyone, wannabe burglars excepted.

And no, it was not someone with a grudge. I later found out that it was a farang who hated dogs and did not confine his hatred to those running wild.

The smaller one, Benny, died within about an hour; the big one, Bonzo, took all of two hours or more to die as he vomited and defecated green gunk as I comforted him whilst waiting in vain for the Vet to arrive. The Vet did not turn up, although he had already said it would be a waste of time.

I buried them both myself that night.

There has to be a better way than poison... :D

sorry mate, shocker of a story.

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Yeah, I don't think I would have the heart to poison any animal since I know what a horrible death that would be. However (this is fantasy world now) If given a high powered rifle & shotgun + 6 pack of beers I could get the job done real humanely, I would use both barrels of the shotgun on the poodle or whatever it is as it is only the size of a large rat it would not feel a thing :o LOL !

I am not a sadistic person but some of these little fantasies give me some comfort :D

And it is true about people dumping animals. Last month I witnessed this car drive up to the soi and just wing this little black dog out. You should see the nick of it now - all the soi dog's don't like it as it is an outsider and constantly attack it. It has a broken leg now but somebody took it in. I however have no room for it as my GF has already taken in 2 soi dogs to our garden. I have trained them not to make a noise and that is good enough for me but I don't bother with them as I now officially hate all K9 lifeforms :D

Anyway I love my cat that I bought in JJ 4 years ago :D No problems with him.


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Bloody dogs. There was one dog I took a shine to at Victory Monument and I used to play with it (without touching it) and give it some food. then one day I walked over and he tried to bite me and started barking. From then on we've not got on at all, and he now lives in the doorway to 7-11. Actually IN the doorway, so you have to step over him to get in the shop. Sometimes he still tries to attack me as I tiptoe over him, but the girls in 7-11 have taken to hitting him over the head with a basket every time he does this.

One time he did it and I actually jumped out of my sandals. Like, right out. Everyone found this hilarious. Apparently he has an owner too, who comes and puts a collar on him sometimes. He had a yellow one to celebrate His Majesty The King's big do, but it didn't last long.

Flaming dogs. I even saw one cheeky fcker bite an unsuspecting pretty lady on the ass once. This was quite funny though.

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The smaller one, Benny, died within about an hour; the big one, Bonzo, took all of two hours or more to die as he vomited and defecated green gunk as I comforted him whilst waiting in vain for the Vet to arrive. The Vet did not turn up, although he had already said it would be a waste of time.

I buried them both myself that night.

Sorry to hear this Noel, absolutely terrible,

I have a fear of people stealing my Chihauhaus but I can't think of anything worse than poison.


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I copped a flicker in another topic about poisoning soi dogs.

One question: What would you rather have, a series of painful rabies injections at great expense and worry, or getting rid of the souce of the rabies?...... just one tiny nip or scratch, is all it takes. :o

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im a dog lover but those bloody soi dogs drive me nuts. :D

im coming home from the rubbity dub dub all pissed up and have to tackle the ###### soi dogs. :D

why cant we get the thais to do a number on them ?

just flick them a few baht and those soi dogs are history. :D

cheers mates :o

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Noel, I too am sorry for your dogs, they were your pets and not soi dogs. Did you ever confront the farang who did it?

Udon, you are right, why let these disease ridden mongrels roam the streets? How many kids and adults have to have their lives ruined from a dog attack? Dangerous dogs walking around the sois have to be put down.

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Noel, I too am sorry for your dogs, they were your pets and not soi dogs. Did you ever confront the farang who did it?

Udon, you are right, why let these disease ridden mongrels roam the streets? How many kids and adults have to have their lives ruined from a dog attack? Dangerous dogs walking around the sois have to be put down.

Thanks to you and others for the kind words.

Rather than go into detail, let's just say that after a visit he decided to change his ways... :o

Going back some ten years or so, every week or two a City Hall wagon used to patrol the area where I live. Two men would catch stray dogs, using a pole with a sliding loop of flex on the end.

How they actually disposed of the dogs was a matter open for debate, although the popular theory had something to do with the Crocodile Farm.

Unfortunately, the service was withdrawn for whatever reason. :D

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If you can get some cheap susages, lace them liberally with as much rat poison as possible.

Soi Dogs need a fair amount.

Good luck, I have had the same problem in my soi. :D I fixed it.

Whilst I can fully understand how annoying these pests are, before you go as far as to poison them, perhaps you should see what a horrible death you would perpetrate.

Seven years ago, I had two superb dogs but they were only allowed out when accompanied on a lead. One was some sort of cross between a great dane, dalmatian and mammoth, the friendliest dog you could care to meet; the second was a cute little all-white terrier bar a black patch over his right eye.

My girlfriend adored little Benny and he was my little pal too.

Both had been abandoned by farang who had 'moved on', so I took them in from the soi. It was obvious to me that they were not the normal 'soi dogs', they were just bewildered, lost and hungry.

I had them both innoculated for rabies et al; I bought them both collars and attached their tags.

They were never allowed out to roam free, but were exercised every day on a lead.

One evening, some nutter threw poisoned meat over the fence and my two dogs ate it.

I call whoever was responsible a 'nutter' because those two dogs would only ever bark if there was someone at the gate.

They were never a nuisance to anyone, wannabe burglars excepted.

And no, it was not someone with a grudge. I later found out that it was a farang who hated dogs and did not confine his hatred to those running wild.

The smaller one, Benny, died within about an hour; the big one, Bonzo, took all of two hours or more to die as he vomited and defecated green gunk as I comforted him whilst waiting in vain for the Vet to arrive. The Vet did not turn up, although he had already said it would be a waste of time.

I buried them both myself that night.

There has to be a better way than poison... :D

So sorry mate. What a terrible thing to have happen! Noel it sounds like you found out who did this. Did you pay him a little visit? :o

Looks like you typed the answer as I was typing the question! Ever thought of going into the fortune telling business?

Edited by tourleadersi
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The poisoning bit sounds pretty agonizing; I figured rat poison would kill them very quickly. In China, the authorities simply went around with big sticks, clubbed the dogs on the head, then threw their bodies into large trucks for later disposal. Sounds awful, but if you have a big soi dog problem, what else can you do? Also, the people who put these poor things out on the streets to fend for themselves are the main problem; no matter how fast you kill the ones already out there more will take their place in a very short time. Maybe we need to club a few dog owners:)

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It is rat poison these dogs are being fed. And no, it doesn't work quickly. Alot of it depends on the size and body weight of the dog relative to the amount of poison they injest. Most dogs never injest enought to kill quickly. I'd say an hour of convulsing in agony is the minimum.

Once again, I suggest to the OP to try contacting the Vet Dept -- if one call doesn't work try again until it does. Soi Dog Rescue may also be of help, give it a try, you won't know until you try. And you may find it much easier to live with yourself than condemning a lot of dogs to an agonizing death.

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Noel, I too am sorry for your dogs, they were your pets and not soi dogs. Did you ever confront the farang who did it?

Udon, you are right, why let these disease ridden mongrels roam the streets? How many kids and adults have to have their lives ruined from a dog attack? Dangerous dogs walking around the sois have to be put down.

Thanks to you and others for the kind words.

Rather than go into detail, let's just say that after a visit he decided to change his ways... :o

Going back some ten years or so, every week or two a City Hall wagon used to patrol the area where I live. Two men would catch stray dogs, using a pole with a sliding loop of flex on the end.

How they actually disposed of the dogs was a matter open for debate, although the popular theory had something to do with the Crocodile Farm.

Unfortunately, the service was withdrawn for whatever reason. :D

look mate that is the answer is in'it. :D

your got a lot of brain matter moving there my man. :D

lets do it mate,

get the thais to do the job some how. :D

look im in for 100 baht a head. :D

what do you think is a resonable amount to pay as im just quesssing. :D

cheers mates :D:D

crocodiles have to eat you know

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I still think that the high powered rifle idea would be a lot more fun ----I MEAN more humane of course LOL :o

Then again ... ANY of the 3 options you listed in your original post would be better ... but you left out 2 other options. Move to a better area ... and get your neighborstalking together about the problem. After all the queaky wheel gets the grease!

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:D I too loathe the soi dogs. Apart from the barking and shagging - try explaining that to a four year old :D , there is the ever present risk of being nibbled :o . IMHO, lethal injection is the only way to go. There are far too many of them, some of them look to be in constant torment from the mites or whatever it is that make them totally bald. What sort of life is it? I am aware of the cultural issues but there has to be something done. Without exeption, all my visitors remark on them.
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