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The Apple that will not Die....


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As Dave Barry used to say, "I'm not making this up," and actually, I'm not. It's totally true.

About (and here I am not quite sure since at the time it didn't seem something I would want to measure) three months ago, probably a bit more, I bought some smallish, red apples. Red Delicious maybe? They came in a pack of four or five I think. I like apples, but never think to eat one. So in some spastic, "I ought to eat something healthy, like a apple," I bought these at one of our well-known chain supermarkets.

They sat in the fridge for probably two and a half weeks, during which time I ate one or two. After a while I thought even if the rest were okay to eat, they'd probably gone pithy so I took them out and threw them at the squirrels in the back, except one. This one I put on my kitchen counter. Dont' ask me why.

Anyway, it didn't really change in appearance over the next month. Finally, impressed with whatever chemical preservative was used on these babies, I move the apple to the very back of the property, and put it on top of a white-painted concrete fence post.

And there it sat...even though the recent several days of rain.

I present a photo of it for your study.

It does not seem to be degrading in any visible way. As I said, it's probably coming up on about four months now, at least three of those unrefrigerated.

It is a marvel of modern food preservation. I am thinking of making a shrine around it and offering the locals a chance to make merit in the form of donations to the miracle of THE APPLE. Larger denomination notes make THE APPLE happier than smaller ones....


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