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US: Video shows man shot by New Jersey police raising his hands

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I see the usual group of police haters showed up. I viewed the video, and couldn't tell anything from it. It should be interesting to see exactly what happened for the police to shoot the guy.

I think before posting stupid comments, it may be better to read about the outcome of the investigation before jumping to conclusions.

I remember one poster during the Ferguson incident, making post after post about the police officer being a "Dirty Harry" cop, whatever that is suppose to mean. That incident turned out, the officer wasn't at fault and acted according to the law. Imagine that.

Yeah, imagine that, a police officer being found innocent whilst on duty *rolls eyes*.. No doubt you believed it when the group of officers were found innocent after beating Rodney King as well, and dozens and dozens of other cases in the US. Gullible much?

And no, I dont think cup o coffee is really a fully paid up member of the KKK. Fail to see the relevance of his *facts though on this story, looks like he wanted to get something of his chest....

* I say facts because these statistics dont allow for a lot of factors such as education, poverty, social engineering etc etc


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Yes, he called him by his name. The officer had been involved, in a previous arrest. The officer was aware of his criminal history and that he had served 13 years in prison, for shooting at law enforcement officers. That information and the gun within reach would put any law enforcement officer in survival mode.



At one point one cop does say get them out of the car. ( first link)

But the cop on the passengers side is quite hyper & did say quite a few times

dont move.

But it is obvious the passenger side cop is very nervous/hyper also he seems to know the passenger

as he calls him by his name.... Jerame

I guess the officer should have said "Pleeassse doo nott mooove" in a calm, soothing voice. Ever been in a situation like this? I have. How would you react? Piss your pants. He must not have been that nervous. He hit what he shot at.

Yeah, that's pretty shocking. People who get that nervous and excitable probably shouldn't be a police officer, much less ever be allowed near a firearm.

Yes, adrenaline.

Holy crap !!!!!! That one policeman is a frigging lunatic. He must

have been high on something....

I thought raising one's hands was the new-age way of saying "Shoot me! Shoot me!"

It works best if you are a dark shade of white.

That's what many American policemen seem to think, anyway.

He was told not to move, but he did anyway. After having served 13 years in prison, for a prior gun related offence, don't you think he knew, that being a felon in possession, he was going back to prison.

As long as the police are going to be found not guilty of any wrongdoing, this is going to occur all the time in the USA.

The police there have full immunity, this encourages these extra judicial executions.

Eventually it is going to be one too many and that country is going to erupt. In a country with as many guns as there are over there..... It is NOT going to be a pretty sight when it all kicks off.

How many guns are in America is not the problem. The problem is the number of people that illegally have guns, that they use to commit crime. You can have all the laws regulating legal ownership, but criminals do not obey the law. Locks on doors, only keep law abiding people out, not criminals. I know of no country, on this Earth, that can truthfully say, they do not have illegally possessed firearms. Police officers do not have "full immunity." In officer involved shootings, after all evidence is presented and reviewed and it is determined the officer actions were justified, then no crime has been committed. If evidence proves otherwise, he will be charged and enter the legal system, the same as any other person. If an act of civil disobedience does erupt, it will be because of the news media. Their biased reporting of events, over the past years are where the troubles began. They add fuel to the fire every day. They are still making references to the Ferguson Mo. officer (that was cleared of any wrong doing) with each new news story.

US police...arrogant racist thugs....nit much else to say.

So when this person black in color was shot, by a black police officer, that equals racism. Is it racism, when a black officer kills a white or a Hispanic officer kills a white, in the line of duty. The racism issue is just a reason used to inflame, cause hatred and stir the pot. If you are not a US citizen or have not lived there, for an extended length of time, you have not been exposed to the reversed racism, that black Americans use in their everyday life.

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Then, the passenger, despite being warned repeatedly not to move, stepped out of the Jaguar, his hands raised about shoulder level.

It is hard for us to imagine why the officer felt it necessary to shoot an unarmed man with his hands in the air...but then again...we need to walk a mile in his shoes...see what he sees everyday...and know what he knows...to get the rest of the story...

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This kind of stuff is self fulfilling

Having seen what has happened on both sides of the law in recent months it is not surprising

Meaning cops like the one who did the shooting in this video are obviously stressed & feelings are running high

after the cops were assassinated in a car recently.

Which probably was done in some form of twisted payback for that which came before it

So it goes......self fulfilling

This is how anarchy starts

All that aside it is understandable that the cops are stressed now & rightfully so

But on the other hand it does not take a trained psychologist to see the cop who did the shooting

was beyond normal operating procedures & in a state of fear which affected his judgment & resulted in what happened

It will now continue to build........not good for either side

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And no, I dont think cup o coffee is really a fully paid up member of the KKK.

Maybe you should search his content and read his comments on Jews - the ones that were not deleted. You might have a change of heart.


"Come on, rub those sleepy little eyes and wake up. What does "education, poverty, and social engineering," (social engineering??) have to do with blacks committing crimes? "

Not much, but it is the standard excuse trotted out every time statistics like these are produced.



To be facetious, perhaps black people carry guns as protection against those folks dressed in white sheets and hoods whose main purposes (for over a hundred years) seem to be burning crosses on other people's property, and lynching people who look different from themselves!

The last known lynching by the KKK of a black man happened in 1981.

That means a total of...NONE...have been performed in the last 33+ years.

That hardly seems a viable excuse for carrying a gun.

PS: Yes, I know what "facetious" means. I also know what "misleading" means.

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Yeah, that's pretty shocking. People who get that nervous and excitable probably shouldn't be a police officer, much less ever be allowed near a firearm.

How about "Being a police officer in a predominantly black slum, rundown ghetto neighborhood (is there any other kind in general?) gets a police officer to be that way"... and for clear reasons that no one siding with blacks on this issue wish to discuss or to even be on the table for discussion.

Perhaps you should also be asking yourself why this is happening in an ever increasing manner, and also take a look at the unreasonable, lop-sided logic (and lack thereof) in how this is being swept under the rug.

The police are bad when they shoot a black with a gun, and the black refuses to listen and comply, and everyone forgets that the insolent black was going somewhere with that gun before the police even had cause to stop him.

Where was he going? Is that really important anymore when one considers the statistics on pandemic black crime in the USA? You can mitigate it all you want, but it won't change the truth that no one will address outside of social media and forums like this.

Speaking of "...pandemic black crime in the USA", do you really know what the statistics are? Do you know what the statistics of "white crime" are?

To be facetious, perhaps black people carry guns as protection against those folks dressed in white sheets and hoods whose main purposes (for over a hundred years) seem to be burning crosses on other people's property, and lynching people who look different from themselves!

As a matter of fact, eastcanje, I do know a bit of the statistics, as follows:

According to the 2010 National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) done by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) under the Department of Justice (DOJ):

62,596 Blacks were the victim of White violence, while 320,082 Whites were the victim of Black violence.

With those numbers, Blacks committed 5x more violence against Whites than Whites do against Blacks. But this figure is misleading because the population for Whites and Blacks are not the same...

There are 197,000,000 Non-Hispanic WHites in the US making up 63.7% of the population.

There are 38,000,000 Blacks in the US making up 12.6% of the population.

What this means is - when adjusted for population size - Blacks commit 25x more violent assaults than Whites do against Blacks.

And when it comes to a specific kind of assault... Aggravated Assault, the rate for Blacks is 200x higher against whites than it is for Whites against Blacks.

Is there an epidemic of racial tension and violence in this country against Blacks?

I don't know... you tell me.

Fact: Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38.3% of the total of all welfare payments. Whites are 72% of the population, and take 30.5% of the total.


Fact: Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38% os taxpayer subsidized housing.


Fact: Blacks are responsible for 40.8% of all domestic violence cases, despite being only 13% of the population. See page 28: http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/pub/pdf/vi.pdf

Fact: 28% of black males go to jail, vs. 4.4% of white males.


Fact: Blacks are four times more likely to kill their children.


Fact: Blacks were seven times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 2005


Fact: Black teens comprise only 15% of all U.S. teenagers but were 70% of all new AIDS diognosis in 2012, according to CDC


Fact: Only 25% of black males are graduating in New York State, and in New York City which has the lagest black enrollment, only 28% graduates


Fact: Research shows that black women, many living in Atlanta, are being infected with HIV - so much to that the new cases are being cmpared to African countries.


Fact: Blacks are 54 percent of the population of Atlanta but are responsible for:

100 percent of homicide

95 percent of rape

94 percent of robbery

84 percent of aggravated assault

93 percent of burglary

APD Uniform Crime Reports, Apr 2011 to Apr 2012


Crime in USA 2011

Total Murders committed by blacks in 2011: 2925

Total Murders committed by whites in 2011: 2823

White victims of black murders: 448

Black victims of white murders: 193

Murdering rate for blacks 7.1 / 100,000

Murdering rate for whites 1.3 / 100,000

Victimhood rate for blacks: 6.7 / 100,000

Victimhood rate for whites: 1.3 / 100,000

Rate of black on black murder: 84%% of all murders committed by blacks

Rate of white on white murder: 93%% of all murders committed by whites

Rate of black on white murder: 15% of all murders committed by blacks

Rate of white on black murder: 6% of all murders committed by whites


Blacks are 7x more likely to murder than whites

Blacks are 5x more likely to be murdered than whites

Blacks are 2x more likely to murder a white than to be murdered by a white

Blacks though representing 13% of the data set committed over 50% of the murders

Numbers are arrived at using rounded percentages. National population was rounded to 13% Black, and 78% White. The 78% White includes Hispanic because that is how the FBI tracks murder statistics... worth noting that this inflates White crime rates.

Raw data used:



So... what if Black people left the USA?

The prison population would go down by 27%

There would be almost 50% less gang members

Rape would go down significantly

Overweight and obesity percentage would go down by 10%

Average IQ would go up by 7 points, putting the USA tied for third with Japan

SAT scores would go up by about 100 points

ACT scores would go up by 5.5 points

AIDS and HIV would go down by 67%

Chlamydia cases would go down 50%

Gonorrhea cases would go down by 58%

Syphilis would go down by 58%

The average income of the country would be 20k or more per year

The amount of people in poverty would go down by over 30%

Homelessness would go down by 57%

And the number of welfare recipients wuold go down by about 40%


















... and that is for a beginning, eastcanje....

How about you? Do you have the statistics that describe your point of view?


A lot of these links don't go to the pages you think they go to. I'm going to take a wild guess that you didn't look them up yourself and just cut and pasted them blindly from somewhere, and didn't even bother to check if they're accurate or not. And what's the relevance of HIV statistics about..? That's got nothing to do with anything anyone is discussing. It's like you didn't even bother reading closely what you were pasting.

edit: lol, took two seconds to find the first hit on google for these. I guess you didn't bother to check the sources or the links then. A lovely site called murder2media where the website owner outlines the philosophy of the website "...they are intentionally dumbing everyone down in hopes of someday breeding everyone into a single negroid race with an average IQ of 85 which will be easy for them to dominate. I'm NOT cool with this and I don't think most other people are either..."

Well, you've convinced me with your blind cutting and pasting of links from a totally unbiased site.

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If this report is truely factual why would you move when told not to by police with drawn guns? Seems to have cost his life anyway.The officiers weren't going to take any chances and unless you were there watching this occur we don't really know how this happened.Just too many people carrying weapons in the Usa as a whole.

The cops volunteered for their job. Jobs have risks. The cops acted as Judge, Jury, and Executioner.


Wow, cup-o-coffee, how much does your annual KKK membership cost out of interest?

Im sorry but it is people like yourself that is the main problem in this matter as you refuse to accept the figures posted and until you and the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and the other hate longer admit there is a problem of blacks committing proportionately more crime rather than simply blaming the whiteman every time the only people that will suffer is the black people they say they want to protect.

Personally if I had two stressed and armed officers with guns drawn screaming at me then the only words you would hear from me would be

" yes officer "

Let's not forget the fact the dead guy was know to the officers for shooting at police in the past and they had pulled a gun from the car.

Sent from my GT-S6102 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



Let's not forget the fact the dead guy was know to the officers for shooting at police in the past and they had pulled a gun from the car.

Oh let's not let facts get in the way of peoples' obsessive ranting.

Yes the dead guy had spent time in prison for shooting at cops. Therefore as a convicted felon he not only wasn't allowed to have a gun in his possession, he wasn't even allowed to live in a house where there was a gun which was owned by someone who owned it legally.

The cops knew him and his history. He'd been in a lot of trouble.

If I was in the situation the cop was even as just a citizen I might have (legally) shot him. ALL I NEED for it to be a justifiable shoot is to "have a reasonable belief that I am in danger of death or serious bodily injury." That's the law and it's a good one.

I'd hate to be a cop on the streets with those bastards on the loose, and have to make split-second decisions.

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police officers should be trained to not use the F word, I think using the F world intensifies the situation as well. Suspects can be charge for using the F word, why are police officer free to do so? Either way, the black cop was not prepared for that stop once he saw the suspect, he was jittery as hell! White cop just shot because the black cop shot, I doubt he had a valid reason to shoot the suspect.



Let's not forget the fact the dead guy was know to the officers for shooting at police in the past and they had pulled a gun from the car.

Oh let's not let facts get in the way of peoples' obsessive ranting.

Yes the dead guy had spent time in prison for shooting at cops. Therefore as a convicted felon he not only wasn't allowed to have a gun in his possession, he wasn't even allowed to live in a house where there was a gun which was owned by someone who owned it legally.

The cops knew him and his history. He'd been in a lot of trouble.

If I was in the situation the cop was even as just a citizen I might have (legally) shot him. ALL I NEED for it to be a justifiable shoot is to "have a reasonable belief that I am in danger of death or serious bodily injury." That's the law and it's a good one.

I'd hate to be a cop on the streets with those bastards on the loose, and have to make split-second decisions.

So you've just taken a gun off of someone, so you know for a FACT that they are unharmed, and they have their hands in the air. And yet you still shoot them. Thats murder, simple. Past crime makes no difference in this scenario, just a pathetic excuse to try to justify wrong actions after an event.

If any of you really think that jittery cop is behaving in a manner befitting his position, then there is seriously something wrong with you..


"Come on, rub those sleepy little eyes and wake up. What does "education, poverty, and social engineering," (social engineering??) have to do with blacks committing crimes? "

Not much, but it is the standard excuse trotted out every time statistics like these are produced.

Me wake up? You're clearly comatose if you don't think poverty and education don't have a massive bearing on crime


And no, I dont think cup o coffee is really a fully paid up member of the KKK.

Maybe you should search his content and read his comments on Jews - the ones that were not deleted. You might have a change of heart.

Having looked at the website and blog-post from where Cup-O-Coffee blindly copied and pasted his statistics above, you might have a point- it's full of weekly articles about how "the Jews control everything in America", "the Jews and their Lies" and some on and on. Probably not where I'd choose to go get my facts and figures from...

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Wow, cup-o-coffee, how much does your annual KKK membership cost out of interest?

I believe you are mistaking my sense of self preservation and fairness for racism. Be my guest.


And no, I dont think cup o coffee is really a fully paid up member of the KKK.

Maybe you should search his content and read his comments on Jews - the ones that were not deleted. You might have a change of heart.

UG... I am shocked! How could you?w00t.gif


And no, I dont think cup o coffee is really a fully paid up member of the KKK.

Maybe you should search his content and read his comments on Jews - the ones that were not deleted. You might have a change of heart.

Having looked at the website and blog-post from where Cup-O-Coffee blindly copied and pasted his statistics above, you might have a point- it's full of weekly articles about how "the Jews control everything in America", "the Jews and their Lies" and some on and on. Probably not where I'd choose to go get my facts and figures from...


A person has an opinion about Jews (that the Jews do not like) and it gets dug up and twisted into a frame that would cast doubt on the person's integrity and character. It gets dug up in a manner that has nothing to do with the OP, but the idiots doing this clearly make the mistake of thinking everyone is going to be devastated that C.O.C. has an opinion about the Jews, which... again... you boys brought up... not me... and... again... it has nothing to do with the OP.

And at the same time you boys mitigate the fact that in the past, a black bum gangster breaks just about every law imaginable and winds up in prison for quite some time for attempted murder of police officers (shooting at them with what I suspect is not the desire to only scare them) and then gets shot dead by police officers in a situation that in all likelihood the dead bum brought on, but his past is not important to you... mine is... but not his.

Having an opinion about Jews = not good. Shooting at police officers and whatever other criminal activity = OK if you are black.

Nice one boys! Hack a thread, go off topic to degrade a poster about off topic BS, and ignore/dismiss/mitigate any time a black trash gangsta shoots with intent to kill and fall over each other to show your abject love for ghetto trash, who have utterly zero respect for the law, zero respect for life, and in all likelihood zero respect for you or me were we to "bounce" into their "hood" unknowingly.

I think you need to rework your script, boys. It's a bit worn.


Don't forget your "opinion" of black people. If you don't want people to figure out your agenda, you better stop "sharing" it so openly on the forum. No one would miss such hateful remarks. bah.gif


Don't forget your "opinion" of black people. If you don't want people to figure out your agenda, you better stop "sharing" it so openly on the forum. No one would miss such hateful remarks. bah.gif

It's not about me, petal, but you know that, don't you?



When I lived in the USA I carried a pistol in my car. Whenever i got pulled over by the police I would put the pistol on the dash so the cop could see it before he approached my car. Then I would place my hands on the steering wheel so he could see them.

Most of the time there was no problem. A couple of times however the cop would be so freaked out that he would pull his gun on me, have me exit the car and handcuff me before he would talk to me about why he pulled me over.

These are the types of cops that are scared shitless and are prone to kill people even when they do nothing wrong.

Before you guys jump on me about having a gun in the car i lived in a state that people having rifles hanging in their back windows and pistols in their glove boxes was common. It is even legal to walk around town with a pistol on your hip if you wish.


Cup-o-coffee, all of your statistics are made null and void by the following question: Could Black people be arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned at higher rates, just because of their skin color?


The mere fact that the MAJORITY of people in prisons are there for drug crimes and are black and hispanic.

Yet, there is research that drug use among White people is just as high or higher than minorities.

Could the same be said for murder, theft, rape and just about any other crime?

Rich White people get away with murder--literally--than blacks because they can afford the finest and most expensive legal representation?


Cup-o-coffee, all of your statistics are made null and void by the following question: Could Black people be arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned at higher rates, just because of their skin color?

You are being as ridiculous as he is and I question his statistics because of the very questionable source. However, black people commit violent crimes 8 times more than whites according to police statistics. There is no way that those arrests are all to due their skin color. Police are going to arrest pretty much anyone who is guilty of a violent crime.

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