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Would you have lent the money?


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100thb to put your coworker through a chatacter test, no big deal. Don't give the principle bs

"coworker", its a effin TEFLR for gawds sake no need for a character test.

Principle BS, its one of the reasons I avoid these freeloaders like the plauge.

There are two things I tell everyone I meet in Thailand, I dont do drugs and and I dont do loans, get that crap out the way straight from the off, makes my life much more bearable.

Thankfully I earn more than a poor TEFLr wage and as such drink in fine establishments that have prices that keep these freeloaders from setting foot in the place.

Probably a Cheers Extra or Red Horse drinker, probably smokes Wonder Red as well.

Jeez if your life is so pitiful, pack up and go home, alternatively get a job in the diplomatic service, I hear it pays big $$$$$, LOL.

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100thb to put your coworker through a chatacter test, no big deal. Don't give the principle bs

"coworker", its a effin TEFLR for gawds sake no need for a character test.

Principle BS, its one of the reasons I avoid these freeloaders like the plauge.

There are two things I tell everyone I meet in Thailand, I dont do drugs and and I dont do loans, get that crap out the way straight from the off, makes my life much more bearable.

Thankfully I earn more than a poor TEFLr wage and as such drink in fine establishments that have prices that keep these freeloaders from setting foot in the place.

Probably a Cheers Extra or Red Horse drinker, probably smokes Wonder Red as well.

Jeez if your life is so pitiful, pack up and go home, alternatively get a job in the diplomatic service, I hear it pays big $$$$$, LOL.

It's 100thb, amount that I give to beggars depending on my mood. No need to phisolophise saying principle bs lolol. At the end of the day it's 100thb

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You are going to fall out with this guy. It is best never to have been mates in the first place then you will just keep your distance from each other. Since you will fall out, it doesn't matter either way whether you lent him the 100 Baht.

In answer to your question, I would have either done as you did or simply given it to him and not expected it back. That way when he let me down I would not feel let down.

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There IS job satisfaction in TEFL, it just depends on the school or language center, and the kind of person you are.

Sometimes it's because the students - contrary to popular myth here in Thailand - are capable and motivated; sometimes because it's a pleasure interacting with lovely people; and sometimes, in places (like this particular school) it's simply that you were able to reach and inspire some kid whose life may or probably won't change because of it, but whose skills or behaviour improve just because a teacher actually acknowledged their existence for the first time in their life.

There are many negatives to working in or around the Thai education system, but sometimes there are cracks of light that shine through.

It's also possible to make reasonable money (relatively speaking) though obviously that doesn't compare to capitalist endeavours. However, whether it's BKK or Isaan, if you make some effort and be professional you can be a success, gain respect and make enough to live comfortably here as well as saving.

Is TEFL in Thailand a good career choice beyond doing it because one has a family settled here? I don't think so. The main thing Thailand TEFL offers as far as I'm concerned is a lot of opportunity to gain a wide range of different teaching experience compared to many other countries. For me personally it's just a stepping stone before I settle in Spain, Portugal or Italy later on, closer to home.

How some of you guys feel TEFLing in Thailand wouldn't be for you, I feel retiring here isn't for me.

Courses for horses eh.

Edited by Squeegee
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100 baht then, Yes I would of, and if it wasnt returned then it wouldnt be happening again that's for sure.

Larger sums then no.

This sounds easy but it's a complex judgment call.

The main point IMHO is to be careful of not creating precedents.

In my early days of LOS I spent quite some time with one of my new work colleagues, a guy from US, and he seemed genuine and reliable.

He started to borrow money and at first I gave it, but it soon became more regular and bigger amounts. And the repayments dried up.

At first I told nobody but then another farang colleague asked me if the guy owed me any money and in fact he did, about 20,000Baht. The other colleague then told me the guy owed large amounts to all the staff, farang and Thai. In total, as best we could calculate some 400,000Baht.

A day or so later the guy came to my apartment and brought his new b/f and his new g/f and wanted to party. He called our in-house coffee shop and ordered lots of food and drinks. It arrived and I paid the bill, about 1,500Baht. Later they all left and he borrowed money from me for a taxi.

Next morning I couldn't find my wallet and then I realized my camera was missing. Same day at the office several staff members, together, took the guy aside and demanded their money and even more strongly demanded he pay the outstanding money to the Thai staff first and pay it today.

Now it took an interesting turn, his old b/f and his new b/f turned up together at the office. One of the Thai male staff secretly took their bags and searched the bags. Guess what, several wallets, including mine and several cameras, including mine, and several sets of motorcycle keys.

End of story, if I get asked for money now I always say, sorry I just sent 99% of my money home to my mother in xxxx or similar. The requests quickly stop.

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So you're 'uncomfortable with the morality of it',

yet you're perfectly comfortable with the 'morality'

of telling straight lies.

You could have said 'no'.


I don't think you're much of an 'alpha' really: I was more than clear that I was uncomfortable with all of it, as specified, and said it's not how I would normally have handled it. At no point did I say I was comfortable with lying, so that's you looking to put words into mouths so you can have your little penile wiggle.

And that's you: posting nasty negative comments to attack people who are trying to get through life in the best possible way. I'm surprised it took two pages before your kind appeared. A piece of you was stuck to the bottom of my shoe earlier today. No, I'm not calling you a piece of excrement, I'm not sure what it was, other than being something ugly, unwanted and thoroughly pointless.

That'll be my token reply to an idiotic troll in the topic then.

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Sounds like the OP is living hand to mouth so if this is the case, a polite "sorry mate but I've just got enough for my lunch" would be the best thing. If the guy is offended then he's clearly a sponger and he should then be treated as such and avoided if at all possible.

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The week before we went to lunch together and he said he'd stopped smoking... but asked for a cigarette.

There it is plain as day... Look no further. If u want to give him 100bt then it's a gift pure and dimple. Under no conceivable situation is it a loan....

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There IS job satisfaction in TEFL, it just depends on the school or language center, and the kind of person you are.

Sometimes it's because the students - contrary to popular myth here in Thailand - are capable and motivated; sometimes because it's a pleasure interacting with lovely people; and sometimes, in places (like this particular school) it's simply that you were able to reach and inspire some kid whose life may or probably won't change because of it, but whose skills or behaviour improve just because a teacher actually acknowledged their existence for the first time in their life.

There are many negatives to working in or around the Thai education system, but sometimes there are cracks of light that shine through.

It's also possible to make reasonable money (relatively speaking) though obviously that doesn't compare to capitalist endeavours. However, whether it's BKK or Isaan, if you make some effort and be professional you can be a success, gain respect and make enough to live comfortably here as well as saving.

Is TEFL in Thailand a good career choice beyond doing it because one has a family settled here? I don't think so. The main thing Thailand TEFL offers as far as I'm concerned is a lot of opportunity to gain a wide range of different teaching experience compared to many other countries. For me personally it's just a stepping stone before I settle in Spain, Portugal or Italy later on, closer to home.

How some of you guys feel TEFLing in Thailand wouldn't be for you, I feel retiring here isn't for me.

Courses for horses eh.

How some of you guys feel TEFLing in Thailand wouldn't be for you,

Perfectably reasonable question.

If you are looking for a couple of years experince to put on a CV, fine, as a career move, no chance.

Call me a, bread head, wage slave, or corporate whore, it makes no difference.

For me personally, I would rather stick with the, final salary index linked company pension plan, free medical, and life insurance plan, free housing and kids schooling packaage, free flights from X to Y every year.

Not to mention the COLA, tax free salary, the severance package, free shipping costs, free company car.

Etc etc, please let me know where this can be had in Bkk at a salary of at least 300k per month?

Last one I was offered was for about 96/98k per month, sorry, no chance dont think so.

Anyway to answer your question, some of us guys have, qualifications, knowledge, experience and have held positions that pays a dammed sight more than a TEFLr wage.

If you are here teaching just to be with Little Lek from upcountry for 30k per month, best of luck to you.

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I don't lend money to anyone. I figure if they really need it and I can help I give it as a gift. That way I won't be unhappy to not get it back. Doesn't happen very often. I probably would have given the guy 100 baht but if he came back again I would refuse, Forgetting your wallet once is an accident. Twice is a pattern.

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IF he was generally an ok guy and had no past of borrowing and not repaying I would have. I once was in Oman airport and a guy was sat next to me having ordered a coffee. It came and he went for his wallet only to find he only had about 20% of the bill. I didnt know him but I paid for it. I think it came to about 2 quid ($3).

I have been an expat for longer than I care to remember and it has always been considered we all all family. It has not been unusual for guys to have a collection for someone who had to return home unexpectedly. I doubt if it would happen now but it used to; it was just the done thing.

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100thb to put your coworker through a chatacter test, no big deal. Don't give the principle bs

"coworker", its a effin TEFLR for gawds sake no need for a character test.

Principle BS, its one of the reasons I avoid these freeloaders like the plauge.

There are two things I tell everyone I meet in Thailand, I dont do drugs and and I dont do loans, get that crap out the way straight from the off, makes my life much more bearable.

Thankfully I earn more than a poor TEFLr wage and as such drink in fine establishments that have prices that keep these freeloaders from setting foot in the place.

Probably a Cheers Extra or Red Horse drinker, probably smokes Wonder Red as well.

Jeez if your life is so pitiful, pack up and go home, alternatively get a job in the diplomatic service, I hear it pays big $$$$$, LOL.

It's 100thb, amount that I give to beggars depending on my mood. No need to phisolophise saying principle bs lolol. At the end of the day it's 100thb

At the end of the day it is 100 baht, at the end of the next day it is 200 baht, at the end of the third day it is 500 baht.

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Probably would have, just a 100b.

What has the sleepy face got to do with it?

'What has the sleepy face got to do with it?"

What does 99% of the babble in the O/P have to do with it?

Some guy at school wanted to borrow Baht 100. Oh me or my what should I do?

Lend it or don't lend, but please don't turn it into some major crisis of conscience that you feel compelled to write about.

Sometimes Baht 100 is just baht 100 and not some soul-searching trip into self-serving navel contemplation and hand wringing.

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100thb to put your coworker through a chatacter test, no big deal. Don't give the principle bs

"coworker", its a effin TEFLR for gawds sake no need for a character test.

Principle BS, its one of the reasons I avoid these freeloaders like the plauge.

There are two things I tell everyone I meet in Thailand, I dont do drugs and and I dont do loans, get that crap out the way straight from the off, makes my life much more bearable.

Thankfully I earn more than a poor TEFLr wage and as such drink in fine establishments that have prices that keep these freeloaders from setting foot in the place.

Probably a Cheers Extra or Red Horse drinker, probably smokes Wonder Red as well.

Jeez if your life is so pitiful, pack up and go home, alternatively get a job in the diplomatic service, I hear it pays big $$$$$, LOL.

It's 100thb, amount that I give to beggars depending on my mood. No need to phisolophise saying principle bs lolol. At the end of the day it's 100thb

At the end of the day it is 100 baht, at the end of the next day it is 200 baht, at the end of the third day it is 500 baht.

Theres always going to be freeloaders, but sayig no to 100thb is outright funny. The OP must have been in a really funny situation. &lt;deleted&gt;, I tip at least 100thb after every decent meal.

End of the day its 100thb, if the lad doesnt pay you can refuse when he asks for 200thb.

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1st time ok but I would tactfully convey to him that he needs to learn to be financially responsible!

I say to you as my Thai wife and I have said to her family/friends when they ask for money:

I am not a bank and I have my bills & financial responsibilities.

If I give (loan) you money, maybe I will be short on my bills. So respectively, tell him you can't loan him money.

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100 baht then, Yes I would of, and if it wasnt returned then it wouldnt be happening again that's for sure.

Larger sums then no.

What if he quickly repays and then next week wants 500?

I don't lend money to anyone. If I care enough about them to lend it, I give it. Then there's never a loss of a friend if I don't get it back. If the requests for "gifts" continue, then I lose a friend.

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If I'd had several hundred in my pocket I would have given him the 100, but to myself I would have considered it a gift, and if it came back great, if it didn't, well, I would have discovered the borrowers true personality. BTW, given the borrowers antics prior to the request for money, and the fact he was asking a stranger for $, my question would be, should this guy be teaching kids?

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