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Thailand backpacker death: Christina Annesley in mystery death on double Brit-murder island

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looks like there might be a serial killer on the island, and this killer seems quiet busy.

Maybe it's just for fun at this point, who knows?

a fine example of how many farang jump to conclusions... many folk die of natural causes in the LOS.

Agreed, but not for a 23 year old. Usually 50+ die of natural causes - unless you call joining Pattaya Flying Club, poisons in the room etc as natural causes

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Many years ago I was on a visa run to Penang. I was seated beside one of the staff from the British Embassy. She told me then that the embassy assisted in returning the remains of an average of 6 Brits back to England every week. A lot of people do die while on holidays. Some die from natural causes, some from accidents and a few others from foul play. Just because someone dies on Koh Tao doesn't mean they were murdered. Wait for the evidence before you speculate.


let's see

body to arrive on mainland on Sunday

death Wednesday

Autopsy mon?

Cause of death already ascertained?!

Of course no police have a boat of their own, or the ability to charter one,

before the body deteriorates and evidence is lost. Unless you want that.

She could have been in Surat Hospital morgue being autopsie,

within 2 hours of clearing the crime scene.


Tramadol is not easy to buy over the counter. It is very much a recreational drug, esp when combined with booze.

Having 'buckets of tramadol' suggests recreational use.

In this case, I think its as likely an unfortunate accidental overdose ad anything else.

How do you know she had buckets of pills. This is just an expression and probably has no meaning.

She is a university student. She has not so far been described as a drug taker. She may well and most probably was taking the prescribed dose. Because of people making these rediculous assumptions. Certainly we cannot expect any other verdict from the autopsy. The book was written, the minute her mother (based on information given to her I guess by the embassy ) that Christina died of natural causes. Nobody will know what was in her system until after Monday.


Just to be clear, this is not the 3rd death but the 5th in around a year. There was a British guy who mysteriously died around Christmas 2013. Lets not forget the french guy last month who 'hung himself' after tying his hands together.

This is a small island and the probability of 5 foreigners murdered/ disappeared/died under mysterious circumstances must be fairly astronomical.

You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to detect a pattern here.

Ko Tao Death Toll (since Sep 2014)

Witheridge/Miller (GB) Sep

Woman (N) 22 Dec (boating accident: struck by propeller, drowned)

Nick Pearson (GB) 1 Jan (fell off a 15 m cliff and drowned)

Hanspeter Suter (CH) 10 Nov (Snorkelling accident/drowning)

Dimitri Povse (F) 13 Jan (suicide with hands tied behind back)

Annesley (GB) 21 Jan (pending)

Just to clarify. Nick Pearson died Jan 1st 2014. 5 deaths since September 2014.

Since the beginning of September it is Seven, when you count the "John Doe" Floater that was found in Nov

Please clarify. The "John Doe" floater is not the same as Hanspeter Suter? I remember something about another body at the time on the mainland but nothing more mentioned. Nick Pearson still wasn't in that list as he died Jan 1 2014. Not questioning your sanity just asking you to list them as seligne2 has tried to. Thanks.


Tramadol is not easy to buy over the counter. It is very much a recreational drug, esp when combined with booze.

Having 'buckets of tramadol' suggests recreational use.

In this case, I think its as likely an unfortunate accidental overdose ad anything else.

How do you know she had buckets of pills. This is just an expression and probably has no meaning.

She is a university student. She has not so far been described as a drug taker. She may well and most probably was taking the prescribed dose. Because of people making these rediculous assumptions. Certainly we cannot expect any other verdict from the autopsy. The book was written, the minute her mother (based on information given to her I guess by the embassy ) that Christina died of natural causes. Nobody will know what was in her system until after Monday.

By her own admission she was sat around a pool with alcopops and a bucket load of Tramadol....she Tweeted this herself!


Tramadol is not easy to buy over the counter. It is very much a recreational drug, esp when combined with booze.

Having 'buckets of tramadol' suggests recreational use.

In this case, I think its as likely an unfortunate accidental overdose ad anything else.

How do you know she had buckets of pills. This is just an expression and probably has no meaning.

She is a university student. She has not so far been described as a drug taker. She may well and most probably was taking the prescribed dose. Because of people making these rediculous assumptions. Certainly we cannot expect any other verdict from the autopsy. The book was written, the minute her mother (based on information given to her I guess by the embassy ) that Christina died of natural causes. Nobody will know what was in her system until after Monday.

Well, I presume she didnt actually fill a bucket full of pills & take them.

I said that her comments indicated she was using them recreationally and that an accidental overdose is as likely a cause as something more nefarious.


Tramadol is not easy to buy over the counter. It is very much a recreational drug, esp when combined with booze.

Having 'buckets of tramadol' suggests recreational use.

In this case, I think its as likely an unfortunate accidental overdose ad anything else.

How do you know she had buckets of pills. This is just an expression and probably has no meaning.

She is a university student. She has not so far been described as a drug taker. She may well and most probably was taking the prescribed dose. Because of people making these rediculous assumptions. Certainly we cannot expect any other verdict from the autopsy. The book was written, the minute her mother (based on information given to her I guess by the embassy ) that Christina died of natural causes. Nobody will know what was in her system until after Monday.

By her own admission she was sat around a pool with alcopops and a bucket load of Tramadol....she Tweeted this herself!

Did she say how big the bucket was ?


Tramadol is not easy to buy over the counter. It is very much a recreational drug, esp when combined with booze.

Having 'buckets of tramadol' suggests recreational use.

In this case, I think its as likely an unfortunate accidental overdose ad anything else.

How do you know she had buckets of pills. This is just an expression and probably has no meaning.

She is a university student. She has not so far been described as a drug taker. She may well and most probably was taking the prescribed dose. Because of people making these rediculous assumptions. Certainly we cannot expect any other verdict from the autopsy. The book was written, the minute her mother (based on information given to her I guess by the embassy ) that Christina died of natural causes. Nobody will know what was in her system until after Monday.

Well, I presume she didnt actually fill a bucket full of pills & take them.

I said that her comments indicated she was using them recreationally and that an accidental overdose is as likely a cause as something more nefarious.

My apologies Pedro! It seems that this girl did have a few issues if you read her Twitter page. Incredibly lonely, chest infection, 2 weeks solid on booze, booze and Tramadol....This is just a life taken to soon....RIP!! I just hate all the speculation etc...


Many years ago I was on a visa run to Penang. I was seated beside one of the staff from the British Embassy. She told me then that the embassy assisted in returning the remains of an average of 6 Brits back to England every week. A lot of people do die while on holidays. Some die from natural causes, some from accidents and a few others from foul play. Just because someone dies on Koh Tao doesn't mean they were murdered. Wait for the evidence before you speculate.

Thanks for that, I was almost ready to research some statistics, but then I didn't want to think about it :) But a ton of people everywhere, for sure.


Tramadol is not easy to buy over the counter. It is very much a recreational drug, esp when combined with booze.

Having 'buckets of tramadol' suggests recreational use.

In this case, I think its as likely an unfortunate accidental overdose ad anything else.

How do you know she had buckets of pills. This is just an expression and probably has no meaning.

She is a university student. She has not so far been described as a drug taker. She may well and most probably was taking the prescribed dose. Because of people making these rediculous assumptions. Certainly we cannot expect any other verdict from the autopsy. The book was written, the minute her mother (based on information given to her I guess by the embassy ) that Christina died of natural causes. Nobody will know what was in her system until after Monday.

By her own admission she was sat around a pool with alcopops and a bucket load of Tramadol....she Tweeted this herself!

She did, the exact quote is "Am now lying on a sunbed with an alcopop and a bucketload of Tramadol, so feeling a bit better." but that was on the 17th Jan, she died on the 21st 4 days later

The last tweet on the 19th was A guy just jumped over a skipping rope made of fire butt naked. What a sight.

So she was obviously out and about


I don't know about anyone else but I'm going to say must be a ghost doing this. RIP young lady Maybe in the future all should avoid Koh Tao till the MON family either Starves to death or end up killing themselves. Either one works for me Tired of all the lie's


Tramadol is not easy to buy over the counter. It is very much a recreational drug, esp when combined with booze.

Having 'buckets of tramadol' suggests recreational use.

In this case, I think its as likely an unfortunate accidental overdose ad anything else.

How do you know she had buckets of pills. This is just an expression and probably has no meaning.

She is a university student. She has not so far been described as a drug taker. She may well and most probably was taking the prescribed dose. Because of people making these rediculous assumptions. Certainly we cannot expect any other verdict from the autopsy. The book was written, the minute her mother (based on information given to her I guess by the embassy ) that Christina died of natural causes. Nobody will know what was in her system until after Monday.

Well, I presume she didnt actually fill a bucket full of pills & take them.

I said that her comments indicated she was using them recreationally and that an accidental overdose is as likely a cause as something more nefarious.

My apologies Pedro! It seems that this girl did have a few issues if you read her Twitter page. Incredibly lonely, chest infection, 2 weeks solid on booze, booze and Tramadol....This is just a life taken to soon....RIP!! I just hate all the speculation etc...

Did you join this forum and make all of your posts on this one thread just to let us know you hate the speculation ?


Tramadol is not easy to buy over the counter. It is very much a recreational drug, esp when combined with booze.

Having 'buckets of tramadol' suggests recreational use.

In this case, I think its as likely an unfortunate accidental overdose ad anything else.

How do you know she had buckets of pills. This is just an expression and probably has no meaning.

She is a university student. She has not so far been described as a drug taker. She may well and most probably was taking the prescribed dose. Because of people making these rediculous assumptions. Certainly we cannot expect any other verdict from the autopsy. The book was written, the minute her mother (based on information given to her I guess by the embassy ) that Christina died of natural causes. Nobody will know what was in her system until after Monday.

Well, I presume she didnt actually fill a bucket full of pills & take them.

I said that her comments indicated she was using them recreationally and that an accidental overdose is as likely a cause as something more nefarious.

Youngsters often use the term "bucketloads" when they mean a few, or more than one. It would be tragic if it does transpire that this is tramadol/alcohol related ( well, a tragedy whatever the cause). BTW, tramadol is far more readily available OTC than you might think...I was offered it for a toothache quite recently when I really wanted codeine phosphate (unavailable in Thailand other than in hospitals).



I have said this before, the island has a serial killer. And he is just enjoying this!! Expecting another? WAKE UP THAILAND AND DO SOMETHING!!!

Television detectives would look for suspects at another island losing market share to KT. Hey, don't laugh. Did you ever see them not solve a case? coffee1.gif Let's see who takes the bait.


Thailand has become a dangerous tourist destination for young tourists... like India is a dangerous country for women!!!!

All tourists should be warned of this dangerous situation which is developing as the country is sliding into economic stagnation. The present young generation of Thailand has been enchanted and enthralled with the decadent life-style of the Western developed countries... Gucci, H&M, iPhone, selfies, FB, Instafgram ..... etc. Pity!! In the late 80's in Bangkok, you could walk home at midnight with a Gold hand chain on and no one would be interested in you!!! Such is the moral decay of the west which has entered into the Asian culture... The majority of the crimes are the by product of this culture only thinking of one's self, and wanting hopeless luxury designer items which have no benefit to one's life or others... Religion, family, the less unfortunate have been but forgotten... It is a sorry state!!!


Tramadol is not easy to buy over the counter. It is very much a recreational drug, esp when combined with booze.

Having 'buckets of tramadol' suggests recreational use.

In this case, I think its as likely an unfortunate accidental overdose ad anything else.

How do you know she had buckets of pills. This is just an expression and probably has no meaning.

She is a university student. She has not so far been described as a drug taker. She may well and most probably was taking the prescribed dose. Because of people making these rediculous assumptions. Certainly we cannot expect any other verdict from the autopsy. The book was written, the minute her mother (based on information given to her I guess by the embassy ) that Christina died of natural causes. Nobody will know what was in her system until after Monday.

By her own admission she was sat around a pool with alcopops and a bucket load of Tramadol....she Tweeted this herself!

She did, the exact quote is "Am now lying on a sunbed with an alcopop and a bucketload of Tramadol, so feeling a bit better." but that was on the 17th Jan, she died on the 21st 4 days later

The last tweet on the 19th was A guy just jumped over a skipping rope made of fire butt naked. What a sight.

So she was obviously out and about

I am often saying I am taking packets of parecetomol.

Or hands full of pills from the doctor. I have never sat and taken a whole pkt of them. And take a handful of pills usually means take 2 or 3 pills. Often after a night out and hungover. We I'lltake a handful of pills then I'll be right. She as of my knowledge at this time does not have a drug history. There were 3 pill bottles in her room which were not empty. So even if they all were empty, that's hardly bucket fulls is it; it is obviously an expression which has no factual meaning.

Why was she naked.

Why did someone feel the need to go in her room?


I don't know about anyone else but I'm going to say must be a ghost doing this. RIP young lady Maybe in the future all should avoid Koh Tao till the MON family either Starves to death or end up killing themselves. Either one works for me Tired of all the lie's

It would have to be Burmese ghosts, because Thai ghosts would never do such a thing.


Ko Tao Death Toll (since Sep 2014)

Witheridge/Miller (GB) Sep

Woman (N) 22 Dec (boating accident: struck by propeller, drowned)

Nick Pearson (GB) 1 Jan (fell off a 15 m cliff and drowned)

Hanspeter Suter (CH) 10 Nov (Snorkelling accident/drowning)

Dimitri Povse (F) 13 Jan (suicide with hands tied behind back)

Annesley (GB) 21 Jan (pending)

Just to clarify. Nick Pearson died Jan 1st 2014. 5 deaths since September 2014.

Since the beginning of September it is Seven, when you count the "John Doe" Floater that was found in Nov

Please clarify. The "John Doe" floater is not the same as Hanspeter Suter? I remember something about another body at the time on the mainland but nothing more mentioned. Nick Pearson still wasn't in that list as he died Jan 1 2014. Not questioning your sanity just asking you to list them as seligne2 has tried to. Thanks.

Hey DV as below.

1, David

2, Hannah

3, Hanspeter Suter (body found on a beach in Chumpon province)

4, "John Doe" "It has been announced that the dead body found off the southern island of Koh Tao yesterday is not that of Hans Peter Suter a Swiss national who went snorkeling

off Siree Beach"

5, Silji Macdison

6, Dimitri Povse

7, Christina Annesley


Twitter Jan 11th Koh Samui: "My jacuzzi changes colours. Mmmmm Valium and bubbles." Downers and alcohol don't mix... I also note she stayed in the Hilton Hotel Bkk(not cheap). Why would a 60GBP drug bill stop you going out for a drink with new friends? Perhaps she preferred the downers?


looks like there might be a serial killer on the island, and this killer seems quiet busy.

Maybe it's just for fun at this point, who knows?

how many times do i have to say this. THERE IS A KILLER ON THE ISLAND. and the mafia is protecting him. she might have died of natural causes. ... naked. it was kept quiet so a story could be established. watch and see if they cremate her body.


Just to be clear, this is not the 3rd death but the 5th in around a year. There was a British guy who mysteriously died around Christmas 2013. Lets not forget the french guy last month who 'hung himself' after tying his hands together.

This is a small island and the probability of 5 foreigners murdered/ disappeared/died under mysterious circumstances must be fairly astronomical.

You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to detect a pattern here.

Ko Tao Death Toll (since Sep 2014)

Witheridge/Miller (GB) Sep

Woman (N) 22 Dec (boating accident: struck by propeller, drowned)

Nick Pearson (GB) 1 Jan (fell off a 15 m cliff and drowned)

Hanspeter Suter (CH) 10 Nov (Snorkelling accident/drowning)

Dimitri Povse (F) 13 Jan (suicide with hands tied behind back)

Annesley (GB) 21 Jan (pending)

Wasn't there another unidentified 'farang' body reported washed up on the Surat Thani mainland?


Just to be clear, this is not the 3rd death but the 5th in around a year. There was a British guy who mysteriously died around Christmas 2013. Lets not forget the french guy last month who 'hung himself' after tying his hands together.

This is a small island and the probability of 5 foreigners murdered/ disappeared/died under mysterious circumstances must be fairly astronomical.

You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to detect a pattern here.

Ko Tao Death Toll (since Sep 2014)

Witheridge/Miller (GB) Sep

Woman (N) 22 Dec (boating accident: struck by propeller, drowned)

Nick Pearson (GB) 1 Jan (fell off a 15 m cliff and drowned)

Hanspeter Suter (CH) 10 Nov (Snorkelling accident/drowning)

Dimitri Povse (F) 13 Jan (suicide with hands tied behind back)

Annesley (GB) 21 Jan (pending)

Wasn't there another unidentified 'farang' body reported washed up on the Surat Thani mainland?

Willy has kindly updated the list here at my request.


1, David

2, Hannah

3, Hanspeter Suter (body found on a beach in Chumpon province)

4, "John Doe" "It has been announced that the dead body found off the southern island of Koh Tao yesterday is not that of Hans Peter Suter a Swiss national who went snorkeling

off Siree Beach"

5, Silji Macdison

6, Dimitri Povse

7, Christina Annesley


Does everyone remember the nasty little things the news said about hannah at the beginning. She was a lovely bright young woman. On a break from uni enjoying herself on holiday.

Similar to christine.

Stop blaming the victim.

Why did someone go in her room.

Perhaps mon told the maid to check on her room since it was quiet. Then he could watch over her until the police come. I can only think she was a couple of days late on the bill so they checked the room. But then it would say in the news she had passed for some time already. Who is this person that keeps finding bodies on Koh Tao?



Gap Yah Christinah


Great, just as I finally make friends I have to shell out £60 for antibiotics and now can't afford to go out with them. F*** everything.

4:16 AM - 19 Jan 2015

Gap Yah Christinah


Am now lying on a sunbed with an alcopop and a bucketload of Tramadol, so feeling a bit better.

2:18 AM - 17 Jan 2015

Gap Yah Christinah


Anyway I'm off to the beach to sulk and look at beautiful scenery and mong out on Valium.

8:59 PM - 15 Jan 2015

And your point is? Why not wait for whatever sham of an official report comes out before speculating?
I didn't speculate anything or even say anything excepts share some her own words the week before she died which shows drugs she was taking.

Then again speculating to you might be the official reports too if they don't say what you want them to.

But for some reason you didn't quote the post saying two men had been in a fight over her. Why? Did it not fit with your version of the "facts?"

The goings on in Koh Tao need independent, external investigation. There are too many suspicious deaths. This just being the latest.

Condolences to the family of the deceased. I hope they get clear answers of what happened.

I didn't quote that and many others -- you really have to be far out there to suggest there is anything about a bar fight that should be considered in a death where NOTHING is even being reported as being suspicious about the death or that there was ANY injuries or that there is ANY suggestion of foul play beyond the norm conspiracy theorists.

But what we do have is the mother stating there was no foul play and she died of Natural Causes -- while I think it possible mom could possibly using the word natural causes in the wrong way she is very clear in communicating she wasn't killed by another. But of course shameful and embarrassingly ignorant at times paranoid and often dellusional social media detectives would know more than mom who has communicated with authorities and knew her daughter who stated publicly she was taking illicit drugs and then bought expensive antibiotics before passing.

So yes it only makes sense to focus on a bar fight and make up ridiculous speculative reasons about a death despite what seems clear a mother's wish not to make this a spectacle just as the families of the two murdered victims requested an made clear in much kinder words that the conspiracy nuts don't know the fact like they do after speaking to UK Investigators and Thai Authorities and the conspiracy theorist should shut the hell up and stop defending blindly the two people who they are confident murdered their kids .... but just like that case, and this girls desk some people simply have no shame or any level of self-respect for themselves and how foolish they sound.

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