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Yingluck's impeachment grabs global attention

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I don't think the overseas media really understands what happened

in the lead up to this, the corruption,nepotism,etc etc, nearly bringing

Thailand to its knees, sound bites and one liners thats all they are

interested in. just lets hope there is not another Shinawatara in the

sidelines waiting to be pushed on by the great leader to be PM.

regards Worgeordie

Nearly bringing Thailand to his knees....

That's the only thing right in your post , because that's exactly what "your" great leader is doing....

  • Like 1

And meanwhile in deepest darkest Issan........

No one knows or cares.

Rice money......got it

30 Baht health care....free now

Military rule.....my son/nephew/grandson is a soldier

Fuel....Cheaper now.....must be Prayuth

Thaksin.....a long time ago

Lao Khao......Khap

The last line I admit is a bit over the top, but as I see it, rural Thai people don't give a shit.

And neither do I! Such a simple way to live.


Have to say that CNN's comment once again qualifies for the most ignorant one.

CNN: Though the vote was largely symbolic, as she had already lost her post, it also carries a five-year ban from politics.

Can't believe that a news organization, that was once respected, has fallen that low.


One notch closer to Zimbabwe. Could these generals have made a bigger balls-up of Thailand's future? It seems unlikely.

at least there is not an ogre like Mugabe running things


a show trial by unelected and appointed people is bound to grab attention and the result was a foregone conclusion - good for the 18 brave souls who stood up, although appointed, and will probably be kicked out sometime soon

The woman Yingluck had no answers as to why her pet scheme was allowed to lose 700 billion Baht. So of course her impeachment is deemed political by some. Her involvement in the scheme never denied, it's just political. Her statement in parliament to be the only one in charge, obviously political to remind her and ask her to show responsibility and accountability. A little Amply rich girl hunted down, political for sure.

BTW if those 18 'brave souls' are not kicked out, what other excuse will you have? They were told to vote against to make it look better ?

  • Like 1

I don't think the overseas media really understands what happened

in the lead up to this, the corruption,nepotism,etc etc, nearly bringing

Thailand to its knees, sound bites and one liners thats all they are

interested in. just lets hope there is not another Shinawatara in the

sidelines waiting to be pushed on by the great leader to be PM.

regards Worgeordie

OMG there is actually people on here who think the coup was about corruption laugh.png

OMG there are those who believe applying the law to a responsibility dodging former PM is political.


"That there was corruption is undeniable; there is plenty of evidence. The generous subsidy was also financially unsustainable.

But no-one has yet been tried or convicted. Nor were Ms Yingluck's opponents able to explain how impeachment was possible against a politician who has already been removed from office, and by an assembly entirely appointed by the military."

So impeachment on 'criminal negligence' (as stated by the NYT, or was it WP?) is only possible if others are tried or convicted? If 'corruption is undeniable with plenty of evidence' isn't that enough to impeach a former PM who stated to be in charge?


The International media are reporting it as it is because they wouldn't want a fascistic Military Junta in their own countries.

Somehow you try to avoid to suggest that the International Media might be biassed against the NCPO and current Thai government without succeeding.

Isn't the objective for International Media to present news as objective as humanly possible?


The International media are reporting it as it is because they wouldn't want a fascistic Military Junta in their own countries.

Somehow you try to avoid to suggest that the International Media might be biassed against the NCPO and current Thai government without succeeding.

Isn't the objective for International Media to present news as objective as humanly possible?

And you think the BBC Bangkok correspondent does that, check who his pals are.


I don't think the overseas media really understands what happened

in the lead up to this, the corruption,nepotism,etc etc, nearly bringing

Thailand to its knees, sound bites and one liners thats all they are

interested in. just lets hope there is not another Shinawatara in the

sidelines waiting to be pushed on by the great leader to be PM.

regards Worgeordie

OMG there is actually people on here who think the coup was about corruption laugh.png

OMG there are actually people on here who think the coup was not caused by the chaotic and corrupt policy of the Shin governments laugh.png

Bless giggle.gif

12 Coups since 1932, I bet Thaksin was responsible for them as well the wee devil. i don`t care if he wasn`t born for half of them laugh.png

Thai history didn`t start when you first came here as a sex tourist pal

  • Like 1

A great shame . . . . the current leadership is the most corrupt, nepotistic, selfish and self-promoting whilst simultaneously being the most obviously inept. Good luck Thailand, you'll still keep smiling through all the corruption, murders of foreigners and blaming the Burmese . .

I can only re issue what has already been said,

People in Bkk and many other places say they are more happy and secure with this present government than they have been for many years with all recent governments..

They can sleep at night without being afraid of their city being burned to the ground or being taken over by Red terrorists..

Tax money is not being wasted in buying rice at double the global price ... And as for the generals making a balls-up...

They came in to protect the country from civil war caused by the last government...

Time you spent time in their shoes, before demanding the world need to live by your rules


One notch closer to Zimbabwe. Could these generals have made a bigger balls-up of Thailand's future? It seems unlikely.

Thank you highlighting why illogical comparisons are all that remain as remnants for excuses by PTP supporters. Even if the statements don't make sense anymore they are offered to the forum without any description of why the comparison is offered.

You realize Mugabe had been in power and has been "voted in" through elections for 33 years.

I think Thailand is one notch closer to Santa Claus! Could yingluck have made a bigger balls upon Thailand's future? This statement makes as much sense as your comment without any explanation.

Care to extrapolate?

Mugabe may have been elected but there is nothing like a burning tyre around your neck and your village destroyed to help you vote correctly. Mugabe rules through intimidation and fear backed by his military. He has flushed his country down the toilet since he sized power and one of his closet allies is North Korea who trained his security forces. I am sure Mugabe and little Kym have already praised thier great friend Prayuth.

The mere novelty of "impeaching" a leader who was already long ago pushed out of office is sure to catch attention. thumbsup.gif

Thailand ... who ever said there isn't a wellspring of CREATIVITY here?

I once believed that an impeachment can only be accomplished on an incumbent head of state, such as

the start of impeachment hearings on Richard Nixon (he resigned instead) and of William Jefferson

Clinton (Slick Willy) for leaving a pecker track on some interns dress which only boosted his career.

However, nowadays, I must agree with you JT....even a onetime leader (loosely used term) booted out

in a coup d'etat can still be impeached...in LOS anyway. Truly amazing Thailand...truly amazing. cheesy.gif


Wow, you're utterly clueless. Suthep wanted mayhem and death. He RELISHED the violence.

I suspect that you're confusing Suthep with Chalerm ? wink.png


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

One notch closer to Zimbabwe. Could these generals have made a bigger balls-up of Thailand's future? It seems unlikely.

Who has links with Zimbabwe and its dictator again? Ah, now I remember, the Shins! They even have some businesses in that democratical paradise! And then there is that pumpous twit of a former TAT chief, who is 'friendly' with the Mugabes. As such, I'd say today we are one more step away from all those evil people, not any closer...

Oh dear, you completely miss the point - it was an obvious one but it might have been a quantum leap too far for you. It's not even vaguely about having "links to ..."


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

One notch closer to Zimbabwe. Could these generals have made a bigger balls-up of Thailand's future? It seems unlikely.

Thank you highlighting why illogical comparisons are all that remain as remnants for excuses by PTP supporters. Even if the statements don't make sense anymore they are offered to the forum without any description of why the comparison is offered.

You realize Mugabe had been in power and has been "voted in" through elections for 33 years.

I think Thailand is one notch closer to Santa Claus! Could yingluck have made a bigger balls upon Thailand's future? This statement makes as much sense as your comment without any explanation.

Care to extrapolate?
Mugabe may have been elected but there is nothing like a burning tyre around your neck and your village destroyed to help you vote correctly. Mugabe rules through intimidation and fear backed by his military. He has flushed his country down the toilet since he sized power and one of his closet allies is North Korea who trained his security forces. I am sure Mugabe and little Kym have already praised thier great friend Prayuth.

Exactly, thank you - it's incredible how some people seem unable to rationally address a comment even when English seems to be their first language. As you correctly point out the remark was about the step closer to the thug state we've taken (and the step away from reconciliation) , rather than the sort of nitwitted responses it got - and people frothing about "PTP supporters".


Wow, you're utterly clueless. Suthep wanted mayhem and death. He RELISHED the violence.

Suthep like him or hate him , Will go down as a Hero in Thai history... And he is a Hero... He risked his life daily to bring down the most openly corrupt government ever to be installed in Thailand... Long live the King..! wai2.gif


I don't think the overseas media really understands what happened

in the lead up to this, the corruption,nepotism,etc etc, nearly bringing

Thailand to its knees, sound bites and one liners thats all they are

interested in. just lets hope there is not another Shinawatara in the

sidelines waiting to be pushed on by the great leader to be PM.

regards Worgeordie

Nearly bringing Thailand to his knees....

That's the only thing right in your post , because that's exactly what "your" great leader is doing....

Your doing the santa clause approach as well.

Explain why the "great leader is doing this??? Can you?

<EDIT> Unless you have me on your "ignore" list. In which case I see that as the highest honor because it shows you cannot stand reading facts.

And anyone that replies this I would appreciate no condescension.

I would prefer some meat to work with!!!


I don't think the overseas media really understands what happened

in the lead up to this, the corruption,nepotism,etc etc, nearly bringing

Thailand to its knees, sound bites and one liners thats all they are

interested in. just lets hope there is not another Shinawatara in the

sidelines waiting to be pushed on by the great leader to be PM.

regards Worgeordie

A link for all you people who didn't know how the military coup came about.

Produced by the BBC last year it explains the whole thing for everyone in the world in just 60 seconds.

Armed with this knowledge you too can be recognised world wide as an "expert" on Thai politics.

If anybody queries it just say that it must be true as it was on the BBC and YouTube.


The mere novelty of "impeaching" a leader who was already long ago pushed out of office is sure to catch attention. thumbsup.gif

Thailand ... who ever said there isn't a wellspring of CREATIVITY here?

She wasn't "pushed" out of office. She had broken the rules whilst pursuing nepotism. Following a complaint from the victim, the courts removed her.


One notch closer to Zimbabwe. Could these generals have made a bigger balls-up of Thailand's future? It seems unlikely.

at least there is not an ogre like Mugabe running things

There would have been had the amnesty bill been rammed through as planned and a certain criminal allowed back to take full hands on control of his puppet government.

Then we'd have seen some interesting interpretations of democracy and law changes.


One notch closer to Zimbabwe. Could these generals have made a bigger balls-up of Thailand's future? It seems unlikely.

Snig, I don't know where you live but if you ask the good ole folks of Bangkok, they will tell you down to the last man woman and Soi dog that they are more happy and secure with this present government than they have been for many years with all recent governments.. They can sleep at night without being afraid of their city being burned to the ground or being taken over by Red terrorists.. And their tax money is not being wasted in buying rice at double the global price ... And as for the generals making a balls-up... They came in to protect the country from civil war caused by the last government... Grow -up man....

Hum yeah right They are all so happy here in BKK with your new Democratic government !!

Do you know any black person that made friends with some members of the Ku klux clan ? Any ?

So why do you think the general likes and or cares for you / your different.Foreigners eating Sandwich and Thais are eating rice its totally different..:)

Buy some more land for your wife u be fine here ;)


The International media are reporting it as it is because they wouldn't want a fascistic Military Junta in their own countries.

Somehow you try to avoid to suggest that the International Media might be biassed against the NCPO and current Thai government without succeeding.

Isn't the objective for International Media to present news as objective as humanly possible?

And you think the BBC Bangkok correspondent does that, check who his pals are.

Objective, or just diverting?

""That there was corruption is undeniable; there is plenty of evidence. The generous subsidy was also financially unsustainable.

But no-one has yet been tried or convicted. Nor were Ms Yingluck's opponents able to explain how impeachment was possible against a politician who has already been removed from office, and by an assembly entirely appointed by the military."



I don't think the overseas media really understands what happened

in the lead up to this, the corruption,nepotism,etc etc, nearly bringing

Thailand to its knees, sound bites and one liners thats all they are

interested in. just lets hope there is not another Shinawatara in the

sidelines waiting to be pushed on by the great leader to be PM.

regards Worgeordie

OMG there is actually people on here who think the coup was about corruption laugh.png

Or you could say

OMG there is actually people on here who think

Yes? think about what? Did you fall asleep?


One notch closer to Zimbabwe. Could these generals have made a bigger balls-up of Thailand's future? It seems unlikely.

Search how R Mugabe came to power. You will find that he was democratically elected. What happened after that. Look it up

I think Thaksin would have done the same if he got the chance.

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