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Restriction of liquor sale time takes effect today throughout Thailand


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I really don't think this is going to stop people from drinking, Also westerners love to drink when on holiday. They work a 9 to 5 job and they want to go on holiday and have a drink,a good time. Bringing in these rules hurts the tourism industry too. God don't Thai people know we like our drink? Telling us we can't do something at a certain time it's like we are not adult, but children. We're not actually enjoying our holiday to its full potential. No young person in there 20's wants to go on holiday and not drink at certain times. Thailand wants to be getting the backpackers back in again. I was a backpacker once when i came to Thailand and a met many. We stay for a year and then go. I sold my house and spent 4 million baht in one year, also talking to others they spent 250,000 to a million for staying here a for six months to a year. Okay if you have a law because your people have problems, don't take it out on us too. Westerners should be aloud to drink at any time of the day or night, or morning for that matter. Another thing i want to say is most westerners come to Thailand for the beaches the beauty of Thailand, we don't care about politics or people ( some people). Just when Thai go on holiday they talk about the places they went and the things they saw, not too much spoken about the people.Why do they think we are any different? Sure i meat some good people, but i care more about where i'm going and how i'm going to enjoy myself. Drinking is a big part of western nature. Take that away from us and it's like steeling candy from a baby.

The intention of the (old) law was to try to reduce alcohol consumption among Thais. The same reason why alcohol advertising is prohibited on TV. It is nothing to do with tourism, although it does obviously have some effect on expats and tourists who like shopping for booze in the afternoons.

Of course it will have a big impact on the younger people especially those on a year out of college. Those that have not been here before will think it's another negative, and may go somewhere else in the world.Youngsters all they think about is partying an drink. I was never into the go-go seen myself, just sitting on the beach,just chilling and having fun. Obviously i'm older now and counting my pennies, as you do when you get older. Younger people don't care they spend, spend, spend! I know retirees that are so tight they are all budgeting, while the young are spending like their pockets are on fire. I think Thai need to make Thailand a party haven again. Not expat retiree and family orientated.

Edited by Tezzap
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I really don't think this is going to stop people from drinking, Also westerners love to drink when on holiday. They work a 9 to 5 job and they want to go on holiday and have a drink,a good time. Bringing in these rules hurts the tourism industry too. God don't Thai people know we like our drink? Telling us we can't do something at a certain time it's like we are not adult, but children. We're not actually enjoying our holiday to its full potential. No young person in there 20's wants to go on holiday and not drink at certain times. Thailand wants to be getting the backpackers back in again. I was a backpacker once when i came to Thailand and a met many. We stay for a year and then go. I sold my house and spent 4 million baht in one year, also talking to others they spent 250,000 to a million for staying here a for six months to a year. Okay if you have a law because your people have problems, don't take it out on us too. Westerners should be aloud to drink at any time of the day or night, or morning for that matter. Another thing i want to say is most westerners come to Thailand for the beaches the beauty of Thailand, we don't care about politics or people ( some people). Just when Thai go on holiday they talk about the places they went and the things they saw, not too much spoken about the people.Why do they think we are any different? Sure i meat some good people, but i care more about where i'm going and how i'm going to enjoy myself. Drinking is a big part of western nature. Take that away from us and it's like steeling candy from a baby.

The intention of the (old) law was to try to reduce alcohol consumption among Thais. The same reason why alcohol advertising is prohibited on TV. It is nothing to do with tourism, although it does obviously have some effect on expats and tourists who like shopping for booze in the afternoons.

Of course it will have a big impact on the younger people especially those on a year out of college. Those that have not been here before will think it's another negative, and may go somewhere else in the world.Youngsters all they think about is partying an drink. I was never into the go-go seen myself, just sitting on the beach,just chilling and having fun. Obviously i'm older now and counting my pennies, as you do when you get older. Younger people don't care they spend, spend, spend! I know retirees that are so tight they are all budgeting, while the young are spending like there pockets are on fire. I think Thai need to make Thailand a party haven again. Not expat retiree and family orientated.

But nothing has changed that will affect them. Not that I think Thailand has ever been a "party haven" other than on Ko Pahgnan.

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But nothing has changed that will affect them. Not that I think Thailand has ever been a "party haven" other than on Ko Pahgnan.

I've been here fifteen years.When the law changed places closing early, and so on..... Thailand before everywhere was a party paradise! lights, dancing,music, bands, alcohol 24/7. Okay, there are a few places, but out of the way. Before you could walk down the street and there would be something happening. This alcohol law has been implemented, but honest what is it going to do? Nothing that is what .Just another annoyance.

Edited by Tezzap
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I salute to the government. Alcohol is the worlds biggest epidemic. Much more than soft drugs. Alcohol claims millions of fatalities all over the world. Traffic accidents, violence, vandalism and fatal diseases.

Its about time to reveal the mask from the hypocrites.

So ban it completely then and there's a fat chance of that happening. Actually, maybe we should try prohibition here in Thailand, that was REALLY successful in the states wasn't it?

I don't think it's ever been legal in Kuwait, but there's plenty of booze to be had there.

Prohibition does not work.

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Coming from a country with very strict and silly restrictions on the sale of alcohol I`m happy to be visiting countries which threats alcohol just like an other commodity.When I see the rules the Thai goverment tries to make I`m sure they where helped by those soul less bureaucrats and consultants from my home country bah.gif !!

The world is indeed getting smaller,especially the aspect of personal freedom and responsibilities !!

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Is this the beginning of the CLOSURE of the many SEX bars? Remember a few months back the big man in Bangkok did a "tour" of the girly bars? And he did not like them?

Instead of CLOSING them, Restrict them to the point of being un - viable.

This is what i see.

Bye bye tourism for Thailand. And BTW this type of tourism for Thailand goes back many hundreds of years.

Thais always had a reputation for Certain HOSPITALITIES.

No. This has nothing whatsoever to do with sex. Why should it?

Cos after a few beers in certain tourist areas that's what the punters turn their attention too!

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I would not underestimate the capacity of the Thai authorities to actually enforce this regulation if they chose to do so and if this regulation's not just for the sake of "doing something", as written previously.

After all, history has shown that when they really want to stamp out something, they can do so.

The fact that's is not enforced now for most "Mom and Pop" shops around the country doesn't mean that'll always be the case IMHO.

Anyway, contrary to some people here, I think that this will hurt Thais more than farangs if it is actually enforced. The well-know fact that it's a challenge for most Thais to think forward means that based on my own observation of people around me, they start thinking of going to buy their booze right when they're about to party. Not half a day before, not the previous evening.

And (repeating myself here) this might seriously piss them off and in the end seriously harm Prayuth's popularity (well, since they are no elections in sight, that might not be regarded as significant to him...)

The idea that it would also apply to deliveries made to shops reselling goods just does make no sense to me. It's not that hard to differentiate sales made to the final consumers from these, or is it?

Edited by Lannig
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I will give it till midnight tonight for this legislation to fall apart.

You will find bars operating in Patts tonight well after midnight.. Just you watch.

Most of the police are already "on the payroll".

Bars in Pattaya, if properly licensed, will be operating as normal.

It can't be repeated enough, this is NOT new legislation.

"....entertainment venues which in the past were allowed to sell alcohol from 9.00 pm – 2.00 am can only do so up to midnight."

This is why people are confused, aren't Bars, Gogo's and Clubs entertainment venues?

the short answer is no

under the liquor licensing laws they are "Entertainment venues in a tourist area" and have hours stipulated on their license

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So for all the touriests about to come to Thailand . . . is the party over ?

We cannot drink a beer after midnight at any bar, restaurants, nightclubs, even just sitting by the beach enjoying the night ?

We all come from countries that have nightlife and while on holiday in Thailand we cannot go out and have a great night out ?, this will send all the bars, restaurants, nightclubs etc broke within months, this will send touriests to new destinations like Cambodia etc. This will also hurt the hotels as numbers of touriest will plummet and go elsewhere.

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one thing I have learned in this thread is people will almost panic if they think they cannot get booze ,

As a non drinker i find this a little scary , but after watching the BBC Airport series it seems normal :(

Plus this is also Thailand , Home of the Trail Balloon !

Make a statement to sound good , have a crackdown for a few days to get your picture in the newspaper

and then back to normal.......

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So for all the touriests about to come to Thailand . . . is the party over ?

We cannot drink a beer after midnight at any bar, restaurants, nightclubs, even just sitting by the beach enjoying the night ?

We all come from countries that have nightlife and while on holiday in Thailand we cannot go out and have a great night out ?, this will send all the bars, restaurants, nightclubs etc broke within months, this will send touriests to new destinations like Cambodia etc. This will also hurt the hotels as numbers of touriest will plummet and go elsewhere.

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The freedom to walk around at all hours of the day was always what I liked about Thailand. I am on holiday and I love the freedom to sleep, eat or whatever at just about anytime I want. I don't drink much so these laws won't bother me much, but it has a bad feeling about it.

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one thing I have learned in this thread is people will almost panic if they think they cannot get booze ,

really, I learnt that most posters on this forum are getting someone else to read the original post to them and that someone else is not reading any of the replies!!

it has been stated many times that these "changes" change nothing, they are the same laws that have been in place for 10 years,

Provincial Police Deputy Commander Peerayuth Karajedee and Dr Krit Sakulpat, deputy chief of the Phuket Provincial Health Office have both confirmed this!!!

now I realise that this Interwebz thing is hard so here is some help for you..... CLICK THIS LINK <-- the blue writing is a link, you can left click it with your mouse and it will take you to another webpage, in this case it will take you to a Google search

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This law only seems to apply to the big sellers, 7-11, Tesco and so on. All the small family shops will get an extra income, because they don't care about this restriction - and this makes them really happy, courtesy of the General.

True this is.

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I did read the Opening Post, but I'm a little confused.

What are the changes?

A nightclub stops selling beer @ Midnight?

Any other changes? Excuse my thickness.

What about if they have a food menu available, does that then class them as a Restaurant?

The only significant change is that you can no longer buy bulk purchases of alcohol during the restricted hours. Most nightclubs will be unaffected as they have their own licence and even if they don't, I doubt the midnight restriction will be strictly policed.

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Funny, they want tourism, and they think that this is the way to get it. Stupid. Now a person can't even have a beer or glass of wine with there lunch if they decide to eat after 2 pm. Say goodby to the Tourist & money.

So you'll leave then? I'm sure Thailand wishes you a safe voyage...

Prefer it if you left Zak.

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is only pertains to the tourist areas not the rural areas of this country. Rural areas are 24 / 7.


I lived in Samoeng for a year. Samoeng is rural (CM Province). No booze sales there at the 7-Eleven except from 11:00-14:00 and 17:00-24:00.

The ma 'n pa stores will sell anytime. Problem is their opening hours are not 24/7.

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Is this the beginning of the CLOSURE of the many SEX bars? Remember a few months back the big man in Bangkok did a "tour" of the girly bars? And he did not like them?

Instead of CLOSING them, Restrict them to the point of being un - viable.

This is what i see.

Bye bye tourism for Thailand. And BTW this type of tourism for Thailand goes back many hundreds of years.

Thais always had a reputation for Certain HOSPITALITIES.

No. This has nothing whatsoever to do with sex. Why should it?

Cos after a few beers in certain tourist areas that's what the punters turn their attention too!

and the fat ugly women get some loving and everyone is happy so alcohol is not all bad
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Just ban alchohol and Sigarettes all together :)

Its clearly not a budhist way of life..

First of all if someone smokes or drinks this does not mean that the vice dominates or defines their "way of life." Besides, not all Thais are Buddhist. In any case Thailand is thankfully not a religious state. Your comment is moot.
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