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Thinking of taking a train from Koen Kahn...Where to leave the car securely?


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Just wondering if anyone knows if KK train station has a secure area to leave our pick up for a few days as we are

considering a train trip up North. Maybe at KK airport has something like this?

Thought even crossed my mind we could pay the police and leave at the police station. Anyone have any ideas?

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At your house?

In the parking lot of the train station?

Do you have insurance?

Thanks for your well thought out and helpful reply...

We live around 2 hours away so leaving at home impractical

My question was does the station have secure parking (or any parking for that matter)

Yes I have insurance but would rather not come back to a missing car and the general hassle of anything

to do with a Thai insurance company. Do you live in Kohn Kaen ie: have a clue or are you just bored?

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Sorry, it didn't occur to me that someone would drive two hours to take a train.

Why not go the day before, book a hotel and leave it in the parking lot until you get back?

I have filed a number of claims with insurance companies in Thailand and never had an issue.

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I took the nite train to BKK last year. Well, it was ok but nothing great. After that I took the VIP bus from KK to BKK and they made the trip in less than 6 hrs to Morchit.

Where do you come from? If it is a district town you will most likely have an evening VIP bus to BKK and also the same early in the morning.

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I took the nite train to BKK last year. Well, it was ok but nothing great. After that I took the VIP bus from KK to BKK and they made the trip in less than 6 hrs to Morchit.

Where do you come from? If it is a district town you will most likely have an evening VIP bus to BKK and also the same early in the morning.

Well firstly I live around 50km west of Chaiyaphum. We weren't planning on using the train as a convenient mode of transport as such

but more of an adventure / travel thing because I like trains (and hate sitting hours behind Tuk Tuk trucks, tractors, drunks, shit boxes :-)

The buses I have seen here are usually leaning over on one side coming around a blind corner on the wrong side of the road overtaking

on a blind corner or crest heading for another oncoming vehicle so really have no wish to take the bus :-( Not only buses. We went into

town this morning and the people that overtake blindly...just shear luck if a truck or something coming its a certainty they will die. Still

cant believe haven't seen a major accident. Anyway, back to my story....

I initially thought Kohn Kaen was our closest station but it appears the train from Bangkok goes through a town only 30km away called Chaturat.

It then goes on to Kohn Kaen and change lines to go North to Udon and on to Nong Kai. Thats what we were planning to do. I've travelled through

Europe on the train and loved it. I'm guessing the trains here aren't up to that standard but from what I've read 1st class sleeper quite cheap, clean

and comfortable. If someone has any experience please correct me if I'm wrong. Are the trains here safe? I'm pretty sure the buses aren't :-(

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I have only ridden the train in Thailand a couple times and it was nice enough. Not sure about the longer trips or the sleeper cars. Try it and let us know, either way it will be an adventure.

Train tavel is generally safe as far as I know.

I lived on a train for 10 years in the US, loved it.

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the night train leaves KK rather late and it takes quite a while before it gets to your place (it wont be on time). So not much of a sleep for you. Since you like trains and adventure: Why not take a first or 2nd class seater during the daytime and enjoy the country side until Saraburi. After Saraburi the countryside is more urban but still lots of things to see you do not notice while driving.

The night train was perfectly safe when I took it. If you like to rub shoulders with working class Thai, take 3rd class and see real Thailand beyond the advertizing.

In short: Take the day train for the experience and the VIP bus for the comfort of night travel.

An alternative: Stick to the bus for BKK travel and take the train to Saraburi on a weekend or your free day and enjoy the scenery. This way you do not worry about delays (the train WILL be delayed). On the way back train towards Korat (if that works out), since that is a different line through mountains and back home by bus. You will love the views and the pretty train stops. :)

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He is going to Nong Kai----not BKK.....so many speed readers on here........wub.png


Trains are a lot like women
I have no idea how they work and

I sometimes fall asleep inside them

Edited by sanuk711
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I think if I go to Bangkok I'll just drive. The travel we will be doing will be north to Udon and then Nong Kai and later

maybe up to Chaing Mai. Time restraints and delays wont be an issue. Part of the fun.

When I said are the trains safe I didn't mean security. Im far more scared of my wife and so should any aggressors on a train :-)

I meant is the train itself safe ie" hurtling down mountains with little brakes etc like a Bangkok tuk tuk driver. Do they actually go

up and down mountains or through tunnels?

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I'd be far more worried about a delay due to break down or derail than I would of an accident where people (on the train) got injured. Breakdowns and derails may be relatively common, while major wrecks are not.

Don't be in a hurry.

Don't forget to take money. Always amazes we when people end up stuck somewhere with no money in their pocket, particularly people that actually have a little money and don't take any with them.

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Sorry for that. I did year ago BKK- CM. Spent a night in Philok and then on to CM with the morning train which is only 3 rd class.

The track from Uttradadit to CM was nice but slow. Since then the rails have been rehabilitated and the weekly derailing is no more. Also a bit faster.

There is no train link from Udon or other places to the CM line. You need to go via BKK (almost).

Given that you're a wise man fearful of your wife, I think your wife would run you through the meat grinder after a day on a third class train with those toilets (never used them myself, lucky me). Unless you plan a suicide or divorce, stick to your car.

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Toilets is overdoing it a bit. It is just glorified hole in the floor with the poo dumped on the track.

Not sure I would want to leave my vehicle parked outside a station out in the sticks.

The PP hotel is walking distance near the station in Khon. Kaen and you can park for a few days.

Edited by Jay Sata
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Hotel is a good idea. I normally offer them a couple of hundred baht for their trouble. Mind you you don't always know who you are dealing with and you have just told them you will be away for a few days anything could happen

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