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Koh Tao mayor blasts UK media's 'negative reporting'


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"It may mislead foreign tourists who have never been to Koh Tao to think that Koh Tao is full of mafia who like to kill or exploit foreign tourists," Chaiyan said. "This is really what some foreign tourists think. I've seen them talking on social media."

I agree it it is misleading, mafia exploiting foreign tourists happens all over Thailand not just Koh Tao.

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Angered???...Gee I wonder why?...Time to wake up Mr Mayor and stop your crying

The British press have got it wrong again (as they did with Hannah and David's murder).

The murdered woman's family have stated that she died of natural causes and not under suspicious circumstances!!

If they (the UK gutter press) had written about there being a Mafia culture on Koh Toh then fair enough BUT linking this death to Mafia gangs is bang out of order and I don't blame the Mayor for being enraged about shoddy/outrageous reporting.

Perhaps you can clear something up for me? The family stated she died from natural causes based on the fact the tweeted that she'd bought some antibiotics and was never heard from again, correct? So who told the family their daughter died from natural causes? In the article it says "Police have yet to determine the cause of death for Annesley". Perhaps you can clear this up for us please?

She was also taking tramadol (strong pain killer), valium (strong anti-anxiety drug) and drinking alcohol as well as the anti-biotiics for her chronic chest infection. There was no signs of violence, theft, bruises on the body or anything being disturbed in the room!!

Her parents do not see her death as being suspicious (they have stated so) so where does the Mafia come in on this?

Now please tell how and why you agree with the UK press in implying that her death has something to do with them.

And you know this because?..... Her body was moved within 15 minutes.. I never mentioned mafia but I did ask who informed the family that the death was natural causes? If the cause has not been determine, according to the police, how does anybody know if it was natural causes or not? You've not cleared anything up nor answered the questions I asked of you. How come you claim to be in the know? I'll post it again "Police have yet to determine the cause of death for Annesley"

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To be fair about this...

There are SO many huge murder mysteries over the decades, in America and UK, all over the place. A lot of times they take years and years to solve. If EVER.

It's not an indictment of Thailand, that they have their own. And being a UK couple, does not make it more important.

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Clearly he only cares about the tourist dollars, complete scum. How I wish the Junta would do a Q&A in London. i.e. the real world with free speech only there will they (The country watching the broadcast although I would bet it would be blocked) really find out how stupid they look with their backward laws and customs.

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So I take it, from the avalanche of people attacking the Mayor, that they are perfectly OK with the press resorting to rumor mongering then?

"Mayor Chaiyan Turasakul said he is angered by unspecified "British media agencies" who have suggested that the death of the tourist, Christina Annesley, is connected to an alleged "mafia" syndicate on Koh Tao island."

There is no indication whatsoever that the death of that woman was in any way connected with a mafia syndicate, none, zero.

Is it too much to ask of the press not to peddle sensationalist speculation?

Surely the mayor will appreciate your unrelenting support. As do all his relatives than own these resorts that so many people get raped, murdered, and die suspiciously so often.

Your hard work defending this island, police, and all the nasty families, like a soi dog does with his bone, is so desperately appreciated by these scum respected people.

Flaming commentary aside.

This has little to do with the Mayor of Koh Tao, you don't find anything objectionable if the press pushes a story that is not supported by facts?

The ethical prerogative of the press is to inform the public, not to manufacture public outrage.

flaming hell ali G

Koh Tao has become the kicking boy of both social media , and elements of the uk press

Tell me when have the press ever let the truth get in the way of a good story !

Right now KT is the story , get used to it

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Nobody informed the family that she died of natural causes - they worked it out and decided themselves as it is so obvious to them what her cause of death was!!

BTW I never claimed anything, I just stated facts and her family's opinions.

If someone drowns after a boat capsizes they still have to do an autopsy on the body.

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So I take it, from the avalanche of people attacking the Mayor, that they are perfectly OK with the press resorting to rumor mongering then?

"Mayor Chaiyan Turasakul said he is angered by unspecified "British media agencies" who have suggested that the death of the tourist, Christina Annesley, is connected to an alleged "mafia" syndicate on Koh Tao island."

There is no indication whatsoever that the death of that woman was in any way connected with a mafia syndicate, none, zero.

Is it too much to ask of the press not to peddle sensationalist speculation?

Surely the mayor will appreciate your unrelenting support. As do all his relatives than own these resorts that so many people get raped, murdered, and die suspiciously so often.

Your hard work defending this island, police, and all the nasty families, like a soi dog does with his bone, is so desperately appreciated by these scum respected people.

Flaming commentary aside.

This has little to do with the Mayor of Koh Tao, you don't find anything objectionable if the press pushes a story that is not supported by facts?

The ethical prerogative of the press is to inform the public, not to manufacture public outrage.

What story that's not supported by facts?

That her death is connected with mafia activity. The point was made pretty clear in the first post

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Hey -- good publicity, bad publicity ... whatever gets you on the first Google Search page and he didn't even have to pay an SEO consultant. Now everybody knows KT is where all the hot young girls like to go. 23 JAN 2015:


Edited by JLCrab
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Seems to me that certain circles have yet to decide what story they are going to tell this week, which will sound more credible this week, as far as that island is concerned the "truth" I fear will never be known whilst certain parties remain in positions of influence, and "face" remains the priority.

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Sometimes the truth can hurt, it is full of mafia controlled people, hence the out rage of the mayor, Shit sticks and people should always remember that, If the government told the truth on everything bad that goes on in Thailand, then nobody would go there

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From the link:-

He also complained about the behavior of some foreign tourists on Koh Tao island.

"They want to have fun. They want to go all the way and liberate themselves. They like to do things without caring about other people," he said. "But we cannot interfere with them much. This is reality."

End quote.

Right on cue he blaims the victim's, why am I not suprised.

Behaviour?? Shame on these people, how dare they enjoy themselves .... Tut tut...

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The mentality of Thaisness will never cease to amaze me...

Police have yet to determine the cause of death for Annesley, who was discovered dead in her bungalow on 21 January. Police did not publicly confirm her death to the press until 23 January, and were quick to stress that Annesley "was not murdered."


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In this case, good for the News Media. Good for Social Networking.

This "Mayor" seems oblivious that the days of sweeping things under carpet are numbered. If he thinks the news should only report good things about the Island, then perhaps he can do something to shine a positive light on it instead of resorting to this ineffective tactic.

"Saving face is a ploy used by weak people to mask bigger defects".

One Day at a Time.

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Quite a lot of Thais seem to think KT is full of gangsters killing foreign tourists too.

Can't think why?

Maybe it's because when a girl dies unexpectedly the police have the body out of the room within 15mins of discovery.

Maybe it's because when two brits are battered to death the police announce it was obviously a gay person that did it because she wore bikinis on the beach.

Maybe it's because of the foreign guys who commit suicide with their hands tied behind their back.

Maybe it's because of all the dead foreign men who float around the island.

Or something else?

I think your being very mean 6 to 8 unusual deaths per year is normal, is it not !!!!!!

The RTP should learn to keep their mouth's shut until they know for certain what happened, THEN they can make up fairy tales

that are more convincing.

Like the guy who hung himself and then tied his hands behind his back could have been training to be an Illusionist and it went wrong.

The man floating in the bay went for a walk, the ground gave way and turned into water.

AND the Mayor is not happy, I wonder why??

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The British press have got it wrong again (as they did with Hannah and David's murder).

The murdered woman's family have stated that she died of natural causes and not under suspicious circumstances!!

If they (the UK gutter press) had written about there being a Mafia culture on Koh Toh then fair enough BUT linking this death to Mafia gangs is bang out of order and I don't blame the Mayor for being enraged about shoddy/outrageous reporting.

Perhaps you can clear something up for me? The family stated she died from natural causes based on the fact the tweeted that she'd bought some antibiotics and was never heard from again, correct? So who told the family their daughter died from natural causes? In the article it says "Police have yet to determine the cause of death for Annesley". Perhaps you can clear this up for us please?

She was also taking tramadol (strong pain killer), valium (strong anti-anxiety drug) and drinking alcohol as well as the anti-biotiics for her chronic chest infection. There was no signs of violence, theft, bruises on the body or anything being disturbed in the room!!

Her parents do not see her death as being suspicious (they have stated so) so where does the Mafia come in on this?

Now please tell how and why you agree with the UK press in implying that her death has something to do with them.

Police have yet to determine the cause of death for Annesley

Rest my case...

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It's gunna be a funny as hell watching the fab 4 (plus another one who's just popped up) try and spin this their way wink.png

I assume that you are referring to me.

What do you mean by 'spin it my way'?

Are you saying that this is a Mafia conspiracy?

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