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Any restaurant for sale?


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As mentioned by previous posters, there are already too many restaurants in Pattaya.

To make it work you would need a gimmick.

I have seen many 99 Baht breakfasts and like convenience stores (7-11, Family Mart, etc.) the market is flooded with them.

Personally, if I was to start up a restaurant in Patts I would have a 98 Baht breakfast.

That would win all of the balloon chasers from the 99 Baht slop shops.

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I have seen many 99 Baht breakfasts and like convenience stores (7-11, Family Mart, etc.) the market is flooded with them.

Personally, if I was to start up a restaurant in Patts I would have a 98 Baht breakfast.

That would win all of the balloon chasers from the 99 Baht slop shops.

To make that work you would have to undercut the good value breakfast that the Irish Wolfhound does for 60B.

They get my balloon.

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I have seen many 99 Baht breakfasts and like convenience stores (7-11, Family Mart, etc.) the market is flooded with them.

Personally, if I was to start up a restaurant in Patts I would have a 98 Baht breakfast.

That would win all of the balloon chasers from the 99 Baht slop shops.

To make that work you would have to undercut the good value breakfast that the Irish Wolfhound does for 60B.

They get my balloon.

Easy answer to that, The 59 Baht Breakfast.

Roll up guys get them while they're hot.

All you can eat, 59 Baht, troughs included for the finest swill North of Jomtein.

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I have lived in Pattaya for 10 years. I have not written down the number of bars or restaurants I have seen go out of business, but the "death rate" is high. There is too much competition and for the few upscale restaurants, very few of them are packing in the crowds during the week. The typical owner is one who invests his savings in a bar or cafe and think he will be able to golf or "take it easy" while he has some Thai manage it for him. In order for the place to succeed, you have to be there 24/7.... no time for golfing, sitting at the beach, or even going on a two week trip.

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So just a question, out of all the experts on this thread, how many have ever owned a restaurant? anywhere in the world?

I frequent restaurants at least once a day, sometimes twice, but I have never had the slightest desire to own one.

It looks like an extremely tedious and time-consuming way to make money and it is a bit of a mystery to me why anyone would choose to do it.

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So just a question, out of all the experts on this thread, how many have ever owned a restaurant? anywhere in the world?

I frequent restaurants at least once a day, sometimes twice, but I have never had the slightest desire to own one.

It looks like an extremely tedious and time-consuming way to make money and it is a bit of a mystery to me why anyone would choose to do it.

I see constructions workers all day long and would never consider working or owning a construction company, it does not mean it's a bad business with bad profits.

Horses for courses.

OP did not ask for opinions or advice if he should open one, yet this is what he received from people without a single clue or experience.

OP asked if there was one for sale

Edited by konying
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OP did not ask for opinions or advice if he should open one, yet this is what he received from people without a single clue or experience.

Do you really need first-hand experience or knowledge to see restaurants fail here, or find one that is for sale? I see many just by walking or driving around.

I thought the warnings were sound. Up to the OP if he cares to heed them or not.

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OP did not ask for opinions or advice if he should open one, yet this is what he received from people without a single clue or experience.

Do you really need first-hand experience or knowledge to see restaurants fail here, or find one that is for sale? I see many just by walking or driving around.

I thought the warnings were sound. Up to the OP if he cares to heed them or not.

OP is a chief by trade, i am sure he has better idea than you, do not you?rolleyes.gif

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OP did not ask for opinions or advice if he should open one, yet this is what he received from people without a single clue or experience.

Do you really need first-hand experience or knowledge to see restaurants fail here, or find one that is for sale? I see many just by walking or driving around.

I thought the warnings were sound. Up to the OP if he cares to heed them or not.

OP is a chief by trade, i am sure he has better idea than you, do not you?

Not necessarily. As I mentioned, you only need eyes to see how many failed restaurants and other similar businesses there are here. You dont need any specialised knowledge at all to recognise a closed door and a "for rent/sale" sign.

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OP did not ask for opinions or advice if he should open one, yet this is what he received from people without a single clue or experience.

Do you really need first-hand experience or knowledge to see restaurants fail here, or find one that is for sale? I see many just by walking or driving around.

I thought the warnings were sound. Up to the OP if he cares to heed them or not.

OP is a chief by trade, i am sure he has better idea than you, do not you?

Not necessarily. As I mentioned, you only need eyes to see how many failed restaurants and other similar businesses there are here. You dont need any specialised knowledge at all to recognise a closed door and a "for rent/sale" sign.

right-o, so again you know better than someone in the trade how and what it is to run a restaurant because you eat in one and see signs for sale or leaseclap2.gif

And because you eat in one and see signs for sale or rent, you are in the position to give someone in the trade advice if they should or should not open one.thumbsup.gif

And all that knowledge comes from being a self employed carpenter.wai2.gif

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OP did not ask for opinions or advice if he should open one, yet this is what he received from people without a single clue or experience.

Do you really need first-hand experience or knowledge to see restaurants fail here, or find one that is for sale? I see many just by walking or driving around.

I thought the warnings were sound. Up to the OP if he cares to heed them or not.

OP is a chief by trade, i am sure he has better idea than you, do not you?rolleyes.gif

He could be Gordon Ramsey for all I care, what will kill him is the rental costs and lack of customers.

Best of luck to him, I hope he can knock out decent Mexican food, gawd help me Pattaya is bereft of it.

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OP did not ask for opinions or advice if he should open one, yet this is what he received from people without a single clue or experience.

Do you really need first-hand experience or knowledge to see restaurants fail here, or find one that is for sale? I see many just by walking or driving around.

I thought the warnings were sound. Up to the OP if he cares to heed them or not.

OP is a chief by trade, i am sure he has better idea than you, do not you?rolleyes.gif

A Chief by trade? Does he have a feather in his cap? Edited by mrtoad
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OP did not ask for opinions or advice if he should open one, yet this is what he received from people without a single clue or experience.

Do you really need first-hand experience or knowledge to see restaurants fail here, or find one that is for sale? I see many just by walking or driving around.

I thought the warnings were sound. Up to the OP if he cares to heed them or not.

OP is a chief by trade, i am sure he has better idea than you, do not you?rolleyes.gif

A Chief by trade? Does he have a feather in his cap?

Ask OP,

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OP did not ask for opinions or advice if he should open one, yet this is what he received from people without a single clue or experience.

Do you really need first-hand experience or knowledge to see restaurants fail here, or find one that is for sale? I see many just by walking or driving around.

I thought the warnings were sound. Up to the OP if he cares to heed them or not.

OP is a chief by trade, i am sure he has better idea than you, do not you?rolleyes.gif

He could be Gordon Ramsey for all I care, what will kill him is the rental costs and lack of customers.

Best of luck to him, I hope he can knock out decent Mexican food, gawd help me Pattaya is bereft of it.

There are a number of restaurants and bars located waaaay away from the main streets in tucked away soi's with little rents and plenty of regular customers.thumbsup.gif

There are just as many located in high foot traffic area's with high rents and no customers at all.

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right-o, so again you know better than someone in the trade how and what it is to run a restaurant because you eat in one and see signs for sale or lease

And because you eat in one and see signs for sale or rent, you are in the position to give someone in the trade advice if they should or should not open one

And all that knowledge comes from being a self employed carpenter.

As I mentioned, no one needs any specialised knowledge at all to realise that many restaurants fail here. All one needs are eyes and a brain.

I am not a carpenter and I know next to nothing about wood-working but if I saw many closed wood-working shops in a place I think I would realise that it is probably not an easy business to succeed in there.

It all seems rather obvious to me.

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Like most business's even in Canada when I had a business I take the same approache here .

I dont have a restaurant business but understand a little about starting .

I agree that when u start a business owing money borrowed and paying a lease or rent the stress of paying back is high.

As an example my wife and I opens a small business and we looked at renting and then we would have had to renovate to what we needed , aircon , wiring , plumbing etc

So instead we looked and bought a place . Now we own the renovation not a landlord and not have to worry about some landlord coming and playing games .

My point is try to own what u want to start in a business because now I don't have much stress if we don't make much money because we own it .

And at same time be able to support my family for at least a year with out taking money for the company .

This is just my views others do things different

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1921 is the name 19/21 is the address

Isn't that the place down near the Dongtan police box? If so I have walked past it many times but never seen many people in it. At some point wasn't it Italian-owned?

That particular area has seen a number of restaurants close or change hands without ever seeming to do good business. Off-hand I can think of a central European grill, a deli sandwich place, and of course Sunrise Tacos and its successors a short walk away, and several more of various nationalities going up towards Hanuman.

The only places that seem to do good business there are the F&C shop and the nearby Dutch/Belgian place, and both have been around for some time. I suspect that high rents and a generally low-budget clientèle are the killer.

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Yeah the F&C shop i think you refer to is Simons or was Simons...he sold itva few years ago...he didnt like Americans and once had a big fight in his shop with such a customer over a discount coupon...he was from the UK but i heard moved to Sydney Australia.

He had been selling that restaurant for over a year before he finally sold it.

On another note I was walking through the "Day Night" Area just past the Day Night hotel to see a French Restaurant for sale..the banner out the front said there was key money of 500k...not sure if that was a one off payment though or every lease time.

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Yeah the F&C shop i think you refer to is Simons or was Simons...

I was actually thinking of the Golden/Jolly Friar which is in the little soi just behind where I think the 1921 is. It's just a few yards from the beach.

But Simon's also seems to do good business.

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I was always told that in the food retailing business especially cafe, restaurants ETC to be successful or more important make money you either had to have a good position , position position and also be at the top of the trade or at the bottom .

In other words top eating places or the local greasy spoon but nothing in the inbetween!

Edited by n210mp
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