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I reckon that the Keane transfer was all about the power behind the scenes. Rafa probably never wanted him and his refusal to play him or even have him on the bench was him flexing his muscle. Keane made the move to his boyhood club, it didnt work out for whatever reason but there is no disputing he is a quality footballer and probably someone who Spurs need right now.

Is it really about dropping down a level, I would say not. I think he can cut it at the top level and has scored some cracking goals at his time with Liverpool, the one against the Arse was a great goal. He wasn't wanted at Liverpool and in my opinion his frustrations at Liverpool were more to do boardroom power struggles.

I for one will cheer and support him when he plays for Spurs again. A great player and the final game of the season will be a cracker, Liverpool vs Spurs . Will it be the game that Spurs need to win to stay up and possibly a game that Liverpool need to win to secure the title?

If it is, let's pray that the Bindippers win the Title then... :o

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Why is is that all the WH fans I know think that Spurs are their biggest rivals and dislike them the most out of all the London clubs? Always baffles me...

Couple of reasons, mainly i think due to the fact that Millwall are so sh*te & we rarely play them except when we have our " off moments " & get relegated, & that's even if they're in teh Champiuonship which they're more often not.. :D

Secondly, i believe based on who i've met, that the majority of T*ttenham Fans are deluded, incredibly arrogant about their Football, completely blinkered & overall just the complete opposite of what we are..

Not all of course i'm sure, but every single one i've met are like that ^^ & my Pals say the same..

Will say however that over the Years & especially being in Thailand, the dislike for T*ttenham isn't just a West Ham thing & those reasons i gave you seem to pop up pretty regualry in conversations with all kinds of Football Supporters so there must be something to it.. :o

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There's talk that Palacios may have been ineligible to play for Sp*rs yesterday. Apparently he had a two match ban carried over from Wigan. He missed the FA Cup defeat to Man Utd and the League win over Stoke. Turns out he played for Wigan against Sp*rs in the third round, so was cup tied for the FA Cup match and therefore his suspension should have carried over to today.

Is there a precedent for points deductions for ineligible players?

Two weeks ago Oxford Utd were docked 5 points for fielding an ineligible player. Mansfield were docked 6 points for multiple offences in October.

I have seen no mention of this story either on the BBC Sports web pages, the Daily Telegraph sports section, or the club's website , where they publish every single press report concerning Tottenham.

I would be grateful if you could name your source for this story.

Thankyou :o

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Why is is that all the WH fans I know think that Spurs are their biggest rivals and dislike them the most out of all the London clubs? Always baffles me...

Secondly, i believe based on who i've met, that the majority of T*ttenham Fans are deluded, incredibly arrogant about their Football, completely blinkered & overall just the complete opposite of what we are..

Not all of course i'm sure, but every single one i've met are like that ^^ & my Pals say the same..

Really? You are such a sad person. :D

In my day we would mix happily with rival fans, there was no segregation, no filthy language, no violence, and both sets of fans would applaud good play from either side. At the end of the game, we would make our way out of the ground, with no fear of abuse or of getting attacked and make our way safely homeward.

When Spurs played away, I would go with my mates to West Ham, Arsenal, Leyton Orient, and even as far afield as QPR and Fulham on the odd occasion. (never did make Chelsea). We all had a love of football, and the disgusting football louts, with their jealousies, hatred and mind numbing violence were yet to stamp their indelible mark on football's landscape.

How times have changed :o

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There's talk that Palacios may have been ineligible to play for Sp*rs yesterday. Apparently he had a two match ban carried over from Wigan. He missed the FA Cup defeat to Man Utd and the League win over Stoke. Turns out he played for Wigan against Sp*rs in the third round, so was cup tied for the FA Cup match and therefore his suspension should have carried over to today.

Is there a precedent for points deductions for ineligible players?

Two weeks ago Oxford Utd were docked 5 points for fielding an ineligible player. Mansfield were docked 6 points for multiple offences in October.

I have seen no mention of this story either on the BBC Sports web pages, the Daily Telegraph sports section, or the club's website , where they publish every single press report concerning Tottenham.

I would be grateful if you could name your source for this story.

Thankyou :D

With pleasure & remember, Google is our Friend...:D

From your own Forum.. :D


More talk of it here for you to have a browse though, fill your Boots..:D

The FA have now removed this from their website:

FA Suspended Players List

T*ttenham Hotspur FC

Wilson Palacios Suazo

Start 24/01/2009

End 31/01/2009

Suspended from all football until the Club have completed 2 first team matches for 5/10/15 cautions.

Harry wouldn't do anything this stupid [again], would he ? :o





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There's talk that Palacios may have been ineligible to play for Sp*rs yesterday. Apparently he had a two match ban carried over from Wigan. He missed the FA Cup defeat to Man Utd and the League win over Stoke. Turns out he played for Wigan against Sp*rs in the third round, so was cup tied for the FA Cup match and therefore his suspension should have carried over to today.

Is there a precedent for points deductions for ineligible players?

Two weeks ago Oxford Utd were docked 5 points for fielding an ineligible player. Mansfield were docked 6 points for multiple offences in October.

I have seen no mention of this story either on the BBC Sports web pages, the Daily Telegraph sports section, or the club's website , where they publish every single press report concerning Tottenham.

I would be grateful if you could name your source for this story.

Thankyou :D

With pleasure & remember, Google is our Friend...:D

From your own Forum.. :D


More talk of it here for you to have a browse though, fill your Boots..:D

The FA have now removed this from their website:

FA Suspended Players List

T*ttenham Hotspur FC

Wilson Palacios Suazo

Start 24/01/2009

End 31/01/2009

Suspended from all football until the Club have completed 2 first team matches for 5/10/15 cautions.

Harry wouldn't do anything this stupid [again], would he ? :o





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Why is is that all the WH fans I know think that Spurs are their biggest rivals and dislike them the most out of all the London clubs? Always baffles me...

Couple of reasons, mainly i think due to the fact that Millwall are so sh*te & we rarely play them except when we have our " off moments " & get relegated, & that's even if they're in teh Champiuonship which they're more often not.. :D

Secondly, i believe based on who i've met, that the majority of T*ttenham Fans are deluded, incredibly arrogant about their Football, completely blinkered & overall just the complete opposite of what we are..

Not all of course i'm sure, but every single one i've met are like that ^^ & my Pals say the same..

Will say however that over the Years & especially being in Thailand, the dislike for T*ttenham isn't just a West Ham thing & those reasons i gave you seem to pop up pretty regualry in conversations with all kinds of Football Supporters so there must be something to it.. :o

That reminds me of most of the WH fans i spoke to just after Tevez and Mascherano signed.

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As a long term tottenham sufferer, the last truly good team that WE had and were genuine title contenders, came after our last relegation, all this money were throwing at the team, havnt we learnt anything, youve got to have players wanting to wear the shirt, like the Hoddles , the roberts, all weve got is a bunch of over paid mercenaries who basically are more worried about how relegation looks on their cvs, than how it is for the club and the fans theyve all probably get out clauses written into their contracts if we go down!! so what the fuc do they care. If we do go down, and with the fuc_king mess thats developing at spurs at the mo, it wouldnt suprise me , perhaps some good will come out of it, and from the ashes we will rise again, STRONGER!!!

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Why is is that all the WH fans I know think that Spurs are their biggest rivals and dislike them the most out of all the London clubs? Always baffles me...

Secondly, i believe based on who i've met, that the majority of T*ttenham Fans are deluded, incredibly arrogant about their Football, completely blinkered & overall just the complete opposite of what we are..

Not all of course i'm sure, but every single one i've met are like that ^^ & my Pals say the same..

Really? You are such a sad person. :D

In my day we would mix happily with rival fans, there was no segregation, no filthy language, no violence, and both sets of fans would applaud good play from either side. At the end of the game, we would make our way out of the ground, with no fear of abuse or of getting attacked and make our way safely homeward.

When Spurs played away, I would go with my mates to West Ham, Arsenal, Leyton Orient, and even as far afield as QPR and Fulham on the odd occasion. (never did make Chelsea). We all had a love of football, and the disgusting football louts, with their jealousies, hatred and mind numbing violence were yet to stamp their indelible mark on football's landscape.

How times have changed :o

Sorry but I dont know which period you are talking about . I went to spurs as a schoolboy in th e 60s and I have some very scary memories of what our fans did to other fans in the tunnel around the back of the stands and in the tube b4 and after the game, open Warfare would be an apt description. and as for going to away games, and the games of other clubs, hide youre scarves boys cos you stood a very good chance of SEVERE damage if found out. And that was from a geeky Autograph hunting, programme collecting teenager, perspective. no fighter.

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Sorry but I dont know which period you are talking about . I went to spurs as a schoolboy in th e 60s and I have some very scary memories of what our fans did to other fans in the tunnel around the back of the stands and in the tube b4 and after the game, open Warfare would be an apt description. and as for going to away games, and the games of other clubs, hide youre scarves boys cos you stood a very good chance of SEVERE damage if found out. And that was from a geeky Autograph hunting, programme collecting teenager, perspective. no fighter.

Mainly mid fifties to mid sixties - never ever saw any trouble either at White Heart Lane or anywhere else that I went to watch football. Believe you me, I was a kid, and so were my friends, and without doubt if we had experienced any unpleasantness we would have stopped going. When I was a kid I took the bus from Ilford, (as all my friends did) and as a young man I always drove to Tottenham and to other grounds. I never used the tube so can't comment on that

Even in the late sixties I still went to the occasional evening match, and whilst I admit the crowds were starting to get more partisan, I still didn't see or experience anything untoward.

Edited by Mobi
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Sorry but I dont know which period you are talking about . I went to spurs as a schoolboy in th e 60s and I have some very scary memories of what our fans did to other fans in the tunnel around the back of the stands and in the tube b4 and after the game, open Warfare would be an apt description. and as for going to away games, and the games of other clubs, hide youre scarves boys cos you stood a very good chance of SEVERE damage if found out. And that was from a geeky Autograph hunting, programme collecting teenager, perspective. no fighter.

Mainly mid fifties to mid sixties - never ever saw any trouble either at White Heart Lane or anywhere else that I went to watch football. Believe you me, I was a kid, and so were my friends, and without doubt if we had experienced any unpleasantness we would have stopped going. When I was a kid I took the bus from Ilford, (as all my friends did) and as a young man I always drove to Tottenham and to other grounds. I never used the tube so can't comment on that

Even in the late sixties I still went to the occasional evening match, and whilst I admit the crowds were starting to get more partisan, I still didn't see or experience anything untoward.

The first games i went to by myself or with friends must have been around 69/ 70 and it WAS SCARY, b4 that my father or family used to take me. so I never really saw anything that went on. But by the time i went by myself it was a very very scary period. luckily We moved to devon and I went to watch exeter rather than tottenham, but when they were away and Torquay had big games, luton or villa spring to mind, we went, the fans were absolutely terrible, I can remember walking along the seafront with 2 mates and bieng chased by hundreds of villa fans, just as well we were fleet of foot

REALLY really SCARY. not just footie but England in the late 60s early/70s was a nasty violent place for a teenager to grow up in.

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Why is is that all the WH fans I know think that Spurs are their biggest rivals and dislike them the most out of all the London clubs? Always baffles me...

Secondly, i believe based on who i've met, that the majority of T*ttenham Fans are deluded, incredibly arrogant about their Football, completely blinkered & overall just the complete opposite of what we are..

Not all of course i'm sure, but every single one i've met are like that ^^ & my Pals say the same..

Really? You are such a sad person. :D

Sad ??

Why ??

The Fella answered a question & i answered it truthfully based on people i've met & the conversations with them..

& how times changed your right, it must be terrible & really hard for you then to see dozens of your lot up on charges of Racist & Homophobic Chants towards one of their Ex Players, enough to even stop you going i would haver thought.. :o

So what's you thoughts on the Palacios stuff then, hope you had the time to have a browse after i used Google for you ??

Edited by MSingh
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Why is is that all the WH fans I know think that Spurs are their biggest rivals and dislike them the most out of all the London clubs? Always baffles me...

Couple of reasons, mainly i think due to the fact that Millwall are so sh*te & we rarely play them except when we have our " off moments " & get relegated, & that's even if they're in teh Champiuonship which they're more often not.. :D

Secondly, i believe based on who i've met, that the majority of T*ttenham Fans are deluded, incredibly arrogant about their Football, completely blinkered & overall just the complete opposite of what we are..

Not all of course i'm sure, but every single one i've met are like that ^^ & my Pals say the same..

Will say however that over the Years & especially being in Thailand, the dislike for T*ttenham isn't just a West Ham thing & those reasons i gave you seem to pop up pretty regualry in conversations with all kinds of Football Supporters so there must be something to it.. :o

That reminds me of most of the WH fans i spoke to just after Tevez and Mascherano signed.

I reckon you're telling Porkies in attempt to get " level " to be honest, but if you say so... :D

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Sad ??

Why ??

I'll tell you.

This is a football forum, where fans discuss football, and not insult each other or fans of rival clubs.

This is the Tottenham thread, where generally the contributors are Spurs' supporters. Of course all comments are welcome, and everyone has the right of free speech to criticise any aspect of Spurs, the way they have played and their opinions on the players, managers etc.

But look at what you said: "T*ttenham Fans are deluded, incredibly arrogant about their Football, completely blinkered & overall just the complete opposite of what we are.."

That is a massive generalisation, and probably could equally apply to almost any team in the land.

It just wasn't called for in what is usually a friendly sensible forum, where the contributors are football fans and like to discuss football and maybe indulge in light hearted banter but certainly not insult rival fans on their own thread. It was just asking for this thread to descend into a slanging match.

That is why you are sad.

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So what's you thoughts on the Palacios stuff then, hope you had the time to have a browse after i used Google for you ??

Correct me if I am wrong, but everyone of the links you posted are to football forums. The whole thing seems to have been started by an Arsenal supporter and then picked up by other football forums.

As I said in my post, there appears to be absolutely no hard news on this matter, (not even in the tabloids), which surely would have been the case if there was any substance to it?

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Sad ??

Why ??

I'll tell you.

This is a football forum, where fans discuss football, and not insult each other or fans of rival clubs.

This is the Tottenham thread, where generally the contributors are Spurs' supporters. Of course all comments are welcome, and everyone has the right of free speech to criticise any aspect of Spurs, the way they have played and their opinions on the players, managers etc.

But look at what you said: "T*ttenham Fans are deluded, incredibly arrogant about their Football, completely blinkered & overall just the complete opposite of what we are.."

That is a massive generalisation, and probably could equally apply to almost any team in the land.

It just wasn't called for in what is usually a friendly sensible forum, where the contributors are football fans and like to discuss football and maybe indulge in light hearted banter but certainly not insult rival fans on their own thread. It was just asking for this thread to descend into a slanging match.

That is why you are sad.

Absolute tosh...

What is it about " The one's i have met " that don't you understand then ??

You're gonna have to be a little bit smarter than just leaving that part ( ^^ ) of what i wrote out of the explanation of why i'm sad if you're genuinely trying to convince people ( including yourself ) that i am.. :o

Wasn't called for ?? For the third time ( again nicely ignored by yourself ), the Guy asked ME a question & i answered it as honestly as i could, if you don't like the answer then tough, but i'm only being honest & truthful...

The more i think about it, Mobi, that really is the crappest reasoning for thinking i'm sad, there's bundles of things why i could be classed as sad, but your reasoning is absolute crap... :D

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So what's you thoughts on the Palacios stuff then, hope you had the time to have a browse after i used Google for you ??

Correct me if I am wrong, but everyone of the links you posted are to football forums. The whole thing seems to have been started by an Arsenal supporter and then picked up by other football forums.

As I said in my post, there appears to be absolutely no hard news on this matter, (not even in the tabloids), which surely would have been the case if there was any substance to it?

Well the lights are on with you, but i'm not quite sure if.................. :o

So come on then, now, what part of " There's talk that Palacios may have been ineligible to play for Sp*rs yesterday " don't you understand then ??

Surely you don't need me to clarify that Mate ??

That's all i said, i didn't say there was a 2 Page Spread in The Observer, i just said there was talk of it & there was, on the links i posted..

I have a feeling you may hear more of it in the future based on what was written on the FA's Website, that got taken off, again which i posted previously..

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.....what part of " There's talk that Palacios may have been ineligible to play for Sp*rs yesterday " don't you understand then ??....

What is it about " The one's i have met " that don't you understand then ??

Really Mr M Singh, is that the best you can do in the way of witty rejoinders? :wai:

And reporting garbage from internet football forums in England, which is so dubious it hasn't even been reported in the Sunday Sport....? :D

Need I say more? :D

That is exactly why you are a sad person :D

Now.... :o

How about discussing football for a change? :D

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.....what part of " There's talk that Palacios may have been ineligible to play for Sp*rs yesterday " don't you understand then ??....
What is it about " The one's i have met " that don't you understand then ??

Really Mr M Singh, is that the best you can do in the way of witty rejoinders? :P

And reporting garbage from internet football forums in England, which is so dubious it hasn't even been reported in the Sunday Sport....? :D

Need I say more? :D

That is exactly why you are a sad person :D

Now.... :o

How about discussing football for a change? :wai:

I tell you what, you answer my questions with questions instead of actual answers yeah, i'm sure that's much more convenient for you ?? :jerk:

Come on Arsenal.. :D

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Why is is that all the WH fans I know think that Spurs are their biggest rivals and dislike them the most out of all the London clubs? Always baffles me...

Couple of reasons, mainly i think due to the fact that Millwall are so sh*te & we rarely play them except when we have our " off moments " & get relegated, & that's even if they're in teh Champiuonship which they're more often not.. :D

Secondly, i believe based on who i've met, that the majority of T*ttenham Fans are deluded, incredibly arrogant about their Football, completely blinkered & overall just the complete opposite of what we are..

Not all of course i'm sure, but every single one i've met are like that ^^ & my Pals say the same..

Will say however that over the Years & especially being in Thailand, the dislike for T*ttenham isn't just a West Ham thing & those reasons i gave you seem to pop up pretty regualry in conversations with all kinds of Football Supporters so there must be something to it.. :o

That reminds me of most of the WH fans i spoke to just after Tevez and Mascherano signed.

I reckon you're telling Porkies in attempt to get " level " to be honest, but if you say so... :D

If you think so but the fans I spoke with and not to mention the numerous WH fans who invaded the Spurs forum I post on were full of it. I don't have this desire to get 'level'. I am genuinely baffled as to why WH fans think that Spurs are their biggest rivals. From my view WH are quite a way down the list!

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.....what part of " There's talk that Palacios may have been ineligible to play for Sp*rs yesterday " don't you understand then ??....
What is it about " The one's i have met " that don't you understand then ??

Really Mr M Singh, is that the best you can do in the way of witty rejoinders? :P

And reporting garbage from internet football forums in England, which is so dubious it hasn't even been reported in the Sunday Sport....? :D

Need I say more? :D

That is exactly why you are a sad person :D

Now.... :o

How about discussing football for a change? :wai:

I tell you what, you answer my questions with questions instead of actual answers yeah, i'm sure that's much more convenient for you ?? :jerk:

Come on Arsenal.. :D

Its a bit odd. I would cheer on the team playing against the Arse (unless it was Chelsea) but as a Spurs fan...no explanation needed but for you as a WH fan, well, you must really dislike the Lillywhites.

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As i have said before. This is the football forum and banter is par for the course. But please do observe the rules of TV.

2) Posting another members personal details, photos or web site details is forbidden and will result in being banned. Excessive, aggressive posts against other members, moderators and admin; or flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger.

Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or any attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants. The word, or its derivative, "trolling", is used to describe such messages or the act of posting them

As you were! :o

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.....what part of " There's talk that Palacios may have been ineligible to play for Sp*rs yesterday " don't you understand then ??....
What is it about " The one's i have met " that don't you understand then ??

Really Mr M Singh, is that the best you can do in the way of witty rejoinders? :jerk:

And reporting garbage from internet football forums in England, which is so dubious it hasn't even been reported in the Sunday Sport....? :D

Need I say more? :D

That is exactly why you are a sad person :D

Now.... :o

How about discussing football for a change? :P

I tell you what, you answer my questions with questions instead of actual answers yeah, i'm sure that's much more convenient for you ?? :burp:

Come on Arsenal.. :D

Its a bit odd. I would cheer on the team playing against the Arse (unless it was Chelsea) but as a Spurs fan...no explanation needed but for you as a WH fan, well, you must really dislike the Lillywhites.

Same for me ( including the Chelsea part ) for Teams playing Sp*ds, so that clears that one up.. :wai:

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As i have said before. This is the football forum and banter is par for the course. But please do observe the rules of TV.
2) Posting another members personal details, photos or web site details is forbidden and will result in being banned. Excessive, aggressive posts against other members, moderators and admin; or flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger.

Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or any attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants. The word, or its derivative, "trolling", is used to describe such messages or the act of posting them

As you were! :D

Yes Captain, now worries...

I apologies to all T*ttenham Fans on here for answering Sarpendon's question that he asked me as honestly as i could & i'm really sorry if i hurt your feelings.....:D

Next time i post on here i'll be sure to bring my Violin & a Box of Tissues.. :o:D

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As i have said before. This is the football forum and banter is par for the course. But please do observe the rules of TV.
2) Posting another members personal details, photos or web site details is forbidden and will result in being banned. Excessive, aggressive posts against other members, moderators and admin; or flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger.

Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or any attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants. The word, or its derivative, "trolling", is used to describe such messages or the act of posting them

As you were! :D

Yes Captain, now worries...

I apologies to all T*ttenham Fans on here for answering Sarpendon's question that he asked me as honestly as i could & i'm really sorry if i hurt your feelings.....:D

Next time i post on here i'll be sure to bring my Violin & a Box of Tissues.. :o:D

MS, if you are gonna take the p on the Spuds (i mean Spurs) page, you have to be a big more discreet. :D

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Why is is that all the WH fans I know think that Spurs are their biggest rivals and dislike them the most out of all the London clubs? Always baffles me...

Couple of reasons, mainly i think due to the fact that Millwall are so sh*te & we rarely play them except when we have our " off moments " & get relegated, & that's even if they're in teh Champiuonship which they're more often not.. :D

Secondly, i believe based on who i've met, that the majority of T*ttenham Fans are deluded, incredibly arrogant about their Football, completely blinkered & overall just the complete opposite of what we are..

Not all of course i'm sure, but every single one i've met are like that ^^ & my Pals say the same..

Will say however that over the Years & especially being in Thailand, the dislike for T*ttenham isn't just a West Ham thing & those reasons i gave you seem to pop up pretty regualry in conversations with all kinds of Football Supporters so there must be something to it.. :o

spot on singh,there isnt much love for spurs with any other supporter.Arrogance and hatred for that shiiiit manager harry redknap(judha),and its ironic we have yids and judha together lol.My mate is spurs and he is so blinkered and knows nothing about football other than spurs should have had 5 penalties a game.Spurs side has no balls and the obscene amount of money they spend makes me puke.


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Sorry but I dont know which period you are talking about . I went to spurs as a schoolboy in th e 60s and I have some very scary memories of what our fans did to other fans in the tunnel around the back of the stands and in the tube b4 and after the game, open Warfare would be an apt description. and as for going to away games, and the games of other clubs, hide youre scarves boys cos you stood a very good chance of SEVERE damage if found out. And that was from a geeky Autograph hunting, programme collecting teenager, perspective. no fighter.

Mainly mid fifties to mid sixties - never ever saw any trouble either at White Heart Lane or anywhere else that I went to watch football. Believe you me, I was a kid, and so were my friends, and without doubt if we had experienced any unpleasantness we would have stopped going. When I was a kid I took the bus from Ilford, (as all my friends did) and as a young man I always drove to Tottenham and to other grounds. I never used the tube so can't comment on that

Even in the late sixties I still went to the occasional evening match, and whilst I admit the crowds were starting to get more partisan, I still didn't see or experience anything untoward.

Did you go to the matches with sunglasses on.my first game watching stoke city was 61 when sir stan came back from Blackpool and there was crowd trouble then.Before segregation there were pitched battles all over the ground

Why do you think they started segregation mate,and i have been done at spurs ground by your yids too.Thye got it at stoke though big style

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