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Malaria, when got at quickly is no worse than flu. so no biggie, It's debatable whether its even worth taking the anti malaria pills.

whats our pre season line up anyone?


Bellend Bellend Bellend Bellend

Bellend Bellend

Bellend Bellend




As i said long as it got at, ie treated early, its no biggie.but being a man of thailand and i presume liverpool, you'd know better and how do i know?, Because i prefer not to embarrass myself and look into things it b4 i opened my gob, that's a hint by the way wai2.gif but Actually it was going down the amazon I spent a few days with an italian doc and his teacher wife that worked lived and run a malaria clinic on the rio negro, he'd had it a dozen times and his kids and wife had had it 5 or 6 times no issues he reaffirmed what 'truth's ' i'de gleamed on the way through s/a that the only ones at risk are vulnerable people that cant get to a clinic s, and taking the preventative medicine is almost pointless because it's more or less the same as the one taken to cure it and its known side effects can be quite nasty.

I was only naming your preseason line up fella, as requested wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif

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Malaria, when got at quickly is no worse than flu. so no biggie, It's debatable whether its even worth taking the anti malaria pills.

whats our pre season line up anyone?


Bellend Bellend Bellend Bellend

Bellend Bellend

Bellend Bellend





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Malaria, when got at quickly is no worse than flu. so no biggie, It's debatable whether its even worth taking the anti malaria pills.

whats our pre season line up anyone?


Bellend Bellend Bellend Bellend

Bellend Bellend

Bellend Bellend





I'de be more worried if we'd wedged out 50/60 mil on Brazilians rolleyes.gif

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Yep. Would need to be very careful about paying that sort of money for a Barnet player too.

and 2 think you just got rid of the biggest barnet of them all,biggrin.png

personally i put at least half of germany's 7 down to him , and at that i reckon I'm being kind .coffee1.gif

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I guess in the cold light of day rij you are probably right.

If Mourinho couldn't get it to work, I very much doubt if blankety blank at PSG will.

Scolari was hoping and dreaming.

Sometimes it all goes pear shaped.

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( Losing Neymar and Silva was fatal.)

true , they saved them ?? times. big phil made him capt but watching luiz is like watching that amazing kid in the playground who wants to be the CF, right wing left bac, take the corners and all the free kicks, thinks of everything but the team and his job! RANK Amatuer,, WORSE SCHOOLBOY, fred and jo were just awful but hulk cost 50 mil oscar?? oscar william 25 ish ect they had enuf expensive champs lge Experienced rated talent that should have been able to step up. And that support, WOW 12 th man or what ? but no effective shape or.organisation to step into, big phil was terriblle similar in the argie case i felt for the fans truly amazing, but no sympathy 4 the teams or the managers . in the main overpaid and overrated . any bac to the woe's of the yids and chavs!!

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Just had a look through the press and we are buying or even being linked with no one at all.

A blessing of sorts I suppose.....

Early doors mate. Pochettino is trimming the squad and seeing whats needed to balance to his needs.

Dawson won't feature, two unwanteds offloaded to Liverpool, resigned Lloris and put out a firm statement on Vertonghen, who btw had an excellent world cup. Kaboul is still an issue and we are top heavy in midfield. We need to firm up on what we have before going out spending although theres a couple of positions that need strengthening irrespective. Thats of course left back and center back. With the high line he likes our defense has to be strengthened.

I think he's working clever so far.

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Just had a look through the press and we are buying or even being linked with no one at all.

A blessing of sorts I suppose.....

Early doors mate. Pochettino is trimming the squad and seeing whats needed to balance to his needs.

Dawson won't feature, two unwanteds offloaded to Liverpool, resigned Lloris and put out a firm statement on Vertonghen, who btw had an excellent world cup. Kaboul is still an issue and we are top heavy in midfield. We need to firm up on what we have before going out spending although theres a couple of positions that need strengthening irrespective. Thats of course left back and center back. With the high line he likes our defense has to be strengthened.

I think he's working clever so far.

I'm glad we're not hearing about Baldini and Levy jetting about Europe like last summer for sure.

A couple of astute buys will do the ticket.

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Just had a look through the press and we are buying or even being linked with no one at all.

A blessing of sorts I suppose.....

Calm down smokes,at least 1 centre back and a left back will be arriving

Just an observation Alfredo....going to be interesting to see what offensive line up he goes with.

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Just had a look through the press and we are buying or even being linked with no one at all.

A blessing of sorts I suppose.....

Calm down smokes,at least 1 centre back and a left back will be arriving
Just an observation Alfredo....going to be interesting to see what offensive line up he goes with.

I still think we have too many def mids and need one more attacking mid.

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Just had a look through the press and we are buying or even being linked with no one at all.

A blessing of sorts I suppose.....

Calm down smokes,at least 1 centre back and a left back will be arriving
Just an observation Alfredo....going to be interesting to see what offensive line up he goes with.

I still think we have too many def mids and need one more attacking mid.

Talking of attacking kids we should sell Tom Carroll. Can't see him making the grade.

I'm not sure we do need another attacking mid if see can get Lamela back to form. A left back , center back for sure and who knows whats going on with the strikers.

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Just had a look through the press and we are buying or even being linked with no one at all.

A blessing of sorts I suppose.....

Calm down smokes,at leastcentre back and a left back will be arriving
Just an

observation Alfredo....going to be interesting to see what offensive line up he goes with.

I still think we have too many def mids and need one more attacking mid.

Talking of attacking kids we should sell Tom Carroll. Can't see him making the grade.

I'm not sure we do need another attacking mid if see can get Lamela back to form. A left back , center back for sure and who knows whats going on with the strikers.

Re attacking mids carms, eriksen,lamela,just leaves chadli,Lennon and Townsend for one place not sure if them three offer enough quality ?

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Yep. Townsend was the new England hero til he got injured. smile.png

( Plays better on a big pitch like Wembley than WHL btw. Needs room to operate. Bit like Lennon. Put them both in a confined space and you will get precisely nothing. wink.png )

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chadly plays 2 safe doasnt give it a go. he 's skilful fast and strong but doesnt drop his shoulder and take chance enough. townsend is in danger of being a one track pony and being found out. lennon we take for granted cos.hes been around so long but on the right edge of the box at attacking lb hes amongst the beat ive seen ,debatable deliveries but so did giggs have for ??? years and dont score.enuf, but give me a winger who is consistent and ide be surprised its their dna. as for.dawson this is the 3 rd season everyone on here has said hes gone, ans he' s already said he stayin so best take note. as for verity, had a good w/c going forward but got taken to the cleaners.defensively and got dropped. luv hm on the break and.in the opponants half but in ours and defensively he's a frigging liabiltyatm we'd get good money? 20 ish . looks like liverpool are uping the anti for davies so maybe assoe and rose will be given a go ?. assoe's ok with me ,but rose struggled at the end of last season . but we'll c

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Looks like a fcking mess that Pochetinno has been dumped in to me.


lots of talent, but little planning and little or no balance.

So if you think we'll be battling for 6th, where do you think your lot will be?

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