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PM Prayut insists democracy in Thailand will never die

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demo WHAT ?

military coup taker gets appointed by army friends to become PM

what is next, his SON will come the next PM ? like N-Korea ....


“We are building democracy everyday – every ministry, every department are striving toward development projects. I have not handed out money to these and those people after the coup or seized the power for myself. I would say this is more democratic than normal..."

He must be joking. Development projects have nothing to do with Democracy and this is the root of the whole problem. None of these people running the government right now have any idea -- not one tiny little inkling of an idea -- of what Democracy is.

Let's see, some of the things this government is doing is backed by SOLID POWER, because a duly elected government would not be able to get away with the things this military government is doing such as proposing laws that allow unfettered access to everyone's communications without warrants or free speech and peaceful assembly and "attitude adjustments".

You can't fake Democracy and you can't fool people with words into making them believe they have Democracy or anything close to it.

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"When the Nation is on fire, we asked to interfere…before it’s too late.
’ll bring love back [to the Nation] no matter how long it takes

Can you please wait…for the conflict to pass?"

Lyrics written by El Jefe himself in the "Restoring Happiness" putschmusik that comes on thrice hourly on my C&W station. The idea of restoring happiness has been expressed before by someone At The Top. "Svegliate la gioia" / "Reawaken joy" is a line in Verdi's "MacBeth". And whose line is it? The lassie herself, Lady MacBeth


I wonder what would have happened if there was no takeover ,

if you remember things were getting a little dangerous last May and it was going to get worse,

I may be one of the few who think that the takeover was one of the best things considering the options ,

The PM General is trying to fix things that have been bad for years , corruption being the main thing......

I wish him well, and hope he figures out a way to hold elections in a year or so without violence

IF the Army had intervened and protected ballot boxes and polling stations none of this would have happened!

ok so it did happen and IF after the Army had seized power they had a national Assembly with PTP and the Dems given, say 50 seats each, and 100 for academics etc and then they had a process for reconciliation the vast majority would have supported it.

The vote blockade was in parts of Bangkok. The national boycott had nothing to do with suthep's lunacy, well not the ballot box blockade anyway.

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I beg you people to understand the meaning of democracy more thoroughly. Good democracy is a system that takes all people alike whether they are rich or poor or in the middle income bracket. Whatever the people may say, I think about the poor first,” said General Prayut.

Like the Hong Kong govener, he is protecting the rich while democracy in Thailand will be talked about for years.


From ask.com:

A political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections.

2. The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life.

3. Protection of the human rights of all citizens.

4. A rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens.

From this description it would appear that the present Thai government has some work to do...


Fact check..

Thailand is under Martial Law. Right?

He says Thailand is Now under a democracy. Right?

Can a democracy EXIST under Martial Law? Just Asking...


I wonder what would have happened if there was no takeover ,

if you remember things were getting a little dangerous last May and it was going to get worse,

I may be one of the few who think that the takeover was one of the best things considering the options ,

The PM General is trying to fix things that have been bad for years , corruption being the main thing......

I wish him well, and hope he figures out a way to hold elections in a year or so without violence

IF the Army had intervened and protected ballot boxes and polling stations none of this would have happened!

ok so it did happen and IF after the Army had seized power they had a national Assembly with PTP and the Dems given, say 50 seats each, and 100 for academics etc and then they had a process for reconciliation the vast majority would have supported it.

The vote blockade was in parts of Bangkok. The national boycott had nothing to do with suthep's lunacy, well not the ballot box blockade anyway.

but 'Suthept's lunacy' led, eventually, to the Junta and, it is my view, that althought I generally hate Junta's IF he had gone down a more inclusive route maybe it could have been a 'means to an end' but he chose an exclusive 'typical junta' gig

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Prayut is wrong.

Democracy died on the 4th of July, 2011. If it was a hospital patient Prayut would have had to perform CPR on it to bring it back to life.

Unless of course some refer to the below form of democracy post elections and if that is the case they need to book a bed in the hospital next to Prayut who is frantically performing CPR on the victim of the PTP.

Funny thing is I never purported the Junta to be democratic. They are not. They are a Junta. Some here however suggest the PTP were democratic and will argue that case irrespective of the below evidence. The power of suggestion. Hats of to the PTP ministry of propaganda for that one. My favorite is that they suggest democracy when the party is run by someone less electable than Prayut…Or in this case completely Unelectable.

1.How to pass an amnesty bill that the majority did not want, but one unelected, accused mass murderer, accused terrorist, convicted criminal fugitive did want

2.How to disallow the opposition to debate constitutional amendments that an unelected fugitive did want

3.How to tell voters they will get what they want when they vote PTP

4.How to allow a convicted criminal to run the country under the guise of democracy

5.How to intimidate families in Khon Kaen at the university that wanted to hear the Right Honorable Ahbisit speak, but had to take their crying children home because of the fear that was installed in them

6.How to force the majority (at the barrel of a gun mind you) to stop protesting because the voice of THAT majority did not suit the agenda

7.How to foster and encourage a majority that does suit the agenda.

8.How to lie to the public and when found out tell them white lies don’t count because it is installing confidence

9.How to tell protestors that they are garbage.

10. How to threaten protesters with violence in Chiang Mai under the guise of democracy

11. How to foster confidence in flood management even though the flood management control centre flooded

12. How to get away with an unelected criminal pining the insignia on a police chief that is supposed to arrest uneletced criminals

13. How to silence the opposition by telling the media "The driver did it"

14. How to threaten to behead themselves if an unelected leader of a government is not back in Thailand by the 1st of January 2013. Another broken promise.

15. How to run a country with only a 40% parliamentary attendance rate

16. How to run a rice scheme with a 0% attendance rate

17. How to scapegoat the Junta for the coup when the defense minister refused to defend polling stations with her very own military. Not one command. Not one order. Not one promise. Not even anyone ordering the army on her behalf! She was not in the Maldives at that stage.

18. How to blame the tax payer, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, businesses, students, teachers, academics, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, businessmen, judges, lawyers, professors and soldiers for all the faults of the PTP.

19. How to set up red villages to intimidate opposition that live in those very villages.

20. How to set up red schools to "teach" a form of democracy that would make the Maosit teachers of China blush. Heay Dr Weng!

21. How to let terrorist act with impunity arresting 0% while 100% of opposition terrorists ARE arrested.

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Oh my god.

I stay in power because I want democracy to survive.

This was obviously his democratic split personality talking. Keep him off the meds, this is getting to be really entertaining.


Mugabe says the same!


Say what you like about Democracy in Thailand.

The country has been a lot safer since the general took over.

Ok, I may agree with you if you can answer me a question. Why didn't the army stage a coup back in 2010 when the situation was much more dire than 2014. Why did they instead sent in troops fully armed with full armored personal carriers. Couldn't they do the same in 2014? Waiting for your answer.


Say what you like about Democracy in Thailand.

You can't, really, unless you agree with the current administration. It is against the law and that is the point.

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Democracy died the minute Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ochahe was declared Prime Minister. What does he not understand?

It might be a good thing but it is what it is.

Impeaching and being vindictive with the elected Prime Minister only makes it worse.

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I am afraid that 'democracy cannot exist while there is the constant threat of the military to remove elected leaders from office. In a democracy if you want to get rid if your leaders you vote them out not get a gun.

With a succession of military led coups in Thailand one can draw the conclusion that real democracy does not exist .

You cannot pay lip service to it.

Either you have it or you don't, it's quite simple.

I agreed with an intervention to stop the violence of last year, but it didn't necessitate a coup to achieve that. The same actions could have been taken by any government and at least they would have acted with a mandate .

It's a great shame this could be a wonderful country but there always seems to be a 'second agenda' and it always seems to have something to do with money

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