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US Charge d'affaires summoned in protest of its top diplomat's statement

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Didn't PM Prayuth yesterday assured everybody who can't escape listening that he doesn't care and that the relationship between the Junta and the US Government is good? Little White lies or fragile ego?

Relationship between Thailand and the USA is and always will be good.

But this man had no right to interfere into Thailand's politics.

Thailand does not interfere with the USA.

To take advantage of Thai hospitality and tolerance was a bad move on behalf of a representative of the USA.

I hope the PM will take notice and avoid any future, dubious visits from any country that pretends they care about democracy but in fact they only show their ignorance on Thailand's political situation.

While I think that it is perfectly fine for a country to comment on anti-democratic policies of other countries, I think that this only holds water if it is done in an even-handed way - so, not one policy for the hereditary dictatorship in Saudi Arabia that is the main source of revenue for terrorism abroad and a different policy for Thailand, a country that appears to have temporarily deviated from at least an attempt at democracy albeit a venial one.

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The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

... As well as telling the US where they can stick their trade and defence pact. Great idea.

You do realise that whether anyone likes it or not, Thailand needs the US more than the US needs Thailand?

Trade isn't usually affected by these little spats and the defence wise - who needs who?

Thailand's U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Airfield is currently the "only facility in Southeast Asia capable of supporting large-scale logistical operations".[18] Thailand has allowed the US to use U-Tapao to land and refuel after travelling across the Pacific Ocean on the way to US operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.[18] According to Global Research, the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake served "for strengthening the U.S. military presence" in U-Tapao, which was used as a "command centre" for US military and rescue aircraft.[19].


The US domino effect theory is still being debated today, And US intervention in Vietnam didn't stop Lao, South Vietnam, or Cambodia from falling so your statement that the US had any influence on me being here is nonsense

You really think that it would have stopped at Thailand's borders? Well anyway, that is my opinion and you have yours. But still, poo pooing America for interfereing when it has basically been Thailands biggest major ally for decades and has had a massive influence on the current status of Thailand in the region is nonsensical.

Thailand would look very very different and I believe undoubtedly worse off today had America not been a significant ally to Thailand

It did stop at Thailand's borders. In 1975 Sai Gon and South Vietnam fell, Cambodia fell under the thumb of Pol Pot, Malaysia was courting China and Chairman Mao. The US was still dealing with Watergate, So it is not a matter of what I think, It is a matter of what actually happened, Thailand was taking in refugees from Lao and Cambodia and held elections in 76 that put more conservatives (non-communists) in office.

I am not poo-pooing the US for interfering, I am saying very clearly that the US Government only does what it's overlords on Wall Street tell it to do even if it is not in the best interests of the American people and that they need to stay out of what is going on here until it effects the american people.

I think it is a very simplistic view to believe that every action that the US takes is run by the overlords of Wall Street. Yes the US has an economic interest in the region, but, by accusing the USA of acting for financial benefit, do you think that China is helping out around here for the goodness of its heart.

All countries act in their interests, some maybe very short term, some maybe very long term, some maybe for financial benefit principally, others maybe for financial benefit as a derived benefit. Funny thing is, there is one largely true principal that I don't think many of us can argue with. Democracy is the superior form of governance for prosperity, human rights, long term security .........and the list goes on. The amount of long term successful dicatatorships, military juntas, personality cults and everthing else are pretty few and far between.

The USA supports democracy, it likes dealing with democracies, it believes in the long term benefit of democracies. This doens't mean democracy has to be American style democracy.

Many in Thailand don't and they like the notion of a patrician country with very distict class lines and little voice for the little man.

This is where there is an alarming similarity exists between either left wing or right wing dictatorships.

The poor have no voice either way and are dealt a crap hand.

The poor have little voice in poorly run democracies either, but they at least have a mechanism to effect change. The best future for the poor is in a representative well run, monitored and transparent democracy.

This is why the military keep rolling back democracy under the guise of saving the country. The last thing they and their backers want is true representation, and transparency, and any steps towards it must be stopped.

I agree with you that not every action is a direct result of Wall Street but a vast majority are.

Democracy is not for every country, currently some cultures are not capable of being self governing. I have seen this first hand in Iraq after we ousted Saddam. The people there were so down beaten they needed someone to give them direction.

The poor need education, even if they are in a democracy if they are not educated they will never be able to effect change.


I won't argue with your last statement as it does make sense especially with all the turmoil we have seen in the last 8 years


Honestly...usa should put some export/ trade restrictions on this Coup Govt. This is exactly what we would do with other Coup nations. Lets see how Prayut behaves when a few westefn nations call him out & put financial pressure on Coup leaders!!

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I agree with you that not every action is a direct result of Wall Street but a vast majority are.

Democracy is not for every country, currently some cultures are not capable of being self governing. I have seen this first hand in Iraq after we ousted Saddam. The people there were so down beaten they needed someone to give them direction.

The poor need education, even if they are in a democracy if they are not educated they will never be able to effect change.


I won't argue with your last statement as it does make sense especially with all the turmoil we have seen in the last 8 years

Democracy is not something you buy like software and install. It is something that is often a painful ongoing process, but the results are proven time and time again to be superior to any other system. It isn't perfect, it isn't ever complete and it is hard to get it completely representative and all in the best interests of the country as a whole. But it satisfys those criteria better than any other process.

It is better to have a struggling democracy moving along with bumps and turns that to essentially chicken out and give up.

If the army didn't have a history of shooting people, would the people be so compliant? This is essentially a situation of I prefer to die standing up than to live on my knees. The Thais are simply waiting their time to get back to standing up, if the army refuses to get out of the way, stand back and watch the fun. The only true way forward is democracy.

Just look at the Junta falling over backwards to put money into the countryside to placate the poor. This is the perfect example of how democracy has changed the way that the poor are treated. FOREVER!!!


The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

... As well as telling the US where they can stick their trade and defence pact. Great idea.

You do realise that whether anyone likes it or not, Thailand needs the US more than the US needs Thailand?

Haha yes does not take a genius to figure out that if all trade was cut between

Thailand and America, there would be only one loser....


The adults come to Thailand and can speak the truth openly without fear while the children are forced to keep quiet.

At least someone is telling the truth on behalf of the children.

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The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

... As well as telling the US where they can stick their trade and defence pact. Great idea.

You do realise that whether anyone likes it or not, Thailand needs the US more than the US needs Thailand?

What to know I do not know Thailand does not need the United States at all


The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

... As well as telling the US where they can stick their trade and defence pact. Great idea.

You do realise that whether anyone likes it or not, Thailand needs the US more than the US needs Thailand?

What to know I do not know Thailand does not need the United States at all

You are right, you don't know:


The United States is Thailand's second largest trading partner after Japan; in 2006 merchandise imports from Thailand totaled $22.5 billion, and merchandise exports totaled $8.2 billion. The U.S., Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and the European Union are among Thailand's largest foreign investors. American investment, concentrated in the petroleum and chemicals, finance, consumer products, and automobile production sectors, is estimated at $21 billion.

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In global democracy and freedom of speech any country can say what they want about another country. It is not mingling in internal affairs, it is voicing opinion.

If you don't like it go live on the moon.

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The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

For y instance of 'stick their nose", there are examples of my not knowing what I assume to be fact.

Bias is often the companion of someone not privy to private conversation and negotiations

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The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

... As well as telling the US where they can stick their trade and defence pact. Great idea.

You do realise that whether anyone likes it or not, Thailand needs the US more than the US needs Thailand?

Unfortunately this is true, and the US government uses that to try and control other countries, The US never does anything unless it benefits the US Government in some way. We have gone from being a "Government of the People, by the people, for the people" to a Government of the big corporation/special interest/wall street, by the corporation/special interest/wall street, for the corporation/special interest/wall street." Until the american people realize that and does something to change it then the US will continue to manipulate world politics in a manner that best serves those interests.

I don't care if I live in a democracy, dictatorship, or what ever as long as I have my rightful liberty.

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because the law is often but the tyrants will, and always so it violates the will of the individual." Thomas Jefferson.

Rightful liberty does not exist under the rule of a any tyrant. The removal or control of the freedoms of speech, assembly, the press, illegal searches,illegal arrests and others,are the tools of the oppressor.

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Putting demands on the U.Scheesy.gifcheesy.gif The mouse and the lion and if Thailand tries to push the U.S around it may end up getting a back hander.

That was my first thought as well when I saw the word

" summoned". I wonder if that is the correct translation.

Yes, pretty funny to have the mouse demand the lion

show up for a early morning meeting to be chastised.

I love living here !! :-)


The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

The position expressed by the US representative was no different than that of any other western country. Are you going to accuse the EU and governments of Norway and Sweden of sticking their noses in other countries affairs?

How is the (now former) Sweden foreign minister Carl Bildt's statement different from the US statement? "I urge an immediate return to civilian government in Thailand, a restoration of democracy, and respect for human rights and freedoms."


The Swedish PM Fredrik Reinfeldt stated that " It is of course unacceptable for all military takeovers, especially given that this has happened before." He also called for a return to civilian rule and respect for democratic order.

Are you also calling for the expulsion of the Swedish Ambassador?

The US position has not been very tough and is a lot kinder than that of the EU which spoke on behalf of its member nations. Do you recall what the EU did?

Following a meeting of EU finance ministers, the 28-nation bloc said it was halting the signing of a partnership and cooperation accord with Bangkok “until a democratically elected government is in place”. Expressing the EU’s “extreme concern” at developments in Thailand, the ministers said in a statement that the military should restore “as a matter of urgency, the legitimate democratic process and the constitution, through credible and inclusive elections”.They should also free all political detainees and respect human rights and freedoms, they said.

What now? The expulsion of all EU member ambassadors?

This isn't a position exclusive to the USA.

GeriatricKid -- Posters like Bim cannot be helped. After they buy into "Thainess" and finally go full retard, their opinions should be ignored. Just like the bar girl they rode in on.

Thailand needs the USA and the EU in so many way's its ridiculous. Our current benevolent leader General P. is trying to make a name for himself.


Didn't PM Prayuth yesterday assured everybody who can't escape listening that he doesn't care and that the relationship between the Junta and the US Government is good? Little White lies or fragile ego?

Relationship between Thailand and the USA is and always will be good.

But this man had no right to interfere into Thailand's politics.

Thailand does not interfere with the USA.

To take advantage of Thai hospitality and tolerance was a bad move on behalf of a representative of the USA.

I hope the PM will take notice and avoid any future, dubious visits from any country that pretends they care about democracy but in fact they only show their ignorance on Thailand's political situation.

He did not interfere in Thailand's politics. Interference would have been providing sanctuary to the former PM or in funding opponents. No one has done that, nor is their intent. Everyone wants the peace to continue, with a return to democracy. He conveyed the position of the US government on the current situation. As I have stated above, the EU has gone further than the USA with its suspension of agreements and co-operations. Are you also demanding that "dubious" visits from EU nations who ALL supported the EU statement, be blocked? Apparently, according to you, the 28 member EU group are ignorant as are Norway, Sweden, Canada and Australia, since they have a position in common. Nice to know.

What you and other do not grasp is that the countries who have spoken out have done so in accordance with their respective nations' long standing positions on the subject, a position that does not target Thailand, but is one in regard to the issue of military coups and the activities associated with them. The statements made are nothing new in the world of foreign affairs. This is why the General was not overly concerned when he didn't have a courtesy call form the American. He knows how it works and I doubt he will lose any sleep over the matter. In a few days, it will be water under the bridge.

I agree completely with your post except that providing sanctuary to anyone from Thailand is not interfering.

Otherwise, this bluster from the various generals is for domestic consumption.


The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

Spoken like a true Thai, send us your money and stay home. Whenever you take, there is always a price whether you see it or not.

  • Like 2
Costas2008, on 28 Jan 2015 - 07:57, said:
hanuman2543, on 28 Jan 2015 - 07:42, said:

Didn't PM Prayuth yesterday assured everybody who can't escape listening that he doesn't care and that the relationship between the Junta and the US Government is good? Little White lies or fragile ego?

Relationship between Thailand and the USA is and always will be good.

But this man had no right to interfere into Thailand's politics.

Thailand does not interfere with the USA.

To take advantage of Thai hospitality and tolerance was a bad move on behalf of a representative of the USA.

I hope the PM will take notice and avoid any future, dubious visits from any country that pretends they care about democracy but in fact they only show their ignorance on Thailand's political situation.

You are dead wrong, again!

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The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

The position expressed by the US representative was no different than that of any other western country. Are you going to accuse the EU and governments of Norway and Sweden of sticking their noses in other countries affairs?

How is the (now former) Sweden foreign minister Carl Bildt's statement different from the US statement? "I urge an immediate return to civilian government in Thailand, a restoration of democracy, and respect for human rights and freedoms."


The Swedish PM Fredrik Reinfeldt stated that " It is of course unacceptable for all military takeovers, especially given that this has happened before." He also called for a return to civilian rule and respect for democratic order.

Are you also calling for the expulsion of the Swedish Ambassador?

The US position has not been very tough and is a lot kinder than that of the EU which spoke on behalf of its member nations. Do you recall what the EU did?

Following a meeting of EU finance ministers, the 28-nation bloc said it was halting the signing of a partnership and cooperation accord with Bangkok “until a democratically elected government is in place”. Expressing the EU’s “extreme concern” at developments in Thailand, the ministers said in a statement that the military should restore “as a matter of urgency, the legitimate democratic process and the constitution, through credible and inclusive elections”.They should also free all political detainees and respect human rights and freedoms, they said.

What now? The expulsion of all EU member ambassadors?

This isn't a position exclusive to the USA.

GeriatricKid -- Posters like Bim cannot be helped. After they buy into "Thainess" and finally go full retard, their opinions should be ignored. Just like the bar girl they rode in on.

Thailand needs the USA and the EU in so many way's its ridiculous. Our current benevolent leader General P. is trying to make a name for himself.



Putting demands on the U.Scheesy.gifcheesy.gif The mouse and the lion and if Thailand tries to push the U.S around it may end up getting a back hander.

That was my first thought as well when I saw the word

" summoned". I wonder if that is the correct translation.

Yes, pretty funny to have the mouse demand the lion

show up for a early morning meeting to be chastised.

I love living here !! :-)

Could be something lost in the translation of summoned, e.g., we had some 'un d' call and invite him for breakfast. A more likely scenario is that somebody pickpocketed his wallet, then called and said they found it and he could pick it up at 8 a.m.


Yinluck didn't have any control of the situation dealing with the Dem party demontrations. The Government was without a real leader, and powerless, Prayut did what was needed to avoid caos and more violence. It is in control and with good intentions. and he knows that needs to keep Thailand neutral en times of new Cold War. Yinluck was ready to let the US to set military bases here, and that was wrong. Asia needs China and Russia support in case of any internal problem.....We already know what happens when the US intervene militarely to "help". Thailand do not need the US in its affairs.

The Philippines, Japan and Australia do not have choice, and will have to fight with the US in case of a new World War....in process....

Prayut is keeping Thailand in peace..and I wants to believe that most ASEAN countries will follow his intentions.

Well done!

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The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

Ha! Oh, yes! I can see you are ready for the diplomatic foreign service. You would, without doubt, do wonders.


Yinluck didn't have any control of the situation dealing with the Dem party demontrations. The Government was without a real leader, and powerless, Prayut did what was needed to avoid caos and more violence. It is in control and with good intentions. and he knows that needs to keep Thailand neutral en times of new cold war. Yinluck was ready to let the US to set military bases here, and that was wrong. Asia needs China and Russia support in case of any internal problem.....We alreay know what happenbs when the US intervene militarely to "help". Thailand do not need the US in its affairs.

The Philippines, Japan and Australia do not have choice, and will have to fight with the US in case of a new War.

Prayut is keeping Thailand in peace..Well done!

If your people arent careful, you'll have yourself a Pervez Musharraf on your hands.

Let me edit your statement to reflect exactly what is going on : "Prayut is keeping Thailand in peace.. using the threat of violence. Well done". If you dont believe me, go into the city with a bunch of your friends and protest your leader's actions. Lets see what happens. Everything else you've written is simply incorrect or naive.

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The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

... As well as telling the US where they can stick their trade and defence pact. Great idea.

You do realise that whether anyone likes it or not, Thailand needs the US more than the US needs Thailand?

Maybe, but the way things are going here they are going to piss off the Americans, then piss off the Japs and take a huge handout from the Chinese. See where the loyalty lies when it comes down to cold hard cash!


The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

That would have been a very silly thing to have done. Thailand still needs the USA to hang around the place. Thailand can then extract bigger benefits from China. If you remove America, then Thailand has only got China to go to. Having two of them competing against each other is a far better idea.

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I am an American citizen and have worked in the International arena for the past 15+ years.

Regularly I see American Govt top officials ignoring and/or ignorant on the sovergnity or cultural ways of foreign countries, this being an example of Washington being "out-of-touch".

What seams to work in the US isn't always applicable overseas on foreign soil.

US officials need to learn to stop trying to being "GOD" or do what I say and not what I do. The US has a lot of dysfunctional issues that they need to address at home on US soil. This arrogance also has given the US it's reputation of "ugly American's".

Summary - Thailand should continue to address it's own concerns, issue by issue. And overall wipe-out condoning "corruption". Examples should be made by top Govt, Business, Thai Police & Military officials. They should be fired, be made to pay back what was taken, be fined, and possibly do jail time (and not at a resort community).

Thailand has so much to offer itself and the world economies but have been in a negative spotlight since 2005/06 with the start of the various military coupes.

The current military controlled Govt has started to clean-house but need to continue across the board and through-out the country.

Instead of making insulting statements in the media, the US should work to be silent supportive partners to offer suggestions to help stabilize Thailand.

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It is really amazing that the Junta expected accolades for doing something terribly wrong. Their sense of entitlement is just laughable.

The US and any other country is allowed to criticize and the junta, and it should be tough enough to take it, rather than whine all the time.

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