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US statement 'wounded' Thailand, Deputy Foreign Minister says

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My country, The United States, is a Republic that spends a huge amount of money and lives "bringing Democracy" to countries all over the world ( if they want it or not ).

The can not be seen supporting any country, including Thailand, who has strayed from the democratic process.

Thailand will have elections or keep getting closer to China and North Korea. It is their choice.

They can not have it both ways.

The USA has done a lot for the Thai military and infrastructure since Vietnam.

Maybe the new government thinks it is time to snuggle up to some different buddies?

Your country, the United States spends a huge amount of money and lives bringing coups to countries all over the world. They have been involved in over 35 seizers of power since the 1940's. If they supported democracy they would not have achieved the following;

1. Iran. 1953. Mohammad Pahlavi takes power in a coup planned and supported by the USA and UK secret services (Operation Ajax). He topples the flourishing and popular democracy of Mohammed Mossadeq.

2. Ecuador. 1963. The CIA back a military coup that overthrows President Arosemana, because of his independent policies. A military junta assumes command, cancels the 1964 elections, and begins abusing human rights. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

3. El Salvador. 1963. Jose Duarte wins the elect but is immediately removed and exiled by the USA backed military. Just 14 families run most of the country's businesses, mainly coffee growing.

4. South Korea. 1979. General Chun Doo-Hwan takes power in a coup. His regime is armed and supported by the USA. One year later, the general orders the killing of hundreds of civilians in Kwangju. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

5. Chad. 1981. In 1981. The CIA set up, financed and trained a Chadian military force in Sudan. Led by Hissen Habré, this force overthrows the government of Chad, ruling for 8 years with American support. Habré's regime would kill tens of thousands of people and torture over 200,000. Many dissidents would simply disappear. In 2000, Habré would be tried for his crimes in Senegal. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

Do you even know where Obama is at the moment sunshine? In Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia strayed from Democracy….

$$$ my friend. $$$$$ is the drive.

​When thaksin bypassed democracy in parliament to push a US free trade agreement your country did not say "You are straying from democracy so we will not support you" You know what they did? They ignored the undemocratic process because they smelt money? BIG money….

Saudi Arabia…Oil….

My oh my, your comments show a naïvety that could excuse some for thinking you are my age, except not as smart!!

From what I gather, you don’t even live here.

Your boots aren’t even on the ground and you sit from afar with your pontificating, dogmatic, patronizing, condescending posts.

You’re like a mathematician trying to explain away your position with numbers.

No human nature to be involved.

These guys are more corrupt than those guys.

Splitting hairs.

And you think, perversely, your avenging angel the autocratic, xenophobic, un-elected PM, is going to ride in and save the day.

What a dreamer.

Maybe a girlfriend would be a good start.

But, it’s a safe bet she won’t put up with you glued to a computer screen babbling on endlessly about a country you don’t even live in.


You got me..

Damn…You actually found me out!!!

Well done mate.

Can't rebut what I said though...

Any comment on what I wrote or you would prefer to release some frustration and dodge any ability to prove me wrong?


Over and out, bedtime


Well that is the other way to escape the inconvenient truth.

" Hello Pot, this is Kettle, say all again after escaping the truth over"

Ahhhh, my dear friend that spent more time calling me terrible rude names 2 nights ago that actually rebutting me...

I nearly blushed my friend.

The guy that says "terrorists aint so bad when they are red shirts because car accidents cause more deaths"

Have nice evening my friend. I wish you no ill will and in fact pity you.

I would love to buy you a beer one day and hug the hate out of you!!!

He didn't rebut you, he comprehensively destroyed you and it was superb to see.

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My country, The United States, is a Republic that spends a huge amount of money and lives "bringing Democracy" to countries all over the world ( if they want it or not ).

The can not be seen supporting any country, including Thailand, who has strayed from the democratic process.

Thailand will have elections or keep getting closer to China and North Korea. It is their choice.

They can not have it both ways.

The USA has done a lot for the Thai military and infrastructure since Vietnam.

Maybe the new government thinks it is time to snuggle up to some different buddies?

Your country, the United States spends a huge amount of money and lives bringing coups to countries all over the world. They have been involved in over 35 seizers of power since the 1940's. If they supported democracy they would not have achieved the following;

1. Iran. 1953. Mohammad Pahlavi takes power in a coup planned and supported by the USA and UK secret services (Operation Ajax). He topples the flourishing and popular democracy of Mohammed Mossadeq.

2. Ecuador. 1963. The CIA back a military coup that overthrows President Arosemana, because of his independent policies. A military junta assumes command, cancels the 1964 elections, and begins abusing human rights. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

3. El Salvador. 1963. Jose Duarte wins the elect but is immediately removed and exiled by the USA backed military. Just 14 families run most of the country's businesses, mainly coffee growing.

4. South Korea. 1979. General Chun Doo-Hwan takes power in a coup. His regime is armed and supported by the USA. One year later, the general orders the killing of hundreds of civilians in Kwangju. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

5. Chad. 1981. In 1981. The CIA set up, financed and trained a Chadian military force in Sudan. Led by Hissen Habré, this force overthrows the government of Chad, ruling for 8 years with American support. Habré's regime would kill tens of thousands of people and torture over 200,000. Many dissidents would simply disappear. In 2000, Habré would be tried for his crimes in Senegal. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

Do you even know where Obama is at the moment sunshine? In Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia strayed from Democracy….

$$$ my friend. $$$$$ is the drive.

​When thaksin bypassed democracy in parliament to push a US free trade agreement your country did not say "You are straying from democracy so we will not support you" You know what they did? They ignored the undemocratic process because they smelt money? BIG money….

Saudi Arabia…Oil….

My oh my, your comments show a naïvety that could excuse some for thinking you are my age, except not as smart!!

From what I gather, you don’t even live here.

Your boots aren’t even on the ground and you sit from afar with your pontificating, dogmatic, patronizing, condescending posts.

You’re like a mathematician trying to explain away your position with numbers.

No human nature to be involved.

These guys are more corrupt than those guys.

Splitting hairs.

And you think, perversely, your avenging angel the autocratic, xenophobic, un-elected PM, is going to ride in and save the day.

What a dreamer.

Maybe a girlfriend would be a good start.

But, it’s a safe bet she won’t put up with you glued to a computer screen babbling on endlessly about a country you don’t even live in.


All one needs to do is look at the differences in his fonts on the last post, two different sizes and typesets.. cutting and pasting.

Best to not feed the troll.

Jamies comes across as a well off snob, over opinionated (which isn't necessary a bad thing though) who spends his time looking down at others, and spouts off so much crap about the PTP/UDD that at the end of the day means nothing to him as he's not a resident, and doesn't have a say on what goes on within the real Thai world.

He's stated many a time he taught his family what democracy means, and yet has his tongue so far up the Junta PM's ass, that he can lick behind the mans ears!! How very democratic to support the over throw of any governing body !!

I wonder how they asked him ??

"teelak, you teech me what democlacy is? family me want to learn flom you as you expect in democlacy as you vely old man, been all over wold, teech baby you and me too, make me hony dahling, talk me like I not know anything teelak, family me only live Thailand 300 ye-ah, not know what is democlacy"

  • Like 2

From what I gather, you don’t even live here.

Your boots aren’t even on the ground and you sit from afar with your pontificating, dogmatic, patronizing, condescending posts.

You’re like a mathematician trying to explain away your position with numbers.

No human nature to be involved.

These guys are more corrupt than those guys.

Splitting hairs.

And you think, perversely, your avenging angel the autocratic, xenophobic, un-elected PM, is going to ride in and save the day.

What a dreamer.

Maybe a girlfriend would be a good start.

But, it’s a safe bet she won’t put up with you glued to a computer screen babbling on endlessly about a country you don’t even live in.


You got me..

Damn…You actually found me out!!!

Well done mate.

Can't rebut what I said though...

Any comment on what I wrote or you would prefer to release some frustration and dodge any ability to prove me wrong?

It's not a game you patronizing clown.

Hopefully, one day you'll realize it's not about you.


Still can't rebut me….


Those damn foreigners. They are always trying to mess up our party. And they cause us great pain, when they say bad things about us. It seems to us like they are making all this stuff up. All the weird rumors about military coups, press censorship, human rights violations, migrant worker issues. When will those foreigners just leave us alone. It used to be so much better without all the social media, and all that international news. Who needs it?

  • Like 1

My country, The United States, is a Republic that spends a huge amount of money and lives "bringing Democracy" to countries all over the world ( if they want it or not ).

The can not be seen supporting any country, including Thailand, who has strayed from the democratic process.

Thailand will have elections or keep getting closer to China and North Korea. It is their choice.

They can not have it both ways.

The USA has done a lot for the Thai military and infrastructure since Vietnam.

Maybe the new government thinks it is time to snuggle up to some different buddies?

Your country, the United States spends a huge amount of money and lives bringing coups to countries all over the world. They have been involved in over 35 seizers of power since the 1940's. If they supported democracy they would not have achieved the following;

1. Iran. 1953. Mohammad Pahlavi takes power in a coup planned and supported by the USA and UK secret services (Operation Ajax). He topples the flourishing and popular democracy of Mohammed Mossadeq.

2. Ecuador. 1963. The CIA back a military coup that overthrows President Arosemana, because of his independent policies. A military junta assumes command, cancels the 1964 elections, and begins abusing human rights. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

3. El Salvador. 1963. Jose Duarte wins the elect but is immediately removed and exiled by the USA backed military. Just 14 families run most of the country's businesses, mainly coffee growing.

4. South Korea. 1979. General Chun Doo-Hwan takes power in a coup. His regime is armed and supported by the USA. One year later, the general orders the killing of hundreds of civilians in Kwangju. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

5. Chad. 1981. In 1981. The CIA set up, financed and trained a Chadian military force in Sudan. Led by Hissen Habré, this force overthrows the government of Chad, ruling for 8 years with American support. Habré's regime would kill tens of thousands of people and torture over 200,000. Many dissidents would simply disappear. In 2000, Habré would be tried for his crimes in Senegal. (Human Rights abuses???You bet ya!)

Do you even know where Obama is at the moment sunshine? In Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia strayed from Democracy….

$$$ my friend. $$$$$ is the drive.

​When thaksin bypassed democracy in parliament to push a US free trade agreement your country did not say "You are straying from democracy so we will not support you" You know what they did? They ignored the undemocratic process because they smelt money? BIG money….

Saudi Arabia…Oil….

My oh my, your comments show a naïvety that could excuse some for thinking you are my age, except not as smart!!

From what I gather, you don’t even live here.

Your boots aren’t even on the ground and you sit from afar with your pontificating, dogmatic, patronizing, condescending posts.

You’re like a mathematician trying to explain away your position with numbers.

No human nature to be involved.

These guys are more corrupt than those guys.

Splitting hairs.

And you think, perversely, your avenging angel the autocratic, xenophobic, un-elected PM, is going to ride in and save the day.

What a dreamer.

Maybe a girlfriend would be a good start.

But, it’s a safe bet she won’t put up with you glued to a computer screen babbling on endlessly about a country you don’t even live in.


All one needs to do is look at the differences in his fonts on the last post, two different sizes and typesets.. cutting and pasting.

Best to not feed the troll.

Jamies comes across as a well off snob, over opinionated (which isn't necessary a bad thing though) who spends his time looking down at others, and spouts off so much crap about the PTP/UDD that at the end of the day means nothing to him as he's not a resident, and doesn't have a say on what goes on within the real Thai world.

He's stated many a time he taught his family what democracy means, and yet has his tongue so far up the Junta PM's ass, that he can lick behind the mans ears!! How very democratic to support the over throw of any governing body !!

I wonder how they asked him ??

"teelak, you teech me what democlacy is? family me want to learn flom you as you expect in democlacy as you vely old man, been all over wold, teech baby you and me too, make me hony dahling, talk me like I not know anything teelak, family me only live Thailand 300 ye-ah, not know what is democlacy"

So more rebutting and more condescension.

It is not feeding the troll.

Offer me a an intelligent rebuttal to my posts instead of attacking me to release frustration and we can can go from there...

Until then this is reminiscent of uneducated people simply attacking someone that is offering an articulate comment on TVF without actually addressing the comment.

Look no further than the attacks, the condescension and the hate filled comments from the last 8 or so people.

More reminiscent of a gang of UDD supporters attacking a single monk for trying to break up a fight…And yes it was proven the monk was not involved in politics.

Fanboys mirror their party in this case.


Ahhhh, my dear friend that spent more time calling me terrible rude names 2 nights ago that actually rebutting me...

I nearly blushed my friend.

The guy that says "terrorists aint so bad when they are red shirts because car accidents cause more deaths"

Have nice evening my friend. I wish you no ill will and in fact pity you.

I would love to buy you a beer one day and hug the hate out of you!!!

He didn't rebut you, he comprehensively destroyed you and it was superb to see.

Goodness me. Concentration levels are low at this time of night..

I was not talking about him rebutting me here and now. Read my post….This is a reoccurring issue I have with PTP and UDD supporters. A need to explain what I said...

Ahhhh, my dear friend that spent more time calling me terrible rude names 2 nights ago that actually rebutting me...

I was referring to 2 nights ago….Did you read my posts or did the hate blind you?

Understand now?

Don't worry. Just reply and imitate a UDD supporter attacking a defenseless monk...



The emperor truly has no clothes..

Can I squeeze some intelligence out of you……. or is this the limit for the rest of the night?



The emperor truly has no clothes..

The clown just like to hear himself talk.

Starved for attention.

Needs a good hug.


If this frustration release helps you deal with the current political issues then please continue.

I notice the condescension increasing and the intelligent rebuts decreasing in relation to the PTP downfall.

Fell free to continue. Just remember I will always be here if you need someone to talk too.

I only wished the PTP and UDD supporters has someone to talk to before they went on their murderess terrorist damage in Bangkok...


The US sells and gives some of its best military hardware to Thailand. Think things like F16's and munitions to hang on them. The US trains Thais how to use them.

Then the junta buddies up to China.

The US has a treaty to defend Thailand from outside aggressors.

Then the junta buddies up to China.

The US is the second largest buyer of Thai exports, allowing the imports without tariffs to make them affordable.

The US has massive industrial investments in Thailand greatly enhancing the Thai economy and providing jobs. It has a right to protect those investments or even to withdraw them.

Thailand has turned into something more akin to China or even N. Korea and the US is concerned. Think martial law, restrictions on speech and gatherings, monitoring internet traffic, blocking web sites... And almost daily it's something new. (Don't feed me the debunked crap that the US monitors each citizen's internet traffic as a lame equivalency, either.)

If YS was that bad and the situation on the streets that bad it was up to the police and military to arrest the bad guys. At the most the military could have deposed the government and immediately held new elections while getting out and maintaining the peace. Then a new elected government could have dealt with criminals if it chose to.

This junta has no intention of giving up power or returning freedom to the people. Power corrupts.

If the US pulls out of Thailand due to an unstable junta, China will move in. The economy will crash. Thailand may never recover.

The US is rightly concerned.

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The emperor truly has no clothes..

Can I squeeze some intelligence out of you. or is this the limit for the rest of the night?

Typical UDD style response. Just what one would expect.

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Jamie, I'd buy you a beer too, as I think you're a guy in more need of a hug than me ;) 555

Now I never said Terrorist were not so bad if they wore red either, I don't distinguish between good ones and bad ones, any of them enter my foresight gets the good news irrespective of their allegiances.

Now I sure did mention that road traffic deaths were considerably higher than at the hands of the UDD, it's called perspective.

Then you countered by using cancer, which is a disease (as are terrorists to a point) as a comparison, there you fell from a great height by introducing the deaths and why there is no cure, money spent etc, well, some cancers can be and have been cured, I lost both my parents and several friends to that horrendous disease, my father was a hulking man of 19 stone, built like a brick shit house, who withered away to nothing more than a bag of bones in front of my very eyes, who was in so much pain and was having to get his ass wiped for him as he lost all bowel control, he lost everything he had accomplished in his life when he lost his dignity in the end, and felt he was a burden to the family.

My mother suffered the same fate, but I was a lot younger then, so it didn't effect me so much.

I have made many references in the past of statistics where it comes to the deaths by acts of violence, these are not made for comparison, they are meant to be seen from a pure point of perspective, nothing to do with demeaning their deaths, as it has been quoted many times before, a single death is a tragedy, a hundred is just a statistic.

30 deaths at the hands of the UDD are 30 deaths too many, but 30 deaths in 8 months through acts of violence and terrorism in a population of 65,000,000 doesn't even compute in the much bigger picture, which you don't like looking at, 30 deaths in 8 months, and 5,000 in 10 years down in the South, have you done the maths for that Jamie?

Many Western Police officers today no longer call Road Traffic Accidents.... accidents, as well you know, if you're in the O&G Industry, there's no such thing as an accident, as they're all preventable..They're now called Road Traffic Incidents so how could you possibly prevent cancer when you introduced it into the debate?

Like I said Jamie, I don't need the pity, I've seen the deaths and the effects that Terrorism, Road Traffic Incidents, and Cancer have caused me personally, and I wouldn't wish any of them on anyone..

You're a Junta flag bearer, I'm not, that's your choice, you chose to believe in everything the Junta says, I don't, both our choices my friend, it doesn't make either of us right or wrong, we only get one shot at life, so make the most of it today, as you never know what tomorrow will bring.

I refuse to get too embroiled in Thai politics Jamie, as at the end of the day, it's not down to the opinions you and I have, it will be down to those of our wives, and our children in the future, there's no point in looking at it any other way unless you're a permanent resident, but to be honest, if the last 70 years in Thai history are anything to go buy, our children would be better off away from all of it ;)

Stay safe

  • Like 1

Jamie, I'd buy you a beer too, as I think you're a guy in more need of a hug than me wink.png 555

Now I never said Terrorist were not so bad if they wore red either, I don't distinguish between good ones and bad ones, any of them enter my foresight gets the good news irrespective of their allegiances.

Now I sure did mention that road traffic deaths were considerably higher than at the hands of the UDD, it's called perspective.

Then you countered by using cancer, which is a disease (as are terrorists to a point) as a comparison, there you fell from a great height by introducing the deaths and why there is no cure, money spent etc, well, some cancers can be and have been cured, I lost both my parents and several friends to that horrendous disease, my father was a hulking man of 19 stone, built like a brick shit house, who withered away to nothing more than a bag of bones in front of my very eyes, who was in so much pain and was having to get his ass wiped for him as he lost all bowel control, he lost everything he had accomplished in his life when he lost his dignity in the end, and felt he was a burden to the family.

My mother suffered the same fate, but I was a lot younger then, so it didn't effect me so much.

I have made many references in the past of statistics where it comes to the deaths by acts of violence, these are not made for comparison, they are meant to be seen from a pure point of perspective, nothing to do with demeaning their deaths, as it has been quoted many times before, a single death is a tragedy, a hundred is just a statistic.

30 deaths at the hands of the UDD are 30 deaths too many, but 30 deaths in 8 months through acts of violence and terrorism in a population of 65,000,000 doesn't even compute in the much bigger picture, which you don't like looking at, 30 deaths in 8 months, and 5,000 in 10 years down in the South, have you done the maths for that Jamie?

Many Western Police officers today no longer call Road Traffic Accidents.... accidents, as well you know, if you're in the O&G Industry, there's no such thing as an accident, as they're all preventable..They're now called Road Traffic Incidents so how could you possibly prevent cancer when you introduced it into the debate?

Like I said Jamie, I don't need the pity, I've seen the deaths and the effects that Terrorism, Road Traffic Incidents, and Cancer have caused me personally, and I wouldn't wish any of them on anyone..

You're a Junta flag bearer, I'm not, that's your choice, you chose to believe in everything the Junta says, I don't, both our choices my friend, it doesn't make either of us right or wrong, we only get one shot at life, so make the most of it today, as you never know what tomorrow will bring.

I refuse to get too embroiled in Thai politics Jamie, as at the end of the day, it's not down to the opinions you and I have, it will be down to those of our wives, and our children in the future, there's no point in looking at it any other way unless you're a permanent resident, but to be honest, if the last 70 years in Thai history are anything to go buy, our children would be better off away from all of it wink.png

Stay safe

Love that response and I do appreciate it.

It is so polar opposite to your reply 2 nights ago that was attacking me….

You actually replied intelligently. You explained yourself. You addressed the issues. You did not move the goal posts. You did not attack me. You were polite.

Sorry about your mum.

Take care my friend.

I am back in Bangkok on Friday and would enjoy buying you a beer at the wonderful Thai Visa bar…I am free on Saturday afternoon?

No agenda…Simply a friendly beer to offer peace and reconciliation to fellow esteemed members that don't offer me hate.


Strange that when the totally un-democratic actions of Yinglaks government were taking place the US's silence was deafening.

1) how would you know that?

2) which actions?

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Wounded, the US hasn't done anything yet. The PM is in a bubble and needs to realize he's nothing outside of Thailand. Power can affect one's ability to govern. PM your just a puppet of reform, the next elected PM will have the peoples power.

The dear leader doesn't like opinions that differ from his, that is why he has his attitude adjustment factories where everyone can be cloned with a single thought. The U.S simply gave an opinion, something that is allowed outside of Thailand and if an opinion alone wounds a country then it's leaders are not up to the job and need to get out. The U.S has not given Thailand any list of demands or ultimatums. The dear leader has shown numerous times how weak and over sensitive he is constantly spitting the dummy and holding back tears is someone says something he doesn't like or asks a question. Prayuth must be really annoyed and throwing huge tantrums in private that he can't go out and arrest the heads of all foreign governments that don't support him or his coup and drag them all off to his attitude adjustment camps and hold them until they devote thier lives to loving and adoring him.
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So that's a no then?

Lets go back to my original post before the "gang" attacked me for showing some intelligent and articulate communications.


Care to rebut this?

Rebut your plagiarism? No.

So I assume this is your closing argument.

It is a rhetorical question.

I think you have been totally defeated Jamie.
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As a long term expat living the relatively quiet life here must agree with the Deputy ministers comments

and feel wounded ? yes for all Thai national and also for the hundreds of thousands of other foreign nationals who for now fault on their own found this wonderful country been torn apart with the terrible bad feeling, being handed out by bad press, slanging matches by many people where fanatical thugs run riot on the streets many unnecessary deaths,

now these recent comments passes by an American diplomat who was in essence making what was reported as a protest with reference to a political person being removed from office was termed as "politically motivated"

lets now be honest the present leaders of this nation are really in the forefront of the movement to bring Thailand back from the brink of a terrible "abyss" and they need and should have our 100% full support we trust that they are aware of this as a fact and lets hope with our support they manage to keep Thailand rising fore ever up wards and away from such a serious confrontational 'Abyss " seen in so many countries around the world even now

let us tell all these people to deal with all the negative problems in their own countries and leave our sovereign nation to Deal squarely with what is a internal problem and to be blunt and tell them "mind your own Business "

Congratulations"VEGETARIANTUTOR." I wholeheartedly agree with your statement!

As I have said previously, "Big Brother" (of the George Orwell ilk, not the TV shows) USA should keep its nose out of Thailand's affairs.

Everywhere the US decides to get its dirty hands-on these days, finishes up much worse off. The current occupant of the Whitehouse is unable to run his own country without dishing out edicts to Thailand. Go home Yankee!


So that's a no then?

Lets go back to my original post before the "gang" attacked me for showing some intelligent and articulate communications.


Care to rebut this?

Rebut your plagiarism? No.

So I assume this is your closing argument.

It is a rhetorical question.

I think you have been totally defeated Jamie.

So you cannot rebut me by your own admission, but you have defeated me...

I assume you have never been part of a high school debating team then?

BTW - I am not talking about the Kentucky State University debating team either...

I can image that they say "You have been defeated, but I refuse to tell you why"!!!

Kinda like you.

Lets debate or will you follow yingluck and refuse? Or will you rely on your peers to defend you? Maybe a youtube video of your peers answering your questions?

Come on debate me…Intelligently and articulately….




Those damn foreigners. They are always trying to mess up our party. And they cause us great pain, when they say bad things about us. It seems to us like they are making all this stuff up. All the weird rumors about military coups, press censorship, human rights violations, migrant worker issues. When will those foreigners just leave us alone. It used to be so much better without all the social media, and all that international news. Who needs it?

Bingo...still can't believe this one that vanished very very quickly, now what was that release based on again? Police Farce...Thailand you're soaking in it...Som num na..



Oh diddums, I feel hurt and wounded. sick.gif I wonder how he'd react if someone insulted his mother!

Collect 20 random Thai men with machetes and bats (maybe a few home made pistols) and go round to the embassy and beat up the nearest marine....


Go home Yankee!

OK. No more sales or gifts of arms for Thailand. No parts for their military planes to include F16's, Northrop F-5T/E, Lockheed C-130H-30, or helicopters, Bell UH-1H Iroquois/Huey, and Bell 412EP/SP.

No armaments whether for the planes or ground based to include everything.

No training to use them.

Pull all US manufacturing from Thailand whether cars, hard disks, smartphones, electronics - just go home.

Pull all monetary assistance.

Negate the treaty to defend Thailand.

Stop being the #2 buyer of Thai exports - outlaw any such imports into the home of the Yankees.

Stop caring if China abuses Thailand whether it be violating fishing rights or outright bullying.

Just go HOME!

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B/S , you can give it out but like all in this category you can't take it, harden up darling you are mixing with the international community , now you might understand that the rest of world is not full of Thainess.coffee1.gif


"Don said Murphy was "invited" to the meeting as Bangkok wanted to explain the facts of the political situations in Thailand."

Attitude adjustment? wai2.gifwai.gif Tin Pots...

"Instead of taking opportunity to say something good particularly the promotion of good bilateral relations, he (Russel) talked about domestic politics..."

Well, that backfired didn't it Don? Read the news outside Thailand much?

"When an elected leader is deposed, impeached by the authorities that implemented the coup,

and then targeted with criminal charges while basic democratic processes and institutions are interrupted,

the international community is left with the impression that these steps could be politically driven".

BTW Don, that's news.

Uncle Too must be steaming!


Buck up boys. It's just starting.

Your honeymoon is over.

"the impression that these steps could be politically driven"

And this impression will be fueled and fanned for all it's worth by the Thaksin PR machine. All facts and evidence will be ignores, questions remain unanswered, all emphasis will be on political motivation, illegal coup, Yingluck was elected etc etc.

The American's words are very clear - "impression and could be" not are and most definitely are. Maybe he was trying to tip the current government off as to how others might perceive this and how some others might exploit it with clever PR.

Maybe he wasn't being as negative as they've interpreted it. His words could have been a lot harsher, and a lot blunter.

That's my view as well. He was somewhat vague or less than precise.

I also feel something drastic needed doing as the Shin mob was, and in some regards still is, raping Thailand. Is a coup the best remedy? Maybe it is not, but does the average Thai truly understand what is and has been taking place in their country? I personally doubt it considering ed. standards, media coverage, blatant lies stated and restated etc.

If... and time will tell... the country is given the opportunity to have fair and real elections and corruption is drastically reduced, then the Junta will be like Saviors. On the other hand if this is a genuine/long term "take over" then I suspect many individuals will claim The U.S.A. was not forceful enough to it's approach to the coup. Time will tell. Thai people deserves a country where the average Thai can prosper and have some shred of hope for a better life for themselves and their children. That will not happen if the population is shacked with a shoddy educational system, caste system, and CONSTANT pillaging of the Kingdom's coffer.

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