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Palestinian girl, 14, in Israel prison for throwing rocks


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The usual defection when caught in yet another lie. I posted the figures that you claimed that you "had never read." Why would I need to post anything other than the information that you denied existed? 53 Israeli settler youths were arrested for stone-throwing and you implied that NONE were. YOU are the one that did not "have genuine numbers to back up your crazy claims." rolleyes.gif

I have never read of a settler child or indeed a settler being locked up for stone throwing.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I will try and explain this for you.

Arrests do not equal jail time. None of the 53 were imprisoned.

Can you at least read the Associated Press item?

Can you post some articles on Jewish teens locked up for nine months?

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You need to look up the definition of arrested:

To seize and hold under the authority of law.

Anyone who is arrested goes to jail. They WERE "locked up." I was right and you were wrong. Quit trying to deny the obvious.

I have never read of a settler child or indeed a settler being locked up for stone throwing.

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I'm not sure if you have a slow internet connection or what but if you take a look at the title of the thread it is about a 14 year girl jailed for nine months.

The term is used for someone detained in prison.

I await details of the dozens of Israeli teens sent to prison in the same way.

Please post the links.

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You are trying to change the definition as usual. You said "locked up". That means jail and when one is arrested, one goes to jail. You were WRONG and this is exactly what you said:

I have never read of a settler child or indeed a settler being locked up for stone throwing.

Please keep trying to deny your claim that has been quoted numerous times on this thread. It lets the readers see exactly how "honest" most of your posts are on Israel and on Jews. whistling.gif

Locked up: Locked up is when you are imprisoned in jail, or in a place where you can not get out.

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It is a bit hot and humid where I am in Thailand so I am having trouble explaining to UG that this thread is about the despicable jailing,imprisonment,locking up,depriving of liberty,incarceration etc of a 14 year old girl detained since before Christmas.

The child was seized by Israeli Defence Force soldiers. Double standards apply as Israeli youths are never sent to prison and he has problems getting his head and bias around facts.

I thought it might help if I posted this story from the UK press on how the worlds readers are digesting the welcome news that the poor girl has been released.

A 14-year-old Palestinian schoolgirl jailed by Israel for allegedly throwing stones has been freed after her case sparked international outrage.

Malak al-Khatib was arrested by the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) as she walked home from school on 31 December in the village of Beitin, near Ramallah.

She became a symbol of the hundreds of imprisoned children from the West Bank and her sentence unleashed a wave of protests by Palestinians and supporters.


I await news of Israeli youngsters locked up in a similar way!

Edited by Jay Sata
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This isn't a black and white issue. It is well understood that Palestinian youth are hostile to Israel and also very understandable (by Israelis as well). Whether rock throwing is going to make things better, that's another question. I would say no.

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The people behind the terrorism were democratically elected. whistling.gif

And you are sure those democratically elected are behind current unprovoked terrorism in Israel?

When your opponent are much stronger you can only use guerrila warfare or terrorism.

I dont have any source to prove you wrong.

Actually, as usual, UG, to use his description of wrong information, "is telling lies".

Hamas, the elected government, is a separate body to the military wing, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigade. So separate, in fact, that the UK does NOT consider Hamas as a terrorist organisation, but does consider the military wing a terrorist organisation. If any terrorism occurs, it's by IaDaQB, not the elected government.

Keep that in mind.

You're trying to claim that the Hamas is not actually in control of their own military wing? And this is the same Hamas one expects to honor truces etc? coffee1.gif

Yes indeed I am. Politics prevent the Hamas government reigning in the terrorists.

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Actually, as usual, UG, to use his description of wrong information, "is telling lies".

Hamas, the elected government, is a separate body to the military wing, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigade. So separate, in fact, that the UK does NOT consider Hamas as a terrorist organisation, but does consider the military wing a terrorist organisation. If any terrorism occurs, it's by IaDaQB, not the elected government.

Keep that in mind.

You're trying to claim that the Hamas is not actually in control of their own military wing? And this is the same Hamas one expects to honor truces etc? coffee1.gif

Yes indeed I am. Politics prevent the Hamas government reigning in the terrorists.

And you will of course support this notion with....something (like the last time we had this very same argument).

To date, you raised this issue a few times, never actually stating who are them moderate forces, and without being able to explain how come the so-called Hamas leadership usually express support for terrorist attacks.

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Actually, as usual, UG, to use his description of wrong information, "is telling lies".

Hamas, the elected government, is a separate body to the military wing, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigade. So separate, in fact, that the UK does NOT consider Hamas as a terrorist organisation, but does consider the military wing a terrorist organisation. If any terrorism occurs, it's by IaDaQB, not the elected government.

Keep that in mind.

You're trying to claim that the Hamas is not actually in control of their own military wing? And this is the same Hamas one expects to honor truces etc? coffee1.gif

Yes indeed I am. Politics prevent the Hamas government reigning in the terrorists.

And you will of course support this notion with....something (like the last time we had this very same argument).

To date, you raised this issue a few times, never actually stating who are them moderate forces, and without being able to explain how come the so-called Hamas leadership usually express support for terrorist attacks.

Been there, done that, maybe not in dialogue with you....google Hamas, read the Wiki article.

It's why the UK DO recognise Hamas government, but consider the military wing, a completely separate and independant body as the terrorists.

But to the OP and children in prison...please watch all of the above documentary, and comment.

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You're trying to claim that the Hamas is not actually in control of their own military wing? And this is the same Hamas one expects to honor truces etc? coffee1.gif

Yes indeed I am. Politics prevent the Hamas government reigning in the terrorists.

And you will of course support this notion with....something (like the last time we had this very same argument).

To date, you raised this issue a few times, never actually stating who are them moderate forces, and without being able to explain how come the so-called Hamas leadership usually express support for terrorist attacks.

Been there, done that, maybe not in dialogue with you....google Hamas, read the Wiki article.

It's why the UK DO recognise Hamas government, but consider the military wing, a completely separate and independant body as the terrorists.

But to the OP and children in prison...please watch all of the above documentary, and comment.

Exactly with me, exactly the same half line alleged quote from a wiki article. Thought so, thanks. Still got the PM.

So pretty much the same result, claims without substance.

The OP is indeed not about the Hamas, and I'm not the one who brought it up - simply correcting misguided notions.

I believe that I have watched the clip in question (Four Corners? Stone Cold Justice or something like that?) in the past, but will check it out again (probably tomorrow). My position on the topic at hand was stated earlier, not seeing Israel's actions on this as being justified or reasonable, then again not going for the wholesale hyperbole version some seem to uphold.

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It's why the UK DO recognise Hamas government, but consider the military wing, a completely separate and independant body as the terrorists.

You mean the same politically correct UK government that had to send the terrorist Abu Hamza to America to make him answer for his crimes, after years of preaching hate at London's Finsbury Park mosque? The UK is not exactly known for standing up to Islamic terrorism. whistling.gif

The Hamas government supports terrorism and their charter calls for the genocide of Jews all over the world. Pretending otherwise for political purposes does not change that.

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Yes, to the OP...it would be interesting to hear from people what they make of the "Israelis torturing non-Jewish children" video documentary above. It's directly associated with the subject of the OP.

Any excuses? Any denials? Any justifications?

I ask because I don't want to blindly believe a documentary that although appearing even-handed, may be biased or false.

What do you make of it?

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Biased and false and - of course - on every hateful, anti-Semitic website on the web, but it is too bad that the Palestinians train their children to incite violence. As Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said in the film, "The only policy is to maintain law and order, thats all,". "If theres no violence, theres no law enforcement".

Dr. Colin Rubenstein, executive director of the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council, pointed out that the documentary recycled uncorroborated allegations by arrested Palestinian minors and then wove a conspiracy theory based on them. "Indefensibly, the story was repeatedly promoted as providing evidence that Israel has a new policy of targeting Palestinian children." He added, No evidence was provided for this apart from an unsubstantiated claim by radical Israeli activist and lawyer Gabi Lasky.

More on the biased report:

"Simply fictitious," responded a senior Israel Defense Forces official when asked about allegations leveled in a Feb. 10, 2014 Australia Broadcasting Corporation "Four Corners" report concerning brutal torture of Palestinian children during interrogations.

In contravention of journalistic codes of ethics, reporter John Lyons never gave Israeli officials the opportunity to respond specifically to the alleged instances of extreme abuse described. CAMERA, therefore, checked with Israeli authorities, reaching a high-level official intimately knowledgeable about the minors interviewed in the "Stone Cold Justice" broadcast.


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You are trying to change the definition as usual. You said "locked up". That means jail and when one is arrested, one goes to jail. You were WRONG and this is exactly what you said:

I have never read of a settler child or indeed a settler being locked up for stone throwing.

Please keep trying to deny your claim that has been quoted numerous times on this thread. It lets the readers see exactly how "honest" most of your posts are on Israel and on Jews. whistling.gif

Locked up: Locked up is when you are imprisoned in jail, or in a place where you can not get out.

I ask you again to provide facts and links to genuine sites that prove that settlers of a similar age to this girl were detained for a similar time by the IDF.

You appear to spend all your time here in Thailand defending right wing Zionist Israeli agenda.

In contrast to most posters you and a couple of others have an amazing amount of contributions all on mostly the same topic and of a similar nature.

The politics of Israel are complex but you never drift anywhere near the average person in the street who does not support Netanyahu.

I am sure no am not the only one who sees a topic such as this and feels there are better sites to waste their time.

I doubt the average punter in Pattaya or Phuket has the time or inclination to reply to these threads.

So let's see those numbers of Israeli teens in prison for stone throwing.

Otherwise you and others just provide fodder for print journalists who suggest there are Israeli Firster's out there trying to warp the news agenda.

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You are trying to change the definition as usual. You said "locked up". That means jail and when one is arrested, one goes to jail. You were WRONG and this is exactly what you said:

I have never read of a settler child or indeed a settler being locked up for stone throwing.

Please keep trying to deny your claim that has been quoted numerous times on this thread. It lets the readers see exactly how "honest" most of your posts are on Israel and on Jews.

Locked up: Locked up is when you are imprisoned in jail, or in a place where you can not get out.

I ask you again to provide facts and links to genuine sites that prove that settlers of a similar age to this girl were detained for a similar time by the IDF.

More smoke and mirrors. Another red herring. I never made such a claim and I don't have access to Israel's legal records. YOU are the one that suggested that Israeli settlers had not been locked up for throwing stones and I proved you wrong and now you keep trying to change the perimeters, instead of admitting your mistake - or purposeful misinformation.

You appear to spend all your time here in Thailand defending Islamic terrorist groups, demonizing the Jewish State and trying to convince other people that anti-Semitism does not exist. You certainly have no room to criticize anyone else for what they do on this forum. giggle.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You can claim anything you want on anonymous forums. Isn't the Internet great?

YOU are the one that suggested that Israeli settlers had not been locked up for throwing stones and I proved you wrong. Your exact words have been quoted numerous times. Why do you keep trying to deny your own statement?

I have never read of a settler child or indeed a settler being locked up for stone throwing.

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