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'Refocused' Cobra Gold to go ahead


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I guess the U.S Ambassador will be summonsed again to knee at dear leaders feet and explain why the U.S wound Thailand again. Don't they realise that this will be lost revenue for Thailand?

"I guess the U.S Ambassador will be summonsed again..."

You've been reading too much Thai Visa.

"Don't they realise that this will be lost revenue for Thailand?"

Farang-think seems to believe that everything the government does is aimed at preventing the loss of a few satang. And most of this farang-think comes from expats from countries with collapsing economies. Why not share you financial wisdom with European, Japanese, Australian, US ... governments who really should try to shore up their shaky finances.

Edited by Suradit69
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Will Thailand be inviting China to the exercises..... America " refocusing"

on Cobra Gold is simply another notification to Thailand that it is no

longer is of any strategic importance to America...

Vietnam has entered into security agreements with The Philippines for joint naval exercises to take place in conjunction with Vietnam's next annual exercise with the US. The US has recently leased its former naval and airbase in The Philippines as part of its re-engagement in Asia. The US may also deploy in Australia. Other than a port of call for R&R, the US has little interest in any serious engagement with Thailand since its military going rogue on Thai democratic institutions and making a security agreement with China - the only nation in the ASEAN to do so.

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"WHILE this year's regional joint military drill - Cobra Gold - will go ahead, Washington has considered scaling down and refocusing the exercise after the military coup in Thailand..."

We do not want the American Generals getting ideas do we??? biggrin.png

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Keep telling yourself that. More probably, they didn't give a rat's ass about some lame exercise with a second rate force.

the Australian army absolutely leaves the us one for dead, every corp has better and superior training as was proved time and time again, we had the green berets pull out of the cunungra course because they couldnt hack it(most of them simply refused to do the hard bits and refused to do the tower jump), their armoured corps had no idea how to do any service work on their own vehicles, if any of them ran into problems they didnt have a clue what to do because they were not trained. They have a specialist corps to do anything hard but other than that they are hopeless as soldiers, you keep thinking with your little head as you obviously have no idea what I am talking about. The biggest problem is most of them think they are actually smart yet cant even add up small numbers without removing their shoes and socks.

Still haven't forgiven the US military for saving your butts, have you. Such hate.

"President Franklin Roosevelt ordered General Douglas MacArthur in the Philippines to formulate a Pacific defence plan with Australia in March 1942. Curtin agreed to place Australian forces under the command of MacArthur who became Supreme Commander, South West Pacific. MacArthur moved his headquarters to Melbourne in March 1942 and American troops began massing in Australia."


no hate at all, I was just stating facts, has nothing to do with what has happened in the past. If you cant admit the truth the problem is yours, trying to make up excuses is usually the last straw of someone that knows they are out done but dont worry, I wont hold it against you. Even the yank colonel that chatted with us on excercise admitted we were better trained and had more depth and a few GB's did make the plunge into the river fully kitted out even if the rest refused so at least some had the balls to do it, the fact that only a couple of the aussies backed off though made it obvious who the more committed soldiers were but that course is known as a pretty hard one to complete. If you have to go back to the 1940's it does show how bad you lot are, I was talking about late 70's and 80's but you do realize that is was aussie diggers that stopped the japanese soldiers in New Guinea, the US navy did more damage sinking a lot of their ships, their army didnt have all that much to do with it

Talk about the past! The late 70s and early 80s was the nadir of post World War II American military preparedness. The post Vietnam army was so defunded that soldiers were on food stamps. The Gerald Ford/Jimmy Carter era was a disaster for American foreign and military policy. Soon righted by Reagan who forced the Soviets into such a corner that they eventually crumbled. Australia? Sure. Mention the Australian military and the world quakes. Not.

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what a joke, when we did combined excercises with the US their so called soldiers were that far below par it wasnt funny, we ran rings around them. Even some of their specialist units were not up to scratch with our regs, training wise they were very average. Dont think Thailand will be missing out on much if they cut it back, from my time working with them they were all mouth and bugger all action/ability, our reserves were better trained.

Keep telling yourself that. More probably, they didn't give a rat's ass about some lame exercise with a second rate force.

They are no match for an Aussie Soldier.

Or A Brit smile.png

And this is exactly why the Britts and Ausies are at "the helm of the world" !

What a joke!

Since WWII your countries military have been no more than an "also ran" in the race.

Who's being delusional here?

Not the Americans.

But, hey!

Nice try guys!

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I guess the U.S Ambassador will be summonsed again to knee at dear leaders feet and explain why the U.S wound Thailand again. Don't they realise that this will be lost revenue for Thailand?

"I guess the U.S Ambassador will be summonsed again..."

You've been reading too much Thai Visa.

"Don't they realise that this will be lost revenue for Thailand?"

Farang-think seems to believe that everything the government does is aimed at preventing the loss of a few satang. And most of this farang-think comes from expats from countries with collapsing economies. Why not share you financial wisdom with European, Japanese, Australian, US ... governments who really should try to shore up their shaky finances.

Excuse me?

The US has done a pretty good job of recovering from the damage done to it's economy by the Cheney administration and is actually doing quite well now.

How long since you have read the papers?

The USD is not on the same path as the euro and Ausie money...is it?

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