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Castro demands Guantanamo Bay in return for US-Cuba diplomatic deal


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return Guantanamo, its the right thing to do, I think the US hands over a check for approx $4000 every year in rent for Guantanamo, a check which Cuba has never cashed.

The only right thing to do to return Guantanamo would be after all the individual and corporate property owners are paid, with interest, for what Fidel nationalized (stole) after the revolution.

Including the Mafia?

Of course. Do you think it's OK to steal from somebody just because they are in the Mafia? If so, you are as bad as they are reputed to be.

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Agreed with Castro. Hawaii needs to go back to its natives, Puerto Rico should be fully independent, Guam needs to return to the natives and Alaska should go back to the Inuits. If they still run the US Virgin Islands, it should go back to, well, the virgins!coffee1.gif

Talk about a geographically fragmented country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!blink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.png

or better still why not give everything back to the British Empire. 555

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return Guantanamo, its the right thing to do, I think the US hands over a check for approx $4000 every year in rent for Guantanamo, a check which Cuba has never cashed.

Why in the world is it the right thing to do? There may come a day when it is "the right thing to do" but nothing has changed since 1962. Nevertheless, Obama will try to make this happen but I suspect it requires congress. I certainly hope so. There is no strategic interest in returning the lease to Cuba. Insofar as Cuba has already made it quite clear nothing at all will change in Cuba returning the lease is just nonsense. It is still a brutal dictatorship!

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return Guantanamo, its the right thing to do, I think the US hands over a check for approx $4000 every year in rent for Guantanamo, a check which Cuba has never cashed.

Why in the world is it the right thing to do? There may come a day when it is "the right thing to do" but nothing has changed since 1962. Nevertheless, Obama will try to make this happen but I suspect it requires congress. I certainly hope so. There is no strategic interest in returning the lease to Cuba. Insofar as Cuba has already made it quite clear nothing at all will change in Cuba returning the lease is just nonsense. It is still a brutal dictatorship!

Any country that hands down power from family to family is run by Dictatorship in my eyes,

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Looks like Raul got advice on "How to Succeed Without Losing" from ISIL and Thailand.

But he still fell short of a complete demand. He should have also asked for the State of Florida, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands. Frankly, the USA should just gift Cuba the State of Florida as a show of good faith. Florida's "Stand Your Ground" gun laws and "Little Havana" alone will topple the Cuban government in a month.

Don't expect the wimps to understand "stand your ground gun laws." They have "run to a hole in the ground and hide" laws.

That's the shoot when you piss your pants law, right?

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There is a plan for this kind of demand by the Castro brothers and it's existed for a long time with some adjustments.

Internationalize the US naval base for security, disaster relief, emergency rescue and assistance, hurricane response relief etc. Countries of both American continents and the Gulf Of Mexico can participate, fund it, support it, provide the personnel, training, conduct operations, under US command. The last point probably does not sit well with the Castros.

Closing Camp Delta would be a given.

Frankly i'd like to put the Castro brothers into Camp Delta and be gone of them at long last.

These demands or conditions by Raul Castro for normalization of relations are not unexpected....Department of State are wondering what took him so long to say it.

We'll see what comes out of the government sausage factory on this one.

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There is no indication Obama has any intention to give up Guantanamo to Cuba.

Yes, you are correct; this is my bias leaking out. I dont mean black bias. I mean the perception I have that he follows any route that injures America. It was a very big deal, I think, to undo generations of Cuba policy without consulting really anyone- his prerogative, though. If there was a mechanic that allowed him to surrender the lease it would surely end his empty gitmo fiasco. However, I dont think its that easy. I dont believe he has the power to do this. But you are correct, I dont know.

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Don't think that's happening any time soon. Our Cuban Treaty of 1934, Article III prevents that. Plus you have a matter of the $8 Billion owed the US for all the business's Castro took from US Businessmen and corporations in 1959 when he took over.

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There is only one reason that the US still maintains a base on Cuban soil...because the US has the bigger weapons and do not respect Cuban sovereignty...

This would never have happen if the US did not have the largest, best equipped, military in the world...so much for diplomacy...

The Cubans will have to walk a thin line between restoring trade with the US and giving up their country to US dictates...

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There is no indication Obama has any intention to give up Guantanamo to Cuba.

Yes, you are correct; this is my bias leaking out. I dont mean black bias. I mean the perception I have that he follows any route that injures America. It was a very big deal, I think, to undo generations of Cuba policy without consulting really anyone- his prerogative, though. If there was a mechanic that allowed him to surrender the lease it would surely end his empty gitmo fiasco. However, I dont think its that easy. I dont believe he has the power to do this. But you are correct, I dont know.

I mean the perception I have that he follows any route that injures America.

Sounds like a Birther, that Barack Hussein Obama is not an American, that he's hoodwinked all the rest of us too except for the very few who are onto his every move and dodge.

It was a very big deal, I think, to undo generations of Cuba policy without consulting really anyone- his prerogative, though

That is generous considering the claim is false in the absolute.

I expect a comprehensive White House response is coming very soon as this scenario of demands and conditions has been worked out already through the National Security Council, DepState, DoD, and other departments of the government and some leaders of congress as well.

US Naval Station Guantanamo controls access to the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans via the Panama Canal. Every ship that transits the canal from either direction passes near or close to Guantanamo, the Windward Passage in particular.

A Russian base or a Chinese base or both in Cuba would be insane, sort of like the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 when the world almost nuked itself.

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There is no indication Obama has any intention to give up Guantanamo to Cuba.

Yes, you are correct; this is my bias leaking out. I dont mean black bias. I mean the perception I have that he follows any route that injures America. It was a very big deal, I think, to undo generations of Cuba policy without consulting really anyone- his prerogative, though. If there was a mechanic that allowed him to surrender the lease it would surely end his empty gitmo fiasco. However, I dont think its that easy. I dont believe he has the power to do this. But you are correct, I dont know.

He doesn't. It's a treaty between Cuba and the US which must be ratified by Congress.

The US liberated Cuba from Spain during the Spanish-American War. It's a long story and history. The US isn't in the habit of keeping lands it conquers and Cuba belongs to the Cubans.

Part of the treaty is that the US leases the harbor and the military base. Someone said a few thousand dollars a year, but the US built it and Cuba also uses the harbor for it's commercial use. The US maintains it at an expense far greater than a few thousand a year. I would be surprised if Cuba could have afforded to build that harbor much less maintain it if the US wasn't there to do it.

When Castro had his revolution he flat-out stole private property from foreigners and nationalized it. This was personal property and real property. Now he wants money too?

I believe the reason Obama isn't reaching farther is because he knows he couldn't get it past Congress.

Edited by NeverSure
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Access appropriate media, at least before revealing your astounding ignorance.

People in glass houses...
By "appropriate media" I specifically avoid the oppressor's propaganda.

Sounds like one of those hilariously idiotic media statements released by the DPRK.

Raul Castro: US must return Guantanamo for normal relations

No !annoyed.gif

Yep! Not gonna happen. The U.S. doesn't need Cuba. Edited by H1w4yR1da
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US may not need Cuba but they want it

Cuba has shown for many decades it does not need the US

They should sit pat & be satisfied to have a country & not be another


You haven't been to Cuba. The people are impoverished. Those who can afford a car are driving cars made in the 1950's. That includes taxis. It would be hard to equate it with most 3rd world countries. The dictatorship has really kept the people isolated and in the dumps.

If Castro would open up Cuba to first world investment and allow a tourist economy to flourish - but people don't trust him because the Castro regime stole the private properties when they took over the first time.



Edited by NeverSure
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Agreed with Castro. Hawaii needs to go back to its natives, Puerto Rico should be fully independent, Guam needs to return to the natives and Alaska should go back to the Inuits. If they still run the US Virgin Islands, it should go back to, well, the virgins!coffee1.gif

Talk about a geographically fragmented country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!blink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.png

Alaska and Hawaii asked to be states. It took some doing with Congress and the American people to get it done.

Guam and Puerto Rico want the association with the US.

As for Cuba, that lease of the land and port is 100 years old. It is also a US naval base. Cuba has its own defense right there not only at no cost, but it gets paid for it. It also brings secondary money to Cuba which is robbed from the people by the elite.

Cant argue with stupid non-facts. People like somtamnicztion will try and bring your intelligence down to their "lack of" level.

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It's an ambit claim.

Haven't you blokes ever negotiated for anything in your lives?

Castro is the one making the ambit claims and he doesn't hold any cards. The US would like to normalize relations if possible because of the poverty of the Cubans. Most likely Castro won't let it happen. His demands are outrageous as if he doesn't want to normalize.

He is a Wiley old fella and I think he may hold a few cards up his sleeve that we don't know of. He's outlived the Cold War and is still around. Plus he's got a US president looking for a legacy and dare I say it, international momentum for a deal on his side. Edited by samran
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Alaska and Hawaii asked to be states. It took some doing with Congress and the American people to get it done.

Not true at all....

Americans who had holdings in Hawaii wanted it done to protect them

Even annexation was initially stalled as the people of Hawaii did not want it.

Yet in the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy a new constitution was drafted

"The new constitution required voters to swear allegiance to the republic, and thousands of Native Hawaiians refused, out of loyalty to queen and country.

Foreigners who had sided with the revolution were allowed to vote. Property requirements and other qualifications were so strict that relatively few Hawaiians and no Asians could vote."

To top this all off Hawaiians were never given a choice about becoming a State of the US

Instead the choice was....

Do you want to remain a Territory of the US?

Or do you want to become a State?

In all cases "Falangs" were allowed to vote which should have never been allowed.

This is why I applaud Thailand's strict rules against allowing Falangs a vote,own land etc etc etc

It was an overthrow nothing less



Edited by mania
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US may not need Cuba but they want it

Cuba has shown for many decades it does not need the US

They should sit pat & be satisfied to have a country & not be another


You haven't been to Cuba. The people are impoverished. Those who can afford a car are driving cars made in the 1950's. That includes taxis. It would be hard to equate it with most 3rd world countries. The dictatorship has really kept the people isolated and in the dumps.

If Castro would open up Cuba to first world investment and allow a tourist economy to flourish - but people don't trust him because the Castro regime stole the private properties when they took over the first time.



Yeah, that's it.

Bring back the mob-run casinos and the brothels.

And please, can we NOT get into a silly exchange about how "gaming industry management companies" have taken this stuff over from organized crime.

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It's an ambit claim.

Haven't you blokes ever negotiated for anything in your lives?

Castro is the one making the ambit claims and he doesn't hold any cards. The US would like to normalize relations if possible because of the poverty of the Cubans. Most likely Castro won't let it happen. His demands are outrageous as if he doesn't want to normalize.

He is a Wiley old fella and I think he may hold a few cards up his sleeve that we don't know of. He's outlived the Cold War and is still around. Plus he's got a US president looking for a legacy and dare I say it, international momentum for a deal on his side.

Castro is a wiley old fella the same as Putin is a chessmaster -- Fidel, Raul and Vlad are foremost among the losers of Soviet era history and its spillover remains of the present. The three of 'em are tired and old warhorses that have been reduced to straggling at the rear.

The Castros are dogmatic ideologues that are lost in time and long ago ran out of space. Their socialist pals in Venezuela are going down the tubes while Putin unhinged cozies up to Kim Jong Un.

No one should spend any time around these born losers of history. Look up the GDP per capita of the five countries mentioned in this post.

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I said that before. If the US think that the Castros will negotiate with its head down, it is naive and unrealistic about Cuba situation.

Again...Cuba will welcome American tourists, tourism investments and imports.....nothing more.

The US Embassy is US soil, and its use that situation to place a very big and insulting permanent sign criticizing Cuba in human rights. I was surprised when I saw it in 2007.

In front of the US Embassy was a nice public court with a easy sight to that sign. Castro response was to build a public stage to hold concerts and political parties blocking the sign views some way.... Other countries will ask for the closing of the Embassy. The Cuban Government was polite and smart, and never complained for that, and all the "sabotage" that the US did in the last 50 years, now even using the Internet.

Now...in negotiations for the new relations in process, one of the US conditions and demands was for the Cuban Government to restore the open space in front of the Embassy. The sign still there for the last 40 years.

The USA ARROGANCE is sometimes a joke...if not a delusional idea of POWER.

The arrogance, jokes and delusions of power are often in the form of capitalized words in various postings.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Nah, Don't think so...

One would certainly hope not.

With Obama in charge of negotiations, Castro might get what he is asking for, with little Havana in Miami thrown in.

Obama will throw in all of Florida just to show Jimmie that he is a bigger F-UP.

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People in glass houses...

Let me guess. Russia Today. Press TV. Appropriately controlled.

In your VERY WEAKly formulated "reductio ad absurdem" you are not entitled to "guess" .

My reading research and as a consequence, my FREE THINKING on these matters goes WAY BEYOND these media.

But you guys routinely quote from sources that you have already trashed for disagreeing with you.

In our movie, Ulysses G, I am Winston Smith. Bet when you first read THAT ONE you thought they were talking about your pet bad guys.

History doesn't really repeat itself.

It rhymes.

The thread is not about you. It's about a potential change in US-Cuban relations. Narcissism.

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