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Martial law to be strictly enforced

Lite Beer

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Costas2008, on 29 Jan 2015 - 18:29, said:Costas2008, on 29 Jan 2015 - 18:29, said:
Anthony5, on 29 Jan 2015 - 18:19, said:Anthony5, on 29 Jan 2015 - 18:19, said:

I feel that the time has come to keep the travel luggage at hand.

If you feel like that, nobody is here to stop you.

I'm staying here and I fully trust that this government will change Thailand for the better.

Bahahahahahahahah!! Sounds like a brown nose talking!

Edited by laubau
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"individuals who have made public dissenting comments will be asked to report themselves."

Didn't the powers that be now realise that sometimes a coup involves some heavy lifting? Some work? Nobody said martial law would be easy, General. Shows how far off the deep end they have gone that they think people are going to turn themselves in....

If I wear a Man U jersey on a Sunday they play, will I be thrown in the clink? Or Liverpool?

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Of course the reds are upping the pressure, they want to be ready when the power grabbing race will be opened again.

The more unstable the country is, the more chances the reds will have when the day comes.

Actually destabilizing the country was Suthep's plan, and, with the help of the military, it worked like a dream.

The people you refer to as "reds" have consistently "grabbed" power in elections, which is why some people oppose them and democracy.

They are called "reds," because that is what they are. They wear Red Shirts and the Red Shirt organization has at its core leadership people who are Communists and allies of members of the Khmer Rouge.

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Better watch out the soldiers are coming to get you so no more slagging off the Junta prior to them handing back the reins of power to the Thai people once again, then it will be back to barracks for all the generals who were a temporary government at one time, and they can sit and reminisce in the officers mess over the good times.

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Sounds like someone had a tantrum, please…hand him a tissue. They need to start concentrating on increasing tourism not decreasing it and if kicking off martial law again that will definitely be of the later. You can't lead a blind man if the blind man won't listen and unfortunately Thai's never listen cause they are always right.

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Thailand remain under Martial Law and the rules related to Social Media and posting on Thaivisa will follow the guidelines set forth by the Thai government and the military. Here are some things that you should consider when posting:

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So let me get this right?

A poll that stated 93% of the population said it was happy with the Junta and then down to 87% recently but he feels the need to "strictly enforce martial law" ?

Now to me that means the polls were completely fabricated to begin with or he's now extremely paranoid? Or both!!!

Peace and reconciliation ? I don't think so, and again it will impact tourism which by all accounts the numbers were fabricated too.

It's looking more and more like rifts are developing within the clique, THAI stating there's no intention of cutting jobs too despite what the PM said about trimming down 5000 odd jobs.

He cannot handle pressure or dissenting opinions he's far from being the "democratic soldier " as he claimed to be the other day.

I have a feeling he will be tested on this and if he starts shooting protestors for dissent will the kool aid junta supporters still maintain he's doing the right thing?

It's pretty clear he's trying to eradicate the old PTP which isn't necessary a bad thing but you still need to have a healthy opposition to any Government he's not doing anything to convince the PTP supporters to switch their allegiance, if anything he's doing the opposite.

I like my cool aid fat haggis, and the guy is just trying to make sure the reds don't do what they are good at.. bombing.. burning ect. That was the whole reason of the coup to make sure the bloodshed was gone.

Now the PTP is trying to mobilize their supporters because they don't like the rule of law going after YL. He is just pulling the dogs teeth and so he should. let the courts do their work without fear of redshirts buring bombing killing. You know they went after judges before he.. remember publicizing of private data of the judges. This is all to make sure that justice will finally catch up with the PTP.

They will do anything to stop this and one of the things is releasing their war dogs and create a bloodshed. The junta is just trying to stop that and I rather have them stop it this way then with bullets.

Re-imagining history, are you? The violence was on both sides and it started when Suthep and his minions shutdown government and used violence and intimidation to block the election.

It's worth remembering that when Thailand had an unelected government and an unruly mob was calling for elections in 2010, the military staged a bloody crackdown to support the unelected government. When Thailand had an elected government and an unruly mob was obstructing elections in 2014, the military staged a coup to topple the elected government.

Just look at how many deaths were on the side of the red and on the side of the protesters.. then you know the truth of history. The latest clashes almost all (not 100%) victims were protesters. So that side was far less violent.

Also your vision of unelected is a bit strange.. it was just a coalition government, quite normal all over the world. People elect parties and these parties can form coalitions and rule. The only thing is that the army put some pressure on Newins party to leave the PTP and form a coalition with the democrats. Its all legal as you elect a party and those parties can form governments how they want.

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He also said that authorities were monitoring the red-shirt people's campaign to wear red on Sundays

Time to reorganize the wardrobe?

The guy from the sawmill, who lost 2 fingers, eating a sandwich while wearing his red shirt on his only free day of the week, will be in deep trouble i assume.

Since he is unlikely to be from the Bangkok middle class, and quite possibly may have voted for Thaksin at some time in the past, then who cares?

Looks you are a shining example of a democracy defender, Prayuth style.

Free elections.................as long as you vote for the person you're told to.

Try reading my post again - with your irony filter switched off!

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Funny thing about Martial law in Thailand...... its always rather ummm lets say..........regional and inconsistent.

Does this mean that Samui won't have a curfew but Phuket will ? i mean this important for any would be tourists thinking of having a late night out whistling.gif

Seems logical enough to me.. there where there are many red thugs there is more chance of a curfew then places where these trouble makers are not.

Logic must be something you never studied. Seems real clear to me.

Logic to you perhaps but oppression/suppression to others ;-)

Please try to fault the logic of going after trouble spots and deploying your forces logically. You had experience with IRA did you have a curfew over the whole there or just he trouble-spots and do explain to me how that is different.

No curfews, in any areas. No martial law. Troops in support of civilian police and all convictions gained by submitting evidence to civil courts. All verdicts open to appeal. Free elections held even at height of thw troubles. So no comparison whatsoever with the antics of this regime.

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Hummm, your version of history seems to be somewhat different than the rest of the worlds. Or should I say somewhat "incomplete". Just a tiny bit of research on something such as, ohhhhhh, Google, will provide you with the information that Hun Sen did start with the Khmer Rouge, he soon left them and fled to Vietnam, where he later assisted the Vietnamese army to invade Cambodia and GET RID of the Khmer Rouge. But please, by all means, don't let incomplete or partial history get in the way of a good rant.


He didn't start "with" the Khmer Rouge. He was "part of" the Khmer Rouge when they took control of the country in 1975 and began a reign of terror and murder. Then, two YEARS later, when he feared being purged (not because he had a moral crisis and turned against his erstwhile comrades), he fled to Vietnam. Now, the red dictator has ruled CAmbodia with an iron fist for closing in on two decades. And he is the Red Shirts' best pal.

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