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Kissinger protesters 'scum': Senator John McCain

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Choctastic, on 30 Jan 2015 - 07:22, said:

Here's McCain 'protesting Islamic terrorism'...


You must have been there if you know what he was saying. Bahahahah...

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Isnt it nice that in the US people can do things like protest without fear of being taken away to a reeducation camp?

The last time I checked, people living in the free world don't have to be concerned about "being taken away to reeducation camps." Another American hater I presume?

sprq, on 30 Jan 2015 - 11:52, said:
CMNightRider, on 30 Jan 2015 - 10:28, said:

Wow, it appears there may be some "Code Pink anti-war group" protesters or at least sympathisers on Thai Visa. No wait, never mind its just the regular liberal, Thai Visa posters, spewing their normal nonsensical hatred. Senator McCain was right. These people are scum, and this may be some of their more endearing qualities.

I see, people who protest against grossly criminal warmongers like Kissinger are scum and their hatred of KIssinger is nonsensical. Then let us hear your justification for the USA's killing of millions of people in Indochina from the 1950s to the 1970s. Come on, why was this mass murder OK, which is what you seem to think? Let us know how you justify mass murder in the millions.

When you harbor enemies, you are as guilty as them and you can expect consequences. You want to talk them to death!!


An oversized photograph has been removed since it messes up the formatting on the forum for some browsers. Also removed are off-topic, troll, inflammatory and reported posts along with replies.

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McCain was right. These people are scum.

These people are people...

...endowed with the same inalienable rights as you and I.

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McCain was right. These people are scum.

These people are people...

...endowed with the same inalienable rights as you and I.

And when those same inalienable rights cross the line and step on your individual inalienable rights, what should happen?

This was a Congressional hearing. The steps of the Capitol building might have been a nice place to vent their anger rather than the chambers of Congress.


McCain was right. These people are scum.

These people are people...

...endowed with the same inalienable rights as you and I.

And when those same inalienable rights cross the line and step on your individual inalienable rights, what should happen?

This was a Congressional hearing. The steps of the Capitol building might have been a nice place to vent their anger rather than the chambers of Congress.

I am very happy that you and I agree in principle on an issue. And the world hasn't exploded.

Maybe this political theatre is the Pink group's interpretation of feeding the tree of liberty some blood of patriots? We won't agree about where the line is drawn I expect. Clearly they are seeking maximum impact by invading the august halls and defying the traditions of politeness. I encourage them to feed that tree more symbolic blood.


Had it not been for people like Kissinger, McCain and other warmongers - we wouldn't need anyone to be protesting against Islamic terrorists.

Why stop with them?

The Middle East crisis actually began in 1785 when Dey Muhammad of Algiers declared war on the United States and captured several American ships. In 1801 the US Navy and Marines won reprieve from the pirates.

You could effectively blame the US Marines with their encroachment in 1801 for all the present day problems.

Maybe you could even find a cartoon from that period of time which would further enrage the perpetually enraged.

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Senator John McCain has a point. You won't find these professional haters and dirt-bags protesting Islamic terrorism.

Exactly. But when the "S" hits the fan, these same people are scurrying asking for that same government to save them. Then complain why not quick enough.

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Had it not been for people like Kissinger, McCain and other warmongers - we wouldn't need anyone to be protesting against Islamic terrorists.

Why stop with them?

The Middle East crisis actually began in 1785 when Dey Muhammad of Algiers declared war on the United States and captured several American ships. In 1801 the US Navy and Marines won reprieve from the pirates.

You could effectively blame the US Marines with their encroachment in 1801 for all the present day problems.

Maybe you could even find a cartoon from that period of time which would further enrage the perpetually enraged.

You can point your finger at just about any place and time in history and find a tyrant who created long lasting havoc but, other than for educational purposes, it would be a futile gesture. However if we continue to fete our contemporary villains as anything other than the conptemptible people they are, we are declaring ourselves as no better.

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McCain, the great war hero who repeatedly bombed largely defenceless North Vietnamese people in an illegal and grossly criminal war?

If anybody is scum in this matter, it is a murderous US Navy pilot called McCain.

Not to mention the carpet bombing of Laos and Cambodia.

On Kissinger's advice.

Two nations not even at war with the US.

To this day if you go to the East of Lao and Cambodia you will see UN bomb disposal teams still at work cleaning the remains from all these years back.


Had it not been for people like Kissinger, McCain and other warmongers - we wouldn't need anyone to be protesting against Islamic terrorists.

Why stop with them?

The Middle East crisis actually began in 1785 when Dey Muhammad of Algiers declared war on the United States and captured several American ships. In 1801 the US Navy and Marines won reprieve from the pirates.

You could effectively blame the US Marines with their encroachment in 1801 for all the present day problems.

Maybe you could even find a cartoon from that period of time which would further enrage the perpetually enraged.

You identify the US's first engagement with the middle east but I am not sure the current situation can be directly linked back that far. I believe the current crisis is post-colonial and was masked by the Cold War and emerges now in this post Cold war era. Kissinger was a Cold War Warrior and in that context was a success. However, I believe he was either a product of or architect of a US Foreign Policy driven by what Eisenhower described as the military industrial complex and an expansionary view of US interests.

He has now passed to become an historical figure, even though he is still alive. At least it appears that he is still alive. I don't believe in prosecuting historical figures for historical actions whose time has passed. A charge of war crimes or something similar needs to be exact, defined and supported by evidence sufficient for something like the International Criminal Court. I may not agree with his policies or actions but think that he acted to defend the US interest in the geopolitical context of his time. I do not support the continuation of US foreign policy aligned to his school of thought. I believe it exacerbates the current middle eastern 'islamic' related tensions i.e. no resolution of the Israel Palestine issue, enabling Iran to emerge as a regional power through the Iraq War and the US acquiescence of middle eastern strong man government models etc.

There should be enough in what I have written to rile up the Cold Warriors.

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Senator John McCain has a point. You won't find these professional haters and dirt-bags protesting Islamic terrorism.

Exactly. But when the "S" hits the fan, these same people are scurrying asking for that same government to save them. Then complain why not quick enough.

So the choice is either between a murderous terrorist threat or a government willing to destabilise sovereign countries and persecute illegal wars for ideological reasons?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a government we could turn to that actually worked to make the world a better place for all?

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And this clearly shows John McCain in his true light. Another warmonger who likes to profit off the misery and genocide of others. If there is a hell there sure is a special place for these two f****** and no doubt Georgey boy will be head of the table.

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Wow, it appears there may be some "Code Pink anti-war group" protesters or at least sympathisers on Thai Visa. No wait, never mind its just the regular liberal, Thai Visa posters, spewing their normal nonsensical hatred. Senator McCain was right. These people are scum, and this may be some of their more endearing qualities.

I see, people who protest against grossly criminal warmongers like Kissinger are scum and their hatred of KIssinger is nonsensical. Then let us hear your justification for the USA's killing of millions of people in Indochina from the 1950s to the 1970s. Come on, why was this mass murder OK, which is what you seem to think? Let us know how you justify mass murder in the millions.

People died in France supposedly as martyrs to the defense of freedom of speech ( in the form of juvenile cartoons), but when the expression of views don't align with those of the right wing nutters and their senile war mongering leader, those people are scum.

I'm sure McCain, who had made a career out of marrying a wealthy wife and trading on his prisoner of war status for personal profit, has claimed he fought for the preservation of freedom in the US ... but apparently only if those freedoms are used to support his constipated world-view.

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Isnt it nice that in the US people can do things like protest without fear of being taken away to a reeducation camp?

The last time I checked, people living in the free world don't have to be concerned about "being taken away to reeducation camps." Another American hater I presume?

I guess you have never heard of the NDAA or the Patriot Act before it...

As a US citizen, you have no rights, you can be detained indefinitely without habeas corpus, you are not entitled to an attorney, nor your family being notified of where you are or your condition... And as prior events have proven, you can be killed by your government and no one will blink an eye... All of your assets seized under suspicion of a crime, with zero proof... You think those folks in Gitmo are on holiday?

Wake up dude because you are living in a fantasy world... Don't believe me, just google NDAA and you only get 699,000 hits... Read any of them...

Huh? Hahahah dude please you are the one living in a fantasy....

And back to topic all you have to do in Thailand is make a facebook post the junta doesn't like and you are invited for reeducation. Those people in Gitmo killed innocent civilians. Im thinking you are not a US citizen and therefore dont know and are talking out your ass....

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Disregarding the heated arguments of Kissinger and of Senator McCain's statements related in this thread - for which I take no position...

Both men in their much younger years had talents and accomplishments to offer the world... BUT in the past 7 to 10 years both have been mentally slipping... Kissinger as of late is hardly understandable in his presentation... a bit of mumbling platitudes and puts forth something akin to indecipherable world political philosophy .... McCain on the other hand - despite his service to the U,S. Military and the USA has become an embarrassment ... McCain should have retired years ago ... in my studied opinion, John McCain is suffering senile dementia and that condition is far more than just memory loss ... it also entails cognitive impairment - the ability to think straight ... McCain has become an erratic fool... stumbling about from Syria to D.C. making nonsensical and outlandish statements.. John McCain should retire very quickly as he will enter an era of total inability to control himself - as the disorder progresses... The only reason his aides do not reign him in is their selfish want to retain their cushy jobs - good salaries and benefits...

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John McCain?

The same John McCain that spent 4 years and gave the use of an arm to a Vietnamese POW camp?

That's the guy cursing protestors that blame Kissinger himself for many of the atrocities of that war?

I wonder what it's like to sell your soul.

Protesters shaking metal handcuffs inches from the head of 91 year old Henry Kissinger concerned me. Where were the capital police? It seems, to me at least, that the entire episode bothered Sen McCain as well, which I fully understand

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Senator John McCain has a point. You won't find these professional haters and dirt-bags protesting Islamic terrorism.

Exactly. But when the "S" hits the fan, these same people are scurrying asking for that same government to save them. Then complain why not quick enough.

So the choice is either between a murderous terrorist threat or a government willing to destabilise sovereign countries and persecute illegal wars for ideological reasons?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a government we could turn to that actually worked to make the world a better place for all?

It would be nice but it's non-existent and a fairy tale, however, if choosing between the lesser of the 2 evils, I now exactly whom the majority would back if the chips were down. I'm not saying people should not protest but I stand by what I said as people here will NEVER risk their standard of living and freedoms if push come to shove.

Everyone in question has made their bed, us, them, and all in between.

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