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Redshirt leaders released after brief 'talks' with military

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You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

How many of that 15 million really had a clue of the principles PTP stood for? Do you think PTP have any principles other than get rich quick by whatever means?

How many voted for them because that's who they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for?

The same can be said for all parties here mind. And that's something that ain't going to change without serious reform, real reform.

nonsense reply not based on facts even my 12 year old Thai niece has a better grasp than you do

they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for

when, where? I know many, many Thais who voted PTP and not a hint of what you suggest and you are insulting 15 million Thais

Well I DISAGREE because I live in Chiang Mai and I can tell you I have personally spoken to about 50 people who TOLD ME FLAT OUT they were given upwards to 1500 baht to vote RED SHIRTS IN. My staff were amongst them and feel betrayed now. But I am not sure how they will feel in the future under the Military rule because whenever people promise too much people expect more.

  • Like 1

You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

Thais voting for principles. The reds standing for principles. Both very new concepts for me, or is it the word principle you give another definition to than the one in my dictionary? Get real, please!

  • Like 1

and your alternative 'reality'? "all Hail the Enormously Mega Stupendously Rich Junta"

How many of them are on the Thai rich list ?

If you are going to post things like that you must be prepared to prove it.

was it my imagination that 'someone' recently sold land at 600 million baht? I'd call that pretty darn good would you not? maybe for you it's 'loose change' but for me and most others it is riches beyond our imagination

nice coin if you can get it

That was the generals father that sold the land which had been in the family for several generations.

Try to get something right for once.

cheesy.gif .... yea right, do some research. coffee1.gif

  • Like 1

You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

How many of that 15 million really had a clue of the principles PTP stood for? Do you think PTP have any principles other than get rich quick by whatever means?

How many voted for them because that's who they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for?

The same can be said for all parties here mind. And that's something that ain't going to change without serious reform, real reform.

nonsense reply not based on facts even my 12 year old Thai niece has a better grasp than you do

they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for

when, where? I know many, many Thais who voted PTP and not a hint of what you suggest and you are insulting 15 million Thais

Ah, binjalin, don't be so naive, it is obvious that every single vote was bought and paid for, after all, only 15 million votes at 500B each is a mere 7.5 billion "drop-in-the-old-bucket" Bhat....

These posters... cheesy.gif

...simply cannot accept the Thai people's decision to elect a government of which they do not approve.

Which is why they now find themselves inventing ever more farfetched justifications for supporting a junta which took power in a military coup.

  • Like 1

The red shirt movement is a dead duck.

So is the UDD and so will be the PTP.

While these exist, they will remain a conduit for Thaksin to control this country.

Do not expect elections until this lot have been disbanded.

Dream on if you think getting rid of Thaksin and reds will somehow end it. The underlying reasons that reds won every election (or did you miss that?) is that the repressed majority is tired of business as usual getting bled dry by the old power elite at expense of the common people. Until a somewhat fair distribution of power and wealth comes into being, the movement will live. Another party will form, more brutal repression and coups... you know the drill.

It wasn't the reds that stopped the last election. Current power holders won"t hold elections until they come up with a way to win them no matter how the people vote.


You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

They voted for the populist policies that almost bankrupted the country, they also sold their votes.

That 15 million was shaved down to 10 million in last Febs election and that was without any opposition.

So just goes to show how fast they became unpopular.

5 million voters went missing in 3 years.

The Dems would have walked that election.

Get educated mate.

  • Like 1

You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

They voted for the populist policies that almost bankrupted the country, they also sold their votes.

That 15 million was shaved down to 10 million in last Febs election and that was without any opposition.

So just goes to show how fast they became unpopular.

5 million voters went missing in 3 years.

The Dems would have walked that election.

Get educated mate.

Really begs the question as to why the need to get rid of the Shins if they are fast becoming unpopular. 2 coups and constitutions re-written to lessen their election chance. And why oh dwhy the Dem boycott election twice. So clearly you know nothing and need education yourself.


How many of them are on the Thai rich list ?

If you are going to post things like that you must be prepared to prove it.

was it my imagination that 'someone' recently sold land at 600 million baht? I'd call that pretty darn good would you not? maybe for you it's 'loose change' but for me and most others it is riches beyond our imagination

nice coin if you can get it

That was the generals father that sold the land which had been in the family for several generations.

Try to get something right for once.

cheesy.gif .... yea right, do some research. coffee1.gif

I have .

And you and your mate seem to think that compares with Thaksins wealth, you are the ones who need laughed at.

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I am not sure having a brief talk with the military is all that exciting, a friend of mine the Mad Major, we often have brief talks , it is the attitude adjustment part that gets me , this gives me the Idea that despots are running the mad house ,I am even more unsure that Thailand isn't stepping into the dim past , when you look at it you would think that a totalitarian autocratic dictatorship governs Thailand, of course if I don't like it I can always leave , it is the unfortunate people of Thailand I worry about, they can't all leave. coffee1.gif

Its not so bad? If you get on with your life rather than getting involved in politics, then i would say its the same as normal? Put it this way: its nice and peaceful and everything is back to normal?


You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

Do you mean the 15 million who sold their votes to the highest bidder... they will do exactly the same next time round... there NEVER has been democracy in this country, there probabaly never will be while the masses have no education... It's the reson why so many of us Farang live in Thailand.. Do you know just how many girls are selling their bodies every night to snd that money home to those same vote-seller families.. it's called poverty.. and we all know prostitution is illegal in Thailand..Right... And I don't see anybody , Generals or politicians trying to stop prostitution.. Rock on Thailand... Long live the King... giggle.gif


All hail the Amply Rich Shinawatras ?

and your alternative 'reality'? "all Hail the Enormously Mega Stupendously Rich Junta"

How many of them are on the Thai rich list ?

If you are going to post things like that you must be prepared to prove it.

was it my imagination that 'someone' recently sold land at 600 million baht? I'd call that pretty darn good would you not? maybe for you it's 'loose change' but for me and most others it is riches beyond our imagination

nice coin if you can get it

brother, lifetime military, and worth 90 million bhat



You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

How many of that 15 million really had a clue of the principles PTP stood for? Do you think PTP have any principles other than get rich quick by whatever means?

How many voted for them because that's who they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for?

The same can be said for all parties here mind. And that's something that ain't going to change without serious reform, real reform.

nonsense reply not based on facts even my 12 year old Thai niece has a better grasp than you do

they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for

when, where? I know many, many Thais who voted PTP and not a hint of what you suggest and you are insulting 15 million Thais

you usual attempt at dismissal of any post that dares comment against Shin political trickery; and usual claims that only those who favor the Shins and their tripe can have a grasp of things. Your only grasp seems to be of Shin propaganda. Hope you're not indoctrinating your niece likewise.

Oh I forgot, you're not a Shin supporter, because you said so.

I know people who voted PTP without any form of coercion or bribery (many now bitterly disappointed with that party). I also know many, particularly in the villages who were instructed by the headman on who to vote for. Dissenters were intimidated back into line. The whole village had to be delivered or no money. Wasn't a dem campaigner killed for daring to campaign in Chiang Mai? Do you dispute any of the wrong doings went on now. Funny, you previously said but the Dems do it and suggested they were worse?

So you think all 15 million who voted PTP could explain PTP's election manifesto and which points in particular persuaded them?

Get a grasp of reality instead of constantly making contradictory statements to defend the Shins, who you don't support.


You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

Do you mean the 15 million who sold their votes to the highest bidder... they will do exactly the same next time round... there NEVER has been democracy in this country, there probabaly never will be while the masses have no education... It's the reson why so many of us Farang live in Thailand.. Do you know just how many girls are selling their bodies every night to snd that money home to those same vote-seller families.. it's called poverty.. and we all know prostitution is illegal in Thailand..Right... And I don't see anybody , Generals or politicians trying to stop prostitution.. Rock on Thailand... Long live the King... giggle.gif

aaaahhhh, the good ol' tried and true vote-buying BS.

15 mill times 500 Bhat = 7.5 billion Bhat.

get real... besides all the other evidence of a valid 2011 election...

As for no education and democracy, well, that is straight from the little yellow book of propaganda written by the very souls who failed to take care of their fellow citizens for the last 50++ years.


  • Like 1

You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

Do you mean the 15 million who sold their votes to the highest bidder... they will do exactly the same next time round... there NEVER has been democracy in this country, there probabaly never will be while the masses have no education... It's the reson why so many of us Farang live in Thailand.. Do you know just how many girls are selling their bodies every night to snd that money home to those same vote-seller families.. it's called poverty.. and we all know prostitution is illegal in Thailand..Right... And I don't see anybody , Generals or politicians trying to stop prostitution.. Rock on Thailand... Long live the King... giggle.gif

To be fair, I doubt all 15 million were paid. My wifey wasn't - but like most of her friends is bitterly disappointed at how PTP turned out; and attended the anti whitewash Thaksin bill protests.

On the other hand in-laws were paid, as was the whole village, providing the village voted 100% PTP.



Nattawut Saikua, former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperative, leaving the 1st Region Army headquarters in Bangkok on 30 Jan 2015.

Check out that grin!

Baby, he has been 'adjusted' !!

Clearly, the generals are very good at bringing Happiness to the Thai people. biggrin.png

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif This comment made my day, lad. what an excellent post....

There IS NO such thing as JAIL for the rich, influential and their spolied brats,.... I told ya soo.... clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

given the great comedy coming from Generals & Co this week, I got a grin a lot like this guy right now...


You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

They voted for the populist policies that almost bankrupted the country, they also sold their votes.

That 15 million was shaved down to 10 million in last Febs election and that was without any opposition.

So just goes to show how fast they became unpopular.

5 million voters went missing in 3 years.

The Dems would have walked that election.

Get educated mate.

Really begs the question as to why the need to get rid of the Shins if they are fast becoming unpopular. 2 coups and constitutions re-written to lessen their election chance. And why oh dwhy the Dem boycott election twice. So clearly you know nothing and need education yourself.

You PT supporters will never get it through your heads that it is the corrupt that are being brought to answer.

That the majority belong to the previous administration is only because they are the most corrupt.

But its all a conspiracy, kangaroo courts, elite you cant talk about want control.

How can anyone let themselves be conned that badly ? And supporting corruption, yes that's what you are doing with your completely one sided refusal to see the truth.

Has any senior ministers of the previous government been convicted of corruption? Or it's just your rant without facts again.

  • Like 1
Ah, binjalin, don't be so naive, it is obvious that every single vote was bought and paid for, after all, only 15 million votes at 500B each is a mere 7.5 billion "drop-in-the-old-bucket" Bhat....

These posters... cheesy.gif

...simply cannot accept the Thai people's decision to elect a government of which they do not approve.

Which is why they now find themselves inventing ever more farfetched justifications for supporting a junta which took power in a military coup.

I would not approve of any government that openly lies, cheats, claims lying is ethical, thieves, only protects those citizens who support it, favors areas that vote for it, breaks laws, procedures, rules and refuses to obey courts or be the slightest bit accountable or transparent. And to top it off, openly allows a convicted criminal fugitive to control it, even selecting and shuffling ministers at will.

You obviously see nothing wrong in a government like that.

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What makes me disturbed is the BS. This article (below) makes sense but then again what is the objective. Keep those people out or respect their rights? Anyway what makes me really pissed is that below. Is it suppose to be Marshall law? Red shirts are not allowed to wear, but this is

Last week Thai royalists staged a brief demonstration in front of the New Zealand Embassy in Bangkok, demanding that Wellington extradite "a lese majeste suspect" living in exile there, and threatening to step up measures if New Zealand failed to comply.


Wait couple of weeks and we will have millions red shirts in the streets....


How many of that 15 million really had a clue of the principles PTP stood for? Do you think PTP have any principles other than get rich quick by whatever means?

How many voted for them because that's who they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for?

The same can be said for all parties here mind. And that's something that ain't going to change without serious reform, real reform.

nonsense reply not based on facts even my 12 year old Thai niece has a better grasp than you do

they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for

when, where? I know many, many Thais who voted PTP and not a hint of what you suggest and you are insulting 15 million Thais

Ah, binjalin, don't be so naive, it is obvious that every single vote was bought and paid for, after all, only 15 million votes at 500B each is a mere 7.5 billion "drop-in-the-old-bucket" Bhat....

These posters... cheesy.gif

delusion can be so comforting sometimes... w00t.gif

I've been told so and thanks for the proof wai.gif

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So, after all the fun and insinuations we return to the topic of some red-shirt 'leaders' going home with a smile after having been entertained by the military.

Especially former Pheu Thai party MP and leader spokes person Nattawut seemed happy. Maybe he managed to convince that he wasn't really a leader, but only a spokes person what with some proposals to have an amnesty for non-leader protesters only.

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Nattawut Saikua, former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperative, leaving the 1st Region Army headquarters in Bangkok on 30 Jan 2015.

Check out that grin!

Baby, he has been 'adjusted' !!

Clearly, the generals are very good at bringing Happiness to the Thai people. biggrin.png

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif This comment made my day, lad. what an excellent post....

There IS NO such thing as JAIL for the rich, influential and their spolied brats,.... I told ya soo.... clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

given the great comedy coming from Generals & Co this week, I got a grin a lot like this guy right now...

So this attitude adjustment-ONLY-attitude adjustment are inactive posts in disguise, and WHO didn't see that coming....


You can remove the leader, disband the party, "talk" to the hierarchy but you will never remove the sentiment of the 15 million Thai's that voted for the principles that they stood for.

How many of that 15 million really had a clue of the principles PTP stood for? Do you think PTP have any principles other than get rich quick by whatever means?

How many voted for them because that's who they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for?

The same can be said for all parties here mind. And that's something that ain't going to change without serious reform, real reform.

nonsense reply not based on facts even my 12 year old Thai niece has a better grasp than you do

they were instructed/intimated/coerced/bribed to vote for

when, where? I know many, many Thais who voted PTP and not a hint of what you suggest and you are insulting 15 million Thais

Well I DISAGREE because I live in Chiang Mai and I can tell you I have personally spoken to about 50 people who TOLD ME FLAT OUT they were given upwards to 1500 baht to vote RED SHIRTS IN. My staff were amongst them and feel betrayed now. But I am not sure how they will feel in the future under the Military rule because whenever people promise too much people expect more.

wow 1500 baht??? they were ROBBED !!! I know many who were paid nothing! SENOR tell them take this and get their money BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is no honour these days... ermm.gif.pagespeed.ce.7f2Kr9k8HCxvlbix7X


What is the difference between YL regime and PM Prayut government ?

Under YL regime, opponent were kill by red/black militia,

Under actual government they just talk !

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