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I've just been attacked by guys on a motor bike who were after my bag. I have a load of grazes from the gravel, knees and nose, a bump on my forehead,and my arms and ribs that are aching.From what I've seen on the net, you can tell if you have broken a rib easily, and if you have there's nothing you can do about it.my breathing is fine, the rib s do hurt a bit if I cough. Do I need an x Ray? And if yes,where should I go? Is it worth going to a big expensive private hospital for this? I'm hoping Sheryl can advise me here. Thank you.

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Expect to pay circa 2,000B for an x-ray, examination, and tidy up of the abrasions. More if they do multiple x-rays. If they prescribe drugs (painkillers) they will be expensive compared to a pharmacy.

From personal experience - if the ribs hurt "a bit" when you cough, may just be bruising. If it hurts like hell, probably cracked or broken. Nothing you can do anyway. Sleep on the side that hurts, easier to breathe that way.


geshia sorry to hear about your bad experience, get to a hospital asap and check it out. No hospital in Pattaya should bankrupt you for an xray. Personally I have used Bangkok-Pattaya, but no recommendation on my part, they are convenient, speak English, but have not been impressed with any of their doctors. But do get seen somewhere!


That must have been a frightening experience. Chin up. Memorial is a good hospital, and about a grand for an x-ray. Put aside another couple of grand to have any dressings replaced later - that can be done at the small clinics dotted around and usually cost 300 each time.


For what you describe the only advantage to a private hospital over government is convenience, but that will come at a financial price. A community hospital like Ban Lamung should be able to handle this and you may be able to skip the usual queue and just go in via ER.

If they think Xray indicated it will not cost more than 100 - 200 baht. They'll also give you a tetanus booster and dress your wounds.

Pattaya Memorial will also work, as would PIH but more expensive.


Something of concern for the mechanism of injury you describe is a C spine series (xrays) since a c spine problem can be devastating and avoidable.

u may need narcotic pain medicine also.

tetanus shot if u r not up to date


You are lucky to not have worse injuries than you have from your ordeal...

I would recommend going to the clinic in Jomtien...not on beach road...but the main road from S. Pattaya...just past the 7/11 store which is on the corner of the major intersection in Jomtien...older Dr...will attend to your wounds...give you medicine if needed...and send you to a hospital if it is necessary...

For your own piece of mind...seek medical help to soothe your trauma...both physical and mental...

Sorry for your ordeal...some people are getting more desperate as the numbers of tourist decline...


"Did you learn to just avoid Pattaya the most dangerous hellhole in Southeast Asia ? Guess you will be going back as soon as your better." There are far worse hell holes in SE Asia. You need to travel more.....


2 off topic posts (one of them flaming) have been removed.

This is the health forum, and the topic is the OP's health concern, not the circumstances of the attack.


It's best that you go and get an x-ray if you have very sharp pains and it's hard to breath. The public hospitals will be more than capable of helping you. No worries there. Go and get cleaned up at the very least as suggested by the others.

As someone that has had hundreds of broken bones ( I have OI -- osteogenesis imperfecta, a brittle bone and a real pain in the ass condition) that there is very little you can do for a broken rib. Wrapping an ace bandage around your side may help a little and/or holding a pillow close to you if you need to cough or sneeze may help. If you can stop from coughing or sneezing, for the love of God, please do. OMG that hurts sooooo F'en bad!

Ask for pain meds if you can not sleep or be comfortable. Avoid excess movement and be ready to be in a lot of pain in the morning when you wake up. Moving from a prone to vertical position hurts for a good 5-10 mins. If you have a close friend or significant other to help you dress, take advantage of that. Could be also a great excuse for some TLC in the shower -- ehh??

If you or anyone else has questions on broken bones and how to be more comfortable, please feel free to drop me a line. I can only speak on my experiences though. biggrin.png

I hope this helps,



Danger of broken ribs is punctured lung, which is very serious but usually has bleeding from mouth. Nevertheless, get xrays for a good hospital, small hospital xrays are worthless. You can be taped to ease your discomfort some.

GO GET XRAYS.thumbsup.gif


I know many people will laugh, but i banged my leg pretty badly one day.

Badly enough for my leg to swell up and turn green/yellow.

To be honest, i felt like a cheap charlie and did not want to waste too much money if it was not broken.

I went to my Vet, yes a Vet and asked him to do Xray-300 baht.

Was a digital Xray,, Vet had a look and confirmed nothing was broken, went to pharmacy, bought some Voltaren tabs and gel and all solved.


I know many people will laugh, but i banged my leg pretty badly one day.

Badly enough for my leg to swell up and turn green/yellow.

To be honest, i felt like a cheap charlie and did not want to waste too much money if it was not broken.

I went to my Vet, yes a Vet and asked him to do Xray-300 baht.

Was a digital Xray,, Vet had a look and confirmed nothing was broken, went to pharmacy, bought some Voltaren tabs and gel and all solved.

Man, when I thought that some people could not get any stingier...smile.png

I have had a couple of really bad experiences in Pattaya Memorial so if you're going to a private hopital I would suggest PIH or BPH.


I know many people will laugh, but i banged my leg pretty badly one day.

Badly enough for my leg to swell up and turn green/yellow.

To be honest, i felt like a cheap charlie and did not want to waste too much money if it was not broken.

I went to my Vet, yes a Vet and asked him to do Xray-300 baht.

Was a digital Xray,, Vet had a look and confirmed nothing was broken, went to pharmacy, bought some Voltaren tabs and gel and all solved.

Man, when I thought that some people could not get any stingier...smile.png

I have had a couple of really bad experiences in Pattaya Memorial so if you're going to a private hopital I would suggest PIH or BPH.

For me PIH is also out and that was exactly my point. BPH would have been at least 5000 wit doctor fees just to see if broken or not.

Xray is xraythumbsup.gif


I know many people will laugh, but i banged my leg pretty badly one day.

Badly enough for my leg to swell up and turn green/yellow.

To be honest, i felt like a cheap charlie and did not want to waste too much money if it was not broken.

I went to my Vet, yes a Vet and asked him to do Xray-300 baht.

Was a digital Xray,, Vet had a look and confirmed nothing was broken, went to pharmacy, bought some Voltaren tabs and gel and all solved.

Man, when I thought that some people could not get any stingier...smile.png

I have had a couple of really bad experiences in Pattaya Memorial so if you're going to a private hopital I would suggest PIH or BPH.

For me PIH is also out and that was exactly my point. BPH would have been at least 5000 wit doctor fees just to see if broken or not.

Xray is xraythumbsup.gif

Hey, whatever floats your boat manbiggrin.png



File a police report. The Thai (Tourist Police) will give you a report number. They have a process for compensating you for at least a few thousand baht for medical expenses when you present your hospital invoice along with the police report number. I did this and was reimbursed around 3,000 baht. I was living on a O-A One Year Retirement Visa when I was compensated. Good Luck and watch you back from now on.


Did you learn to just avoid Pattaya the most dangerous hellhole in Southeast Asia ? Guess you will be going back as soon as your better.

Seems like some people will never miss the opportunity to 'have a go' at Pattaya no matter how off topic, unsubstantiated, crazy the post is. Grow up.


I had my knees x-rayed at Pattaya International a few years ago. I forget the cost but from the time I arrived to the time I left was only about half an hour. Cleaning up any wounds may take a bit longer but, as already said, that can be done at any nearby clinic for much less money.

One alternative that nobody has mentioned yet is the new Pattaya City Hospital on Soi Buakhaow (for parking you can some in from beside the fire station on 3rd Road. I've no idea what they're like for x-rays but it should be possible to get everything done within a reasonable period of time.



Phayathai Private Hospital in Sri Racha if you can pay. Excellent doctors and treatment.

Big government hospital in Sri Racha. Again, excellent doctors and treatment. Cost mush lower.

Both my friend and myself had poor treatment at Memorial. I contracted an infection while visiting. No anti bacteria gel for visitors or in room.


I went kart racing once for an hour and let it really rip. Needless to say I was thrown around in the seat quite a bit. The result was being in pain for a month due to a bruised rib cage. The fist two weeks I woke up at night when I turned around in bed. Lifting my arms or any movement with my upper body was hell.

I'd definitely go to a hospital if I was you to get an x-ray because fractured ribs could perforated your lungs, intestines, organs etc. which in turn could kill you!

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