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Prayut says drawing foreign interference in Thai internal affairs is an embarrassing act

Lite Beer

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I find it fascinatingly disappointing that so many have ignored the original rhetoric.... The coup is intended to "restore" a democratic constitution. There has been no denial of martial law being imposed and the temporary unelected Govt. is in place to facilitate the outcome. To resist is is to extend the timeframe. TVF members who appear so critical and compare with home country conditions I think should maybe shuffle back home! Few Asian countries actually need long term stayers who minimize expenditure. Even less do they need socially incompetent rejects who assume they are adding something of value purely by their presence. By comparison to tourist spending it pales in value to the country. Expectations and critical comments about what is not yet are pointless because whatever transpires will be Asian in flavour. Thais have been led down a path of dependancy for decades. Now an attempt is being made to find a way to encourage Thais to discover some independancy. If in the process it requires cutting the testicles off the old herders and their trained dogs so be it. I can see that if it can be achieved and serfdom is negated and replaced by democratic freedom then the outcome may unwelcome to many but will be democratic.And the vested interests of "some" international countries and their internal allies may just have to adjust to compliance. I believe that this coup is unlike any previous in that it has been well planned as to the intent of outcome and will not be relented until that is achieved.

" To resist only prolongs the application of change. Support it and if it is wrong will decrease the application time of change and then fail. If it is right it will survive".

how naive or gullible can you get?

it is precisely the claims made by this government that are sending off warning signals.

You seem also to think that this coup was a result of events over the few moths leading up to the event. this is a hugely inaccurate perspective. this junta didn't just pop up out of nowhere they have a past - read up on it!

...and if you think that their main aim is "restoring" a democracy, perhaps you should report for "attitude adjustment"

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I may be naive. But I am at very least an optimist. Where was democracy before? Yes, in the past some individuals have a history ......in history. I am looking at events now......If you look for the age of maturity rather than the history other than how many countries gained democracy by means of mass consensus. The US only gained its "democratic" status by winning the only war it ever has...namely the American Civil War. The intervention current in Thailand has curtailed the public killings of innocents in fear bombings etc. Is th ere democracy in fear tactics to maintain a system of corruption?

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The assistant-secretary diplomat barely said anything, it's what he didn't do.

Being that there have been 3 coups in Thailand in the last decade, the US is not anxious to work out trade relations and things with a military leader who is supposedly temporary. The General said he's temporary at the beginning, so that shouldn't have been a surprise. And the diplomat said that he hopes 'all Thai people can work together and return to democracy'. The Gen uses that same phrase to describe the situation himself, every week.

What the diplomat DID do, was dare to mention that he'd spoken with 2 former PMs, to hear their thoughts, as a way of saying that he'd heard many points of view. That's it. He didn't even use harsh words. All this drama is just over someone listening to a former leader, probably just for a few minutes or something. To the people talking about the US supposedly interfering so badly, that's very childish. When the US interferes, brother, you'll know it :) That hasn't happened yet.

Edited by John1thru10
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We are the world experts in coups having undertaken this action numerous times and although we have yet to resolve any problems or draft a Constitution that we did not eventually repeal, give us time and we will one day get it right.

In the meantime, allow us to prepare a new Constitution that will allow the right people to be elected so that we don't have to have another coup.. Well, for a few years anyway!

We don't need external interference, we can manage to stuff the country up by ourselves and we are very good at pretending it's someone else's fault.

We are the military, we don't want to run the country, we prefer to prance around in our uniforms looking important, playing with guns but not actually doing anything, but to maintain our weath and control we need the right people in power.

Right now that is me, you can call me Director and to tell the truth I kinda like making daily statements that I have no intention of honouring.

Even better still, I like watching you plebs listening to me because you have no choice. Can't stay any longer, Im off to the black magic convention to see just how powerful I will be.

Edited by Reigntax
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The good General's comments are another example of the thin skinned Thai people. He mirrors a good majority of Thais who cannot take a person raising questions, offering suggestions, or your run of the mill criticism. The US, for its part, takes so much guff from the rest of the world. Thailand should maybe learn from a people that can take it.

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He asked for time for his government to resolve all problems of the country and all to respect the justice system.

Government? Does that include the legitmate government he overthrew? Justice system? You mean the same one that makes a coup an act of treason?

He stressed the need to have special law and didn’t want to get into trouble with anybody.

Ah I get it 'special laws' that make it acceptable to commit treason and put aside the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Got it.

He wanted justice for the country and the Thai people, and also for himself as the leader of the government.

Don't you need a democratically elected government for that to work?

He also said criticism from “friendly nations” of his handling of the country would have no impact on his plan to end political conflicts in the country.

So taking advice is not in the interest of the nation but causing a political conflict is providing it's him that does it.

The road to gold is paved with good intentions; I doubt anyone would argue that the previous government was any good but the FACTS are evident ... the YS government WAS duly elected until an illegal act took place that deposed it.

Over the past week the news has been bombarded with tales of more crackdowns, more restrictions, martial law and so forth ... these are all abuses of basic human rights and that TIP report standing isn't going to improve. If he is serious about bringing back democracy then an election needs holding.

They are now walking a very precarious tightrope and it's only going to be a matter of time before the international community will start with sanctions. If you want to be part of the international community and a member of the UN then its time those in power put aside their personal preferences as to who should govern and let the people decide.

I remain convinced, considering Thailand's geographical location, it could be one of the truly great nations in South East Asia but there a few people hell bent on ensuring the rule with impunity.

Government he overthrew by an illegal act? Please put in the real facts, not something you have made up to embellish you post Tell me, who dissolved parliament before the coup took place and then tried to remain in power by assuming the role of interim PM? Legitimate. If you call voter fraud, buying of votes and standover tactics, bashings, threats and killings, legitimate, well what can one say? As far as treason, he was pardoned by the king. So I wouldn't go there if I was you. So your not prepared to give him time to take the country from where it was heading toward the brink of anarchy or possible Civil War that certain people and parties were advocating, to a nation that is not divided. Where did he say that he wanted special laws to make it acceptable to commit treason? Making things up I think. There were no special laws implemented to allow it to be acceptable to commit treason. Certain rules were in place prior to the coup and they were not implemented by the current PM.

No. One does not need a democratically elected government to enable the justice system to work, it is doing so quite well at the moment and those who have acted against the current Thai laws are being brought to justice. Sure he has enacted other laws, which may seem draconian to some, but they have stopped the killings, bombings, shootings, thuggery and the draining of the country's finances by a select few. Insofar as Martial law, good on it, it has shut up the antagonists who were attempting to divide the country for their own benefit. Are you against the peace he has brought to the nation?

I applaud him for standing up to a certain country, one which should look at it's own internal problems before criticizing others. He has guts and as they are unable to control him, they want to join the bandwagon and criticise him. How arrogant and disrespectful of a certain person, who has little if any experience in his portfolio, not to meet with him but decides to meet with certain members of a party, who at the moment have no relevance in Thai politics.

I would has it at a guess that there was no mention of how corruption was running rife whilst they were in power and that they did nothing to fix it or stop the atrocities that were occurring under its regime, I would have told the clown to take a running jump but the PM spoke diplomatically, which I thought was a credit to him. He doesn't need advice from another nation on how to runs the country, especially from a man who knows little. A political conflict? What political conflict has he brought about? He stopped it, if anything, can't you see that?

More crackdowns? More restrictions? Martial law and so forth? What is so forth? What ever he is implementing is to prevent those intent on causing trouble, starting more violence and trying to divide the country by doing so. I think if they did not implement these and more killings took place, then by allowing this then maybe they would be more in breach of human rights, not for what they have implemented now.

Do you really believe that the international community is going to impose sanctions? If you do then I think maybe you're whistling Dixie. Don't you think he is being serious about having elections. I believe he will when he has brought about change for the better. Don't you want the country to be stabilised, the killings to stop and certain people stopped from trying to instigate trouble through issuing divisive statements to a compliant press? So is it the current government you are referring to or the last government because if you look at all of the facts it was the latter and not the former who tried those little tricks so 6they could govern with impunity when they attempted to push through the Amnesty Bill in the early hours of the morning.

This was what saw people rise up in anger and later accept the coup because of what it was bringing to an end. Corruption, nepotism, blatant theft of property and land, the rice pledging scheme, which saw 500 billion plus disappear,. There was also the theft of rice, the middle man and large landholders, who were associated with a certain party, and who received the majority of payments. And we must never forget how often the majority of poorer farmers were lied to about receiving payment, which they never did and caused at least a dozen suicides. The farmers were paid following the coup, so why are you critical of it taking place, that a new government was put in place that stopped all this and the constant bickering from both sides which prevented the country from being governed.

You list many things that you seem to find fault with in the current government but you have never raised one positive aspect that they have implemented, or can't you find any or don't want to? So please, can you tell me, if you reside or work here, has anything that they have undertaken affected you in anyway because in no way has it had any affect on me and many others that I know, both Thais and ex-pats.

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The immortal Robert Burns' " Ode to A Louse" comes to mind:

O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us

To see oursels as ithers see us!

It wad frae mony a blunder free us,

An' foolish notion:

What airs in dress an' gait wad lea'e us,

An' ev'n devotion!

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"He suggested asking all the Thai people what they really want"

That is called elections.

And.....now......if he runs for PM on a free election ...he will be elected by the PEOPLE....

Was very clear that neither the Yellows or the Reds were respecting any laws, and had any intentions to get into any Democratic negotiation.The country was in caos, and people out of control.

The Military didn't had any other option to get in control, and did without violence. Some politicians may be unhappy, but PEOPLE are, if not totally happy, hopeful and calm.

Under Marshall Law, in other countries, even ThaiVisa will be shut down just for holding this Forum.....and the Government forcing residentes to restrain to participate in any local politics discusion...specially foreigners. Prayut is beign very "soft"..believe me...and still "asking", but was very

clear in that. He do not want to use that kind the actions, but its have the power to do it, and said that he will....if feels necessary.

I have hope that Thailand will build a Democracy...a unique one with Thai uniqueness. In the same way that many countries now are under a called Democratic Socialism, and with popular support.

The World is changing.....but some people will not willing to change, and that is OK.

Nothing can be Perfect.

Edited by umbanda
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He asked for time for his government to resolve all problems of the country and all to respect the justice system.

Government? Does that include the legitmate government he overthrew? Justice system? You mean the same one that makes a coup an act of treason?

He stressed the need to have special law and didn’t want to get into trouble with anybody.

Ah I get it 'special laws' that make it acceptable to commit treason and put aside the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Got it.

He wanted justice for the country and the Thai people, and also for himself as the leader of the government.

Don't you need a democratically elected government for that to work?

He also said criticism from “friendly nations” of his handling of the country would have no impact on his plan to end political conflicts in the country.

So taking advice is not in the interest of the nation but causing a political conflict is providing it's him that does it.

The road to gold is paved with good intentions; I doubt anyone would argue that the previous government was any good but the FACTS are evident ... the YS government WAS duly elected until an illegal act took place that deposed it.

Over the past week the news has been bombarded with tales of more crackdowns, more restrictions, martial law and so forth ... these are all abuses of basic human rights and that TIP report standing isn't going to improve. If he is serious about bringing back democracy then an election needs holding.

They are now walking a very precarious tightrope and it's only going to be a matter of time before the international community will start with sanctions. If you want to be part of the international community and a member of the UN then its time those in power put aside their personal preferences as to who should govern and let the people decide.

I remain convinced, considering Thailand's geographical location, it could be one of the truly great nations in South East Asia but there a few people hell bent on ensuring the rule with impunity.

Government he overthrew by an illegal act? Please put in the real facts, not something you have made up to embellish you post Tell me, who dissolved parliament before the coup took place and then tried to remain in power by assuming the role of interim PM? Legitimate. If you call voter fraud, buying of votes and standover tactics, bashings, threats and killings, legitimate, well what can one say? As far as treason, he was pardoned by the king. So I wouldn't go there if I was you. So your not prepared to give him time to take the country from where it was heading toward the brink of anarchy or possible Civil War that certain people and parties were advocating, to a nation that is not divided. Where did he say that he wanted special laws to make it acceptable to commit treason? Making things up I think. There were no special laws implemented to allow it to be acceptable to commit treason. Certain rules were in place prior to the coup and they were not implemented by the current PM.

No. One does not need a democratically elected government to enable the justice system to work, it is doing so quite well at the moment and those who have acted against the current Thai laws are being brought to justice. Sure he has enacted other laws, which may seem draconian to some, but they have stopped the killings, bombings, shootings, thuggery and the draining of the country's finances by a select few. Insofar as Martial law, good on it, it has shut up the antagonists who were attempting to divide the country for their own benefit. Are you against the peace he has brought to the nation?

I applaud him for standing up to a certain country, one which should look at it's own internal problems before criticizing others. He has guts and as they are unable to control him, they want to join the bandwagon and criticise him. How arrogant and disrespectful of a certain person, who has little if any experience in his portfolio, not to meet with him but decides to meet with certain members of a party, who at the moment have no relevance in Thai politics.

I would has it at a guess that there was no mention of how corruption was running rife whilst they were in power and that they did nothing to fix it or stop the atrocities that were occurring under its regime, I would have told the clown to take a running jump but the PM spoke diplomatically, which I thought was a credit to him. He doesn't need advice from another nation on how to runs the country, especially from a man who knows little. A political conflict? What political conflict has he brought about? He stopped it, if anything, can't you see that?

More crackdowns? More restrictions? Martial law and so forth? What is so forth? What ever he is implementing is to prevent those intent on causing trouble, starting more violence and trying to divide the country by doing so. I think if they did not implement these and more killings took place, then by allowing this then maybe they would be more in breach of human rights, not for what they have implemented now.

Do you really believe that the international community is going to impose sanctions? If you do then I think maybe you're whistling Dixie. Don't you think he is being serious about having elections. I believe he will when he has brought about change for the better. Don't you want the country to be stabilised, the killings to stop and certain people stopped from trying to instigate trouble through issuing divisive statements to a compliant press? So is it the current government you are referring to or the last government because if you look at all of the facts it was the latter and not the former who tried those little tricks so 6they could govern with impunity when they attempted to push through the Amnesty Bill in the early hours of the morning.

This was what saw people rise up in anger and later accept the coup because of what it was bringing to an end. Corruption, nepotism, blatant theft of property and land, the rice pledging scheme, which saw 500 billion plus disappear,. There was also the theft of rice, the middle man and large landholders, who were associated with a certain party, and who received the majority of payments. And we must never forget how often the majority of poorer farmers were lied to about receiving payment, which they never did and caused at least a dozen suicides. The farmers were paid following the coup, so why are you critical of it taking place, that a new government was put in place that stopped all this and the constant bickering from both sides which prevented the country from being governed.

You list many things that you seem to find fault with in the current government but you have never raised one positive aspect that they have implemented, or can't you find any or don't want to? So please, can you tell me, if you reside or work here, has anything that they have undertaken affected you in anyway because in no way has it had any affect on me and many others that I know, both Thais and ex-pats.

I can name one very real way it has affected people, both Thai and otherwise: no more freedom of speech. Your answer is to categorize all Thai people as either in complete agreement, or a horrible criminal. And that is a major weakness in your position.

Wow. One whole aspect out of everything I mentioned, that is all you can come up with? How has this affected you? Hasn't affected me but it may affect others who want to be divisive or threaten to cause trouble because they can't accept reality. And those it affects I would suggest are Thai nationals, the otherwise I have no idea who or what you are referring to.. Show me where I categorised in an answer that all Thai people are in complete agreement or a horrible criminal. What do you mean by horrible criminal? I have no idea what your are on about but please, if you want to decry what I have posted then do so legitimately and do not twist my words. As for having a weakness in my position, I would say the shoe is on the other foot.

Why? Because you have no argument, no facts, and only come up with one rule that was implemented. Are you able to sustain you beliefs with hard cold facts, not the drivel you have just posted. You lot are all the same, when it comes to articulating your side, you cannot and you avoid the truth like the plague because you have no answers. So don't tell me I have a weakness in my position, not until you can acknowledge some of the truths that I have stated. But you won't do that will you? Because by not doing so you only prove the weakness in your character, not in my position.

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He asked for time for his government to resolve all problems of the country and all to respect the justice system.

Government? Does that include the legitmate government he overthrew? Justice system? You mean the same one that makes a coup an act of treason?

He stressed the need to have special law and didnt want to get into trouble with anybody.

Ah I get it 'special laws' that make it acceptable to commit treason and put aside the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Got it.

He wanted justice for the country and the Thai people, and also for himself as the leader of the government.

Don't you need a democratically elected government for that to work?

He also said criticism from friendly nations of his handling of the country would have no impact on his plan to end political conflicts in the country.

So taking advice is not in the interest of the nation but causing a political conflict is providing it's him that does it.

The road to gold is paved with good intentions; I doubt anyone would argue that the previous government was any good but the FACTS are evident ... the YS government WAS duly elected until an illegal act took place that deposed it.

Over the past week the news has been bombarded with tales of more crackdowns, more restrictions, martial law and so forth ... these are all abuses of basic human rights and that TIP report standing isn't going to improve. If he is serious about bringing back democracy then an election needs holding.

They are now walking a very precarious tightrope and it's only going to be a matter of time before the international community will start with sanctions. If you want to be part of the international community and a member of the UN then its time those in power put aside their personal preferences as to who should govern and let the people decide.

I remain convinced, considering Thailand's geographical location, it could be one of the truly great nations in South East Asia but there a few people hell bent on ensuring the rule with impunity.

Government he overthrew by an illegal act? Please put in the real facts, not something you have made up to embellish you post Tell me, who dissolved parliament before the coup took place and then tried to remain in power by assuming the role of interim PM? Legitimate. If you call voter fraud, buying of votes and standover tactics, bashings, threats and killings, legitimate, well what can one say? As far as treason, he was pardoned by the king. So I wouldn't go there if I was you. So your not prepared to give him time to take the country from where it was heading toward the brink of anarchy or possible Civil War that certain people and parties were advocating, to a nation that is not divided. Where did he say that he wanted special laws to make it acceptable to commit treason? Making things up I think. There were no special laws implemented to allow it to be acceptable to commit treason. Certain rules were in place prior to the coup and they were not implemented by the current PM.

No. One does not need a democratically elected government to enable the justice system to work, it is doing so quite well at the moment and those who have acted against the current Thai laws are being brought to justice. Sure he has enacted other laws, which may seem draconian to some, but they have stopped the killings, bombings, shootings, thuggery and the draining of the country's finances by a select few. Insofar as Martial law, good on it, it has shut up the antagonists who were attempting to divide the country for their own benefit. Are you against the peace he has brought to the nation?

I applaud him for standing up to a certain country, one which should look at it's own internal problems before criticizing others. He has guts and as they are unable to control him, they want to join the bandwagon and criticise him. How arrogant and disrespectful of a certain person, who has little if any experience in his portfolio, not to meet with him but decides to meet with certain members of a party, who at the moment have no relevance in Thai politics.

I would has it at a guess that there was no mention of how corruption was running rife whilst they were in power and that they did nothing to fix it or stop the atrocities that were occurring under its regime, I would have told the clown to take a running jump but the PM spoke diplomatically, which I thought was a credit to him. He doesn't need advice from another nation on how to runs the country, especially from a man who knows little. A political conflict? What political conflict has he brought about? He stopped it, if anything, can't you see that?

More crackdowns? More restrictions? Martial law and so forth? What is so forth? What ever he is implementing is to prevent those intent on causing trouble, starting more violence and trying to divide the country by doing so. I think if they did not implement these and more killings took place, then by allowing this then maybe they would be more in breach of human rights, not for what they have implemented now.

Do you really believe that the international community is going to impose sanctions? If you do then I think maybe you're whistling Dixie. Don't you think he is being serious about having elections. I believe he will when he has brought about change for the better. Don't you want the country to be stabilised, the killings to stop and certain people stopped from trying to instigate trouble through issuing divisive statements to a compliant press? So is it the current government you are referring to or the last government because if you look at all of the facts it was the latter and not the former who tried those little tricks so 6they could govern with impunity when they attempted to push through the Amnesty Bill in the early hours of the morning.

This was what saw people rise up in anger and later accept the coup because of what it was bringing to an end. Corruption, nepotism, blatant theft of property and land, the rice pledging scheme, which saw 500 billion plus disappear,. There was also the theft of rice, the middle man and large landholders, who were associated with a certain party, and who received the majority of payments. And we must never forget how often the majority of poorer farmers were lied to about receiving payment, which they never did and caused at least a dozen suicides. The farmers were paid following the coup, so why are you critical of it taking place, that a new government was put in place that stopped all this and the constant bickering from both sides which prevented the country from being governed.

You list many things that you seem to find fault with in the current government but you have never raised one positive aspect that they have implemented, or can't you find any or don't want to? So please, can you tell me, if you reside or work here, has anything that they have undertaken affected you in anyway because in no way has it had any affect on me and many others that I know, both Thais and ex-pats.

I can name one very real way it has affected people, both Thai and otherwise: no more freedom of speech. Your answer is to categorize all Thai people as either in complete agreement, or a horrible criminal. And that is a major weakness in your position.

Wow. One whole aspect out of everything I mentioned, that is all you can come up with? How has this affected you? Hasn't affected me but it may affect others who want to be divisive or threaten to cause trouble because they can't accept reality. And those it affects I would suggest are Thai nationals, the otherwise I have no idea who or what you are referring to.. Show me where I categorised in an answer that all Thai people are in complete agreement or a horrible criminal. What do you mean by horrible criminal? I have no idea what your are on about but please, if you want to decry what I have posted then do so legitimately and do not twist my words. As for having a weakness in my position, I would say the shoe is on the other foot.

Why? Because you have no argument, no facts, and only come up with one rule that was implemented. Are you able to sustain you beliefs with hard cold facts, not the drivel you have just posted. You lot are all the same, when it comes to articulating your side, you cannot and you avoid the truth like the plague because you have no answers. So don't tell me I have a weakness in my position, not until you can acknowledge some of the truths that I have stated. But you won't do that will you? Because by not doing so you only prove the weakness in your character, not in my position.

Oh Wow ! Ignorance and illiteracy combined does not give your point much credibility I'm afraid !!

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He asked for time for his government to resolve all problems of the country and all to respect the justice system.

Government? Does that include the legitmate government he overthrew? Justice system? You mean the same one that makes a coup an act of treason?

He stressed the need to have special law and didn’t want to get into trouble with anybody.

Ah I get it 'special laws' that make it acceptable to commit treason and put aside the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Got it.

He wanted justice for the country and the Thai people, and also for himself as the leader of the government.

Don't you need a democratically elected government for that to work?

He also said criticism from “friendly nations” of his handling of the country would have no impact on his plan to end political conflicts in the country.

So taking advice is not in the interest of the nation but causing a political conflict is providing it's him that does it.

The road to gold is paved with good intentions; I doubt anyone would argue that the previous government was any good but the FACTS are evident ... the YS government WAS duly elected until an illegal act took place that deposed it.

Over the past week the news has been bombarded with tales of more crackdowns, more restrictions, martial law and so forth ... these are all abuses of basic human rights and that TIP report standing isn't going to improve. If he is serious about bringing back democracy then an election needs holding.

They are now walking a very precarious tightrope and it's only going to be a matter of time before the international community will start with sanctions. If you want to be part of the international community and a member of the UN then its time those in power put aside their personal preferences as to who should govern and let the people decide.

I remain convinced, considering Thailand's geographical location, it could be one of the truly great nations in South East Asia but there a few people hell bent on ensuring the rule with impunity.

Government he overthrew by an illegal act? Please put in the real facts, not something you have made up to embellish you post Tell me, who dissolved parliament before the coup took place and then tried to remain in power by assuming the role of interim PM? Legitimate. If you call voter fraud, buying of votes and standover tactics, bashings, threats and killings, legitimate, well what can one say? As far as treason, he was pardoned by the king. So I wouldn't go there if I was you. So your not prepared to give him time to take the country from where it was heading toward the brink of anarchy or possible Civil War that certain people and parties were advocating, to a nation that is not divided. Where did he say that he wanted special laws to make it acceptable to commit treason? Making things up I think. There were no special laws implemented to allow it to be acceptable to commit treason. Certain rules were in place prior to the coup and they were not implemented by the current PM.

No. One does not need a democratically elected government to enable the justice system to work, it is doing so quite well at the moment and those who have acted against the current Thai laws are being brought to justice. Sure he has enacted other laws, which may seem draconian to some, but they have stopped the killings, bombings, shootings, thuggery and the draining of the country's finances by a select few. Insofar as Martial law, good on it, it has shut up the antagonists who were attempting to divide the country for their own benefit. Are you against the peace he has brought to the nation?

I applaud him for standing up to a certain country, one which should look at it's own internal problems before criticizing others. He has guts and as they are unable to control him, they want to join the bandwagon and criticise him. How arrogant and disrespectful of a certain person, who has little if any experience in his portfolio, not to meet with him but decides to meet with certain members of a party, who at the moment have no relevance in Thai politics.

I would has it at a guess that there was no mention of how corruption was running rife whilst they were in power and that they did nothing to fix it or stop the atrocities that were occurring under its regime, I would have told the clown to take a running jump but the PM spoke diplomatically, which I thought was a credit to him. He doesn't need advice from another nation on how to runs the country, especially from a man who knows little. A political conflict? What political conflict has he brought about? He stopped it, if anything, can't you see that?

More crackdowns? More restrictions? Martial law and so forth? What is so forth? What ever he is implementing is to prevent those intent on causing trouble, starting more violence and trying to divide the country by doing so. I think if they did not implement these and more killings took place, then by allowing this then maybe they would be more in breach of human rights, not for what they have implemented now.

Do you really believe that the international community is going to impose sanctions? If you do then I think maybe you're whistling Dixie. Don't you think he is being serious about having elections. I believe he will when he has brought about change for the better. Don't you want the country to be stabilised, the killings to stop and certain people stopped from trying to instigate trouble through issuing divisive statements to a compliant press? So is it the current government you are referring to or the last government because if you look at all of the facts it was the latter and not the former who tried those little tricks so 6they could govern with impunity when they attempted to push through the Amnesty Bill in the early hours of the morning.

This was what saw people rise up in anger and later accept the coup because of what it was bringing to an end. Corruption, nepotism, blatant theft of property and land, the rice pledging scheme, which saw 500 billion plus disappear,. There was also the theft of rice, the middle man and large landholders, who were associated with a certain party, and who received the majority of payments. And we must never forget how often the majority of poorer farmers were lied to about receiving payment, which they never did and caused at least a dozen suicides. The farmers were paid following the coup, so why are you critical of it taking place, that a new government was put in place that stopped all this and the constant bickering from both sides which prevented the country from being governed.

You list many things that you seem to find fault with in the current government but you have never raised one positive aspect that they have implemented, or can't you find any or don't want to? So please, can you tell me, if you reside or work here, has anything that they have undertaken affected you in anyway because in no way has it had any affect on me and many others that I know, both Thais and ex-pats.

I can name one very real way it has affected people, both Thai and otherwise: no more freedom of speech. Your answer is to categorize all Thai people as either in complete agreement, or a horrible criminal. And that is a major weakness in your position.

Wow. One whole aspect out of everything I mentioned, that is all you can come up with? How has this affected you? Hasn't affected me but it may affect others who want to be divisive or threaten to cause trouble because they can't accept reality. And those it affects I would suggest are Thai nationals, the otherwise I have no idea who or what you are referring to.. Show me where I categorised in an answer that all Thai people are in complete agreement or a horrible criminal. What do you mean by horrible criminal? I have no idea what your are on about but please, if you want to decry what I have posted then do so legitimately and do not twist my words. As for having a weakness in my position, I would say the shoe is on the other foot.

Why? Because you have no argument, no facts, and only come up with one rule that was implemented. Are you able to sustain you beliefs with hard cold facts, not the drivel you have just posted. You lot are all the same, when it comes to articulating your side, you cannot and you avoid the truth like the plague because you have no answers. So don't tell me I have a weakness in my position, not until you can acknowledge some of the truths that I have stated. But you won't do that will you? Because by not doing so you only prove the weakness in your character, not in my position.

Yeah...that 'one little thing'. The most basic element of any positive society, and only all of human history disagrees with you. But really, no need to keep it in mind: they're just little brown people, so it's not like they deserve the rights that you have, or something extreme like that. You truly display exceptional character, sir.

Edited by John1thru10
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He asked for time for his government to resolve all problems of the country and all to respect the justice system.

Government? Does that include the legitmate government he overthrew? Justice system? You mean the same one that makes a coup an act of treason?

He stressed the need to have special law and didn’t want to get into trouble with anybody.

Ah I get it 'special laws' that make it acceptable to commit treason and put aside the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Got it.

He wanted justice for the country and the Thai people, and also for himself as the leader of the government.

Don't you need a democratically elected government for that to work?

He also said criticism from “friendly nations” of his handling of the country would have no impact on his plan to end political conflicts in the country.

So taking advice is not in the interest of the nation but causing a political conflict is providing it's him that does it.

The road to gold is paved with good intentions; I doubt anyone would argue that the previous government was any good but the FACTS are evident ... the YS government WAS duly elected until an illegal act took place that deposed it.

Over the past week the news has been bombarded with tales of more crackdowns, more restrictions, martial law and so forth ... these are all abuses of basic human rights and that TIP report standing isn't going to improve. If he is serious about bringing back democracy then an election needs holding.

They are now walking a very precarious tightrope and it's only going to be a matter of time before the international community will start with sanctions. If you want to be part of the international community and a member of the UN then its time those in power put aside their personal preferences as to who should govern and let the people decide.

I remain convinced, considering Thailand's geographical location, it could be one of the truly great nations in South East Asia but there a few people hell bent on ensuring the rule with impunity.

Government he overthrew by an illegal act? Please put in the real facts, not something you have made up to embellish you post Tell me, who dissolved parliament before the coup took place and then tried to remain in power by assuming the role of interim PM? Legitimate. If you call voter fraud, buying of votes and standover tactics, bashings, threats and killings, legitimate, well what can one say? As far as treason, he was pardoned by the king. So I wouldn't go there if I was you. So your not prepared to give him time to take the country from where it was heading toward the brink of anarchy or possible Civil War that certain people and parties were advocating, to a nation that is not divided. Where did he say that he wanted special laws to make it acceptable to commit treason? Making things up I think. There were no special laws implemented to allow it to be acceptable to commit treason. Certain rules were in place prior to the coup and they were not implemented by the current PM.

No. One does not need a democratically elected government to enable the justice system to work, it is doing so quite well at the moment and those who have acted against the current Thai laws are being brought to justice. Sure he has enacted other laws, which may seem draconian to some, but they have stopped the killings, bombings, shootings, thuggery and the draining of the country's finances by a select few. Insofar as Martial law, good on it, it has shut up the antagonists who were attempting to divide the country for their own benefit. Are you against the peace he has brought to the nation?

I applaud him for standing up to a certain country, one which should look at it's own internal problems before criticizing others. He has guts and as they are unable to control him, they want to join the bandwagon and criticise him. How arrogant and disrespectful of a certain person, who has little if any experience in his portfolio, not to meet with him but decides to meet with certain members of a party, who at the moment have no relevance in Thai politics.

I would has it at a guess that there was no mention of how corruption was running rife whilst they were in power and that they did nothing to fix it or stop the atrocities that were occurring under its regime, I would have told the clown to take a running jump but the PM spoke diplomatically, which I thought was a credit to him. He doesn't need advice from another nation on how to runs the country, especially from a man who knows little. A political conflict? What political conflict has he brought about? He stopped it, if anything, can't you see that?

More crackdowns? More restrictions? Martial law and so forth? What is so forth? What ever he is implementing is to prevent those intent on causing trouble, starting more violence and trying to divide the country by doing so. I think if they did not implement these and more killings took place, then by allowing this then maybe they would be more in breach of human rights, not for what they have implemented now.

Do you really believe that the international community is going to impose sanctions? If you do then I think maybe you're whistling Dixie. Don't you think he is being serious about having elections. I believe he will when he has brought about change for the better. Don't you want the country to be stabilised, the killings to stop and certain people stopped from trying to instigate trouble through issuing divisive statements to a compliant press? So is it the current government you are referring to or the last government because if you look at all of the facts it was the latter and not the former who tried those little tricks so 6they could govern with impunity when they attempted to push through the Amnesty Bill in the early hours of the morning.

This was what saw people rise up in anger and later accept the coup because of what it was bringing to an end. Corruption, nepotism, blatant theft of property and land, the rice pledging scheme, which saw 500 billion plus disappear,. There was also the theft of rice, the middle man and large landholders, who were associated with a certain party, and who received the majority of payments. And we must never forget how often the majority of poorer farmers were lied to about receiving payment, which they never did and caused at least a dozen suicides. The farmers were paid following the coup, so why are you critical of it taking place, that a new government was put in place that stopped all this and the constant bickering from both sides which prevented the country from being governed.

You list many things that you seem to find fault with in the current government but you have never raised one positive aspect that they have implemented, or can't you find any or don't want to? So please, can you tell me, if you reside or work here, has anything that they have undertaken affected you in anyway because in no way has it had any affect on me and many others that I know, both Thais and ex-pats.

I can name one very real way it has affected people, both Thai and otherwise: no more freedom of speech. Your answer is to categorize all Thai people as either in complete agreement (with you) or a criminal. It's impossible to respect a view which demands an end to freedom of speech, in any circumstance.

Changed your script from the original post have we? Reads a little better. How in the hell would I be able to categorize all Thai people as being in complete agreement with me? A foolish response, don't you think? Are you that blind that you are unable to see why this was implemented? You still have freedom of speech, just be careful of what you say. or where you say it..

Any where there is freedom of speech you can still suffer consequences if you defame someone, and now under certain terrorism laws, if you try to incite violence, cause an act of aggression or cause harm to others via various acts, you can be punished. I know we are talking about Thailand but just look at the Australian Racial Discrimination act, 18C. No free speech there I can assure you.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I am a farang from the US, and do not see threat to Thailand face because US has a few representitives to convey their thoughts! I agree Thailand should be able to conduct their bussiness with out actual interferance from outside influence. But, as far as that democratically Govt that took office, that was a complete joke! No one from the rural village did much of anything without being paid Payments and threats won the last election, and although this only my opinion and thoughts, I'm glad to see the military step in and help sort out a certain family from power. Sometimes you have spank the kids to get them listen, and I hope all goes with eyes wide open and see why this govt had to take over, and maybe they can now have a real democratically run election. The general is simply trying to rid out some of the riff raff, and he is doing it the only way it can realisticley be done! Again all this is my opinion!

And it's an incredibly patronising one at that. You're suggesting the Bangkok and southern elite are the only ones with the intelligence and integrity to vote honestly. No, you're not just patronising, you're a patronising fool.

Seriously you are from the USA and speak such pigeon? Get for <deleted> real and stop your trolling!

I thought the exact same thing.

Me too.

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I find it fascinatingly disappointing that so many have ignored the original rhetoric.... The coup is intended to "restore" a democratic constitution. There has been no denial of martial law being imposed and the temporary unelected Govt. is in place to facilitate the outcome. To resist is is to extend the timeframe. TVF members who appear so critical and compare with home country conditions I think should maybe shuffle back home! Few Asian countries actually need long term stayers who minimize expenditure. Even less do they need socially incompetent rejects who assume they are adding something of value purely by their presence. By comparison to tourist spending it pales in value to the country. Expectations and critical comments about what is not yet are pointless because whatever transpires will be Asian in flavour. Thais have been led down a path of dependancy for decades. Now an attempt is being made to find a way to encourage Thais to discover some independancy. If in the process it requires cutting the testicles off the old herders and their trained dogs so be it. I can see that if it can be achieved and serfdom is negated and replaced by democratic freedom then the outcome may unwelcome to many but will be democratic.And the vested interests of "some" international countries and their internal allies may just have to adjust to compliance. I believe that this coup is unlike any previous in that it has been well planned as to the intent of outcome and will not be relented until that is achieved.

" To resist only prolongs the application of change. Support it and if it is wrong will decrease the application time of change and then fail. If it is right it will survive".

or in other words, "resistance if futile".... wink.png

Seriously, if you think that this coup is different, then that is your perspective. I very much disagree with that. This coup follows the pattern of coups and the iron-grip of control on the nation that the military have exerted essentially with only the briefest interruptions since 1932.

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He asked for time for his government to resolve all problems of the country and all to respect the justice system.

Government? Does that include the legitmate government he overthrew? Justice system? You mean the same one that makes a coup an act of treason?

He stressed the need to have special law and didn’t want to get into trouble with anybody.

Ah I get it 'special laws' that make it acceptable to commit treason and put aside the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Got it.

He wanted justice for the country and the Thai people, and also for himself as the leader of the government.

Don't you need a democratically elected government for that to work?

He also said criticism from “friendly nations” of his handling of the country would have no impact on his plan to end political conflicts in the country.

So taking advice is not in the interest of the nation but causing a political conflict is providing it's him that does it.

The road to gold is paved with good intentions; I doubt anyone would argue that the previous government was any good but the FACTS are evident ... the YS government WAS duly elected until an illegal act took place that deposed it.

Over the past week the news has been bombarded with tales of more crackdowns, more restrictions, martial law and so forth ... these are all abuses of basic human rights and that TIP report standing isn't going to improve. If he is serious about bringing back democracy then an election needs holding.

They are now walking a very precarious tightrope and it's only going to be a matter of time before the international community will start with sanctions. If you want to be part of the international community and a member of the UN then its time those in power put aside their personal preferences as to who should govern and let the people decide.

I remain convinced, considering Thailand's geographical location, it could be one of the truly great nations in South East Asia but there a few people hell bent on ensuring the rule with impunity.

Government he overthrew by an illegal act? Please put in the real facts, not something you have made up to embellish you post Tell me, who dissolved parliament before the coup took place and then tried to remain in power by assuming the role of interim PM? Legitimate. If you call voter fraud, buying of votes and standover tactics, bashings, threats and killings, legitimate, well what can one say? As far as treason, he was pardoned by the king. So I wouldn't go there if I was you. So your not prepared to give him time to take the country from where it was heading toward the brink of anarchy or possible Civil War that certain people and parties were advocating, to a nation that is not divided. Where did he say that he wanted special laws to make it acceptable to commit treason? Making things up I think. There were no special laws implemented to allow it to be acceptable to commit treason. Certain rules were in place prior to the coup and they were not implemented by the current PM.

No. One does not need a democratically elected government to enable the justice system to work, it is doing so quite well at the moment and those who have acted against the current Thai laws are being brought to justice. Sure he has enacted other laws, which may seem draconian to some, but they have stopped the killings, bombings, shootings, thuggery and the draining of the country's finances by a select few. Insofar as Martial law, good on it, it has shut up the antagonists who were attempting to divide the country for their own benefit. Are you against the peace he has brought to the nation?

I applaud him for standing up to a certain country, one which should look at it's own internal problems before criticizing others. He has guts and as they are unable to control him, they want to join the bandwagon and criticise him. How arrogant and disrespectful of a certain person, who has little if any experience in his portfolio, not to meet with him but decides to meet with certain members of a party, who at the moment have no relevance in Thai politics.

I would has it at a guess that there was no mention of how corruption was running rife whilst they were in power and that they did nothing to fix it or stop the atrocities that were occurring under its regime, I would have told the clown to take a running jump but the PM spoke diplomatically, which I thought was a credit to him. He doesn't need advice from another nation on how to runs the country, especially from a man who knows little. A political conflict? What political conflict has he brought about? He stopped it, if anything, can't you see that?

More crackdowns? More restrictions? Martial law and so forth? What is so forth? What ever he is implementing is to prevent those intent on causing trouble, starting more violence and trying to divide the country by doing so. I think if they did not implement these and more killings took place, then by allowing this then maybe they would be more in breach of human rights, not for what they have implemented now.

Do you really believe that the international community is going to impose sanctions? If you do then I think maybe you're whistling Dixie. Don't you think he is being serious about having elections. I believe he will when he has brought about change for the better. Don't you want the country to be stabilised, the killings to stop and certain people stopped from trying to instigate trouble through issuing divisive statements to a compliant press? So is it the current government you are referring to or the last government because if you look at all of the facts it was the latter and not the former who tried those little tricks so 6they could govern with impunity when they attempted to push through the Amnesty Bill in the early hours of the morning.

This was what saw people rise up in anger and later accept the coup because of what it was bringing to an end. Corruption, nepotism, blatant theft of property and land, the rice pledging scheme, which saw 500 billion plus disappear,. There was also the theft of rice, the middle man and large landholders, who were associated with a certain party, and who received the majority of payments. And we must never forget how often the majority of poorer farmers were lied to about receiving payment, which they never did and caused at least a dozen suicides. The farmers were paid following the coup, so why are you critical of it taking place, that a new government was put in place that stopped all this and the constant bickering from both sides which prevented the country from being governed.

You list many things that you seem to find fault with in the current government but you have never raised one positive aspect that they have implemented, or can't you find any or don't want to? So please, can you tell me, if you reside or work here, has anything that they have undertaken affected you in anyway because in no way has it had any affect on me and many others that I know, both Thais and ex-pats.

I can name one very real way it has affected people, both Thai and otherwise: no more freedom of speech. Your answer is to categorize all Thai people as either in complete agreement (with you) or a criminal. It's impossible to respect a view which demands an end to freedom of speech, in any circumstance.

Changed your script from the original post have we? Reads a little better. How in the hell would I be able to categorize all Thai people as being in complete agreement with me? A foolish response, don't you think? Are you that blind that you are unable to see why this was implemented? You still have freedom of speech, just be careful of what you say. or where you say it..

Any where there is freedom of speech you can still suffer consequences if you defame someone, and now under certain terrorism laws, if you try to incite violence, cause an act of aggression or cause harm to others via various acts, you can be punished. I know we are talking about Thailand but just look at the Australian Racial Discrimination act, 18C. No free speech there I can assure you.

You do sound pretty foolish, I can agree with that. Ok, let's see what else is here now...'anywhere' is a word I see you trying to spell. You know, reading is a good thing, I'll just add; you'd be able to spell if you were well read. Ok, scanning the rest now...there's another ridiculously untrue statement in excuse re: other countries, and....AH HA! I see at the end you're getting right down to it, and complaining about civil rights acts. So, you're an Australian and you're angry for having seen a civil rights act implemented there; Got'chya. Have a good time with those thoughts.

Edited by John1thru10
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The General does not want his dictatorship criticised, he knows best and he will not tolerate foreign interference. It won't be long before the General closes down more of the free press and starts to restrict journalists entering Thailand. It's starting to look and act more and more like Myanmar use to be every day.

I am no longer in Thailand (after 7 years of stay). But, very concerned about what is happening there right now.

I agree with many of the posts - stating that things may become quite bad for farangs in the no so distant future.

This man and his team are ruling with an iron fist and it is clear that they are not tolerant of any person, organization or country

that speaks out against his military coup and rule.

Therefore, I suggest that those people who are posting on this site or any others, - to be careful.

This guy is dangerous. I know that this site is read daily by the cronies.

I just hope they do not get access to the identities of the people writing who also live in Thailand.

Not being paranoid, - just foresee that this could be on his mind.

Use the web and international publications, - cover your identity well. Just a thought / suggestion.

There are countries that do hunt down people who they deem to be threatening to the dictator style rule.

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I find it fascinatingly disappointing that so many have ignored the original rhetoric.... The coup is intended to "restore" a democratic constitution. There has been no denial of martial law being imposed and the temporary unelected Govt. is in place to facilitate the outcome. To resist is is to extend the timeframe. TVF members who appear so critical and compare with home country conditions I think should maybe shuffle back home! Few Asian countries actually need long term stayers who minimize expenditure. Even less do they need socially incompetent rejects who assume they are adding something of value purely by their presence. By comparison to tourist spending it pales in value to the country. Expectations and critical comments about what is not yet are pointless because whatever transpires will be Asian in flavour. Thais have been led down a path of dependancy for decades. Now an attempt is being made to find a way to encourage Thais to discover some independancy. If in the process it requires cutting the testicles off the old herders and their trained dogs so be it. I can see that if it can be achieved and serfdom is negated and replaced by democratic freedom then the outcome may unwelcome to many but will be democratic.And the vested interests of "some" international countries and their internal allies may just have to adjust to compliance. I believe that this coup is unlike any previous in that it has been well planned as to the intent of outcome and will not be relented until that is achieved.

" To resist only prolongs the application of change. Support it and if it is wrong will decrease the application time of change and then fail. If it is right it will survive".

or in other words, "resistance if futile".... wink.png

Seriously, if you think that this coup is different, then that is your perspective. I very much disagree with that. This coup follows the pattern of coups and the iron-grip of control on the nation that the military have exerted essentially with only the briefest interruptions since 1932.

is coup IS different - of course it LOOks the same, but it would wouldn't it....that's what they want you to think.


Look at the history and look at who is REALLY involved...this is not a 2 sided fight.

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So I have lack of knowledge or information and I cannot read or write, is that what you are trying to say? I suggest that you understand the definition of the words you are using because you clearly don't. You, like many others, have no argument, avoid all the issues and cannot accept the truth, and not being happy with that you start to get personal. Oh, I also noticed that you and you partner are postings likes for each other, a gang up I imagine. On that note, please feel free to post what you like because it is evident that you and your friend have a deep seated prejudice and no matter what you will never acknowledge anything that does not conform to you way of thinking.

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I find it fascinatingly disappointing that so many have ignored the original rhetoric.... The coup is intended to "restore" a democratic constitution. There has been no denial of martial law being imposed and the temporary unelected Govt. is in place to facilitate the outcome. To resist is is to extend the timeframe. TVF members who appear so critical and compare with home country conditions I think should maybe shuffle back home! Few Asian countries actually need long term stayers who minimize expenditure. Even less do they need socially incompetent rejects who assume they are adding something of value purely by their presence. By comparison to tourist spending it pales in value to the country. Expectations and critical comments about what is not yet are pointless because whatever transpires will be Asian in flavour. Thais have been led down a path of dependancy for decades. Now an attempt is being made to find a way to encourage Thais to discover some independancy. If in the process it requires cutting the testicles off the old herders and their trained dogs so be it. I can see that if it can be achieved and serfdom is negated and replaced by democratic freedom then the outcome may unwelcome to many but will be democratic.And the vested interests of "some" international countries and their internal allies may just have to adjust to compliance. I believe that this coup is unlike any previous in that it has been well planned as to the intent of outcome and will not be relented until that is achieved.

" To resist only prolongs the application of change. Support it and if it is wrong will decrease the application time of change and then fail. If it is right it will survive".

or in other words, "resistance if futile".... wink.png

Seriously, if you think that this coup is different, then that is your perspective. I very much disagree with that. This coup follows the pattern of coups and the iron-grip of control on the nation that the military have exerted essentially with only the briefest interruptions since 1932.

is coup IS different - of course it LOOks the same, but it would wouldn't it....that's what they want you to think.


Look at the history and look at who is REALLY involved...this is not a 2 sided fight.

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So I have lack of knowledge or information and I cannot read or write, is that what you are trying to say? I suggest that you understand the definition of the words you are using because you clearly don't. You, like many others, have no argument, avoid all the issues and cannot accept the truth, and not being happy with that you start to get personal. Oh, I also noticed that you and you partner are postings likes for each other, a gang up I imagine. On that note, please feel free to post what you like because it is evident that you and your friend have a deep seated prejudice and no matter what you will never acknowledge anything that does not conform to you way of thinking.

Sir, your post was rambling and nonsensical . Paragraphs are there for your use !

Why don't you use them ?

Furthemore I do not have a 'partner' as you put it, nor do I have any deep seated prejudice ! I am an observer and interested person only ....

Actually this is my first post on the subject!!

However I have been here over 25 years and it is abundantly clear to me what is happening......again !

You have purely a superficial knowledge of Thailand and its politics and in such matters you are indeed ignorant.

That is a simple fact which you clearly prove by the superficial nature of your argument

However, I do commend you for the courtesy of your reply...

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To me what he said made clear common sense and exhibited strong but firm humility not the arrogance we see so often from Washington and must of their Western puppet nations. He said what many other leaders in the World should say too. I respect him for it and still firmly believe he is doing the right thing for Thailand. Well said Prayut as many of us do see the common sense you are making. Keep it up, even as a farang I personally do support most of what you are doing and saying. I am also speaking exactly what I truly feel in my heart as I have never been a lip service yes man in my life, but I really do support what I feel is rightful and firmly believe that overall Prayut has the very best interests of Thailand in his heart too.

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