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ONIE launches activities to promote 12 core values

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ONIE launches activities to promote 12 core values

BANGKOK, 31 January 2015 (NNT) -The Office of Non-Formal and Informal Education (ONIE) is pushing forward the promotion of the government's 12 core values for Thais, with a wide range of activities involving both educators and learners nationwide.

ONIE Secretary-General Karoon Sakulpradit said different campaigns, including an online campaign, are launched to create public awareness about the importance of the core values.

Public relations boards and posters to promote the core values will be set up in more than 10,000 locations across Thailand.

The core values have been integrated with the current curriculums of religion, citizenship and history modules. There will be seminars on this issue in 2,431 districts and they are expected to draw 312,154 participants. All schools will also organise the "12 Core Values Youth Camp"..

All schools in the country will also organise the "12 Core Values Youth Camp". Learners will be invited to participate in competitions such as writing essays, hosting talk shows, making video clips and singing. The final rounds will be held on May 23rd in Bangkok.

Educators, especially 1,141 high-level ONIE officials across Thailand, are being tutored so that they can effectively relay the core values to the public.

-- NNT 2015-01-31 footer_n.gif

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I have a suggestion. Why don't they actually have school, teach the three R's and science, require the kids to actually learn before they can pass, and develop an educated society that can do something with a computer other than play games?

The idea that everyone passes is teaching the kids corruption and dishonesty from the start.

School is for teaching, not for political or religious indoctrination.

Thank you for the post from Planet Zogg.


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"The core values have been integrated with the current curriculums of religion, citizenship and history modules. There will be seminars on this issue in 2,431 districts and they are expected to draw 312,154 participants. All schools will also organise the '12 Core Values Youth Camp' ".

And then they return home and observe the adults ignoring all the core values and they eventually realize the difference between rhetoric and the way they are supposed to behave. Me, Me, Me, and if you are caught doing anything that contradicts the core values, then you lie, lie, lie. Number one core value in Thailand...Save face, and never take responsibility for your actions if they might bring shame to you and your family. However, if someone else accomplishes something positive, then you must convince everyone that you were part of it.

So, in the real world of the average Thai, perhaps there should only be one core value: "Hypocrisy".

Edited by jaltsc
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I have a suggestion. Why don't they actually have school, teach the three R's and science, require the kids to actually learn before they can pass, and develop an educated society that can do something with a computer other than play games?

The idea that everyone passes is teaching the kids corruption and dishonesty from the start.

School is for teaching, not for political or religious indoctrination.

Because if they teach kids properly, they will then be able to see the next coup for what it is, rather than what they are told.

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I've seen the 12 commandments and don't really understand half of them. They're so vaguely worded as to be useless. I wonder if their meanings were lost in translation or do they read the same way in Thai?

That's because they are written not in Thai but in Thainess. The art of producing vast amounts of words, grouped together, that don't actually mean anything but to those educated in Thai institutions, they are correct because they are told so.

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Indoctrination is a big problem in Thai schools and it's one of the things that makes me worry the most.

The level of indoctrination is enormous - probably similar to North-Korea.

There's really no way to escape from it except sending your children to a very expensive international school that doesn't follow the program of the ministry of education.
If you send your children to such a school, they'll most probably not be able to pass the entrance test at any government university.

That means your children are forced to go to a private university or study abroad.

Whenever my son arrives at home with new nationalistic and religious bullshit in his head I bluntly ask him if he's not sure they are trying to brainwash him.

At this moment he starts to recognize the techniques used to brainwash him.

However, in the end it's a battle I can't win, because the number of hour children are brainwashed is huge.
Basically 80% of the subject social science, which is a very big subject, is about brainwashing. And during the other subjects there's at least 15% brainwashing.

And there's one more thing to think about. Is it safe to think critically in Thai society? I think it's not. And I want that my son gets a safe future here.

Edited by kriswillems
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This is becoming frightening with political activity banned, martial law to be strictly enforced, free speech restricted, attitude adjustment and much more but now throw in indoctrination especially of students and those supposedly employed to ' teach ' them basic school lessons.

Makes a mockery of Thai hearts being wounded by comments from the US diplomat.

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It's heartbreaking to see Thailand go down this road. Those poor kids.

Yes, it is heartbreaking to see those poor kids, shooting and killing each other or throwing stones at innocent people.

These arrogant, poor kids will be the future citizens of Thailand.............

Are you happy with this situation?

At least this is an attempt by the government to tell them what is right and wrong.

Will they listen?

I doubt it very much.

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These 12 "core values" are certainly much more important that mastering the English language. Thai kids will have a definite advantage over kids from other AEC countries when seeking a job and feed their families. Well done, General!

I do love a drop of sarcasm prior to lunch ;-)
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