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This is purely hypothetical and I didn't really start this thread to argue about whether their will or won't be a situation.

But let's say that the current situation between Russia, the EU and USA escalated into conflict. Which let's face it, is just as possible in the short future than it has been over the past 50 years.

W know that China is going to back Russia along with a few other countries that hate the west (and probably even some western countries).

The questions are up for debate.

Who would Thailand be more likely to align itself with?

Would Thailand likely play any role (bases, troops, barrier) etc....?

Are they likely to swap sides depending on who was gaining superiority?

Insert your own questions.

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China and Russia allies? You cannot be serious! Thailand wouldn't even be in the equation. Even so, would be hard pressed not to think Thailand backing China, as they are the rising star as a world power.

I agree.

Especially with the anti-US sentiment running high at the moment.

I think as far as economic matters go, Thailand needs the US more than the US needs Thailand, but military wise, I think the US needs Thailand more than Thailand needs the US.

Likely Russian allies in the region if a wider escalation took place would be most of SEA, and this could leave Thailand completely surrounded by enemies id it chose to stand up for the US. So the US is likely not even going to bother approaching Thailand for bases etc..... They would be wiped out pretty swiftly.

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"W know that China is going to back Russia along with a few other countries that hate the west (and probably even some western countries)."

555 there is only money. hateness is only for idi ots. Western countries despoiled Asia durindg some centures, now Asia wants to compensate

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if Thai sides with the US, they got Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan behind them

if Thai sides with China, they got Russia, and prolly the Arab world???

US would also have S Korea and Phils.

Russia would have the entire Middle east barring Israel, most of North and West Africa, India, most of S E Asia and South America.

As far as man power goes, the US allies would be barely over a billion versus the rest of the planet population.

Eastern Europe would not be a guaranteed US set of Allies and would create problems as most of those countries would be split and end up in civil wars which would cause many problems for the US coalition.

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Even so, would be hard pressed not to think Thailand backing China, as they are the rising star as a world power.

You have to be kidding. Other than nukes, and lots of people in China, China totally lacks technology and its weapons are antiquated.


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I think as far as economic matters go, Thailand needs the US more than the US needs Thailand, but military wise, I think the US needs Thailand more than Thailand needs the US.

The US just cut a deal to move back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base in the Phils. It also has Diego Garcia and Guam. It also has 11 Nimitz class aircraft carrier groups.

Who needs Thailand?

Nobody is doubting what the US military hardware and bases are.

What happens if those bases are wiped out rather quickly?

The hardest part of winneng a war is not the hardware, it is the logistics and the US would be spread far too thin across the globe. It is NOT going to concentrate all its efforts in the western pacific.

If it goes off, the US, will have problems in that region. A single torpedo below the waterline and that is an aircraft carrier lost.

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The firepower of all the Asia nations that will back Russia is enough to dwarf the firepower of what the US could afford to dedicate to their Asia campaign.

The simplest way to neutralize the US in SEA is to hit each ally with overwhelming force that they surrender one by one. Japan being the first, S Korea being the second, then go for Guam.

While at the same time the US need to be active in Europe with Russia and their Middle east allies, and also will need to keep themselves protected from all the Russian Allies in S America.

Not many military experts have tipped the US to win a war against a large Russian allied force..... At least they are realistic.

Edited by PepperMe
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Even so, would be hard pressed not to think Thailand backing China, as they are the rising star as a world power.

You have to be kidding. Other than nukes, and lots of people in China, China totally lacks technology and its weapons are antiquated.


I'd say $$$$ has more power and influence than technology and military.

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Even so, would be hard pressed not to think Thailand backing China, as they are the rising star as a world power.

You have to be kidding. Other than nukes, and lots of people in China, China totally lacks technology and its weapons are antiquated.


The question was not who has the largest, or spends the most on their military. It was who would Thailand side with.

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Even so, would be hard pressed not to think Thailand backing China, as they are the rising star as a world power.

You have to be kidding. Other than nukes, and lots of people in China, China totally lacks technology and its weapons are antiquated.


The question was not who has the largest, or spends the most on their military. It was who would Thailand side with.

China, without a doubt, and maybe that is what has pissed off the US with this coup and their attempts to start interfering in the political situation here. What with their so called attempted meetings with UDD figures. There is a reason for the US supporting the Thaksin regime.

I doesn't matter what the political situation here, Thailand will Not support the US when they are potentially going to be surrounded by the Russia/China allies.

Edited by PepperMe
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I think Thailand will hedge their bets & wisely try to stay out of it. EU would be wise to stay away as well as unless they fancy a new wasteland.

The US is the aggressor here, whether mad enough to start a war who knows. Seems though the Chinese can see if they don't back Russia then later they will face the US alone. There is a lot of miltary cooperation going on between them.

Likewise the US of late has only attacked pissant states, Russia would be a very different proposition, let's hope it never happens.

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Thanks God....Neither China or the US needs Thailand for military reasons...and Thailand will be fool to side with anyone. During the WW2 most of the neutral countries profited with the war....and I believe that China and Korea will not get involved if its can. Australia, Japan, and Philippines still in US hands, and most EU countries....

The US Army wants to get into a big war now, for many reasons, and one it is that sooner its get, more chances to win it....and professional soldiers like wars. Unfortunately most countries are dominated by the military, even under a civilian leader. Civilians do not like wars, and always its are just the victims without any power to chose. At the end..nobody "win" a war...only is good to boost very few people egos... The wrong ones...specially in the Military... where EGO is more important than COMMON SENSE. Did you attended any lecture by Colin Powell in the US after the Desert Storm War? ...and he had toughs about be a candidate for the Presidency at that time.

Anyway....we still having 2 years before deal with WW3 and many new Hiroshimas.....Another Bush is coming..or Clinton.

Same ..same...

Edited by umbanda
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Let's see. . .

Northern Thailand would side with China,

Pattaya would side with Russia,

Central Thailand with the US,

and Southern Thailand would invite Iran to the fight!

Then all the sides within Thailand would argue about it, stage demonstrations and occupations and there would be infighting until any international conflicts were long over. And while all this was going on, somebody in Dubai along with his family would be looking for ways to make money from it all. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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The US just cut a deal to move back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base in the Phils. It also has Diego Garcia and Guam. It also has 11 Nimitz class aircraft carrier groups.

Who needs Thailand?

Nobody is doubting what the US military hardware and bases are.

What happens if those bases are wiped out rather quickly?

The hardest part of winneng a war is not the hardware, it is the logistics and the US would be spread far too thin across the globe. It is NOT going to concentrate all its efforts in the western pacific.

If it goes off, the US, will have problems in that region. A single torpedo below the waterline and that is an aircraft carrier lost.

That's what Japan thought in WWII.

Every carrier is accompanied by a carrier group of ships. There are destroyers which mean submarine destroyers. They can detect and destroy a submarine before it gets into effective range.

The US can hit and destroy a torpedo too.

China doesn't have stealth. The US can shoot down an ICBM.

These are the things that China doesn't have when I say its technology is antiquated. Neither it or Russia is ready to take on the West and they know it.


I wondered how long it would be before we got the old WW11 rubbish.... First off, this is NOT 1940. All of Russias allies will have much more advanced technology just as much as the US have, also the Japs only lost because the US nuked the,m.... IO doubt they would dare think about using nukes in the next conflict because it will be the end of the USA and probably all of us.

If that is all you can come up with, then you are very ignorant of current military .... Look how long it took them to sort out Afgahistan and Iraq and they did nothing in Vietnam....... You are kidding yourself, even US military experts would agree with me...... and they do.

Russia, China, India and the middle east can collapse the US economy in days, and they will as part of the war effort, and the US will collapse on top of this war...... The USA have no chance and I pray to god that the UK and the EU come to their senses soon. France and half of the EU countries will back down against Russia mate.

As for technology...... Typical American attitude, think everyone are backwards compared to them.... Russia has some of the finest military technology in the world, so does China.... and you lot don't have a clue exactly what China or Russia has.

One of the most advanced countries in the world for military hardware is Israel, and it sells its advances to everyone with the cash and China has plenty of that.... then they copy it and mass produce it..... You have no idea what they have, only China knows that. So carry on and underestimate it.... Prepare to be shocked.

Your technological advances did not help you in Vietnam where you got your <deleted> handed to you and fled with your tails between your legs.....

we did not run with our tail between our Legs, Sadly Mistaken...
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The US just cut a deal to move back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base in the Phils. It also has Diego Garcia and Guam. It also has 11 Nimitz class aircraft carrier groups.

Who needs Thailand?

Nobody is doubting what the US military hardware and bases are.

What happens if those bases are wiped out rather quickly?

The hardest part of winneng a war is not the hardware, it is the logistics and the US would be spread far too thin across the globe. It is NOT going to concentrate all its efforts in the western pacific.

If it goes off, the US, will have problems in that region. A single torpedo below the waterline and that is an aircraft carrier lost.

That's what Japan thought in WWII.

Every carrier is accompanied by a carrier group of ships. There are destroyers which mean submarine destroyers. They can detect and destroy a submarine before it gets into effective range.

The US can hit and destroy a torpedo too.

China doesn't have stealth. The US can shoot down an ICBM.

These are the things that China doesn't have when I say its technology is antiquated. Neither it or Russia is ready to take on the West and they know it.


I wondered how long it would be before we got the old WW11 rubbish.... First off, this is NOT 1940. All of Russias allies will have much more advanced technology just as much as the US have, also the Japs only lost because the US nuked the,m.... IO doubt they would dare think about using nukes in the next conflict because it will be the end of the USA and probably all of us.

If that is all you can come up with, then you are very ignorant of current military .... Look how long it took them to sort out Afgahistan and Iraq and they did nothing in Vietnam....... You are kidding yourself, even US military experts would agree with me...... and they do.

Russia, China, India and the middle east can collapse the US economy in days, and they will as part of the war effort, and the US will collapse on top of this war...... The USA have no chance and I pray to god that the UK and the EU come to their senses soon. France and half of the EU countries will back down against Russia mate.

As for technology...... Typical American attitude, think everyone are backwards compared to them.... Russia has some of the finest military technology in the world, so does China.... and you lot don't have a clue exactly what China or Russia has.

One of the most advanced countries in the world for military hardware is Israel, and it sells its advances to everyone with the cash and China has plenty of that.... then they copy it and mass produce it..... You have no idea what they have, only China knows that. So carry on and underestimate it.... Prepare to be shocked.

Your technological advances did not help you in Vietnam where you got your <deleted> handed to you and fled with your tails between your legs.....

You are right in most..but unfortunately...wrong in a big one. The next WW will be nuclear with big destruction in both sides and "collateral damages" around the world.

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umbanda makes a strong point and its interesting that the initial nuclear bomb or strike could be delivered ,not by one of the major players in the world but by some crazy Country infatuated with death and destruction for you, if you are not one of them

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I think as far as economic matters go, Thailand needs the US more than the US needs Thailand, but military wise, I think the US needs Thailand more than Thailand needs the US.

The US just cut a deal to move back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base in the Phils. It also has Diego Garcia and Guam. It also has 11 Nimitz class aircraft carrier groups.

Who needs Thailand?

hey "watchout" for thatThai submarine???

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