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US envoy invited to meet NLA

Lite Beer

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The US should stop wasting US taxpayer money with Thailand. The US should just pack up and go home. Let the Thais fend for themselves. Don;t waste any more US taxpayer money on Thailand.

It's just like many Thai people just leave your money and go away, or we want your money but we don't want you, or like the fake monk Suthep, I do not respect foreigners, How about one price for us and another for you, ahhh now I get it , Thaksin has bought the US and he's pulling the strings yeah?


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<quote> Anupong said the United States could collect information about Thailand but should understand that the work of the government of Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha has nothing to do with the recent impeachment of former prime minister Yingluck by Russel.

The work of the General (more importantly, his masters) had EVERYTHING to do with the former PM's impeachment

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The coup leadership just continues its fantasy of how the USA truly views Thailand's Junta-led government. From the prospective of the USA, the current Thai government is illegitimate. The nation's parliament, prime minister, cabinet - all taken by force and subverted by military occupation. One can debate whether the coup was justified or not, but it is a fact that the coup and its self-created government were unconstitutional and in violation of the Thai rule of law. It would be a fantasy to think for a moment that the US would meet with such a body to explain itself on matters of democracy.

But how about Gen. Prayuth offer to come to the USA to explain the Junta's actions and speak direectly to the American people to help them understand. Have the General leave his military cocoon wrap of control and face real freedom of speech. What better place to present his case for martial law and absolute power over the Thai people than in one of the most democratic lands in the world. Afterall, isn't Prayuth trying to create a democratic society that fosters and protects human rights and liberties? Surely, he should welcome direct contact with the American people to deliver his message of hope and change for the Thai people.

Once he learns English..... So never then!

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  • Nations like Thailand should consider sending emissaries to the USA to visit with ...........

    -Al Sharpton, leader of potential oppressed minorities, to get info on USA poor people's voting rights.

    -Al Gore, elected Pres of USA by popular vote, but kept from that office by the USA highest court.

    -Leaders of major labor unions in USA concerning USA govt crackdown on them.

    -Mitt Romney concerning his loss of last USA Pres. election to discuss election irregularities there.

    -Leaders of Posse Comitatus and other organizations preparing to take over USA govt by armed force.

    These visits could be seen as parallel to a recent visit to a SEA nation from emissary Russel of the USA.

    It is time for the world's nations to go inside USA to investigate how bad its situation is today

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There are over 4,000 US Government employees in Thailand including a small army of CIA and DEA. Coupled with the NSA you better believe that these amateurs are being tracked for every move they make. The JUSTMAG operation has never slowed down. You may rest assured that these children are not really interested in pissing off the USA. They love the GSP and Cobra Gold and all of the AID money they receive. All Cobra Gold equipment and materials each year are left with the Thai Military. This is all eye wash for the Thai public that loves it. Don't listen to all the loonies and cry babies.

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This will be such a waste of time for both parties involved...

The US does not fear the unelected Military government of Thailand...will meet with and talk with whoever they wish...and will speak out against what they perceive as unprovoked government aggression against its citizens...

The unelected Thai government seems to be more ideologically aligned with the Communist Chinese in their heavy-handed tactics with their people...

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This will be such a waste of time for both parties involved...

The US does not fear the unelected Military government of Thailand...will meet with and talk with whoever they wish...and will speak out against what they perceive as unprovoked government aggression against its citizens...

The unelected Thai government seems to be more ideologically aligned with the Communist Chinese in their heavy-handed tactics with their people...

...and will speak out against what they perceive as unprovoked government aggression against its citizens...unless it suits their own goals. Then those afflicted citizens will be labelled communist rebels, drug syndicates, or terrorists.

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When the USA and its allies liberated Thailand in WW II and also saved them from the Vietnamese

did they consider this as interfering in the internal affairs of the country. Some poor devil gives a 15 minute speech of the truth and the loonies go crazy for a week.

USA shut of their GSP and make them pay full import tax on rice and shrimp.

When Cobra Gold is over this time do not leave all of the equipment and materials behind free like you normally do.

It's charity, of sorts.

I remember an old site manager I worked with years back telling me about his time in Africa, building roads mostly.

With regard to charity from the West to these poorer corrupt countries he simply stated it was the poor giving money to the rich. Probed further he said it was just poor Western taxpayers giving money to rich African rulers (notice I avoided the "D" word there) and that none of the money ever filtered down to those who needed it or for whom it was originally, supposedly intended.

One could draw parallels with the favourable trade agreements on food stuffs where certain families have become bloated with cash and yet slave labour is still abused to produce.

So, yes, turn the money tap off.

Edited by MJP
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A bunch of little nobodies trying to show they are big, powerful somebodies.

No, they're not just "A bunch of little nobodies..."

They run the country now that the Shinawatra clan has lost power.

i suppose wielding your officially issued rubber stamp might be seen as ' running ' the country.

Perhaps in a similar way to the PTP-led government, wielding their rubber stamp at 4am to vote for the Amnesty Bill, at the behest of their Great Thinker ? whistling.gif

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The coup leadership just continues its fantasy of how the USA truly views Thailand's Junta-led government. From the prospective of the USA, the current Thai government is illegitimate. The nation's parliament, prime minister, cabinet - all taken by force and subverted by military occupation. One can debate whether the coup was justified or not, but it is a fact that the coup and its self-created government were unconstitutional and in violation of the Thai rule of law. It would be a fantasy to think for a moment that the US would meet with such a body to explain itself on matters of democracy.

But how about Gen. Prayuth offer to come to the USA to explain the Junta's actions and speak direectly to the American people to help them understand. Have the General leave his military cocoon wrap of control and face real freedom of speech. What better place to present his case for martial law and absolute power over the Thai people than in one of the most democratic lands in the world. Afterall, isn't Prayuth trying to create a democratic society that fosters and protects human rights and liberties? Surely, he should welcome direct contact with the American people to deliver his message of hope and change for the Thai people.

Once he learns English..... So never then!

In the same vein perhaps Mr Russell could have spoken in fluent Thai to ALL the Thai people. Always assuming he can speak Thai of course.

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The coup leadership just continues its fantasy of how the USA truly views Thailand's Junta-led government. From the prospective of the USA, the current Thai government is illegitimate. The nation's parliament, prime minister, cabinet - all taken by force and subverted by military occupation. One can debate whether the coup was justified or not, but it is a fact that the coup and its self-created government were unconstitutional and in violation of the Thai rule of law. It would be a fantasy to think for a moment that the US would meet with such a body to explain itself on matters of democracy.

But how about Gen. Prayuth offer to come to the USA to explain the Junta's actions and speak direectly to the American people to help them understand. Have the General leave his military cocoon wrap of control and face real freedom of speech. What better place to present his case for martial law and absolute power over the Thai people than in one of the most democratic lands in the world. Afterall, isn't Prayuth trying to create a democratic society that fosters and protects human rights and liberties? Surely, he should welcome direct contact with the American people to deliver his message of hope and change for the Thai people.

Once he learns English..... So never then!

In the same vein perhaps Mr Russell could have spoken in fluent Thai to ALL the Thai people. Always assuming he can speak Thai of course.

Are you insane? How "of course"? Daniel Russell is Assistant State Secretary for Asia and the Pacific - not Thailand, would you expect him to learn every language in Asia and the Pacific? This is why people learn English, it isn't feasible to learn each language in the World really, is it? People with an education in most countries will learn a second language, usually English as this is reckoned to be the "international" language. I know YL speaks English, I'm guessing because of her education. How comes the general doesn't? Even Idi Amin spoke English...

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