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Video: Islamic State group beheads Japanese journalist

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Video: Islamic State group beheads Japanese journalist

TOKYO (AP) — An online video released Saturday night purported to show an Islamic State group militant beheading Japanese journalist Kenji Goto, ending days of negotiations to save the man and heightening fears for the life a Jordanian fighter pilot also held hostage.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed outrage at the video that was released on militant websites

"I feel indignation over this immoral and heinous act of terrorism," Abe told reporters after convening an emergency Cabinet meeting.

"When I think of the grief of his family, I am left without words," he said. "The government has been doing its utmost in responding to win his release, and we are filled with deep regrets."

He vowed that Japan will not give in to terrorism and will continue to provide humanitarian aid to countries fighting the Islamic State extremists.

"I was hoping Kenji would come back alive to thank everyone who had supported him," Goto's brother Junichi Goto, told the quasi-public broadcaster NHK TV. "I am filled with sadness he couldn't do it."

Goto's mother, Junko Ishido, told NHK TV her son's death showed he was a kind gentle man, trying to save another hostage. That hostage had been shown as purportedly killed in an earlier video.

The fates of Goto and the Jordanian pilot, Lt. Muath Kaseasbeh, had been linked by the militants, but Saturday's video made no mention of the airman. Jordan's government spokesman, Mohammed al-Momani, declined comment. Earlier this week, Jordan had offered to free an al-Qaida prisoner for the pilot, but a swap never moved forward.

Saturday's video, highlighted by militant sympathizers on social media sites, bore the symbol of the Islamic State group's al-Furqan media arm.

Though the video could not be immediately independently verified by The Associated Press, it conformed to other beheading videos released by the extremists, who now control about a third of both Syria and neighboring Iraq in a self-declared caliphate.

The video, called "A Message to the Government of Japan," featured a militant who looked and sounded like a militant with a British accent who has taken part in other beheading videos by the Islamic State group. Goto, kneeling in an orange prison jumpsuit, said nothing in the roughly one-minute-long video.

"Abe," the militant says in the video, referring to the Japanese prime minister, "because of your reckless decision to take part in an unwinnable war, this knife will not only slaughter Kenji, but will also carry on and cause carnage wherever your people are found. So let the nightmare for Japan begin."

Officials in Japan and the U.S. said they were trying to confirm the authenticity of the video.

"We have seen the video purporting to show that Japanese citizen Kenji Goto has been murdered by the terrorist group ISIL," said Bernadette Meehan, a spokeswoman for the White House's National Security Council, using an alternate acronym for the extremist group. "The United States strongly condemns ISIL's actions and we call for the immediate release of all the remaining hostages. We stand in solidarity with our ally Japan."

Goto, a 47-year-old freelance journalist, was captured in October, after he traveled to Syria to try to win the release of Haruna Yukawa, a colleague held by the Islamic State group.

Yukawa reportedly was killed previously, though authorities have yet to authenticate the video claiming that.

The Jordanian pilot was captured after his fighter plane went down in December over an Islamic State-controlled area of Syria.

Earlier this week, Jordan had offered to release an al-Qaida prisoner for the pilot. However, in a purported online message earlier this week, the militants threatened to kill the pilot if the prisoner wasn't released by Thursday. That deadline passed, and the families of the pilot and the journalist were left to wait in agony for two days.

Late Friday, Japan's deputy foreign minister reported a deadlock in efforts to free Goto. Jordan and Japan had reportedly conducted indirect negotiations with the militants through Iraqi tribal leaders.

The hostage drama began last week after militants threatened to kill Goto and Yukawa in 72 hours unless Japan paid $200 million.

Later, the militants' demand shifted to a release of the al-Qaida prisoner, Sajijda al-Rishawi, 44, who faces death by hanging in Jordan for her role in triple hotel bombings in Amman in 2005. Sixty people were killed in those attacks, the worst terror attack in Jordan's history.

Al-Rishawi has close family ties to the Iraq branch of al-Qaida, a precursor of the Islamic State group.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-02-01

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Perhaps it's because of wishful thinking, but I can't help wondering; if this psycho is so blood-thirsty, callous and cruel, without any conscience, why do none of the videos show the actual incision/decapitation?

I saw one on that was shared on Line of these guys lopping the heads of some guys that refused to fight. Obviously not a pretty sight.

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Savages, Hopefully we will be able to Crucify this Scum...

Crucify ? So they are not the only savages !

These animals deserve it, the misery they are bringing down on millions.... Crucifixion is too good for them..... I could think of worse things I would like to see happen to them. Sometimes even the most hideous things are justifiable.

If that makes me a barbarian...... Then I am happy with that, but the masses would see me differently and I would feel good in myself.

I guess you are missing the hypocrisy in your thinking then.

I'm sure they believe that their actions are "justifiable" too...

It's a sad world we live in !

Anyone can justify anything. Humans are a unique species, particularly with their large complicated brains. Our species is capable of cruelty beyond any other species, including parasitic wasps which eat their spider hosts. Insects and other species kill for nourishment or to propagate or to protect themselves or their brood. Islamist extremists are the lowest form of human. They would even kill their own children - another trait that no other species shares (except some do it to gain nourishment).

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Someone really ought to post Jihad John that old Dale Carnegie book.

If this guy ever gets caught there really is no punishment bad enough for him, all I can think of is that the slowest and most painful death ever devised (whatever that is) would be most suitable. If anyone says they fought or are fighting with ISIS, bullet between the eyes no if and or buts.

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I love the japanese people, and even more since I lived among them. I do hope they won't commit the same mistakes that we did in europe, by welcoming these people and give them tons of moneys for them to breed freely and terrorize us afterward, trying to share their so great cultural values.

Edited by Frank78
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Someone really ought to post Jihad John that old Dale Carnegie book.

If this guy ever gets caught there really is no punishment bad enough for him, all I can think of is that the slowest and most painful death ever devised (whatever that is) would be most suitable. If anyone says they fought or are fighting with ISIS, bullet between the eyes no if and or buts.

If he were tried in the US, he'd probably get off with some sort of 'diminished mental capacity' plea, and his lawyer's name would be something like Bernie Muskowitz. If he was tried in Europe, he might get 20 years, then let out early for good behavior, and then get welfare payments. If he was tried in Thailand, he'd ask the court for permission to go see a track meet in some nearby country, then be allowed to go (with a promise of returning). He would deliver a box of jelly donuts (covering a stack of 1,000 baht notes) to the accommodating judge, and then split and never return.

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As terrible and ugly this is, where is the anger when the drones shoot some random people?

It looks much cleaner and it seems so disconnected but it isn't any better. And let not forget who started all by supporting the "freedom fighter" against the Soviets. And who attacked Afghanistan and Iraq without reason?

Now the millions of frustrated people without education are easily manipulated by fanatics.

You're claiming the US attacked Afghanistan and Iraq for no reason, but there were reasons.

Iraq was the more questionable attack, but consider Saddam had 2 sons who were more sadistic than their sadistic dad. Each was responsible for thousands of deaths of innocents. One son even had local elementary school principals bringing him little girls to have sex with. You don't comply, you die.

The main reason for attacking Afghanistan, was because their leaders, the Taliban, were harboring Al Qaeda, who had attacked the US. Taliban were told, if they handed over Bin Laden and his buddies, the US would not attack. Taliban hung tough, and the rest is history.

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As terrible and ugly this is, where is the anger when the drones shoot some random people?

It looks much cleaner and it seems so disconnected but it isn't any better. And let not forget who started all by supporting the "freedom fighter" against the Soviets. And who attacked Afghanistan and Iraq without reason?

Now the millions of frustrated people without education are easily manipulated by fanatics.

1: Indeed the anger is not with me for sure. To have something equal to a video of innocent civilians beheadings, we should broadcast civillians famillies blown up by american drones and make fun of them publicly. And immediatly after this began to whine: "Oh good lord, I hope that us, the christians/jews/buddhists/shinto/hinduists, won't be hated even more because of it, cause you know, we are the first victims after all".

Then and then ONLY, should we be able to compare these two atrocities at an equal level.

2: There is no point to lose human lives, soldier's lives, to attack people that don't fight in a regular army and don't follow any war laws (slitting throats and beheading and attacking schools aren't in the Geneva convention, I've just checked). Using drones is more than appropriate in this case.

3: The "attacked without reason" concept belong to a low grade conspiracy theory. Afghanistan gave shelter to terrorists, no need to say more.

4: It's a cultural problem, and indeed it's pointless to try bringing them democracy or western values by force. Lets just have them contained where they are, until they are willing to evolve by themselves to something better for them.

Edited by Frank78
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Someone really ought to post Jihad John that old Dale Carnegie book.

If this guy ever gets caught there really is no punishment bad enough for him, all I can think of is that the slowest and most painful death ever devised (whatever that is) would be most suitable. If anyone says they fought or are fighting with ISIS, bullet between the eyes no if and or buts.

If he were tried in the US, he'd probably get off with some sort of 'diminished mental capacity' plea, and his lawyer's name would be something like Bernie Muskowitz. If he was tried in Europe, he might get 20 years, then let out early for good behavior, and then get welfare payments. If he was tried in Thailand, he'd ask the court for permission to go see a track meet in some nearby country, then be allowed to go (with a promise of returning). He would deliver a box of jelly donuts (covering a stack of 1,000 baht notes) to the accommodating judge, and then split and never return.

I am pretty sure that the US would execute the guy in a heartbeat. It's not like they haven't executed people for a lot less.

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when is the west going to wake up, this is much more than 1 beheading, islam is a huge threat to the rest of the world but the governments are afraid of some sort of political correctness to tell it like it is, evil scum terrorist state

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As terrible and ugly this is, where is the anger when the drones shoot some random people?

It looks much cleaner and it seems so disconnected but it isn't any better. And let not forget who started all by supporting the "freedom fighter" against the Soviets. And who attacked Afghanistan and Iraq without reason?

Now the millions of frustrated people without education are easily manipulated by fanatics.

You're claiming the US attacked Afghanistan and Iraq for no reason, but there were reasons.

Iraq was the more questionable attack, but consider Saddam had 2 sons who were more sadistic than their sadistic dad. Each was responsible for thousands of deaths of innocents. One son even had local elementary school principals bringing him little girls to have sex with. You don't comply, you die.

The main reason for attacking Afghanistan, was because their leaders, the Taliban, were harboring Al Qaeda, who had attacked the US. Taliban were told, if they handed over Bin Laden and his buddies, the US would not attack. Taliban hung tough, and the rest is history.

BUL? SH?t. BUSH was talking to these Ba?tards to open an oil line from Russia to the coast and in the end reneged. Then came the war with Afghanistan stating inhumanities and oppression of the people. Typical US misinformation on the things that their very upright Government/CIA/NSA/Greedy Bankers are doing to the world today.

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Isis is being allowed to flourish so our rights can be removed by our ever caring governments , why not just ban these countries as travel destinations and revoke the passports and citizenship of those who travel there..

It's been done.

However, the borders in that region are porous. There are sanctionsand rules in place that prevent travel to Syria and Iraq.

You know, there are countries who are sovereign and cannot be dictated to. Turkey has a bigger agenda on its plate and that is its desire to squash all things Kurdish, even if it means aiding and abetting ISIS. Turkey wants the Kurdish people pacified and their hopes to recover their historical homeland taken by the Ottoman Empire vaporized. If it means using a proxy to continue the killing of Kurds, Turkey will do it. Iran wants the Kurds silenced too, since a part of the Kurd homeland takes in some of Iran.

Qatar and Pakistan have long been financing conduits for ISIS. It is difficult to stop it. Imagine the outrage in the arab world if sanctions were applied to Qatar. Would all the Thai Visa customers of Qatar be willing to stop flying on the government backed Qatar airlines as a gesture against the Qatari support of ISIS?? I doubt it.

It is very easy to say governments should do this or shouldn't do that. Governments have to work within their limited capabilities and it is never perfect.

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As terrible and ugly this is, where is the anger when the drones shoot some random people?

It looks much cleaner and it seems so disconnected but it isn't any better. And let not forget who started all by supporting the "freedom fighter" against the Soviets. And who attacked Afghanistan and Iraq without reason?

Now the millions of frustrated people without education are easily manipulated by fanatics.

You're claiming the US attacked Afghanistan and Iraq for no reason, but there were reasons.

Iraq was the more questionable attack, but consider Saddam had 2 sons who were more sadistic than their sadistic dad. Each was responsible for thousands of deaths of innocents. One son even had local elementary school principals bringing him little girls to have sex with. You don't comply, you die.

The main reason for attacking Afghanistan, was because their leaders, the Taliban, were harboring Al Qaeda, who had attacked the US. Taliban were told, if they handed over Bin Laden and his buddies, the US would not attack. Taliban hung tough, and the rest is history.

I have a video showing Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein in the 80s. In the 80s, Saddam had gassed the Kurds and killed thousands of them. When I was in the military, we were shown films of the aftermath of the mass gassing of the Kurds. The US was well aware of this and didn't have a problem with it. They didn't bring it up until years later when they were looking for a reason to invade Iraq. So don't tell me the US had good intentions for the Iraq war.

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